Allen v. Merrel
Allen v. State Board of Elections
American Bar Association
American Center for Voting Rights (ACVR)
American exceptionalism
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
American Legion
American Woman Suffrage Association (AWSA)
Americans with Disabilities Act (1990)
Anderson v. Baker
Annapolis (MD)
Anthony, Susan B.
Appeal of Forty Thousand Citizens
Appellate court judges, rules regarding election of
Apportionment. See also Federal government: vote dilution and districting
Articles of Confederation
Ashcroft, John
Asian Americans
Atlantic Monthly
Austin, J. T.
Australian ballot
Babcock, John Martin Luther
Baker, James
Baker v. Carr
Ball v. James
secret or Australian
Barbour, Warren
Baum, Dale
Beecher, Henry Ward
Bilbo, Theodore
Bill of Rights
Bingham, John
Black, Hugo
Blackmer, Eli T.
Blackstone, William: and Blackstonian ideas
Blackwell, Henry
Blackwell, J. Kenneth
Blair, Henry
Blatch, Harriet Stanton
Blue v. State ex rel. Brown
Borden, Luther
Boston, Massachusetts
Bourn amendment in Rhode Island
Boutwell, George S.
Bowen, Debra
Bowman, Charles
Bracero program
Bradford, Edward G.
Breedlove v. Suttles
Brennan, William
Broder, David
Broomall, John M.
Brown, Joseph E.
Brown, Olympia
Brown v. Board of Education
Brownell, Herbert
Brunner, Jennifer
Bryce, James
Buchanan, Patrick
Buechler, Steven
Buel, David
Burnham, Walter Dean
Burns, Lucy
Bush, George H. W.
Bush, George W.
Bush, Jeb
Bush v. Gore
Butler, Ben
Butterfield, Herbert
Caldwell, Margaret
anti-Chinese laws in
constitutional convention of 1878-1879
electronic voting machine errors
literacy tests in
registration laws
women’s suffrage
Campaign financing
Campbell, John
Campbell, Lewis D.
Capen v. Foster
Carrington v. Rash
Carter, Jimmy
Carter-Ford Commission. See National Commission on Federal Election Reform
Catholics, Roman
Catt, Carrie Chapman
Cavender, Wilson T.
Celler, Emanuel
Center for Voting and Democracy (FairVote)
Chauncy, Charles
Cheetham, James
Chicago, Illinois
Chinese immigrants
lifting of restrictions on
literacy tests
opposition to enfranchisement of
suffrage restrictions and ban on naturalization
Cipriano v. Houma
and suffrage internationally
and voting 1790-1850
as suffrage requirement
ending of restrictions for Asians
Fourteenth Amendment and
laws aimed at immigrants in 1840s and 1850s
Native Americans and
not coextensive with suffrage
Citizenship Act (1924)
City of Mobile, Alabama v. Bolden
City of Phoenix, Arizona v. Koldziejski
Civil Rights Act (1957)
Civil Rights Act (1960)
Civil Rights Act (1964)
Civil Rights Commission. See Commission on Civil Rights
Civil rights movement
Civil War
Clark, Champ
elimination of economic qualifications for suffrage
ethnicity and
Fifteenth Amendment ratification
future landless proletariat and suffrage
in South after Reconstruction
women’s suffrage
See also Property requirements; Taxpaying requirements; Pauper exclusions
Cleveland, Grover
Cleveland, Ohio
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, DeWitt
Clinton, Hillary
Cloward, Richard A.
Coalition districts
Cognitive and emotional impairments, voters with
Doe v. Roe
equal protection clause
guardianship laws
19th century
voting rights of the elderly
Cold war
College students, voting rights of
Colonial era, voting rights in
Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone)
Commission on Civil Rights (CCR)
Committee of Privates of Pennsylvania
Committee on Civil Rights
Common Cause
Commons, John R.
Congress, U.S.
and immigration policy
and noncitizens
and repeal of the poll tax
and right to vote amendment
and rights of Asian immigrants
and the franchise in District of Columbia
and voting rights in the territories
civil rights movement and black suffrage
districting issues
during Reconstruction
election fraud
election reform in 2001-2002
Enforcement Act
felons’ enfranchisement
Fifteenth Amendment
Lodge Force Bill
National Voter Registration Act
Native Americans’ rights
Soldier Voting Acts
Twelfth Amendment
universal suffrage
Voting Rights Act
voting technology
women’s suffrage
See also Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-sixth Amendments
Congressional Black Caucus
Congressional Union
Conkling, Roscoe
Consent, popular
Constitution, United States
and state voting laws
article 2, section 1
framing of and absence of right to vote
lack of affirmative right to vote in
Twelfth Amendment See also Supreme Court; individual court cases; Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-fourth, and Twenty-sixth Amendments
Constitutional Convention of 1787
Constitutional nature of suffrage
Constitutional right to vote, amendment to guarantee
Constitutionalist Party of Rhode Island
Constitutions, state
absentee balloting
amending to include women’s suffrage
amending to lower voting age
black suffrage
defining electorate and electoral process
disfranchisement of southern blacks
paupers and
primacy over legislatures
residency rules
revisions between 1790 and 1850
See also individual states and the appendix tables
Conyers, John
Cooley, Thomas M.
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, James Fenimore
Corruption and elections from Civil War to World War I
Cott, Nancy
Council of State Governments
challenges to felon disfranchisement laws
ID requirement cases
legality of selective economic qualifications
Native Americans and
naturalization and
property requirements and
race restrictions and
registration and
residency rules
voter registration See also Supreme Court
Crawford v. Marion County Election Board
Criminals, disfranchisement of . See also Felons
Crist, Charlie
Croly, Herbert
Darlington, William
Dawes Act
Dean, Howard
Debs, Eugene V.
Declaration of Independence
and “one person, one vote”
as ongoing project
as “worst of all political evils”
enfranchisement of working class
fear of after World War I
ideal of from American Revolution to mid-1800s
identification with in face of fascism
universal suffrage as fundamental value of
Democracy in America (Tocqueville)
Democratic Party
African-American vote
alliances with labor
and post-World War II voting rights
during Reconstruction
immigrant vote
Know-Nothings and
literacy tests
Nineteenth Amendment and
opposition to African-American suffrage after the Civil war
opposition to suffrage restrictions for immigrants
pre-Civil War suffrage
redemption in the South
residency laws
Rhode Island suffrage rebellion of the 1840s
voter registration and
white primaries
women’s suffrage
Depression, Great: pauper laws
Detroit, Michigan
Diebold Election Systems
Dillon’s rule
Dingell, John D.
Disabled voters. See Cognitive and emotional impairments, voters with; Physically disabled voters
District of Columbia. See Washington (D.C.), voting rights in
Districting, practices and laws governing
Doe v. Roe
Dole, Bob
Doolittle, James
Dorr, Thomas
Dorr War
Douglas, William O.
Douglass, Frederick
DuBois, Ellen
DuBois, W.E.B.
Dunn v. Blumstein
Early voting
Economic qualifications for suffrage , and Tables A.1, A.2, A.3, A.9,A.10, A.11. See also Class; Property requirements; Taxpaying requirements
Edmunds, George
“Educated Suffrage” (Stanton)
Education tests. See also Literacy tests
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
Elderly, voting rights among the
Election administration, decentralization of
Election Assistance Commission (EAC) report on voter fraud
Election Day registration
conduct of
1896 election
2000 election
2004 election
2008 election
white primaries
Electoral College
Electronic Systems and Software
Eliot, Charles W.
Elk, John
Elk v. Wilkins
Ellsworth, Oliver
Endgame, dynamics of in suffrage reform
Enforcement acts of the 1870s
Equal protection clause. See Fourteenth Amendment: equal protection clause
Equal rights and women’s suffrage
Equal Rights League of Wilmington, N.C.
Equal Suffrage Association of California
Equality League
Erie, Steven
Ethnicity. See also Immigrants; Race and voting rights
Eugenics Research Association
“Failure of Universal Suffrage, The” (Parkman)
Farmers’ Alliance
Farr, J.B.
Fauntroy, Walter
Federal Election Integrity Act (2006)
Federal Elections Bill (Lodge Force Bill; 1890)
Federal government
achievement of near-universal suffrage by
appointed officials
as arbiter of legality of state and local electoral arrangements
authority over suffrage law
civil rights movement
election administration
nationalization of the franchise
Soldier Voting Acts
suffrage in territories of
vote dilution and districting
Federal Reserve Board
Federal territories
Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Federalist Papers
Federalist Party
Feingold, Russ
Felons, disfranchisement of . See also Criminals
Fifteenth Amendment
and demise of white primaries
and words “right to vote”
controversy over federal-state relationship
efforts to enforce
efforts to circumvent
literacy tests
Native Americans
ratification of
Voting Rights Act of 1965
Finley, Lowell
Folsom, Jim
Foner, Eric
Ford, Gerald
Fourteenth Amendment
and felon disfranchisement
enforcement of
equal protection clause
Native Americans
universal suffrage
Voting Rights Act
women’s suffrage
words “right to vote”
Franchise, definition of
Frankfurter, Felix
Franklin, Benjamin
Fraud, voter
and partisan struggles over registration reform after 2000
alleged election fraud by ACORN
American Center for Voting Rights
concerns over national Uniform Registration Act
disfranchisement of those convicted of
in elections from Civil War to World War I
Huerfano County, Colorado, election of 1914
Motor Voter bill
Frelinghuysen, Frederick
Friedman, Brad
Friendly, Henry
Frontier as a democratizing factor
Garfield, James
Garrison, William Lloyd
Gaston County, N.C. v. United States
Gaunt v. Brown
Gender. See Women’s suffrage
General Allotment Act (1887)
George, James Z.
Georgia v. Ashcroft
Gerry, Elbridge
Gerrymandering ; See also Districting
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Gladstone, William E.
Glass, Carter
Godkin, Edward L.
Goldwater, Barry
Gomillion v. Lightfoot
Gompers, Samuel
Gonzales, Alberto
Goodnow, Frank
Gordon, Kate
Gordon, R.L.
Gore, Al
Gorham, Nathaniel
Graham, Frank P.
Graham, Sara
Grandfather clauses
Grant, Ulysses S.
Graves, Todd
Gray v. Sanders
Green Mountain Boys
Green v. Board of Elections
Greenback Labor Party
Griffith, William
Grovey v. Townsend
Guide to U.S. Elections (Congressional Quarterly)
Guinier, Lani
Harding, Warren
Harlan, John
Harper et al. v. Virginia Board of Elections et al.
Harrison, Benjamin
Harshbarger, Scott
Hart, Merwin K.
Hart InterCivic
Hastie, William H.
Hearne, Mark (Thor)
Helms, Jesse
Help America Vote Act (HAVA)
Hickson, William J.
Hispanics . See also Latino immigrants
Hoar, George Frisbie
Hoerder, Dirk
Holder v. Hall
Holmes, Herbert E.
Holt, Rush
Hoover, Herbert
Hoyer, Steny
Huerfano County, Colorado, election of 1914
Hulswit, Sarah O.
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Hunt, Harrison R.
Hunt v. Cromartie
Hunter v. City of Pittsburgh
Hunter v. Underwood
Hurst, James Willard
Identification documents
for immigrants, Table A.12
court cases regarding
Georgia’s law governing
Help America Vote Act
partisan controversy over
Iglesias, David
declarant suffrage
felons’ rights
residency requirements
state constitutional convention of 1847
voter registration
women’s suffrage in
Immigrants and immigration
change in sources of
Chinese and Japanese
citizenship requirement for enfranchisement
efforts to keep from polls
end of ban on Asian
growth of working class
Know-Nothings and
lower numbers after World War I
settlers and workers and
special provisions for suffrage, by state (Tables A.4, A.12)
support of political machines
suspicion of illegal voting by
voter registration and literacy tests
See also Noncitizen voting
Independence, economic
in 1790-1850 era
in Revolutionary era
paupers and
women and
Influence districts
Instant runoff voting
Intelligence tests. See Literacy tests
“Intelligence Tests for Voters” (Munro)
International Association of Machinists (IAM)
International comparisons to suffrage history of U.S.
Interstate Commerce Commission
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