Heads Or Tails (The Fairytail Saga)

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Heads Or Tails (The Fairytail Saga) Page 13

by S. K Munt

  Lincoln backed off, smiling at the surprised expression on Tristan’s face. But when Lincoln glanced over at the queen to see that her smile had flattened out, as had Adele’s, he clenched his jaw in aggravation. Did they have to be so damned obvious in their jealousy?

  ‘But it’s Lincoln we’re teaching.’ Tristan protested, glancing over at Ivyanne briefly, before turning back. ‘I don’t really need, um, your assistance Sahori. Not like Link does.’

  ‘Or me! You could use me!’ Lachy loudly and eagerly volunteered. ‘I have heaps to learn! In fact, private lessons wouldn’t go astray...’

  ‘We will see…’ Sahori said, not taking her eyes off Tristan. ‘But it is Loveridge I desire to test at the present. He has a weakness, everyone does. We must find it, and expose it, to prevent Ardhi surprising him by finding it first.’

  ‘I don’t know about that….’ Tristan backed up another step, his expression skeptical. ‘My weakness is sitting next to my nephew at present, so unless you’re going to attack her highness-this might be a bit futile.’

  ‘I guess we’ll find out,’ Sahori said, stepping forward again.

  Lincoln snorted at that. He didn’t blame Tristan for being nervous, or Lachlan for being eager. Sahori looked like she could make any man sweat, mer or not, and she’d been inching closer to Tristan all morning and seemed unfazed by how he inched away in response. And Lincoln had to admit that after Ivyanne and Grace, Sahori was the most beautiful mer he’d encountered yet-and she had an edge to her that was exciting and dangerous. Was it making Tristan nervous because he didn’t want Ivyanne upset? Or because he didn’t want such a luscious temptation zeroing in on him?

  The conversation with Ivyanne the weekend before had been at the forefront of Lincoln’s mind since, and when Sahori had arrived on Wednesday, he’d said a silent prayer that she would be the one to break the spell between Tristan and Ivyanne, by pulling his focus and hopefully, his energy long enough for Ivyanne to see him clearly.

  ‘Besides- you’re the only man here who can handle a full powered demonstration of mine.’ Sahori turned around, facing Garridan, but addressing Tristan over her shoulder. ‘Are you afraid of getting hurt, Tristan?’

  ‘Please. No.’ Tristan scoffed. ‘It’s just that I know that I’m not going to hit a woman in a situation like this so the fight isn’t fair.’

  ‘I know you’re not going to land a hit.’ Sahori said. ‘And in a second-you’ll see exactly why.’

  There were a few chuckles. Tristan shook his head wryly and came up behind her, obviously resigning himself to the inevitable. ‘I’ll overpower you, my Asian friend.’ He warned her. ‘I have a way of leaving the ladies dumbstruck and on their backs.’

  Lincoln rolled his eyes. ‘Man, now I really want to see you get your ass handed to you by a girl,’ he admitted, ‘I mean, you have no idea how much.’

  ‘That makes two of us.’ Ivyanne dead-panned. ‘I’ve been too nice to do it myself.’

  Tristan cast her a disdainful look. ‘Like you could get close enough to do it without drooling on me, woman.’ He turned back to Sahori. ‘Or you, for that matter.’

  ‘Then put your money where your mouth is Loveridge,’ Sahori teased. ‘And don’t hold an inch of that muscle back. I won’t have you saying that I didn’t take you on at your best.’

  ‘As you wish.’ Tristan crossed his arms across his body and tore his shirt over his head, casting it behind him. It landed on Ivyanne’s head-a move he’d clearly planned though Lincoln couldn’t fathom how he’d managed it. The guy was too orchestrated to be real. How frustrating that the universe not only co-operated, but collaborated with the Tristan Loveridge show!

  Ivyanne didn’t look impressed however. In fact, as she tore it off her face, she looked downright irritated. But when she opened her mouth to say something, froze, gaping at Tristan instead.

  ‘Whoa!’ Marcus cried, his hands on bane’s lower back stilling. ‘That is awesome!’

  ‘Agreed! When did you get that done?’ Bane looked alert now, scoping out his uncle. Lincoln followed their gazes and was equally shocked to see that Tristan’s once unmarred bronze waist was now decorated with inky green-black leaves that seemed to swirl in an unseen wind from the middle of one shoulder blade, around his upper ribs before curling to an end over the center of his chest. Not much of his flesh was covered by the artwork, and yet it drew the eye to his perfect form.

  Lincoln’s own abdomen tightened in envy, knowing he wasn’t broad enough yet to pull such a masterpiece off, even though he’d been contemplating getting a tattoo for weeks. He really liked Bane’s, and now, he knew he couldn’t get one without looking like a copy-cat.

  ‘Last week,’ Tristan said, glancing down at himself. ‘That scar was bugging me, so I decided that If I couldn’t get rid of it completely, I’d cover it.’

  Ivyanne had still said nothing, and her lips were still parted in open-mouthed shock.

  Please god...let her hate big tattoos! Lincoln silently prayed. She only had that tiny one of her own-it was a good sign.

  ‘It looks wonderful..’ Sahori breathed. She’d turned and now stepped to Tristan, touching her fingertips gingerly to the design over his heart. Her lust was unmistakable. ‘It suits you.’

  ‘Is it a vine?’ Adele asked, leaning forward and squinting.

  ‘It’s Ivy.’ Garridan said quietly. ‘A vine of Ivy.’

  Sahori hand snapped back like a puppet master had pulled on her realization string.

  ‘Well...holy shit.’ Adele muttered, reclining back on her hands and shaking her head. ‘I guess that makes it official...’

  It took two seconds for the tattoo’s significance to resonate with Lincoln after that, and when it did, he was almost crippled by the rush of anger which bore down upon him.

  An Ivy tattoo? As in Ivyanne? Over his heart? Fury splintered his vision with red spots. The man was out of control! He wanted to grab Tristan and shake him screaming: ‘Isn’t your neck tattoo enough?! Why don’t you just piss on her leg?!’

  ‘Oh my god!’ Bane hooted, slapping his leg. ‘Uncle you are too much on a good day!’ He elbowed Ivyanne. ‘Can you feel the pressure sweetie? Can you feel it? He’s Marked twice now! Jeez!’

  ‘Shut up Bane,’ Ivyanne managed through gritted teeth.

  ‘Or…?’ Bane demanded.

  ‘Or you’ll find out why you ought to have.’ Ivyanne got to her feet, crossing her arms, looking like she didn’t know what to do or say as she eyed the expectant looking-Tristan who’d turned to reap in his own damn glory. He’d planned it that way of course. Like he did everything.

  ‘Tristan….’ Ivyanne pulled on the ends of her hair, looking exasperated. ‘You better have gotten that tattoo out of affection for a plant or you and I are going to have words.’

  ‘What kind of words?’ He asked, eyes alight with delight. ‘Given the commitment I just made to said plant on my skin, I’d expect it to blossom a little, or part with three very specific words.’ He paused. ‘Or at least be a bit flattered…?’

  ‘Or maybe you’re about to get flattened.’ Lincoln snapped. Tristan smartly ignored him.

  ‘She’s as flattered as a mother-fucker. She just shows it differently.’ Bane pointed out gleefully as he ticked off his fingers. ‘First comes the disbelief. Then the anger. Then the dramatic stomping up to her room, where she’ll shut the door behind her, lean up against it and blush like a tomato plant instead of Ivy!’

  Tristan laughed gaily, as did everyone else but Lincoln and Ivyanne.

  Ivyanne whirled on Bane. ‘Londeree…! You’re about to become cactus! One more word and I’ll tell Marcus about that dream you had-’

  ‘Whoa!’ Bane’s hands flew up. ‘Let’s not be hasty!’

  ‘What dream?’ Marcus asked, looking curious.

  Ivyanne returned breezily: ‘Oh let’s just say it involved three people, not two.’ She turned to Lincoln. ‘In fact, you might want to hear this too, being the guest star-’

nbsp; ‘Ahh!’ Lincoln’s hands went to his ears, blocking out Marcus’s gasp, Bane’s cry of alarm, and Tristan’s continued laughter. For a moment, his fury with Tristan was lost to paranoia. Damn the Londeree’s and their embarrassing crushes!

  ‘Is this customary behavior among men friends in Australia?’ He asked of Adele, whom he’d sat beside during the ruckus.

  Adele was too busy laughing to respond. In fact, she was doubled over, clutching at her ankles. Lincoln wanted to pinch her!

  ‘It was a full moon dream!’ Bane protested, turning to Marcus. ‘I can’t control those!’ He shot Lincoln a pleading look. ‘Seriously bro, I’d never..’

  ‘I can’t say I’m horrified.’ Marcus drawled. ‘In fact, it’s too bad that Lincoln seems to be so horrified, if I’m being honest..’

  Bane froze. ‘Really?’

  Lincoln gaped at the guy who’d taught him the ropes on the ocean. ‘Not you too!’

  ‘And Lincoln Grey adds to his payroll fan club!’ Tristan chortled.

  Lincoln gave him a murderous look.

  ‘Enough!’ Garridan’s exclamation silenced them all. ‘Ivyanne, sit down or go inside where you won’t distract everyone! Bane-try to rub a few out before you go to sleep! Marcus, I wouldn’t hold your breath. Lincoln-take Bane cologne shopping. Buy the one he hates or roster him on different shifts to you and for the love of god, don’t keep him back late on a full moon.’ He paused, looking at his nephew sternly while everyone but Lincoln and Ivyanne continued to laugh. ‘Tristan….it’s lovely ink. But if taking your shirt off is going to piss everyone off then I suggest that you do it only when necessary. Sahori? Go.’

  Garridan’s commands were immediately adhered too. Still looking as pissed off as Lincoln felt, Ivyanne sank back to the grass, giving Bane a sly shove as she did. Bane shoved back.

  Lincoln crossed his arms across his chest, hoping that Sahori was about to do to Tristan what he’d seen ninja’s do to planks of wood. Smiling an uncertain smile, Sahori turned her back to Tristan once more.

  ‘Okay say you’re Ardhi and you’re coming up behind me-what are you going to do?’

  Tristan stepped up and gripped Sahori’s forearms, pressing them aggressively down to her sides. ‘Get your hands out of the way first, and then try and bend your arms up behind your-’

  Sahori bent in the middle and rolled, handsfree, tucking her down and pushing forward so the back of her shoulders hit the ground first. In the blink of an eye, Tristan was flat on his on the grass. And by the awkward angle at which he was flipped over, Lincoln could tell he’d hit his head and back pretty hard. He was gasping for breath and Sahori was on her knees, grinning.

  ‘See?’ Sahori glanced back at Lincoln. ‘Tristan was expecting me to wrench away or drive him backwards, or try to twist-but I did the unexpected and he wasn’t ready for it. Now-he’s hurt because I forced him to fall hard.’

  There was a smattering of applause and Lincoln grinned, darting his eyes to Ivyanne and feeling smug due to her cautious smile.

  ‘I’ve still got your arms though.’ Tristan pointed out. He had a monkey grip around her olive-hued arms, even though his own were extended above his head.

  ‘Yes-you must have been focused not to break your grip on me. Most would have lost it. But because I anticipated that, when I flung you over my head, I made sure to bend my arms at the end, see Link?’ She smiled at him, a secret smile, expressing that they shared a common bond-the desire to see Ivyanne and Tristan ripped apart. ‘He’s not too far away for me to strike again.’ Sahori twisted her torso and feigned a strike to Tristan’s face with her elbow. To block it, Tristan released her grip. She stayed, leaning over Tristan and grinning. ‘Aha! Now you have a broken nose.’ She arched an eyebrow. ‘So what can you do? I believe I have you!’

  Tristan cupped her face and yanked her lips down on his. Sahori fell forward, bracing herself on the grass on either side of his head as a moan escaped her throat. There were a few gasps of shock-one coming from Lincoln’s own lungs, but before he could fully register what was going on, Tristan had broken the kiss and flipped Sahori onto her back, holding her throat down against the ground with one hand and her knee down with the other.

  ‘What was that for?’ she choked, her eyes bewildered.

  ‘I win,’ Tristan whispered, smiling smugly. He then pushed off her and lightly bounced to the balls of his feet. ‘I told you I can always get a woman on her back-even if she is a ninja.’

  There was some laughter following this. Sahori’s cheeks flushed pink and she took the hand Tristan extended to her, allowing him to pull her up.

  ‘So if you were Lincoln, getting attacked, you’d just turn around and kiss Ardhi?’

  ‘Nah. But when I got your face-I would have broken your neck like I said before.’ He punched her lightly in the arm. ‘If you weren’t so pretty, that is.’

  Lincoln glanced back at the queen, noting that her smile had slipped once more. In fact, she had practically gone white from bearing witness to the sickening display. Lincoln swallowed hard. He didn’t know if her indignation worked for him, or against him.

  The only thing that was clear was that Tristan had just made her jealous, and upstaged Lincoln once more.

  Heads Or Tails Book #3 in The Fairytail Saga S.K Munt

  Part Two

  June 28th 1996

  Ivyanne’s mother pressed her lips to her cheek and pulled back, her eyes alight with worry. ‘Now honey are you sure you don’t want to come along with us? I just don’t know how I feel about leaving you here alone until Saraya gets back from the mall.’

  ‘Mum it’s fine. I can’t handle one more nuclear testing protest.’ Ivyanne said, sliding the letter she’d been writing to Lincoln under the one she was supposed to be writing to Roan. ‘It’s depressing and Chirac isn’t listening. You take dad-I have study to do-I’ll be fine.’

  ‘Okay…’ Vana bit her lip. ‘Okay fine. You’re old enough now-I guess a few hours won’t kill you.’ She glanced at her watch. ‘I have a guest coming by. I told him we wouldn’t be home until two, but in case he shows up early, just entertain him for awhile, will you?’

  Ivyanne withheld a sigh. Ever since they’d arrived in California, they’d had a string of progressive mermaids sauntering through their door. She just wanted one day, to herself. ‘Fine. Is he staying for a while?’

  ‘No-he lives in Malibu. He’s just dropping in for a few hours to catch up.’

  ‘Now Ivyanne if this Loveridge boy does or says anything inappropriate, I expect to hear about it, okay?’ Her father suddenly said, shrugging into his windbreaker.

  ‘Honey!’ Vana snapped. ‘For god’s sakes-she’s thirteen!’

  ‘Yeah well... those boys can be slippery….’

  Ivyanne glanced form one parent to the other. ‘Why? What would he do?’

  ‘Nothing!’ Vana said quickly, glowering at her husband. ‘He’s harmless. Just stay inside, okay? No swimming until we’re back.’

  ‘Fine.’ Ivyanne sighed. ‘Have fun.’

  ‘Bye.’ Her parents hurried back inside, stone-faced, but Ivyanne could hear them begin to bicker as soon as they were in the garage.

  I wonder what that was all about? She thought, glancing back down at her blank letter, chewing on her pencil. It was depressing, how little she had to say to Roan. The letter to Lincoln, that would never be posted considering she didn’t even know his Tasmanian address, was three pages long and filled with all of the things she wanted to say to him but never ever could. She told him how much she missed him, how human the Los Angeles mermaids were, how cold the water was, compared to the water in Seaview... how she wished he’d kissed her just once more before the summer had faded to Autumn... she touched her lips, craving something she didn’t understand, and smiled. Six more months, and she would see him again.

  Ivyanne sighed and stood up, stretching her back. Down the crescent strip of golden sand, she could make out the colors and sounds emanating from the Santa Monica Pier an
d she leaned over the balcony, trying to imagine what it would be like to ride that Ferris Wheel, so high in the air in the bright sunlight. She’d begged her parents to take her down to the pier three times, but they always said no. Everything was always too dangerous-eyes were always on her.

  Not right now they’re not. A voice in her head said. Smiling, Ivyanne picked up the letter to Lincoln and shoved it deep into the pocket of her jeans. So why don’t I just go?

  Ivyanne poked a bit of cotton candy into her mouth with trepidation, but grinned when she felt the fluffy, sticky substance dissolve on her tongue.

  That’s weird. She thought, savoring the over-sugary taste. Nice but weird. Am I supposed to eat the whole thing though?

  ‘Oh my god you have to go on the bumper cars with me!’ A girlish voice shrieked.

  Ivyanne looked up from her position on the bench seat near the railing and watched a glamorous looking teenage girl slap a handsome blonde guy on the backside. He’d been leaning closely to a mousy blonde, pointing to something out over the water, but now he turned to the brunette and smiled. ‘Kind of in the middle of something here Charisse.’

  The brunette pouted. ‘I thought we came here as a group-you two keep ignoring the rest of us.’

  Ivyanne looked-sure enough there was a group of nine or ten high schoolers gathered around a hot dog stand chatting, while the blonde boy and the mousy girl stood off to the side, having a private conversation.

  ‘Sorry,’ the guy said, not looking sorry at all. ‘Yeah I’ll ride the bumper cars with you later.’

  Charisse threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Beside them, the mousy blonde sighed and stepped to the side, staring out at the water by herself.

  She’s jealous. Ivyanne realized. They’re both after the one guy. Ivyanne’s heart went out to the less polished girl-her friend was clearly out to bamboozle the boy’s affections.

  When the boy disentangled himself from the brunettes arms, he glanced at Ivyanne, and paused, staring at her with open curiosity.

  Oh my goodness! Ivyanne ducked her head, letting her shoulder length curls fall around her like a curtain. He saw me staring! Ivyanne felt her cheeks heat up and she shoved another mouthful of cotton candy to her lips, seeing the boy’s face in her mind like a billboard featuring a handsome actor. He was beautiful! More beautiful than any human she’d ever seen before. His blonde curls were pulled back into a short ponytail, and his skin glistened under the sunlight. Even from twenty feet away she could see that his skin was unblemished, his features strong under a fashionable pair of shades.


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