Hometown Christmas

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Hometown Christmas Page 5

by Joleen James

  Tawney looked back at Ruby. She wasn't about to let the short one rape her sister. Her fingers crept under her sweater to her gun. A wave of nausea broke over her. She closed her eyes. No, not now.

  "I said go on upstairs." He leveled his gun on Tawney.

  Her head throbbed. Her stomach bucked. She swallowed, trying to stave off vomiting.

  "She's sick," Ruby cried. "Can’t you see that? I think she's got a concussion thanks to you."

  "I need to sit." Tawney went to the sofa, willing her stomach to settle. Bile rose in the back of her throat.

  She bolted for the bathroom.


  "Stop," Rick said. "See that up ahead? There's a vehicle there, covered in snow."

  His gut rolled.

  Van stopped the truck. Cade jumped out, Rick on his heels. Together they worked to push the snow off the vehicle. Rick prayed the girls had not tried to leave the cabin. Panic unlike anything he'd ever felt before drove him.

  What if they were inside? Frozen?

  Van joined them, a shovel in hand. "Watch out."

  Rick moved out of the way. Van quickly dug to the vehicle.

  A car, not his Jeep.

  He released a breath.

  "Thank God," Cade said, his words echoing Rick's thoughts.

  Van kept digging until they made sure no one was inside the vehicle. The car was abandoned. It was a silver Ford.

  The convenience store robbers drove a silver Ford.

  Rick knocked his gloves together to rid them of snow. "Listen, it's probably a coincidence, but there are two wanted fugitives in this area. They were last seen driving a car matching the description of this one."

  "You're kidding, right?" Cade asked with disbelief. "How far is it to your cabin?"

  "Not far," Rick said. "Whoever abandoned this car could easily have made the walk if the weather conditions allowed."

  "What now?" Van asked, holding the shovel more like a weapon than a shovel.

  "If the fugitives are with the girls, they'll hear us coming as soon as we turn down the driveway," Rick said. "I'm going to have you cut the engine as soon as we make the turn. I'll go in on foot alone. I'll call you, let you know what I see, then let you know when to come in."

  "I'll go with you," Cade said.

  "No, stay with Van," Rick repeated. "Like I said, I'll bring you in when I have a better idea of the risk."

  "Man," Cade said. "If they've hurt the girls—"

  "Tawney is tough," Rick said. "She's got a gun, several in fact. She has self-defense skills. I'd put my money on her." He said the words, but inside worry crushed his heart. The robbers were desperate, unscrupulous men.

  "Let's go," Cade said.

  Cade climbed into the middle seat, giving Rick the seat near the door. Rick called the abandoned car into the station and gave the dispatcher info on the girls, his cabin, and the possible fugitives inside. In the back of his mind, he realized that his phone worked. Which meant the girls' phones should work, too.

  He didn't think ahead to what that might mean for Tawney and her sisters. He couldn't.

  "You marked the driveway?" Cade asked, when the flag came into view.

  "Didn't want the girls to drive by in the snow," Rick said. "I know, don't say it."

  "No one could have known," Van said, trying to soften things between them all.

  When they reached the driveway, Rick said, "Cut the engine and wait here."

  "Got some snowshoes in my box," Van said.

  "Great." Rick hopped out of the truck.

  Van got the shoes for him and Rick began his walk in. He trudged along through the thick, deep snow, the going slow, skirting the tree line, hoping to stay out of sight.

  When the cabin came into view, he paused. The Christmas lights were on. He cut through the trees, heading around back. He ducked under the railing where there was no window, then flattened himself against the cabin.

  The sound of Christmas music could be heard through the window. Maybe things were fine.

  He edged his way to the window and peeked inside. What he saw froze his heart. A masked man held a gun to Ruby's head. She was crying. Another masked man lay on the floor. Dead? He didn't see Tawney, Star, or Brandi.

  Fear rose in his chest, threatening to choke him. Where were the other girls? Were there just two perps or did someone else have Tawney, Star, and Brandi?

  He couldn’t get a clear shot at the fugitive from this angle.

  Rick eased off the porch, moving away from the house to place a call to Cade.

  "Yeah?" Cade said on the first ring.

  "The men are inside. One is holding a gun to Ruby's head. I don't see the other girls. A second man is passed out cold or dead on the floor. Here's what I want you to do. Come up the driveway as noisy as you want, use the shovel. I have no doubt someone will come to the door. I'll be in the back. As soon as the perp is distracted and Ruby is out of the line of fire, I'll take him out."

  "Holy crap," Cade said. "Okay, on our way. Be careful, man."

  Rick pocketed his phone. He resumed his place on the deck. The sky was still dark and that suited him fine. Easier to hide in the shadows.

  The truck's engine roared as it came up the drive.

  Rick braced himself.

  * * *

  Tawney wiped her mouth on the towel. She had to get back out to Ruby. She pressed a hand to her upset stomach, feeling the gun in the waistband of her pants. It was time to end this. None of the girls could take much more.

  Ruby screamed.

  Tawney's fingers yanked the gun free. She stepped out of the bathroom. "Let her go, you son of a bitch, or I'll blow a hole in you the size of Texas."

  Tawney leveled the gun on the short one. Hate for him sped through her, giving her the adrenaline rush she needed to free them from this nightmare.

  "I'll let go of her when I'm good and ready." He pressed the gun to Ruby's temple, holding her in front of him like a shield. "You ain't going to win this, Legs. Not even with a gun in your hand. Shoot, look at you. You're weak as a kitten."

  The distinct rumble of an approaching vehicle shut him up. Relief made Tawney's knees shake. Help was coming. It was going to be okay. She had to believe that.

  The short one turned his gun on Tawney.

  "Who the hell is that?" he asked. "I'll kill her. What have I got to lose? You go to the door and get rid of whoever is out there. Be convincing, Legs, or Red is a dead woman."

  Ruby stopped crying. Tawney saw strength and hope in her sister's eyes. Ruby didn't want Tawney to back down.

  "No." Tawney's finger itched on the trigger. "I'm done with you." This had to end. Now.

  A knock sounded at the door.

  The short one glared at her. "Answer the damned door."

  "Let go of Ruby," Tawney countered.

  Ruby elbowed the short one, then gave him a backwards kick to his privates.

  The short one howled, doubling over.

  Ruby scampered out of reach. "Shoot him, Tawney."

  Tawney took aim and pulled the trigger. The blast sent her backward and stole her hearing. A wave of dizziness hit her. She grabbed the desk chair for support.

  The short one's gun hit the floor. "You shot me." He clutched his arm, his beady eyes on her.

  Ruby scooped up his gun, holding the weapon on him. "Don't move or I'll shoot you, too. Do you know how many showers I'm going to have to take to wash the smell of you from my memory?"

  Tawney couldn't breathe. She stared at the gun in her hands.

  "The door," Brandi cried, running down the stairs and opening the lock.

  Cade rushed in. "Star?"

  "Upstairs," Brandi told him.

  Cade took the stairs two at a time.


  Tawney's eyes closed at the sound of Rick's voice.

  "Baby, give me the gun." His hands closed over hers.

  She couldn't let go. An alien cold filled her body and she began to shake all over.

ook at me," Rick said.

  She looked into his eyes and her world began to click back on. He was here. They were safe. She'd shot the short one.

  "It's okay, Tawney," he said soothingly. He placed an arm around her shoulders. "I've got you now."

  "Give Rick the gun, T," Ruby said. "Don't worry about this one. If he moves I'm blowing his dick off."

  Snowplow Van stood over the short one, holding a shovel, poised to strike the criminal. Van? He'd brought Rick to her. She wanted to thank him, but the words wouldn't come.

  "You bitch," the short one said, his eyes on Tawney.

  "Shut up," Ruby said. "I'm warning you."

  "Just give the word, and I'll let him have it," Van said.

  Rick pried the gun from Tawney's fingers, then she was in his arms.

  "Oh God," Rick said. "How badly are you hurt?" He studied her face, smoothing the hair from her brow.

  She flinched when he touched a tender spot. Her head pounded. Her stomach heaved again.

  "He hit her, twice," Ruby told Rick. "Hard enough to make her mouth bleed the first time. The second time I think he gave her a concussion. She's been vomiting. She's not herself."

  "Sit down." He helped Tawney to the chair near Mr. Tall.

  "Scoot over," Brandi said. She put her arm around Tawney. "I'm so sorry, T."

  Tawney nodded.

  Rick grabbed the short one, flipping the man onto his belly. He cuffed him, then yanked his ski mask off.

  The short one looked as mean as Tawney had expected. He was bald with several days' worth of whiskers.

  "What the hell? Are you some kind of cop?" the short one asked. "She shot me. You should cuff her."

  "You're lucky she shot you," Rick said, his tone lethal. "If I'd shot first, you'd be dead. You should thank her for saving your sorry life."

  "Like hell I will," the short one said.

  "The woman you hit is my wife," Rick told him. "I'm like an elephant, I never forget. It's going to be a long, long time before you're a free man again. I'm going to see to it personally." Rick read the short one his rights.

  "You don't know nothing about me," the short one said.

  "I know enough," Rick said. "I know you're wanted for armed robbery, not to mention the charges that will be brought against you for what you've done to my wife and her sisters." Rick knelt next to Mr. Tall, checking for a pulse. "He's alive." Rick removed Mr. Tall's mask. He had a long face, a hawk-like nose, and he was out cold.

  "Billy Clark." Rick peeled back Mr. Tall's glove, exposing a tattoo. "Complete with snake."

  "He has Tawney's gun," Ruby said.

  Rick located the small pistol.

  "He was shot when he got here," Ruby told him. "We tried to help him, but we don't know anything about medicine." She looked directly at the short one. "I'm not a nurse, but we think he's bleeding internally."

  "Son of a bitch," the short one said with disgust.

  "Shut up, you pig," Ruby yelled. "Shut up or I'll give you something to complain about. Can't we gag him or something?"

  Rick went to Ruby, taking the short one's gun from her. "I've got this."

  "I'm happy to testify," Ruby said on her way to the freezer. She brought an ice pack to Tawney. "Where does it hurt most?"

  Tawney touched the spot near her ear. Ruby held the ice pack in place.

  "It's going to be okay now, T," Ruby said. "These two are going to pay for ruining our perfect Christmas."

  Tawney nodded. She watched it all, but everything felt like a dream where she watched from the outside. Did she have tunnel vision? She felt so tired. She'd never been this tired.

  "Cade," Rick called. "Is Star all right?"

  "Everything under control down there?" Cade asked from above.

  "Yes. It's safe," Rick replied.

  Cade appeared at the top of the stairs, holding his new baby girl. "Star's shaken up but unharmed. Look."

  "She had the baby." Rick's features softened. "Congratulations, buddy."

  "A little girl." Cade smiled. "Everything okay?"

  "It will be," Rick said, "once the police get here and we get this mess cleaned up and get our ladies some medical attention."

  The sound of an approaching engine alerted them to the arrival of more help. Expecting the police, Tawney was surprised when Dane and Bud walked through the door.

  "What's going on?" Dane took in the scene before him. He crossed the room to his wife. "Ruby." He touched her face, her hair, all while Ruby held the ice on Tawney's head.

  "I’m okay." Ruby smiled.

  Brandi shot off the chair straight into Bud's arms.

  "Are you all right?" Bud asked.

  "Yes. Tawney saved all of us," Brandi said. "Who's got our baby?"

  "He's with Mrs. Connor," Bud said, his arms tight around his wife.

  Tawney struggled to focus.

  "Tawney?" Rick asked. "Are you okay? Talk to me."

  The room grew gray, fuzzy. Tawney let go, falling into sweet oblivion.


  December 23rd, 1:00 p.m.

  Beep. Beep. Beep.

  Tawney struggled to open her eyes. What was that noise? The instant she moved, her head began to pound.

  "Tawney," Rick said. "Can you hear me? Open your eyes. Please."

  Why did he sound so desperate? Tawney forced her eyes open. Rick's hand tightened on hers. He sat in a chair next to their bed. No, not their bed. Everything looked sterile, stark, and that incessant beeping.

  "Am I in the hospital?" Was that her voice? She sounded like a frog.

  He smiled. "Yes. You took quite a hit to your head."

  Everything came rushing back. Mr. Tall. The short one. She'd shot him. Odd, she didn't care. She felt nothing for the short one.

  "Everything's fine," Rick said, his voice so gentle. "You girls are all safe. Billy Clark and Nickle Waters are under arrest."

  "Who?" she asked, struggling to wrap her mind around what he was saying.

  "The men who held you girls hostage," Rick told her. "They are going away for a very long time."

  "So Mr. Tall survived?" she asked.

  "Billy Clark, the big guy, yeah, he's in the hospital, too," Rick told her. "Nickle Waters only received a flesh wound. He's behind bars."

  "I'm glad," she said. "The baby?"

  Rick grinned. "She's a little beauty. Patricia is doing well. She weighed in at almost seven pounds. Star's here in the hospital, too. She's doing great."

  Tawney closed her eyes as relief filled her.

  "Don't think now," Rick said. "Rest. The doctor said rest is the best thing for your head. You're going to be just fine."

  The door to her room clicked open. Expecting to hear a nurse or doctor, Tawney instead heard, "Where is she, where is my daughter?"

  Tawney opened her eyes at the sound of her mother's voice. Destiny charged into the room, wearing a powder blue parka. She shook the coat off, tossing it to Rick.

  "There you are, my tiny dancer," Destiny said, rushing to the side of the bed. "You look awful. What did those evil men do to you?"

  "Thanks, Mom." Her mouth felt stuffed with cotton balls.

  "Water?" Rick offered her a glass with a straw.

  Tawney sucked on the straw, the water bringing instant relief.

  "How do you feel?" Destiny asked.

  "Tired." She closed her eyes. She really was tired.

  "Earl and I have been worried sick since we heard," Destiny said. "Imagine all my girls being held hostage by two criminals." She looked at Rick. "How could you let this happen? You're a police officer for crying out loud."

  "Mom," Tawney groaned, too tired to spar with her mother or listen to her crazy talk. "Stop."

  "Tawney needs to rest," Rick said. "We can talk about all of this later, when she's stronger."

  "You're not asking me to leave, are you?" She turned to Tawney. "I'm your mother, you need me."

  "I'm okay, Mom," Tawney said. "Have you seen Star's baby yet?"

heading there next," Destiny said. "Of course I came here first, to see you." She patted Tawney's arm.

  "Go see your granddaughter," Tawney urged. "I'm going to sleep."

  "If you're sure?" Destiny's brow creased with worry.

  "I am." Tawney closed her eyes. "Give Star and the baby a kiss for me."

  "You know I will." Destiny pressed a kiss to Tawney's forehead. "Sleep well, my tiny dancer."

  Tawney relaxed.

  "You'll stay with her?" Destiny asked Rick.

  "Always," Rick said.

  Tawney floated away, sleep claiming her.

  * * *

  December 24th, 7:00 a.m.

  "Sorry, honey," a nurse said. "Just need to get some vitals from you."

  Tawney focused on the nurse while trying to shake off a deep sleep. She'd been dreaming about the short one. He'd been after her, chasing her up the stairs at the cabin. Panic still beat heavy in her chest as she struggled to wake all the way up.

  "Merry Christmas Eve." The nurse smiled. "You okay, honey?"

  "Yes, bad dream." Tawney inhaled, letting the dream go. She was safe. They all were. She used the remote to raise the head of the bed.

  "Let me get your temp," the nurse said, inserting the thermometer in Tawney's ear. "Perfect. No fever. How are you doing? Any nausea?"

  "No, my stomach feels fine." It was a question she'd been asked several times over the past two days. She'd been in the hospital long enough now to recognize the routine.


  "No, it's gone."

  "Do you feel up for some breakfast this morning?" the nurse asked.

  Did she feel hungry? "I think so. I'd love some tea."

  The nurse smiled. "I'll have them bring a tray in for you."

  "Thank you," Tawney said. "I'd love to go home today. It's a possibility, right?"

  "Your vitals are good," the nurse said. "The doctor should be by this morning. You can ask him that question, but I think you'll be home in time for Christmas."

  "I'm glad." More than anything she wanted to be out to celebrate Christmas with Rick. "Do you know if my husband is still at the hospital?"

  "He just ran down for some food," the nurse said. "Honey, he hasn't gone home since you got here. He's such a nice man."

  "He is." Tawney smiled. "The best."


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