Undercover Obsession

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Undercover Obsession Page 10

by BJ Wane

  Piper whirled on him in frustrated anger. “Why won’t you fuck me?” She meant to sound demanding, but she knew she sounded desperate which only increased her anger as well as her mortification. Once again he was rejecting her.

  “You never used to talk that way,” Brody said in an attempt to change the subject before he listened to his little head instead of his big head again.

  Clenching her hands into fists, she glared up at him through eyes swimming with unshed tears. “I’m not that pathetic young girl anymore,” she bit out.

  “You were never pathetic. You were sweet.” Endearingly so. “And young and naïve.” Achingly so. “But you were never pathetic.”

  “Are you going to fuck me or not?”

  “Go inside, Piper.” Brody reached for her hand then dropped his arm when she gasped and ran inside without another word. Looking across the yard, he saw Ian leaning against a tree, his own heavy erection evident in the tight bulge between his legs.

  “She was wet,” Ian said as he walked slowly up to him.

  “As wet as she was last night. And the only aphrodisiac she had today was my hand.”

  “What more could you ask for?” Ian wanted to know.

  “An end to this fucking case,” Brody snapped before striding back down to the lake to relieve himself. Again.

  Piper leaned back against the tiled wall of her shower and let the hot water run over her body in the hopes it would soothe her tense nerves just as she hoped getting herself off would ease the burning ache inside her. She had thought briefly that Brody’s rejection had doused the fire he had built inside her, but after spotting Ian her spontaneous reaction had been like throwing kerosene on that fire, raising a scalding heat she didn’t think anything short of orgasm could put out.

  Cupping her pussy, she savored the feel of nothing but soft, bare skin under her hand, relished the added pleasure she received from having no barriers to stifle her pleasure. After one particular night of overindulging in both pizza and beer, Piper had drunkenly admitted to Haley that Cole had been pestering her to shave her pubic hair. Haley wasted no time talking her into it then demanding a very detailed account the next time Cole came through town and they hooked up. Even though Piper’s sex life was limited to Cole’s occasional visits and Haley’s lack of a sex life was solely by choice, Haley still wanted to hear details of Piper’s encounters.

  In the eighteen months since she had started shaving, she had never regretted it. In fact, once she experienced the added sensations of having all those hidden, sensitive nerve endings exposed and caressed, she had never gone back. Running her fingers over her plump, damp flesh before slipping her middle finger past her folds, she moaned as her sheath clamped around the digit, and she once again relished the pleasure of an impending climax. With her free hand, she lifted one weighty breast wishing she had the dexterity to bring her nipple to her mouth. They were puckered so tightly they hurt and she would love to have them suckled to ease that discomfort. An image flashed in her mind of two dark heads bent over her breasts, two mouths sucking voraciously on her tits and the image as well as the sensations of the dual stimulation was so vivid, so real, her pussy spasmed and gushed as if it was a real memory instead of a memory of an erotic dream.

  Thrusting her pelvis against her palm, she concentrated on the here and now instead of what she was beginning to suspect was indeed a real happening. The warm burn Brody had built on her ass still lingered, still fed the fire in her pussy and when she pinched her nipple to see if a slight pain on her taut bud would do the same, she practically shrieked at the pleasure it evoked. Unable to hold back any longer, she added two more fingers, thrusting hard and deep as she used her thumb on her clit. Despite the building climax and the pleasure filling her from her nipples to her crotch, she couldn’t help but wish it was Brody fucking her, his big cock filling and stretching her as she remembered. When she factored in Ian watching or participating, she exploded around her fingers, the grip of her vaginal walls tight and forceful, the ecstasy spreading throughout her convulsing body mind numbing.

  It took several moments for her mind to clear, for her body to calm and for her to slow her fingers from deep, hard thrusts to softer, slower strokes. Her pussy was warm, very wet and soft and she enjoyed the feel of simply stroking herself now that the storm of her release had subsided. By the time Piper had washed up and was drying off in the small, steam filled bathroom, she had come to two conclusions. The first was to find out if her suspicions that her erotic dream last night was indeed a reality and the second was that, despite the evidence that Brody wanted her, had been as aroused by her spanking as she had been, he had rejected her one time too many and she wasn’t going to plead with him again to fuck her. From the brief glimpse she had gotten of Ian, he too had been turned on by their display and from the heated look in his eyes, he too wanted her. Even though Brody seemed to still hold a special place in her heart, she had no intentions of passing up a pleasurable, sexual encounter with Ian if one presented itself.

  Chapter Seven

  Ignoring Ian who was pacing with his phone to his ear when she came downstairs, Piper retrieved enough fish from her freezer for the three of them then grabbed a beer and slipped back outside. Late afternoons were her favorite time of day and she loved sitting on her garden bench with a cold brew, but as she sat and felt the lingering effects of her spanking, she thought that seat would be a constant reminder of that intense, exciting sexual experience. As erotic and arousing as her first taste of Brody slapping her ass was, it didn’t compare with what happened this afternoon. Not only had this spanking been administered in the bright light of day instead of under the cloak of darkness, her ass completely bared to not only Brody’s gaze, but Ian’s also, but the feel of Brody’s hard thighs under her, his hard arm and leg pinning her down, stifling her struggles had seemed to only increase her arousal even more. Taking a long pull of her beer, she visibly shuddered as that memory had her pussy creaming again and her body craving to experience the whole thing again.

  The sight of Brody emerging from the woods a few minutes later, shirtless, his upper body still damp from a dip in the lake, had her practically drooling. It still irritated her that she hadn’t lost her infatuation with this man over the past five years. It wasn’t as if she had sat around pining for him, wishing things had been different. After losing Charles, she had vowed to never allow anyone to dictate her life, no matter how much she cared about them. She had worked hard establishing herself here, building her small business, meeting friends and taking care of her first home. When she had met Cole at Rowdy’s on one of his wilderness treks that brought him through Hope, the attraction had been swift and mutual. Neither of them was interested in a relationship, but they enjoyed each other’s company both in and out of bed whenever his job brought him through this way. She had been happy, quite content with the way her life was going until now.

  Now, watching Brody walk towards her, feeling that same, quick fluttering of both her pussy and her heart at the sight of him that she had felt each and every time he had arrived in Geneva with Charles to visit so long ago, she cursed herself for being a wimpy fool where this man was concerned. Still, she thought as she took in his six foot three height, that wide, muscled chest with its sprinkling of curly black hair that tapered down his six pack abs to disappear into his jeans, those pewter eyes focused intently solely on her, who the hell could blame her?

  “You okay?” Brody asked her as he sat next to her, his mind also reliving having her draped over his lap, his cock still itching to finish that little scene inside her sweet pussy instead of with his hand.

  “Just fine all things considered. It wasn’t a dream, was it?” she asked him abruptly, her eyes swinging up to his. “Last night, the three of us. It was real?”

  “Yes. When we got here you were in bed wearing nothing but your underwear and suffering from, we suspect, being drugged with some kind of powerful aphrodisiac. You really left us no choice.”

sp; Piper couldn’t help returning his rueful smile. From what she was slowly remembering with more clarity, he was right, she hadn’t given them much choice. The fact that they both refrained from taking her under those conditions made her admire their integrity even if she couldn’t help but wish they hadn’t been so noble, especially given the fact Brody was still turning her down today.

  “Why would someone drug me then leave me alone?”

  Brody saw the fear in her eyes as she realized how vulnerable she had been and it made him even more determined to find out what had happened to her those two days and, more importantly, why. “That’s the million dollar question, darlin’, and that’s what we’re here to find out.”

  Piper found herself wistfully wishing he was here just for her, that he had asked Sheriff Nolan to watch out for her because he cared, not because his case was still open, which just irritated her anew. She readily admitted she was in lust with the man, but she refused to allow herself to be drawn back into her girlish desire to be a part of a man’s life again. Finishing her beer in one last swallow, she rose just as Ian came out with a scowl on his face.

  “Please tell me we’re having something with the fish for dinner.”

  “Spinach salad and baked potatoes. If that’s not to your liking, feel free to go eat elsewhere.”

  Both men watched her as she stalked into the house but it was Ian who said with a grin, “By the way she’s twitching that cute ass, you’d think she owned the place.”

  “She does and she can twitch that cute ass anytime she wants.”

  “No argument here. My only beef with the woman is the lack of beef in her kitchen.”

  Laughing, Brody slapped him on the back. “You’ll live.”

  To her surprise, both men followed her inside and offered to help and to her amusement, they both looked relieved when she turned them down. Piper worried she would be tense with embarrassment over dinner, but much to her relief both Brody and Ian kept up a light banter that vacillated between sports, politics and work. It soon became apparent that they had been both friends and partners for a long time and that they were studiously avoiding any mention of women or their current case, for which she was grateful. She had come to terms with Charles’s death a long time ago and she didn’t relish any reminders of that loss.

  Piper knew she had been barely a year old when Charles had met her mother, and she couldn’t remember a time when he hadn’t been in their life. He had never corrected her when she called him dad, and it wasn’t until years after her mother’s untimely death that she discovered he was no relation to her or that he and Christine weren’t married. After the grief and upheaval of being sent to Switzerland, she had drawn comfort from his regular visits and the undivided attention he had given her during them. It would be a crushing blow, even after all this time, if he were to be found alive and she discovered she had never been anything to him except an obligation.

  “Okay, I’ll be man enough to admit it,” Ian said gruffly as he pushed back from the counter. “That was very good, Piper.” Taking his plate to the sink, he rinsed it and put it in the dishwasher before turning back to her and ruining the moment by saying succinctly, “But tomorrow I’m going to go find real meat.”

  Smiling, Piper gathered both hers and Brody’s dishes, telling Ian, “Fish is better for you. I have work to do tonight, so you’re on your own.”

  “Piper,” Brody called to her as she headed down the hall. “If you want to go out, do it by the front door and with one of us.”

  And just that quickly, Piper found her ire up over this situation. Turning from him without comment, she shut herself inside her workroom and refused to think about either man for the rest of the night.

  “You sure know how to get her dander up.”

  Brody sent Ian a look that matched the one Piper had just given him. “She’ll adjust. It’s only temporary.” Piling the dishes she had left on the counter into the dishwasher, Brody resigned himself to another long, frustrating night under her roof.

  After staying up late finishing up some online orders, Piper woke early to get them boxed up and to the Post Office in time for their only pick up today at ten. The spare bedroom door was closed and the shower was running in the bathroom when she came downstairs. Settling for a granola bar for breakfast, she loaded the six mail orders into her jeep then went back inside to tell the guys she was leaving. Unfortunately, her timing sucked because she spotted Brody heading into the woods and assumed it was now Ian in the shower as the bedroom door was open to reveal it was empty. Frustrated at the delay, she paced and muttered until she stopped in midstride as she realized that once again she was catering to a man’s dictates, putting her needs and wants on hold for theirs, just like she had done for years for Charles.

  “Damn it,” she growled under her breath as she made a concession and pulled out a note pad. “I cannot miss that pickup.” The orders should have gone out two days ago, but due to the fact she had gone missing, she thought sarcastically, she was going to have some disgruntled customers as it was. Missing the pickup this morning would mean waiting until Monday, which was unacceptable. She justified her leaving without one of them by telling them she was in a hurry and would be fine on the short ten minute drive on a main road into Hope. God knows, Main Street on a Saturday would be busy and no one would dare accost her in broad daylight on a busy street.

  Piper pulled up in front of the Post Office just in time to stamp and hand over her packages then watch them go right into the truck. “Cutting it close today, missy,” Fred, the postmaster teased her. “Frankly, I didn’t think I’d see you this week. You sure had us worried. You okay?”

  “I’m fine, Fred, thank you.” Everybody knowing every one’s business was both the charm and the curse of small town living. Piper loved it.

  “Good, and I’m sure those agents are going to get to the bottom of what happened. Don’t you worry none.”

  One of them definitely got to her bottom, she thought with a smile as she left the Post Office and walked down to visit with Haley until she could break for lunch. Entering Haley’s boutique, she was surprised to find her friend in tears, the shop in disarray and Sheriff Nolan scowling at the mess. “Haley, what on earth happened?”

  “Oh, Piper, I’m so sorry.” Haley tried to stop the fresh flow of tears, but couldn’t seem to help herself. Not only did she feel violated in a way all too similar to how she felt the first time her husband had backhanded her, but she felt awful that the worst of the vandalism had been the total ruination of Piper’s new additions. “I didn’t hear a thing until it was too late.”

  “I’m glad you’re here, Piper, saves me a trip out to your place,” Gary Nolan said. Crime was rare in this small town, and when it was aimed at one of theirs everyone took it personally. “Where’re Agents Pearce and MacGregor?”

  “I’m sure they’ll be along soon,” Piper told him. In his mid-fifties, the sheriff was a stocky man with greying hair and friendly blue eyes. He had been both kind and supportive of her when she had first moved to Hope, as over protective of his young new citizen as he was of the older, long-time residents.

  “I want both of you to start being more diligent until I catch whoever is causing this trouble. You,” he pointed at Haley, “call my office if you hear or see anything suspicious and wait for one of us to get here. And you,” he turned that finger and stern look on Piper. “Don’t go anywhere without someone with you. Got it?”

  That’s just what she needed, Piper thought sourly, another damn body guard. “Yes sir.” She reluctantly agreed because, as she walked over to the corner where her designs lay in tattered shreds, it looked like someone did indeed have something against her.

  “I’m sorry,” Haley said again. “There’s nothing salvageable, I already looked. I came downstairs as soon as I heard something, thinking it was someone just wanting me to open early. But I had taken a sleeping pill last night and you know how those knock me out and leave me a little slow the next morn
ing. If had awoken sooner, maybe….”

  “Maybe nothing,” Piper snapped at her, concern for her friend overruling any worry for the loss of business. “These can be replaced, you can’t.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, Piper, this place was tossed, but only your items were shredded with viciousness,” Gary pointed out just in time for Brody and Ian to hear as they entered.

  Brody’s irritation with Piper had only increased when he had gotten a lecture from the elderly postmaster on taking better care of ‘their girl’ and now it escalated to anger when he saw the sheriff and heard his comment. One quick look and it was obvious the little shop had been tossed with the intent of making as much of a destructive mess as possible, but it was when he spotted the torn remnants of Piper’s work that it took a turn towards deliberate evil intentions.

  Ignoring Piper, he asked the sheriff, “Care to fill us in?”

  “Haley came downstairs this morning to find this mess. From the looks of it, someone jimmied the lock on the back door, which wasn’t hard to do since it’s a piece of crap.” Gary leveled an accusatory look at Haley, a silent reminder that he had mentioned its inadequacy before. “The door leads to the back alley, so no one would have seen anything in the dark. A lot of ransacking but the deliberate destruction seems to be focused on Piper’s inventory.”

  All three men looked from the cut up bits of satin and lace to her, and for the first time since she started sewing lingerie, Piper felt herself blushing. It was obvious they would much rather have seen the garments on someone rather than piles of scraps. “You don’t know this was aimed at me,” she said defensively, waving her arm at the room in general. “It could’ve been…”

  “Did I or did I not tell you not to leave this morning without one of us going with you?” Brody interrupted her in a deceptively soft voice. This incident just reinforced the need for her to do as they said, whether she liked it or not.


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