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by Khushwant Singh

Comic, tender and erotic by turns, Burial at Sea is vintage Khushwant Singh.

  Fiction Omnibus

  Rs 499

  The Portrait of A Lady:

  Colected Stories

  ‘A Khushwant Singh short story is not flamboyant but modest, restrained, well-crafted . . . perhaps his greatest gift as a writer is a wonderful particularity of description’—London

  Khushwant Singh first established his reputation as a writer through the short story. His stories—wry, poignant, erotic and, above all, human—bear testimony to his remarkable range and his ability to create an unforgettable world.

  Spanning over half a century, this volume contains all the short stories Khushwant Singh has ever written, including the delightfully tongue-in-cheek ‘The Maharani of Chootiapuram’, written in 2008.

  ‘Khushwant’s stories enthrall . . . [He has] an ability akin to that of Somerset Maugham . . . the ability to entertain intelligently’—India Today

  ‘His stories are better than [those of] any Indian writing in English’—Times of India

  ‘The Collected Short Stories leaves the readers in a delightful, inebriated trance’—Sunday Chronicle


  Rs 350

  Truth, Love and A Little Malice

  Born in 1915 in pre-Partition Punjab, Khushwant Singh, perhaps India’s most widely read and controversial writer, has been witness to most of the major events in modern Indian history—from Independence and Partition to the Emergency and Operation Blue Star—and has known many of the figures who have shaped it. With clarity and candour, he writes of leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, the terrorist Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, the talented and scandalous painter Amrita Sher-Gil, and everyday people who became butchers during Partition.

  Writing of his own life, too, Khushwant Singh remains unflinchingly forthright. He records his professional triumphs and failures as a lawyer, journalist, writer and member of Parliament; the comforts and disappointments in his marriage of over sixty years; his first, awkward sexual encounter; his phobia of ghosts and his fascination with death; the friends who betrayed him, and also those whom he failed.

  ‘Khushwant on Khushwant is . . . irresistible . . . such is his skill as a writer—simple, lucid, unpretentious—that oft-known episodes are given a new lease of life . . . this book has been well worth the wait’—India Today

  ‘Truth, Love & a Little Malice [has] much that is new and exciting and memorable—written with frankness and honesty’—Book Review

  ‘Singh’s reminiscences about the famous men and women he has known makes for thrilling voyeuristic reading. He has a way of observing other people and telling a story that is almost unmatched’—Times of India

  ‘A blunt and honest account . . . laced with a little peg of malice and single malt’—Business India user reviews


  Rs 395


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  First published in Viking by Penguin Books India 2013

  Published in Penguin Books 2014

  Copyright © Khushwant Singh 2013

  This book is based on Khushwant Singh’s writings that have appeared in Outlook, the Hindustan Times and the Tribune from 2009 and 2012.

  All rights reserved

  The views and opinions expressed in this book are the author’s own and the facts are as reported by him which have been verified to the extent possible, and the publishers are not in any way liable for the same.

  ISBN: 978-0-143-41948-8

  This digital edition published in 2013.

  e-ISBN: 978-8-184-75922-8

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