Westward Moon

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Westward Moon Page 5

by Linda Bridey

  It seemed as if everyone wanted to play in the snow that day. Even some of the adults got in on the action. With Christmas almost upon them, most people were in a good mood. Claire waved at Tessa from the school house and Tessa waved back at her sister. Claire motioned for her to come to the school and Tessa’s heart dropped. Claire’s expression was not a happy one.

  With a resigned sigh, Tessa started towards the school. She went inside and walked with Claire to the front of the room. She sat down heavily in one of the seats.

  “What has he done now?” she asked.

  Claire looked at her with sympathy. “Nothing today, but Marcus wants you to take him to see Ben.”

  “Why Ben?” Tessa asked.

  Claire said, “Because he would like a fresh perspective.”

  “Ben is a surgeon,” Tessa said.

  “Yes, but he’s also a medical doctor who does a lot more than surgery, Tessa.”

  “Do they really think there’s something medically wrong with Mikey?” Tessa asked. Her worried frown saddened Claire.

  “I really don’t know,” Claire said.

  “When does he want to see him?” Tessa asked.

  “Whenever you can get him there. Today is fine. They have a light day,” Claire said.

  “I’ll see what I can do,” she said.

  She knew that it was not going to be easy getting Mikey to go see Ben. It wasn’t easy getting Mikey to do anything unless Raven was involved. She loved Raven and was grateful to him for his help, but it frustrated her that she couldn’t control her son’s behavior. She suddenly felt tired as she left the school.

  “Michael!” she called as she saw him near the square. “Come here, please.”

  Mikey ran over to her and said, “What, Mama?”

  She looked at her beautiful boy and said, “Will you please go with me to the clinic?”

  “Why? Aren’t you feeling well?” he asked.

  “Not especially,” she said. “Will you walk with me?”

  “Sure. Guess what?” he asked as they walked.


  “That book report I did? I got a really good grade on it,” Mikey said.

  Tessa’s smile was genuine. “That’s wonderful.”

  “I’ve tried to tell Aunt Claire that if I like a book, I’ll do a good job reading it. I’m bored with the stuff she gives me,” Mikey said. “Can’t you talk to her?”

  “I’ll try again,” she said as they entered the clinic.

  He saw Hannah and greeted her. “Mama needs to see Uncle Marcus.”

  “Actually, I need to see Ben,” she said to Hannah.

  Mikey had started looking around at the people in the waiting room. Tessa stepped close to Hannah and said, “Ben wants to see Michael. I got him here by telling him it was for me. Can you help me?”

  Hannah said, “Sure, Tessa. You two have a seat for a moment. I’ll make sure Ben can see you.”

  Tessa sat down with Mikey. “I have to see Ben, but will you go with me?”

  “That’s a little weird, Mama,” Mikey said.

  “I know, but please walk me in. I’m a little dizzy,” Tessa said.

  “Ok. Sure,” Mikey said as Hannah came back to the waiting room.

  “He’s ready to see you, Tessa,” she said.

  Mikey was concerned about his mother. She really didn’t look good and he wondered what could be wrong with her. He took her arm and stayed close as they went into the examination room.

  Tessa and Mikey had no sooner entered the room when Dr. Ben Walker threw a book at Mikey. Mikey’s reflexes were good and he caught it easily.

  “Page 84. Open it and read that page out loud, please?” Ben said in his Georgia drawl.

  “Why?” Mikey asked.

  “Because I asked you to,” Ben said. His green eyes watched Mikey closely.

  “This is a medical book,” Mikey said.

  “That’s right,” Ben said.

  Mikey opened it and flipped to the appropriate page and started to read it. It described a very descriptive suturing technique and Mikey was quickly absorbed in it.

  “Mikey? Out loud, I said,” Ben reminded him.

  “Ok, but it’s just ‘Mike’.”

  “All right, Mike. Read the damn thing out loud, will you?” Ben said.

  Tessa looked surprised at Ben’s use of foul language but Mikey just smiled. He read three paragraphs before Ben stopped him.

  “Did you understand what you just read?” Ben asked.

  “Yeah,” Mikey said.

  “Tell me in your own words,” Ben said.

  Tessa was amazed that Mikey was cooperating so much. He became excited as he did what Ben asked. “Did I get it right?”

  “Perfectly,” Ben said.

  “Can—may I borrow this?” Mikey quickly corrected his grammar. Tessa was always after him about it.

  “You may. In fact, I put a marker in a place I want you to read. You come to see me about it tomorrow. Don’t make me come looking for you, now,” Ben said.

  “I won’t, Dr. Walker. Mama’s not feelin’ good—well, I mean. I’ll wait for you out here, Mama,” Mikey said and left the room.

  Tessa said, “I’m afraid I don’t understand, Ben.”

  Ben sat down and said, “It’s a theory that Marcus has told me about, but he wanted my perspective.”

  “What theory?” Tessa said.

  “He thinks that Mikey—Mike has a couple of different things going on. He complains about being bored in school but he’s not deficient in his subjects, correct?” Ben said.

  “That’s right.”

  “Mike has mood swings and a lot of anger issues?” Ben said.


  “What sets him off the most?” Ben said.

  Tessa tried to pinpoint any one thing but couldn’t. He argued about everything, it seemed. Sometimes his arguments actually made sense, which was even more frustrating.

  “It doesn’t seem to matter. It can be anything,” she said.

  “Is it any one person?” Ben asked.

  “No. He’ll argue with anyone, except Raven. For whatever reason, Raven is able to get him to do things when no one else can,” Tessa said. “But we cannot rely on Raven to be around all the time.”

  “I want to try an experiment. Is it ok with you?” Ben asked.


  “All right. Now no matter what I say or do, do not interfere,” Ben said as he opened the examination door.

  Ben went out to the waiting room and Tessa followed. Ben walked up to Mikey and held out his hand. “I need that book back, Mikey.”

  Mikey looked at Ben and said, “But you said I could borrow it and I’m reading what you asked me to.”

  “I will give it back to you in a minute. Now hand it to me,” Ben ordered.

  Tessa saw the familiar mutinous expression on Mikey’s face that she’d grown too accustomed to. Oh no, Ben.

  Ben seemed unperturbed, however. “I said to give me the book, Mikey.”

  “It’s Mike and no.”

  Ben laughed and said, “All right, Mike. Can I please see the book for a moment? I promise I’ll give it back real quick.”

  Mikey gave Ben the book and even smiled a little. Ben opened it, pretended to read something and then gave it back. “Thanks, young man. Now, I still expect to see you tomorrow. All right?”

  “Yes, sir,” Mikey said and went back to his reading.

  When Tessa followed Ben back into the examination room, she sat on the chair and looked at Ben in wonder. “How did you get him to do that?”

  “Did you see the way he acted when I demanded the book from him?” Ben asked.

  “Yes. That’s the way he always acts when you tell him to do something,” Tessa said.

  “So you’re telling him, right?” Ben said.


  “Now, did you see the way he acted to the second way I approached him? When I actually did ‘ask’ him? Not ‘told’ but ‘asked’?” Ben asked her.r />
  “Yes, I did. What does it mean, Ben?” Tessa asked.

  “How did you get him here, Tessa?”

  “I asked him to come with me,” she said and actually heard what she’d said. She looked at Ben with wide eyes. “I asked him. I didn’t tell him. He came along without any complaint.”

  Ben smiled. “It’s a behavioral issue that’s come about because everyone is always telling him what to do instead of asking. He feels like he has no choice in the matter and he tries to let you know that he does indeed have a choice. Who treats him like that?”

  “No one means anything by it, Ben. No one is mean or cruel to him,” she protested.

  “I know that, Tessa. But Mike’s brain isn’t quite like other brains, I’m afraid. That section I had him read? It proves another theory that Marcus has and I agree with him. He really did understand the procedure outlined in those paragraphs perfectly. I’m sure that if he were tested, Mike would be somewhere in the genius level. It must run in the family. Claire needs to move him up a couple of grades if she wants his cooperation.”

  Tessa couldn’t speak for several moments. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m so sure that I would bet that if I cut myself and asked Mike to suture the cut using that book as a guide, he could. His brain in one aspect is adult but in another he’s still just a kid. He’s at war with himself and when other people make him feel like he’s in a war with them, he freezes up and he can’t see past his anger,” Ben said.

  “So you’re saying that with more difficult school work and people being more considerate of his feelings, he will improve?” Tessa said.

  “Yes. It’ll never be perfect, but he will be much more cooperative than he is now. Does Raven ask or tell Mike what to do?” Ben asked.

  “Mainly asks, but sometimes he dares Michael to do things,” Tessa said.

  “Raven has figured out the riddle that is your son. Mike needs challenges and presently, he's not getting any so he’s creating challenges in the form of arguments. Please don’t’ take this the wrong way, but I know the type of men Mike is around all day. They have a certain way they relate to boys his age. Think of how they acted with Jack.”

  Jack had always done almost anything he was told to, even if he didn’t like it. But they did tell him to do what they wanted done. Tessa saw what Ben was driving at, but she wasn’t sure how she was going to explain it to people. “Are you saying this is a psychological disorder?”

  “I think there’s a certain amount of depression involved, but I think it’s being brought on by the inner turmoil he’s experiencing. When he comes to see me tomorrow, I’m going to explain it to him. I want to see him alone, Tessa,” Ben said. “He may be embarrassed if you're present. I don’t want him to feel like what’s happening with him is a reason for embarrassment. In the meantime, you need to talk to your family and have them make adjustments to how they’re dealing with him. He’s asking for one thing consistently; being called Mike now. I’d give him what he’s asking for. My family used to call me ‘Benny’ when I was younger and I hated it once I was his age.”

  Tessa smiled. “I can’t ever imagine calling you ‘Benny’.”

  Ben laughed. “I’m glad I outgrew it.”

  “Thank you so much for your help, Ben,” Tessa said as she rose.

  “You’re welcome. It’s my pleasure,” Ben said.

  Tessa began trying out Ben’s advice as soon as she went out to the waiting room.

  “Mike. Will you please run to Elliot’s for some nutmeg?” she asked. Elliot Bradbury owned the general store in Dawson.

  “Sure, Mama. Are you feeling better?” he asked as she gave him money.

  “Yes, thank you,” Tessa said.

  They walked outside and Mikey said, “This book Ben gave me to read is great. I already finished the part he wanted me to read, so I started at the beginning of it.”

  “And you understand what you read?” Tessa asked.

  “Yeah. Everyone says you have to be so smart to be a doctor, but this stuff isn’t all that hard if you think about it,” Mikey said. “Are you waiting for me or am I coming home on my own?”

  “Would you come home with me and bring in some wood for the fireplaces? You might need to chop some,” Tessa said and prepared for the worst.

  “Ok. I’ll meet you at the wagon,” Mikey said and ran off to the store.

  Tessa was ready to weep with joy and had to stop walking for a moment to get her composure in place. Their son was a genius. She started laughing suddenly and couldn’t stop. People around her gave her curious glances, but Tessa couldn’t help her reaction to the relief that coursed through her. “Oh, wait until I tell Dean.” That thought set her off on another fit of giggling as she made her way to the wagon.

  Chapter Eight

  When they finally crossed the town line of Dawson the next day, Jack held his hands up to the sky and shouted, “Hallelujah! Home at last!”

  Sparrow laughed at his impulsive reaction and said, “Yes. Home at last.” She was exhausted but so very happy.

  Jack took notice of her fatigue and knew how she felt. “I say we eat and then sleep for a week,” he said as he rode closer to her. “How’s that sound?”

  “You eat, I’ll sleep,” she said with a smile.

  “Aww. C’mon. You don’t want me to cook something for you?” Jack asked.

  Sparrow pretended to consider it. She knew how much Jack liked to cook for people so she acted like she wasn’t crazy about the idea. “I don’t know. What would you make?”

  Jack said, “Whatever you want.”

  “Buffalo stew,” Sparrow said keeping a straight face.

  “We don’t have any buffalo at home and stew is going to take a while. How about steak? That’s close to buffalo and it’ll be quicker,” Jack said.

  “But it’s not what I want,” Sparrow said. “You said whatever I wanted.”

  Jack smiled. “Ok. Whatever you want that doesn’t take half a day to make and that isn’t something I have to go to camp for or that doesn’t take something from camp to make.”

  “Ok. Steak is fine,” she said with a smile.

  “Yeah. Steak sounds good, Jack,” Dean said. “You know how I like mine.”

  “I said I would make Sparrow a steak. I didn’t say anything about you. And I’ll make one for Sasha, too,” Jack said.

  “Don’t leave your old man out in the cold, Jack,” Dean said.

  “Fine,” Jack said dramatically.

  “Pa! Pa! Stop!”

  Dean smiled as he stopped Twister and waited. He felt Twister shift as Mikey vaulted onto the horse from behind and landed behind the saddle. Mikey put his arms around Dean and hugged him tight.

  “I’m so glad to see you, Pa! Are you ok? You’re not hurt or anything?” Mikey asked.

  Dean put an arm across Mikey’s hands and patted the boy’s thigh. “Yeah, I’m fine, buddy. Tired, but fine. How’re your Mama and everyone?”

  “Worried about all of you. Hi, Jack,” Mikey said and started talking to Sparrow in Lakota. He was happy to have her back home, too.

  Mikey gripped Dean tighter and shook him a little. “Guess what, Pa?”

  Dean grunted and laughed. “What, Mikey?”

  Mikey let the use of his nickname alone for the moment. “Ben says I’m a genius! Isn’t that great?”

  Jack laughed. “What did you do that was so smart, little brother?”

  “No, I’m serious. I went to see him today to tell him about what I read in a medical book he lent me and he sat me down and told me that I’m a genius. Like Aunt Claire,” Mikey said.

  “Mikey, what are you talkin’ about?” Dean asked as he exchanged looks with Jack.



  “I’m asking you nicely to please call me ‘Mike’ and not ‘Mikey’. Can you please do that? I’m not a kid anymore and it makes me feel like I’m a kid when you do,” Mikey said.

  Dean was stunned into silence by his son’s res
pectful request. Jack shrugged when Dean looked at him again. “Uh, sure, um, Mike. Now bear with your pa on that because I’ve been calling you that since you were born, ok? I’ll try to remember, but don’t get mad if I don’t always. Ok?”

  “Jack? You, too?” the boy asked his brother.

  Jack nodded. “Ok, but I’m still gonna call you ‘little brother’. That’s my right as an older brother, ok?”

  “Ok. Thanks, guys.”

  Dean looked over at Sasha who was smiling. “Sasha, this is my son, Mike. Mike, this is Sasha McCall, a friend of Sparrow’s who came home with us to visit.”

  Mike stretched out a hand to her and said, “Nice to meet you, ma’am.”

  She shook his hand and said, “The pleasure is mine, Mike. What a handsome young man you are.”

  “Thanks. I look like Mama,” Mike told her. “I’m really glad to see you, Sparrow. You’ll be safe now.”

  Sparrow smiled. “I am so glad to be back home. Yes, I know I am safe,” she said as she looked at Jack. He was her savior and the love of her life. Sparrow knew that she would never love anyone but Jack.

  His expression turned fierce as he said, “No one is ever going to hurt you again.”

  Sasha liked that Jack was so protective of her friend. She felt that when she went back to Nebraska, she would be leaving Sparrow in good hands.

  As they rode through town, various people greeted them. They kept going and Dean increased the pace. He was anxious to get home to his wife and other children. Exhaustion weighed on all of them and they were in great need of rest. Right after they crossed the town line on the way out of Dawson, the new Watering Hole saloon that had been finished two years prior came into view. It was bigger than the old place that had been converted into the medical clinic that Marcus and Ben ran.

  This Watering Hole was a stylish establishment that boasted singing, dancing, and gambling, and a new kind of entertainment. Once a month they had a fighting match that drew a tremendous crowd. Dean had gone to a couple matches out of curiosity and found them entertaining. The place was decorated for Christmas and looked very festive.

  Jack smiled as he thought about Sammi Taylor being back to work as a bouncer again now that she wasn’t pregnant any longer. She and her husband, Mitch had welcomed a little girl into their family about three years ago. Skye Renee Taylor was a piece of work even at two and half, Jack mused. He could only imagine what she was going to be like as a grown up.


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