Untamed Love

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by Anton Swanepoel

  Untamed Love

  By Anton Swanepoel

  Copyright © 2017 Anton Swanepoel

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means. Nor stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

  Published by Anton Swanepoel at Smashwords

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  All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination.

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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1: The Challenge

  Chapter 2: The Big Day

  Chapter 3: Moving On

  Chapter 4: Time To Go

  Chapter 5: Blood Lust

  Chapter 6: The Long Ride

  Chapter 7: Death

  Chapter 8: Where Is He?

  Chapter 9: Seeking Answers

  Chapter 10: The Choice

  Chapter 11: Facing Fears

  Chapter 12: Will Love Win?

  About the Author

  More Books by Anton

  Chapter 1: The Challenge

  9th floor, Investment International, Manhattan New York

  Aurora’s hazel eyes soaked the words up that hinted at romance and adventure while they danced on her laptop, her coworkers forgotten. Licking her full lips, she leaned forward to get a closer look at the book’s cover. This is so ridiculous. Her heart pounded in her chest while her finger hovered over the mouse button. Just as she brought her focus back to the book’s title, a lock of her long curly auburn hair fell over her eye. Not that she needed to read it, the title was ingrained in her memory; she had only been staring every day for the last week at the book.

  “Surfing the internet at work?” Aurora gasped when Emily spoke next to her. She failed to notice that Emily left her desk and walked over to hers. And how could she miss Emily’s perfume? Who wears a seductive perfume like Beyonce Heat with its fruity, floral, and woody mix to work? And that low cut, body-hugging red dress is overstepping things.

  “Backpacking Southeast Asia, by Anton Swanepoel.” Emily laughed. ” Are you finally leaving us?”

  “In your dreams.” Aurora sneered and locked eyes with Emily’s. Up until a month ago, the two managers kept out of each other’s hair. All changed with Josh’s resignation.

  “I am going to Cambodia for a vacation after I close the deal on Monday.” Aurora finally said, causing Emily to break eye contact and look at the laptop screen. Ha, I won, Aurora laughed inside.

  “Backpacking is not a vacation that is slumming it. But I guess that is all you are used to and deserve.” Emily cut back. Aurora’s face reddened, and her eyes narrowed. Emily liked to flaunt that her family was rich, and that she owned a luxury apartment in Manhattan, while Aurora rented a small one-bedroom apartment out of the city.

  “Has it got something to do with that 22-year-old vow you made?”

  “It’s a promise not a vow, but yes.” Aurora replied, wishing she never told Emily about the promise.

  “Whatever. Well, have fun with the bedbugs and other insects from your book tonight; I am going on a dinner date with Rick.” Emily threw the words in Aurora’s face. She had been waiting the whole day for the best time to brag about it. It was just the right news to spoil Aurora’s weekend. The color drained from Aurora’s face, and a warm victory feeling filled Emily from her toes up. It was no secret between the women in the office that Aurora was mad about Rick, the company director. He looked more as if he should be on the cover of Sports Illustrated with only shorts on, than an investor in a suit.

  “You did not.” Aurora gasped.

  “If you have insecurities about sleeping with him, I am not going to lose out on having those muscular arms hold me.” Emily laughed, then turned and walked back to her desk. Aurora’s thoughts and emotions were in a tumble drier, just as Emily planned. One side of Aurora wanted to jump up, punch Emily, run over to Rick’s office, and kiss him. The other side of her agreed with Emily and her late grandmother, she did not deserve a man like Rick. Aurora crushed a piece of paper under her desk while imagining it was Emily’s throat. With Emily’s slender figure, huge implants and fake charm, she could get any man in bed with the bat of her eyelashes. And, like a praying mantis, once she used them up, she discarded the men like trash. Emily slept her way up the corporate ladder. Anyone who stood in her way she dealt with through backstabbing or manipulation. No doubt Emily will open her legs for Rick tonight, Aurora’s dream man.

  “Well, I need to go put something more revealing on for tonight.” Emily winked as she picked up her hand bag and walked out of the office. Emily gave an exaggerated hip swing as she walked, causing nausea to rise up in Aurora. Rick was to make a recommendation in the next few days to the board members as to who between her and Emily should be promoted to senior manager, Josh’s old position. With Emily entertaining Rick for the night, it almost zeroed Aurora’s chances of a promotion, unless she can get the deal through on Monday.

  Rick’s muscular body passionately embracing Emily filled Aurora’s thoughts and her breathing hastened. Aurora jumped up and threw a pen after Emily but missed the doorway completely. With a clang, the pen bounced off the glass partition wall of the office, landed on the floor and rolled behind Aurora’s chair.

  “You will not get the promotion,” Aurora hissed and then clenched her jaw. Crimson faced, her eyes threw daggers at the door. A few office employees outside peered over their cubicle partitions at her then ducked down when she looked at them. Seeing Aurora upset was a shock for them. Aurora was always calm, friendly, helpful and full of energy. Aurora took a deep breath, and then dropped into her chair.

  Aurora ran her fingers over the rough brown paper ledger than contained her ticked for a promotion and a better life. The documents inside were an investment portfolio worth $100 million, the company’s largest single investment deal yet. Although Emily helped her to an extent with the portfolio, it was Aurora’s baby. Slowly, Aurora pulled the papers out. Her fingers trembled while she looked over each investor’s details that she personally sourced by going from hospital to hospital until she had enough rich doctors to create the group portfolio. All other investments the company dealt with were of single rich people. With the large single investment, they did not need to buy into other schemes, but could create their own and negotiate better investment terms.

  The money would be invested in countries such as Bahamas and Cayman Islands where sizeable sums of money could be invested tax free through legal loopholes. This allowed the investment to make a substantial return on investment. On paper, investors owned shares in offshore companies that often consisted of little more than post boxes in exotic locations. Holidays became business meetings. Carefully Aurora replaced the documents and closed the folder. All the information she needed was already captured within the system, she just needed to finalize the presentation. Aurora leaned back in her chair and sighed. Everything was completed a week ago, but her drive for perfection had seen the meeting delayed until Monday. Not that the doctors needed much convincing. All had already verbally agreed, and Monday’s meeting was more to answer any last questions and then sign the paperwork. Aurora locked her fingers and stretched her arms out in front of her. The clock on the wall chimed 3 pm, drawing Aurora’s attention to it. A quick once-over and I can go home for the weekend. If I push hard, I can be home by seven tonight, have dinner and a bath, and be in bed by eight, perfect. Aurora’s lips thinned slight
ly and her eyes lit up. She rubbed her palms together. When I close the deal on Monday, the board will never accept Emily for senior manager even if Rick nominates her.

  Aurora took a deep breath, kicked Emily from her thoughts, and then let her eyes rest on her laptop. Gently she bit her lower lip. The guidebook on backpacking mystical and remote locations begged for attention. Bugs, dirt, noisy roommates and winging it on vacation were not for her, but Jeni her best friend had suggested it as a good guide book to get. Angkor Wat in Cambodia had called to Aurora since she was four. However, she feared the answers she may find there. Jeni went a few months back, but work kept Aurora from joining her. Jeni’s descriptions of the place, as well as the wild tales of making love at some remote temple was the final push Aurora needed to agree to go. If there was a place Aurora dreamed of being seduced, it was at a remote temple.

  “Why not?” Aurora whispered and then clicked the buy button. While Amazon sent the eBook to her iPad mini, ready to be devoured later, Aurora closed the internet browser and opened up the portfolio files as well as her presentation. For an hour, she fought to keep Emily out of her mind, but lost.

  “I hope you choke on your dinner.” Aurora cursed then pushed her chair hard away from the desk. The pen on the floor jammed in one of the chair’s wheel. Aurora’s heart stopped and her jaw dropped when the ceiling came into view. With a thud, she landed on her back. For a moment, Aurora ground her teeth, then she burst out laughing. Giggling she pulled her skirt down over her lean legs in case one of the men came storming in. Sadly, no hero came to her rescue, the story of her lonely life. Shaking her head, she slowly stood and righted her chair. Yes Jeni, I know; my temper causes much of my own problems.

  “Are you alright Miss Aurora?” Dorothy, Aurora’s personal assistant stepped into the office. Her cubicle was directly opposite Aurora’s office.

  “Never better.” Aurora smiled and stood. 63-year-old sweet Dorothy walked over with a cup of hazelnut and chocolate topped Caffè latte, or Aurora’s delight as Dorothy called it. Carefully she put it down on Aurora’s desk.

  “Oh thank you Dorothy, it is just what I needed.” The office loved Aurora when she convinced Rick to install the expensive coffee machine in the kitchen. She had argued that it was cheaper than workers going out to purchase coffee and be unproductive.

  “I know it is none of my business, but if I may Miss Aurora. Are you more upset that Emily is going on a date with Rick, or that she may get the promotion?”

  “I, I don’t know.” Silence filled the office for a moment.

  ”When you figure out which one matters more, go for that one.” Dorothy put her hand on Aurora’s shoulder. “It is past four. I am leaving now. Everyone else is already gone for the weekend, please do not work too late tonight.”

  “I won’t. Have a lovely weekend Dorothy.”

  “You too Miss Aurora.”

  The aroma drifting up from the desk tingled Aurora’s nose and relaxed her mood. The velvet liquid warmed her from the inside. Well if Rick wants to sleep with Emily, let him. If he is that easy, then I do not want him. I want a knight that will fight for me, and then carry me away in his arms. That can make me forget about the world as we make love and make me want to scream, I Love You. With her priorities in line, Aurora immersed herself in her work.

  The clock on the wall stood at 22 past seven when Aurora finally finished. Quickly she saved the PowerPoint presentation as well as the portfolio files on her laptop. Her finger hovered over the mouse button. I always save a backup copy of the presentation on the company server. Why is my gut telling me not to? It is stupid not to have a backup, and only myself and Rick can access the files. Aurora shrugged her shoulders and backed up the PowerPoint Presentation on the company server. With a quick email she directed the weekend staff to make 25 copies of the portfolio documents and have them bound in folders, then have them delivered to the Hilton hotel early Monday morning. The documents contained additional information not shown in her slides, as well as the legal documents needed to be signed to conclude the deal. The meeting was scheduled for 10 am in one of the hotel’s meeting rooms. Aurora was proud of the system she helped put in place. It would allow her to concentrate on getting ready for the meeting, knowing that experienced staff saw to the documents being correctly bound and delivered on time. It also impressed the clients when additional staff showed up for a meeting and helped prepare for a presentation.

  Satisfied that all was perfectly planned, she leaned back in her chair and picked up her iPhone from her desk. With a few swipes and taps on the screen, she ordered an Uber pick up. Normally, she would walk the two blocks to the subway, take the train out of the city and then walk the four blocks from the station to her apartment, but Emily messing with her head made her an hour late. Besides, January in New York was not ideal for night strolling, plus it was the thirteenth of the month. Aurora looked at the confirmation on her phone and stood. 15 minutes and the ride will be here. Just enough time to lock up. It is going to be a perfect weekend, and on Monday I will secure my promotion.

  “Is this you?” The Uber driver asked while he brought the car to a stop in front of an old apartment complex, 12 stories high and 15 windows wide. Its’ rough grey walls were a stark contrast to the soft white snow coming down.

  “Yes. Thank you for the ride.” Aurora said and took out her cell phone. With one swipe on her phone she accepted the charges and then climbed out. Aurora gasped when the icy evening air slammed into her. Slush crunched under her black leather boots while she ran to the entrance, her laptop bag firmly clutched against her chest. Behind her, the Uber driver honked his horn. Aurora resisted the temptation to turn around and wave. I don’t need this now. I can feel his eyes burning on my ass. He practically drooled over me the entire way over. I wore this outfit for Rick, not him. A gust of air slammed into her when she opened the lobby door, and a shiver ran through her. What I need now is Rick’s toned muscles against my naked body and his hot lips on mine. Aurora skipped the elevator and ran the two flights of stairs up to her apartment. She needed to release some pent up energy before she exploded. The running also helped to partially clear her mind. Aurora fumbled with her door lock and then kicked the door.

  ”Damn you Emily. I deserve Rick more than you do. You only want to use him.” Aurora cursed. Clenching her jaw, she fought the anger that rose up in her. After counting to 10, Aurora tried the lock again and succeeded in opening the door. A familiar cherry sent hugged her when she entered the apartment, and gave her a bit of comfort. Aurora’s emotions were split between being mad about Rick going on a date with Emily, and blaming herself for not accepting his dinner offer two months ago. She had yearned to say yes, but he just popped into the office and asked her to join him after work. She did not have the right outfit on and wanted their first date to be perfect. Aurora kicked the door closed, then dropped the house keys on the glass dining table to the left of the door. After dropping her laptop bag in the beanbag to the right of the room, then walked to the wood wall unit against the right wall. She turned the hi-fi on. While soft flute music filled the living room, she walked over to the open-plan kitchen to the left of the dining room and inserted a single-serving cup in the coffee machine. No TV decorated the wall unit that housed the hi-fi, that’s what cinemas are for. The hi-fi’s only companions were a few trophies won in Karata championships and a framed picture of Aurora’s parents kissing, her most prized possession. With a cup of Aurora’s delight in hand, she walked over to the bean bag, moved her laptop bag to the three seat couch next to the bean bag, and then dropped into the beanbag. The soft plush leather folded around her slender athletic figure and gave her comfort. Memories of long hours spend reading books filled her mind while she sipped the velvet liquid.

  Aurora froze. Will Rick really sleep with Emily on the first date? What if I am working myself up for nothing, and he just takes her for dinner? Hope flickered inside Aurora and lifted her spirit. Monday, I will close this deal and get the p
romotion. Then I will deserve a man like Rick. Aurora’s gaze fell on the Japanese swords that hung on the wall next to the wall unit. A first price she won while competing in Japan. The highest honor in her style. Sadly, even that did not impress her grandmother. Aurora stood and walked to the fridge, then pulled out a microwave meal consisting of chicken and vegetables. Expertly she slid the plastic container out of the box while walking to the microwave on the kitchen counter. Still thinking about Emily and Rick, Aurora pulled a top drawer out, grabbed a fork, and then stabbed holes in the plastic film while imagining stabbing Emily. Satisfied that she killed Emily and gave the meal enough holes for the steam to escape, she popped the container in the microwave and set the timer. While the microwave nuked her food, she pulled a bottle of red wine from the fridge and poured herself a glass.

  Aurora finished her glass before the microwave acclaimed victory over the food with a ding. Grabbing the same fork she killed Emily with, she headed for the bean bag and made herself comfortable. The normally tasty food was bland in her mouth. Aurora stared at a piece of chicken on the fork. I am sure Emily and Rick had a super nice meal at an expensive restaurant. Ahhh, why can’t I get them out of my head? Aurora jumped up, replaced the flute music with rock music and turned the volume up. She grabbed her iPad mini and cellphone from her laptop bag, then headed for her bedroom situated at the end of the living room. Her love for oriental culture was more pronounced here. A futon served in place of a bed. Two pink paper lanterns hung from the ceiling and bathed the room in a soft glow. Cream silk bedding adorned the bed, the only luxury Aurora allowed herself. Sleeping naked, she loved the feel of silk on her skin, like a lover’s soft touch that she yearned for.


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