The Avroxee Mates Series: Boxset Bks 1-3

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The Avroxee Mates Series: Boxset Bks 1-3 Page 9

by Amelia Wilson

  “I had this guy in a complete headlock,” he says. “Some of these guys are beanpoles, right? Anyways, I take my arm; sweep it around—“ He tries to demonstrate, but pauses. “Actually, can you come around and I can show you?” He asks. “I’ll be gentle. Promise.” I stay in my seat, eyeing him, horror welling up inside me. Oh God, he’s an absolute meathead, like those gym lunks on Earth that live off protein shakes; the complete opposite of my perfect match.

  Asch prattles on about his prize-winning battles in the arena. “You ever see a Quetsie? Probably not on Earth, huh? Horrible things. They’ll eat you in one bite. I’ve taken one down before, though, without too much trouble. My friend got too close to one and it ripped his arm right off, but he’s okay,” He continues, on and on. It’s the easiest date I’ve ever been on. I don’t have to say anything.

  I’m relieved when the food arrives. I haven’t eaten anything since my peanut butter sandwich. As soon as the plate touches the table, I’m overwhelmed by a strange stench that radiates from a large squid-like creature, drenched in a dark-green sauce. It’s horrendous, but Asch’s face says it’s the best thing in the world. He slurps it up with a horrible squelching sound, goop dripping onto his plate.

  “You’re much quieter than I thought,” he says with his mouth full. “You know, you should open up more. I can understand you.” He points to a small device hooked around his ear, like a hearing aid. “Universal translator,” he explains. Before I can even ask how, or why, he chose me, he starts up again. I attempt a bite of my food. It tastes like a fish tank, but I swallow it out of politeness, not like anyone’s really being polite here.

  I try to think of some icebreaker facts about me, but everything just feels completely wrong, and I can’t find the right words. He’s very attractive, which is already why I can’t talk, but I’m fuming with so much negative energy that it’s impossible to talk. He’s in the middle of some story now, talking faster and faster. “-And then it just swoops down and almost gets me!” He shouts, and as he waves his arms, he drops his fork right onto my plate.

  His eyes widen as the green mucus-like goop splashes onto me, staining my shirt and coating my eyelashes. “Wow,” he says, a smile cracking. “Sorry; guess I got a little too excited.” He reaches for his cloth napkin, and leans across the table, but I’m not exactly in the mood to be touched.

  “I’m fine,” I say quietly, my face growing hot. A lump forms in my throat. I’m about to cry, but I can’t. Not here, not in front of this total stranger. “Excuse me. Sorry,” I say frantically as I throw down my napkin and run out of the restaurant, before Asch can say another word. He watches me blankly as I turn down a side street, now letting the tears take over as I wipe the remains of our horrible dinner from my eyes.

  The program has given me a room to stay in, and I’ve taken the liberty of locking the door and hiding under my covers for the rest of the night. The pamphlet of suggestions they gave me is crumpled on the floor. Of course my very first date would also become the worst one I’ve ever been on. I cry quietly into my pillow, my shirt smelling like old fish. We’re compatible. We’re compatible… I keep thinking to myself, trying to grasp any inch of truth in my statement. But, I can’t believe it, no matter how many times I say it.

  It’s going to be a long week.



  I didn’t sleep at all last night. I tried going by Lora’s room to apologize for what happened, but the lights were turned off. I feel like I’ve made a complete ass of myself. I’m not exactly sure where I went wrong. I bet it was just from the accident with the squench, which I’m surprised she didn’t like. It’s an amazing Avroxee delicacy.

  Today I’m in the marketplace, looking for something to apologize to her with. I’m a little ashamed that our first encounter wasn’t great, but Earth girls are known to be a little difficult to mate with. This kind of makes me feel better in a way. I like a challenge every now and then.

  I’ve been scouring each booth, examining the wares of Avroxee craftsmen. Gifts were one of the things I saw on the pamphlet they gave us, and I had an idea about what to get her. I browse through a selection of clothes and a particular garment catches my eye. I lift up the delicate fabric, feeling it between my fingers, and note the pattern embroidered with a soft touch of lace. I’m not super-educated on fashion and what women would find attractive, but I think she’d certainly appreciate this one.

  I knock on the door of Lora’s room. I’m not having much luck getting her into my bed, but I keep telling myself that it’s only our second day together. I straighten up my shoulders, flexing a bit. I’ve gone for a sleeveless look today in hopes she’ll get a good look at my arms.

  Lora’s luminous green eyes appear in the crack of the door. She doesn’t say anything, and I assume she’s just the quiet type. No worries though, I’ll crack her out of that shell in no time.

  “May I?” I ask, glancing at the door. She lets me in.

  I make myself comfortable on the edge of the bed. I pat the empty space next to me, but she doesn’t budge. Her arms are crossed as she watches me, and the atmosphere in the room feels heavy. Anything I do won’t get me an inch closer to her.

  “I’m really sorry about last night,” I tell her. “I guess I was just a little excited to have you around. You know, finally having a mate here, in real life, made me kind of nervous, and I just like to talk a lot when I’m nervous sometimes. Hell, I think I just talk a lot all the time—“ I catch myself rambling.

  “Anyways,” I say, handing her the package. “Here’s a gift for you.”

  “Oh…” she says, almost in a whisper. “Well, thank you.” Her spirits seem to lift a little as she takes the gift from my hand, and then she steps back quickly, as if I’m going to grab her. Honestly it’s hard not to, especially with that beautiful body. But, I’m not an animal, even though I could be one if she wanted. I can feel a wave of nerves wash over me as she removes the wrapping.

  She holds the gift out, observing the two triangles of dark lace and sheer fabric that make up a sexy bra. Her face looks unsure as she inspects it.

  “There’s more,” I assure her. She searches, pulling out a lacy thong. “It matches,” I say, really trying to sell it.

  She’s not buying it, but I’m not giving up. “I figured…you know…you could maybe wear it sometime,” I say, walking over to her. She dodges my advances, tossing the gift on the bed

  “Thanks,” she says hastily.

  I don’t understand. I thought women loved sexy lingerie. I feel a tug of worry in my chest. If I can’t get her on board with this whole thing, I’ll be left without a mate, not to mention my whole reputation will be ruined. What’ll they say if they knew Asch, champion of the fighting pits, was rejected by his mate?

  I need to convince her that I’m a good mate, but how? I rack my mind, thinking of everything else on the list. I remember something about interests. My interests? Whatever it was, I had the perfect idea that might help me recover from my gift mistake.

  “No pressure with the whole gift thing. If you’d like, I can take you somewhere today,” I say. Her eyes light up a bit. ¨

  “L-like where?” she asks, her voice so cute and delicate.

  “I have the perfect spot. It’s my favorite place to be, and I think you’re really going to like it.”

  The crowd cheers as I throw two Avroxee off of my back. One of them recovers quickly from his fall, lunging at me as he lands a good hit into my cheek. I can taste the blood dripping over my tongue, but no teeth missing fortunately. I’ve got to keep my good looks for my mate. The other Avroxee grabs for my legs, and I kick him up, throwing him back in his place. It’s a little difficult, with the oil they rub on us before each fight to help lubricate the body and keep the fight more challenging.

  I’ve got my arms wrapped tightly around the waist of the first Avroxee, and he swivels around to grab mine. Soon, we’re entangled on the ground, a knot of bones and muscle colliding
as we roll in the sand. I scan the crowd, and smile when I see Lora in the stands near the front, wrapped in a very conservative cloak. She looks concerned, probably worried about me. I just hope she’s enjoying the show.

  My opponent and I are both grunting and sweating as we hold on to each other more tightly, our muscles contracting until we both have each other in a suffocating squeeze. Finally, I can feel him weakening, and just as the gong sounds, he loses consciousness. He relaxes under me, and I release him, standing up to absorb my applause.

  But I’ve forgotten about the other Avroxee. He jumps, hooking his arm around my neck and bringing me back down. Lora keeps her arms crossed. I wrestle the Avroxee for a while until I’m on top of him. The Avroxee squirms, the oil almost letting him slip out from under me, but I deliver a couple punches to his face. The crowd cheers as he’s finally knocked out.

  I look towards the stands as the final gong rings. This was just a little rough-and-tough scuffle for fun, but to me it’s practice for the tournament, and a chance to impress Lora.

  I try to find her in the crowd, but I don’t see her anywhere. Finally, I catch a glimpse of her cloak as it turns down a corridor towards the exit. She was in such a hurry to leave, I feel like I didn’t even get to show her the good stuff.

  I catch her sitting on a barrel just outside the arena. “What did you think?” I ask as I approach her. She just shakes her head, clearly bothered. “Hey, it’s only for fun,” I tell her. “It’s Avrox’s most popular sport.” I wait for a response. I realize I’m still covered in oil, mixed with dark sand and the blood of my opponents. Still, I’m not enjoying the silent treatment.

  “Look, I thought you were just shy or something, but now you’re starting to get on my nerves,” I say. She looks up at me from under her hood, her face twisted in disgust.

  “Are you being serious?” She asks.

  “Of course I’m serious,” I tell her, the heat rising in my chest. “Ever since you got here you haven’t said anything to me! I mean if we’re compatible-” She stands up, the hood falling from her head, revealing her beautiful reddish hair.

  “We’re not compatible!” She shouts. Silence falls heavily between us, her words ringing in my ears and tugging at my heart. I want to start over, try again, but she seems overwhelmed by the outburst, and rushes past me before I can even say anything.

  I find a place in the jungle to be alone, and really sort myself out. I remember my application, and how I chose Lora. She was incredible, making me feel something I’ve never really felt for any woman, even if she’s been standoffish this entire time. I feel like perhaps she’s just insecure, and maybe there’s just something that I’m not seeing. I throw a stone into a nearby spring, and watch it sink to the bottom with a plunk. In this moment I feel like that stone, just sinking in the mud. I didn’t believe what Lora said. I think we can be compatible, and we can make it work.

  I knock on Lora’s door, wondering how I keep ending up back here to say some kind of apology. I can hear movement from the other side, but no answer. “Lora,” I say into the crack of the door. “I’m really sorry about how this week has been.” Nothing but silence on the other end. “I guess, I can give you some space if you’d prefer that instead,” I continue. “Just know that I really did find something in you during my application…and I’d hate for you to leave before I get the chance to find even more.”

  I step back from the door, waiting a few moments in case she comes out. She stays put, and I’m worried she didn’t even hear me out. I give up and walk towards the exit. As I reach the end of the hall, I can swear that I hear a small click of a door, but I’m too scared to even look.

  I’m worried I’ll disappoint myself.



  I haven’t left my room since I left the arena. I shouldn’t have yelled at Asch, but at the same time he’s been such a jerk. I mean, how could anyone even think that I’d want to go see such a gruesome event? And what was that stunt with the lingerie earlier? I direct all my frustrations into a pillow.

  Once I’ve calmed down, I roll over and look up at the ceiling. I’ve always kept things to myself, letting them bottle up like this because I don’t have anyone I can talk to. I suppose I can talk to Asch, but he won’t let me, even if I wanted to. Even if I could, I don’t think I could ever talk to him after my outburst this afternoon. Even I am surprised that I said something so hurtful. Maybe it’s just the strangeness of all of this, the program, the expectations to mate, the fear of disappointing Asch.

  Why do I even care anyway? Asch is not my type. He’s loud and rude. But still, I heard every word of his apology; how sincere his voice was as he pleaded for me to give him another chance. Can I give him a chance? Then again, why haven’t I? I thought I couldn’t stand Asch, but deep down, he might be kind of sweet. After all, he did take the time to try to show me places that he liked, things that mattered to him, and I brushed it off because it wasn’t what I wanted.

  I’m suddenly struck with guilt at the thought of how I acted. He was just trying to do all these nice things because they were suggested on the list they gave us. He’s completely new to this whole dating thing…kind of like how I am. I realize that maybe I’ve been unfair about this whole thing. I look over at the directory on my nightstand. There’s got to be somewhere I can go to fix this.

  The streets that I wander are slightly more intimidating at night, even though they’re full of colorful lights. I guess it’s just frightening to be alone in a strange place, and for once I silently wish Asch were with me. But where I’m going, I’d have to be alone. I look at the scribble on my hand - directions to a strange place, hidden in an alley. I approach the door. It’s made of wood decorated with a painting of an alien woman. The woman is skimpily dressed, and smiles up at me with flirty eyes, which I guess is a good sign that I’m in the right place.

  I open the door and step in, expecting a glimmering sex palace hidden inside just as the door suggests. However, I’m met with the exact opposite. It’s just a bar, where everyone inside is female. This must be why it was included in the directory. It looks like this place is just for women to come to relieve themselves of the stresses of appeasing their Avroxee mates.

  I take a seat at the counter. Bars aren’t really my thing; but, hopefully, this one seems safe enough for me to get the information I came for. I scout out the place with a drink, imagining these women sharing their sexual encounters with their mates, and how much success they’ve had in wooing them over. I’m hoping that by the end of the night I’ll have joined their ranks, and have some stories of my own to tell.

  Surprisingly, I see the woman from my orientation, the one with the black eyes. I head over to her table with my drink.

  “Is this seat taken?” I ask her.

  “Go for it,” she says, and I’m relieved that she doesn’t mind some company. Her name is Quix-Li and she’s from a distant ice planet in a neighboring star system. She signed up for the mates program willingly, just because “she had nothing better to do and Avrox has been the hot spot for finding really great guys,” and I definitely agree. The Avroxee are all incredibly muscular and handsome, having once been a warrior people.

  We discuss our ideas about the program, its flaws and its good points. Then I realize it’s time for me to ask,

  “So, what do you do if you have a hard time with your mate?”

  “What do you mean?” She asks. I swivel my cup back and forth in my hands, a little embarrassed. “My mate and I are having a hard time, you know, getting more intimate,” I tell her. “Our personalities are so different, but I still want to give it a shot before I leave. At least try something out.”

  Her eyes widen as she looks at me. “Are you a virgin?” she asks. My legs start shaking. She’s found out my darkest secret. I want to melt in my seat. To my surprise, she’s laughing, but out of excitement.

  “Girl, I got the plan for you,” she says. I lean across the table, eager to hear mo
re. “I’ll take anything,” I tell her. She thinks for a moment, a smirk spreading across her face. “Okay, you’re probably a little nervous, right? Since it’s your first time?”

  I nod at her. Yes, I’m terrified of sex and everything that comes with it.

  “Well, what do you like? What are your interests?” She asks.

  “Well, I really like reading. And language I guess,” I say. She takes this in, calculating. “Okay, I got it. Think of your mate as a book. You’ve heard it’s a really good book, but you don’t believe it’s good. In fact, it looks a little boring, or a little too much for you,” she says, as she lays everything out. It’s starting to work on me.

  “Now you won’t know for sure if you like the book unless you read it. Problem is, it’s a really big book. What’s a girl to do? Big book, not sure if you can take it all in? You take a little bit of it in at a time. Then, you take a little more, and a little more, until pretty soon, you’re entirely well-read on the subject,”

  She claps her hands together, very proud of her analogy, though it takes me a second to process all of it. “To put it bluntly honey, sex doesn’t have to mean, you know…sex,” she adds. “The beautiful part of this trial period is that you can crack that book wide open and read as much or as little as you want. Try teasing him a little. There’s a sexy flame inside you somewhere, you just haven’t taken the time to stoke it a little…” she raises her eyebrows suggestively at me, and suddenly it all makes sense.

  I feel an overwhelming sense of duty upon me. Not to just be a mate, but to conquer something that’s been silently holding me back for way too long now. I thank Quix-Li for everything, and buy her another drink to show my gratitude for her advice. Then I rush back into the street, looking for Asch’s place. There was something I knew I had to do.


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