Buyer's Market: A Billionaire + Virgin Dark Fairytale

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Buyer's Market: A Billionaire + Virgin Dark Fairytale Page 57

by Dark Angel

  This isn’t Vivian Hawthorne.

  She’s probably sleeping with Liam; he has that effect on people, but until I know for sure, I’m not going to jump in bed with the first woman who comes knocking. And she literally came knocking.

  “You’re not Vivian,” I say out loud. I don’t know why I goddamn said it out loud, okay? Don’t look at me.

  But Tina’s looking. She’s giving me a strange sort of look.

  “No, I’m not the Senator,” she says to me, flashing a lascivious smile. “I’m better.”

  I stand there silently, wondering why I’m so incapable of movement. I’ve killed men with my bare hands before in the desert. I’ve made hundreds of millions on my own. When I’ve taken a break from work, I’ve pleased countless women and left them begging for more.

  “Face it Governor,” Tina says narrowing the distance between us. “You’re going to need me as a friend in the coming fight, more than as a foe. I know it would be a very beneficial…alliance.”

  Just then, I hear a familiar voice at the door.

  "What's going on in here?"

  I look up and see Vivian Hawthorne standing in the doorway, her blonde hair framing the concerned look etched into her face.

  "This isn't what it looks like," I say, waving one hand into the air. "Nothing is happening." But just as I say this, my mind registers the compromising look of the room—the Mayor of Shanghai with her shirt unbuttoned, and to top it all off, I'm standing there with my pants partially unzipped.

  Who's going to believe me?


  "What's going on?" I ask. It feels like I've lost my bottom jaw on the floor.

  I can't help it. I probably should've closed the door and walked away, but the words tumble from my mouth instinctually. I mean, when you walk into your Governor's office, you aren't expecting to walk in on something like this. Of all the things that Carter could be caught doing right now, this tops them all. Not after…you know what? Never mind.

  I blink a few times just to make sure the scene in front of me is real.

  I mean, Carter Andrews of all people—am I really seeing Tina Ling's shirt unbuttoned? Are Carter's pants unbuttoned? And what is Tina Ling doing here anyways? I don't know what Carter and Tina have got going on between each other, but whatever it is, I don't like it. And honestly, the media would have a field day with this if it got out.

  Yes, that’s right. The media, hun. Not me. Don’t give me that look.

  I’m only here to get this situation between these two men sorted so I can go back to DC. I don’t care what Carter does with his personal life, okay?

  Just because he’s as handsome as Apollo, with his Greek god body. His rugged exterior. That feeling of safety I get around him, as if the world could throw everything at me and he would just shrug and tell it to get lost. Anyways, just because of all that doesn’t mean that he’s not free to see whoever he wants, okay?

  And before you say anything about Liam, let me just tell you that Liam Jeffries is different. The sex is amazing. But it’s a different feeling I get with him.

  Liam is risky and fun. Carter seems like a solid oak.

  I mean…you know what, hun? Stop it. I didn’t mean anything by any of that.

  It’s just the situation.

  You got me at a bit of a surprise, and I just blurted. I don’t really feel anything at all.


  Anyways, I know I've caught him off guard because I watch as he jumps up, waving a hand in the air as if to shrug the whole thing off. How stupid does he think I am?

  "This isn't what it looks like," he says, nearly stumbling on his words and stupidly trying to button his shirt and pants. Yeah, right. Sure it isn't. I feel my eyes practically rolling around in their sockets. Give me a break. But then I catch myself gazing at his exposed chest. I never knew he was so muscular under that suit.

  "Nothing is happening," he maintains.

  My eyes go from Tina's open blouse, which she's now quickly buttoning, to Carter's unzipped pants.

  "Sure, Carter. Are you telling me this is just some casual Friday at the office?"

  "I should be going," Tina says, straightening her skirt and grabbing her shoulder bag. “I have a meeting with my superiors.”

  I narrow my eyes and ask her, “Just who are your superiors, Ms. Ling?”

  She gives me a sly smile.

  “I’m a member of the Communist Party of the Central Region of the People’s Republic of China, Senator,” she says. “I wouldn’t expect you as a Westerner to understand the concepts I live for—community over self, dedication, hard work…”

  I can’t take any more.

  “Right, because you’re standing in the office of someone who started and made successful several technology companies through hard work, and dedication, Ms. Ling,” I say rolling my eyes. “You may not agree with our Western ideas of individuality and self-worth, but you sure do know how to copy the good things we come up with and then try to undercut us.”

  Tina says nothing to me, just stares.

  “Women should know when to speak in society, Ms. Hawthorne,” she says icily. I can see she’s mad. “Even Senators.”

  “Or what?” I ask, my nostrils flaring. Who does this bitch think she is?

  “Or else the world might start to take notice of their…peculiarities,” she says simply, staring me in the eyes.

  Is she threatening me? My peculiarities?

  “If you mean the fact that I’m as strong as any man and I enjoy sex,” I say to her smiling sweetly. “Take a number and get in line, because others have tried to take me down for a long time. You’re not the first, hun.”

  “But I’ll be the last,” she says and turns away. I honestly don’t know how to respond and I decide to hold my tongue.

  I watch as she gives Carter a knowing nod and exists the room.

  "What the hell was that all about?" I ask Carter as soon as Tina is gone. Once the Mayor of Shanghai is gone, I feel like I can speak candidly.

  "I told you, it's nothing,” he says looking away.

  "That was certainly something."

  "You're overacting. It was just a misunderstanding," he shrugs and then turns to me. “And what was that with you two? Like watching two predators circle over each other.”

  “Just protecting you, Governor,” I say, trying to get off the topic.

  “I don’t need protecting, Senator,” Carter answers back, puffing out his chest. Just looking at his broad shoulders and the way he fills out that suit gets me a little wet.

  "Bullshit. It's not a misunderstanding if you saw something with your own two eyes. Give me a break. I never thought you were so gullible."

  "What do you mean by that?"

  "Did you see the way she was looking at you? Like a tiger eyeing her prey. And don't look surprised. Be honest with me. What's really going on?"

  I watch as Carter replaces his tie and straightens it back into place. He now looks completely different from how I found him. It really is as if nothing happened, and I'm taken aback by how striking his frame looks in that tailored suit. Why am I just now noticing this?

  "Listen, Tina Ling is just trying to help."

  "By taking her shirt off for you?" I smirk.

  "No, with Liam Jeffries."

  Now I'm really intrigued. "What's Liam got to do with this?" I ask.

  "You know as well as I do that he's gone rogue."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "I mean that he's making brash and impulsive decisions with no regard to environmental legislature. Sure, he's winning over the hearts and minds of the people, but what about the environmental impact? We need to stop thinking simply about the present. I know that we are talking about 10,000 jobs and I'm not trying to minimize the importance of that, but just think about the environmental impact of those five factories that he's proposing—air and water pollution worse than anything the city of New Kingston has ever known. With those five factories being built in close proxi
mity to New York City—homes and schools—the people of New Kingston will be subjected to unhealthy levels of carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Have you ever seen kids get sick because their water was poisoned? Or elderly people with asthma and lung cancer that doesn’t happen from smoking?"

  "And so what does Tina Ling have to do with any of this?"

  "Bottom line? She agrees with me. She doesn't believe that Liam should be running wild with no regard for the law,” Carter says. “And she’s at least offering me some help.”

  “Because Liam told the papers that you could go fuck yourself?” I ask, unable to help myself.

  Carter bristles. “I guess you just used him to do that, didn’t you?” he asks. The moment he says it, I know what the problem is.

  There’s a silence.

  I decide to let it go.

  "Have you ever thought that Mayor Ling is coming from a selfish place?” I ask him. “That maybe she has a hidden agenda. Judging by her body language, it looked pretty personal."

  "Right now, everyone has an agenda Vivian,” Carter says. “The question becomes, how important are the lives of the people who can’t afford allies?"

  "Come on, Carter. She's thinking about her own economy. Her own country. She’s not in it to help you save lives. If the jobs go back to Shanghai, she wins."

  "Correction, we both win."

  "I suppose so."

  "I know so, and she promises that she can help raise the money."

  I wonder for a moment what Carter means by raising money? Isn’t it too early to start thinking about re-election?

  "Don't looks so dubious," he says, noticing my pensive gaze. "Although, you look awfully cute when you're deep in thought." He flashes a disarming smile.

  "Very funny."

  "No, I mean it."

  I watch as Carter takes a few steps toward me and I notice the distance between us is shrinking. He's so close now that I can practically feel the warmth emanating from his body. The look on his face has changed, and a pregnant silence fills the air.

  He clears his throat. "Can I be honest with you?"

  "Of course. You can always be honest with me."

  He brushes his hand up against my own. I immediately recognize how big and strong it is. "It's women like you who cause global warming."

  "Oh yeah? What's that suppose to mean?" I smirk and roll my eyes. But inside, my heart starts beating faster. It’s like I want to believe him and fall into his arms, you know? I want to see where this is going.

  "You're so hot you've raised the temperature of this room at least 20 degrees."

  "Is that the best you've got?" I roll my eyes and sigh again. But I’m smiling. Ear to ear.

  "What's going on between you and Liam?"

  Oh. My. God.

  The question catches me off guard. "What do you mean?"

  "Come on. Don't think I haven't noticed. What are the secret meetings about?"

  "It's nothing. Honestly."

  “Sex?” he asks me.

  I bristle. “Listen, to me, Carter Andrews,” I say, taking a step forward and placing my index finger on his lips. “If I didn’t tell that Communist bitch Tina about my sex life, what makes you think I’m going to tell you?”

  “Because you’re going to be having sex with me in about five minutes,” he says, his eyes boring down into me.

  He thinks I can’t hold out five minutes?

  OK, babe, I know I can hold out for three. I think we should try and do six.

  He's standing so close to me that his cologne is clouding my judgment. The smell is classically masculine, and confident, with a hint of spice and the airiness of the Mediterranean—Sandalwood, juniper, sea salt, and citrus. In other words, it's the kind of scent that makes you want to lean right in. I look at the computer on his desk and notice his open browser. I touch his arm softly and say, "You still use Internet Explorer?"

  "Observant. Do you always look on people's computers?"

  "I guess that means you like things nice and slow, huh?"

  "Sometimes, I'd say so." He leans in and drags his fingertips across my cheek. Our eyes are locked on each other and my pulse quickens.

  "I suppose," I say, "But sometimes you need to think outside of the box."

  "I'd like to think inside of your box," he says with a smile and reaches over to run his fingers through my hair. His touch sends a shiver down my spine and it takes all of my resolve to not quiver under his strong fingertips. He senses this and drags his fingers gently across my lips. His hands then move down to my shoulders. He traces my collarbone and slowly runs his fingers down my bare arms. My entire body is tingling. I hook one of my own fingers on his belt loop and pull him into me. He gives me an intense gaze and everything that happened before—with Tina Ling and Liam Jeffries—melts away. The only thing that matters is this moment. Carter's touch sends a jolt of electricity through my core that makes me want to stay with him in this office forever. I reach up and rake my fingernails through his hair, and he reciprocates by placing his hand on my head. Suddenly, he grabs a chunk of my hair and pulls it back, exposing my neck and mouth, and he leans in, pressing his lips against mine. Our mouths open as we take each other in, our tongues pressed up against each other, twisting and flexing. I pull back slightly and nibble on his bottom lip. “More,” I say, "Don't stop." Without a word, he grabs my hips and leans into me as he presses his mouth against mine for a second time. I feel an unconscious moan escape from my body as he brings his hands down to my breasts, cupping them in his palms. As he gives them a squeeze, my mind is reeling.

  I look at the clock real quick before surrendering myself to him.

  Four minutes and thirty seconds.

  I hate it when he’s right.


  The moment our lips touch, there’s no stopping us. Call it attraction, call it lust—as far as I’m concerned, you can call it whatever you want. The name doesn’t matter. What matters is that Carter’s hands are on my waist and he’s pulling me in, his body pressed against mine. Parting my lips, I slide my tongue inside his mouth; he mimics me and does the same, our tongues dancing around one another in lustful circles.

  How did I get to this point? First Liam, and now Carter. I should be a bridge between them, the one to fix the mess they pulled New York into. But here I am, kissing Carter days after letting Liam inside my hotel room. Instead of solving anything, it seems that I’m just making matters worse. And the worst part? I don’t care. Not now… It’s impossible. How can I worry when I’m kissing a man such as Carter, when I’m feeling his eager mouth pressed tight against my own?

  While we kiss, I press one hand against his chest and let it fall, my fingers sliding down his crisp white shirt until they meet his belt. I open my hand, trying to reach for the bulging in his pants, but moving in a blur, he grabs me by the wrist, stopping me. His grip is strong, and even though I fight against it, I just can’t free myself. Pulling back from our kiss, he looks me in the eye, a hard edge to his gaze.

  “On your knees,” he tells me, the tone of his voice leaving no room for doubts or hesitation. Of course, that only makes me want to fight back harder. Who does he think he is to be bossing me around? I’m a Senator, not his secretary. Not one to take orders lightly, I try and grab his cock again.

  Holding my wrist even harder, he takes his other hand to my hair, and tangling his fingers in it, yanks hard, forcing me to throw my head back; then leaning into me, he presses his lips against my ear. “I said, on your knees,” he repeats, carefully intoning each word. This time, there really is no maneuvering around his commands. Before I can even respond, my knees grow weak and I go down in front of him, my heart drumming so fast it might just explode.

  What am I doing, going down on my knees like a submissive little girl? I should be the one taking the lead! So why in the hell am I taking his words like gospel?

  “My belt. Take it off,” he says, and I have to bite down on my lower lip so that I don’t snap back at him. Christ, what�
�s happening to me? And why am I growing so wet? My thong is already drenched and sticking to my skin, eager to please the man towering over me.

  “Why should I do what you say?” I finally manage to say, looking into his eyes.

  “You’ll do what I say,” he responds, a grin dawning on his face. “Because if you do it, I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll be ruined for other men.” How can I possibly respond to that? I’m not one to run away from a challenge… And now he has me curious. Very, very curious. If he’s half as good as Liam, this is already worth the price of admission.

  “I’ll obey…” I tell him, licking my lips seductively. “But you better keep your end of the bargain.”

  “You already know my track record, Vivian. I don’t break promises. Ever.” That remains to be seen, but the tone of his voice exudes confidence. He really believes what he’s saying… And I’d bet a full year’s salary and my favorite purse on the fact that he knows how to walk the talk.

  Not taking my eyes off of his, I reach for his belt and unbuckle it, then pull it out from its loops. I throw it down on the floor hurriedly and wait for his next command. “Go on,” he simply tells me, and my fingers move as if they have a mind of their own. I unbutton his pants eagerly, his cock tenting his tight boxer briefs. My eyes immediately dart to his long and thick shape, widening at the sight. God, I don’t know if he’s as good as Liam, but he sure as hell seems as big as him. No wonder these two are butting heads... These guys must have so much testosterone raging through their veins that it’s almost a wonder they can hold office. They were born in the wrong era—they should be Vikings and Kings, pillaging and plundering… They could pillage my house any time they wanted to, I’d be sure to be waiting for them.

  Gulping, I hook my fingers on the hem of his boxers and tug them down, sending both pants and boxers flying to his ankles. My hands on his naked thighs, I look up to him, expectantly. He doesn’t say a word; he simply grabs his own cock, pushing it down and pointing it straight at my mouth. Moving his hips forward, he brushes his glans against my parted lips. I let my tongue out, scooping the few drops of precum glistening on his tip.


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