The Avroxee Mates Series: Boxset Bks 1-3

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The Avroxee Mates Series: Boxset Bks 1-3 Page 5

by Amelia Wilson

  “If it’s any consolation,” I said, almost hesitantly, “I was an outsider too, back on my planet.”

  “How so?” He inquired.

  “Well, I didn’t seem to have a lot of luck when it came to meeting men,” I explained, “they either thought I was too weird, or they were uncomfortable with my lack of experience. I guess they were looking for someone who knew what they were doing.” I gave a shy shrug, and felt a little sad for myself, but I tried to not let my insecurities stop me.

  “What kind of experience?” Krult asked.

  My face felt hot at this question. “Well, to be honest, I’ve never had sex with a man before. Every time I come close, I freeze, or I panic because I feel like I don’t know what I was doing,” I told him, flatly, “and that seems to irritate a lot of the guys I go out with.”

  “Maybe you’re going out with the wrong guys,” Krult suggested, which is something I’d hardly thought about before. I guessed he was right. But, what exactly was my type? As I finished the stitching on his chest and moved towards his arm, I pondered this. I figured my type would be someone, well, like Krult. Maybe instead of trying to find an Earth guy, I could expand my tastes on a galactic scale. Maybe…and this was a crazy idea… I could have Krult. I was so afraid to tell him that though, so I tried to bring up a different point.

  “It’s funny. Other than what happened with us the other day, the closest thing I’d gotten to sex was in one of my dreams,” I couldn’t believe I was saying it, but since we were getting more personal I figured I’d just take the leap. I was expecting Krult to laugh along with me, but instead he studied me inquisitively.

  “What do you mean?” He asked. I occupied myself with the needle and thread, sewing a neat stitch into his arm, and trying to find the right words to not sound ridiculous.

  “Well, I had a dream, I was in this desert, kind of like where we met. And this shadow…person…I was not sure what it was actually, but it approached me. He sent me up in the air, and,” I tried not to laugh from embarrassment at this point, “we basically had sex. But, it felt very real to me, and I learned something about myself that night. That I was more comfortable with sex than I realized…I just had to find the right partner.”

  I waited for Krult’s response, for him to make some kind of joke, like how my friends on Earth did whenever I tried to talk about this sort of thing. Instead, he sat up further as I finished his stitches. He looked concerned somehow, like he knew something that I didn’t.

  “Please say something,” I told him, “your silence is really freaking me out.”

  “I was not upset or anything, I was…bewildered,” he said, “because I have something that I need to tell you.”

  My heart pounded in my chest, and I could feel my breath shaking. Was he going to say something horrible?

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  Krult took a deep breath, and the silence was killing me inside.

  “I was the one in your dream,” he said, and sighed, as if a big weight had fallen from his shoulders.

  I almost wanted to laugh the idea was so ridiculous. “Are you serious?” I asked, “Like, you’re not joking at all?” Krult shook his head, and gave me a shy smile, guilty in some way.

  “Sometimes, during the selection process, we can visit the female candidates subconsciously. We use special tools to go through this process. Essentially, when we’re looking for a mate, we want to find qualities in their subconscious that tell us if they’ll produce strong offspring.”

  “So, you found me? In my dreams?” I asked, this whole experience was blowing my mind.

  Krult nodded, “In a way, yes. From my roster of females to choose from, I decided I would try to get to know you first. I knew I wanted you immediately, but not because I needed a strong offspring, as you now know. Instead, I saw something different in you, something special. You have a sort of beauty around you, not just physically, but your mind is beautiful too.” He shrunk back, a bit shy, and said, “I crashed my ship looking for you. I wasn’t going to pick a random woman on Earth. I knew I wanted you from the moment I touched you in your dream…”

  He reached into a satchel that was hanging on his bed, ad pulled out a scrap of fabric. “I got this for you,” he said, “It’s a gift, to remember me by, if you are able to get back home after all this.” I opened up the packaging, and was stunned to find a beautiful pendant inside.

  “It’s Avrox!” I exclaimed, recognizing the colors and patterns that surrounded the planet. He took the pendant from me, and spread out the thin cord it was attached to.

  “May I?” He asked, as he held it out for me. I twisted around, and let him tie the cord around my neck. His fingers brushed against my collarbone, and I felt a rush spreading in between my legs, a yearning for more contact.

  “Thank you,” I said, “it’s very beautiful.”

  I decided not to question anything at this point. Instead, I was flattered at the thought of Krult’s visiting me in my dreams, finding something special about me that no man has ever found. And in a way I was almost relieved. I had realized, in the past few weeks I’d spent with Krult, that if I were to give myself away, I’d want it to be to him. The circumstances were horrible between us, and I didn’t know how much time we would have together, but I had decided in that moment that none of it mattered. I wanted to give him something special. I wanted to feel more of him tonight, a real goodbye that we would remember.

  I read his face, and thought to myself that maybe he was thinking the same thing. I could only find out one way. I leaned in, inching over to him on the bed. I took his cheek in my hands and pulled his face close. He closed his eyes, waiting. I could feel him breathing as his lips brushed against mine, and then touched as we shared the tenderest of kisses. In that moment, I realized I had what I’ had always been looking for. In that moment, I was no longer an outsider; I was his, and he was mine. He leaned more into the kiss, growing more passionate as he wrapped his arms around me.

  He pulled me on top of him as he continued to kiss me hungrily. His hands searched up my thighs, spreading along my curves until he eventually reached my breasts. It was almost like the dream we had shared, as he cupped them, ever so gently. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer into him. My pants brushed against his crotch as he ground into me, trying to get to me.

  We kept kissing as he removed my clothes one at a time, until I was completely exposed. He grabbed my bare breasts, this time rubbing his thumbs in circles around my nipples. A small moan escaped my mouth as he kissed my neck, and to my surprise, he bit me with his pointed teeth. I cried out, and he pulled away, to make sure I was okay. It was definitely okay.

  I put my lips by his ear. “Do what you did to me in my dream,” I whispered.

  “Of course,” he replied, longing in his voice. He threw me onto my back, and kissed my neck, his lips traveling over my breasts, where he sucked on one of my nipples for a moment before he moved towards my stomach. God, I wanted him inside of me, but I wanted him to touch every part of me, first.

  Just as in my dream, he brushed his lips against my vulva, his tongue spreading my lips apart, searching. He licked my clit so softly, making me moan as I could feel myself getting more warm and wet. I made a slight jump as he inserted his fingers all the way inside me, moving them in and out and at that moment I wanted to beg for his cock.

  “Do you still want to be my mate?” He asked. I didn’t hesitate to say yes, I almost wanted to scream it at that point.

  “Let’s try this again,” I told him, as I undid the smock around his waist. He was so hard, and the veins bulged in his elongated cock. I was surprised how similar it looked to a human’s. I stroked it, as I had done the day in the bathroom, softly and slowly. His eyes rolled back and he moaned softly with each stroke. I took it a step further and wrapped my lips around it. He cried out in surprise as I sucked on his cock, swallowing more and more of it until I couldn’t fit the rest inside my throat. His moaning echoed in my ears as I c
ontinued, stroking it with my tongue.

  “I can’t take this anymore,” he growled, and moved on top of me.

  “Take me, then” I said, breathless. I’d been waiting for something like this for so long. He took the tip of his cock and rubbed it along my clit, inserting it between my lips but not entering, in a cruel sort of tease.

  “Do you want it?” He asked.

  More than anything, I wanted to say, but instead I could only muster “Give me all of it. Make me your mate.” I was so wet, and he slid his cock slowly inside me. It hurt at first, but the more he inched it inside, the more I was able to take all of it easily. I cried out in ecstasy, feeling how thick he was as he slid in and out of me, the veins of his cock rubbing against the sides of my vagina.

  “Am I hurting you?” He asked.

  “No,” I said, “Harder, harder!”

  Once he saw I was comfortable, he worked himself into a deep, hard thrust, pounding further into me. I wrapped my legs around him, grinding further into him.

  “You’re an excellent specimen,” he joked, his voice so sexy as he breathed into my ear, while his sweat dripped onto my tits. “Let’s see what else you can do,” he said as he flipped me over onto my stomach. He grabbed my ass as he reinserted himself, pounding into me. My ass slapped against his stomach with each thrust, and it was almost enough for me to want to finish right there. He was moaning more now, and his cock swelled inside me. “You’re so wet,” he said as he lifted me from the bed and took me towards a wall. My breasts pressed against the wall as he continued to take me from behind. He reached around, his breath heavy, as he rubbed my clit, first in slower motions, then speeding up as I moaned louder and louder.

  “I don’t think I am going to make it,” he said, almost on the verge of finishing.

  “Don’t stop,” I told him. I was almost there. I repeated myself, over and over until Krult threw me against a dresser, and flipped me over to finish. He watched my tits bounce as he grabbed tightly onto my waist, pounding harder and harder at an incredible speed.

  “I am going to come,” I almost screamed. Suddenly, with a loud, final moan, I felt a wave of pleasure wash over my entire body as I climaxed. I could feel myself contracting around his cock as I leaned back, taking in this moment of pure pleasure.

  His face contorted, and for a moment he seemed unsure. I nodded at him that it was okay if he finished inside of me. I wanted all of him, every piece of this moment. He understood, and with a deep sigh he came, and I could feel the warmth of him seep inside me. We stayed like that for a moment, basking in what we’d just done.

  After cleaning up the mess we’d made, we lay naked on his bed. He held me close to him.

  “I have never experienced anything like that in my life,” he exclaimed, still out of breath. He traced a pattern along my arm, and I smiled at the tingle it left.

  “I was glad it was you,” I said. His body was warm, and comforting, as he held me.

  Suddenly, I heard a strange hum about him. He sensed this too, and I pulled away to get a look at what was happening.

  “Oh my God, you’re glowing!” I exclaimed. Krult looked down at his body, confused and almost distressed by the soft glow that surrounded him. “Are you okay?” I asked him, worried.

  “I am not sure, this is completely new to me.”

  “Are you in pain?”

  “No…I can’t feel anything.”

  “Look!” I pointed at his arm. The stitches I’d made were dissolving away as his skin seemed to repair itself. I scooted back and watched as the long gash across his chest healed instantly. “You’re healing yourself,” I said, touching the spaces where the cuts had been. It’s not a trick. The wounds have been completely erased.

  “I wonder how this has happened,” he said, “Avroxee have never been capable of recovering ourselves without medical attention.” The glow started to subside and the humming stopped, leaving us in silent awe. “I think it was you,” he said, bewildered.

  “Me? Impossible!” I said. “I have no explanation for this other than I think it came from us…connecting sexually,” he pondered, sliding back under the covers. He wrapped me in the blanket, and pulled me close to him again.

  “That’s pretty amazing,” I said.

  “Well, I am not surprised. You are quite amazing,” he told me. I looked up and saw his eyes were heavy. I put my head against his chest, and listened to the strange beat of his heart.

  His breath slowed, and I realized he was fast asleep. I leaned up to kiss him softly on the cheek. It wasn’t long before I slept too. I was uncertain of what was to come, but this moment was all that mattered to me now, this perfect, pure moment.



  I could feel the sun peeking into my room, the warmth across my face woke me up. My body was incredibly sore from last night. I’d mated before, but I’d never felt something so extreme, so raw with any of my mates. Jocelyn had given me something I’d truly never forget. As I stirred, I realize that instead of feeling the warmth of Jocelyn’s naked body, the bed now had a cold space next to me. I wondered where she was, maybe in another room, or out collecting samples nearby.

  I threw on some clothes. Pelos was probably still feeling antsy after the fight we didn’t resolve, and I had no doubt that he would try to attack me again today. I kept my cloak wrapped tightly around my face, trying to hide as much of myself as possible as I stepped out into the busy streets and went into the jungle.

  I tried calling out to Jocelyn, for several minutes, hoping that she hadn’t wandered too far from me. I’d showed her the jungle, but there were other threats she didn’t know about, lurking in the trees; creatures she hasn’t encountered yet, and I hoped that she would never have to. I didn’t get an answer from her in the jungle around my house, so I pressed on further. I sought out the waterfalls, the hidden trails, even the cliff where I had taken her that day. There was no sign of her anywhere. I begin to think the worst. Perhaps something had eaten her? Torn her up and scattered her somewhere I’d never find?

  Maybe she had been captured. I didn’t like considering that possibility because there were only terrible outcomes from it. It was unlike her not to tell me where she was going first. I gave up my search and walked back towards the city. Crowds of Avroxee were racing in the streets, chanting and shouting a familiar chant, the one spoken during a selection ceremony. At first I shrugged it off, thinking that was what was happening today, just another trip to the arena. I scouted out someone I recognize, and took their arm, pulling them from the crowd.

  “What’s going on?” I asked him. His eyes were lit up with excitement.

  “We’re all going to the chief’s hall!” He exclaimed.

  “Is it another selection or something?” I inquired further. He shook his head.

  “An execution!” He said, as he rubbed his hands together with relish. There hadn’t been an execution for a long time, as most of us had learned not to rise up against the Avroxee chief or our own people. I was surprised I hadn’t been sent to my death after I had made my scientific suggestion to the chief. Perhaps he had found some sort of pity for me, as if I were a child trying to show him a project I had made.

  “Do you know who it is?” I asked him. He leaned in closer to me, as if it was some big secret, even though the whole crowd already knew about it.

  “It’s a human girl, from Earth,” he said. My heart sunk, down towards my feet, and I almost fell over from the shock of his words. “Pelos caught her outside in the market,” he explained, “She was trying to buy food. Who knows how long she’s been living here, but she’s not with child, so they’re taking her to the chief.” He started laughing, which makes me outraged. I shook him by the shoulders as he cackled.

  “What are they going to do with her?” I asked through clenched teeth.

  “Easy now,” he said in between chuckles, “I think the chief has a couple of options for her. Either he mates with her, or she’ll be fed to
the Wanchan.” My eyes widened. I had forgotten to mention that Avroxee were not only afraid of Quetsie birds, but were also terrified of the chief’s pet, the Wanchan, a fierce creature used only to carry out the chief’s most gory wishes. I’d heard enough. I pushed the Avroxee away and followed the crowd towards the chief’s hall. I had to save Jocelyn before it was too late.


  I was just trying to find something for Krult and I to eat that morning. I woke early to do some work, and I was hoping I could take a break and surprise him somehow after our night together. I was foolish though, and wasn’t aware until Pelos and his friends snatched me straight off the street. The next thing I knew, I was being whisked away in chains, to this great hall. So many emotions had overtaken me in just a few short hours, going from pure pleasure to pure horror in just moments.

  Banners and colorful symbols adorned the stone walls. At the end of the hall sat an enormous throne, where a man, who I assumed was the Avroxee chief, waited. He wore a large headdress of some kind, covered in colorful feathers, and his thick hair was twisted into dangling braids.

  He looked down at me as I was brought to his throne. As I looked up, I could see rows of seats running along the walls of the hall, like a smaller version of the arena I had seen when I had first arrived here. Avroxee were piling in from all sides, finding any open seat, and they were chanting as they had in the arena. I suddenly had a feeling of dread, and I knew I wasn’t going to be able to talk.

  I was pushed to my knees in front of the chief, and my chains dangled in front of me, heavy on my wrists. I tried to scan the crowd, for any sign of Krult, but it was impossible, from all the way down where I was. I could only silently hope that he was somewhere nearby, and not lost somewhere else trying to find me. I was sure he was smart enough to follow the crowd here. The chief smiled at me, as though he was about to plan something horrible, and my only choice was to wait there, hopefully able to stall somehow until Krult could come to rescue me. Now, I realized that I might not even be given the option.


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