Untamed Love

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Untamed Love Page 7

by Anton Swanepoel

  “Can I have the same room for a week?” Aurora asked the girl behind the reception, who quickly scanned the reception book.


  “Same price per night.” Again, the girl’s eyes dropped to the book.

  “You pay in advance?”


  “Okay.” The girl ran her fingers over a calculator and then showed it to Aurora, who nodded and took out the money. Upon taking her money and checking it three times for being fake, the girl wrote a receipt that had the hotel’s name on top and the check in and check out dates.

  “Do you have cellphone Sim cards?” Aurora asked while she scanned the fridge behind the reception desk. The food the other backpackers were eating smelled delicious. However, after a long ride with a bus door half open, she had more dirt than teeth in her mouth. She was sure her face was a mess, but frankly, did not give a damn.

  “Yes. How much airtime would you like?”

  “Not much, I more need internet data.”

  “We have free Wi-Fi in all the rooms. The password is at the back of your room key tag. There is cell reception at the temples. Will 2GB internet data be enough for your stay here?”

  “Yes please. And can I please have two large bottles of water and three snicker bars?”

  The receptionist nodded, ran her finger over the calculator again, and then showed it to Aurora. When Aurora took out the money, the receptionist pulled the water and snicker bars from the fridge.

  “Can you help me set my phone up?” Aurora asked when the receptionist handed over a SIM card and slip with the code to load internet data.

  “No problem.” The receptionist called over the same guy who helped her with her bag, then pointed to Aurora’s phone and Sim card. 10 minutes and another $2 later, her phone was connected, and she could use the internet and make Skype calls on it. Walking back to her room, Aurora ate one candy bar while disco lights danced from the second floor of the back of the main building and shot beams of color around the garden. Music mixed with young people having fun filled the night. Aurora stopped for a moment when four backpackers in their early 20s, and without shirts called to her and then waved at her. The guys where skinny, young, drunk and horny. Aurora waved back and then continued on to her room. Maybe tomorrow night.

  Back in her room, Aurora finished half a bottle of water, another snicker bar, and then stripped down naked. Standing in front of the air conditioner, she let the cool air flow over her. It helped with the pounding headache. Her rose buds reacted to the stimulation, and Aurora tipped her head back and closed her eyes. Aurora ran her hands over her swollen mounts. If only Chase was here to warm them up. With a sigh, she walked towards the shower. The soap was a local brand that smelled of lotus flowers. Dirt colored the water red. Aurora swore she had half the road in her hair. When the water finally flowed clear, she stepped out of the shower. A white fluffy towel glided over her skin and soaked the water up. Aurora adjusted the air conditioner to just break the heat, then dropped down onto the bed. Sandman was already waiting for her before her head hit the pillow. In her dreams, she heard Chase’s voice, and pulled a pillow tightly against her naked body. Imagining it being him, she kissed the pillow.

  During the night, Aurora awoke once and pulled the fleece blanket that was folded up at her feet, over her. The soft fluff felt wonderful when it glided over her skin. Aurora made a quick check around her, and after finding no bedbugs, closed her eyes.

  “Good night.” Came from the room next door. Aurora’s eyes shot open and she bolted from her bed. I swear it is Chase’s voice. Standing by the window next to the door, she listened intently while a door closed next door. Footsteps disappeared down the walkway. Quickly Aurora opened her room door and peaked out. A guy with shoulder hair and a pony tail, totally drunk, staggered towards the stairway. Her shoulders sagged. Closing the door again, Aurora switched on the lights and checked the time. Just after 11 pm. With the time difference, it was just after 10 am in New York. Aurora pulled out her laptop from her small backpack and made herself comfortable on the bed. Sitting cross-legged with the laptop on her bare legs, she activated Skype. Aurora was delighted to find a strong signal and video dialed Jeni out of habit. Aurora yawned and stretched her arms when the call connected.

  “Wow.” Came over the laptop’s speakers in a male voice, causing Aurora to rip her eyes to the screen. Jeni was at her desk at work. A guy stood next to Jeni and drooled over Aurora’s naked breasts.

  “Shit, pervert.” Aurora yelled and grabbed the fleece blanked, then covered her chest.

  “Move.” Came Jeni’s stern voice over the speakers and Aurora watched the guy reluctantly shuffle away.

  “Well girl, you sure know how to make an entrance.” Jeni laughed, causing Aurora to giggle and turn red. Aurora’s heart raced, and she bubbled from excitement and energy. Feeling safe to tell Jeni the tale, she gave her the full-on details of her bed bug and cockroach experience. Jeni almost spat cola over her computer when she burst out laughing.

  “I am glad my misfortune entertains you.” Aurora giggled, then smiled when two guys walked from opposite directions behind Jeni’s desk while staring at her monitor. Both obviously hoped to get a second show.

  “Jeni duck.” Aurora shouted then ripped the blanket down and pushed her chest forward. Jeni cleared the path and gave the guys a full view of Aurora’s gorgeous breasts. Both men’s jaws dropped until they walked straight into each other. One guy had two cups of coffee and spilled it all over the other guy’s documents. Aurora and Jeni burst out laughing when the two men started to argue and blamed the other one of not looking where he was going.

  “That was so naughty and unlike you.” Jeni said when Aurora pulled the blanket up again.

  “I know. It just happened.” Aurora said, her head buzzing with excitement and her body on fire.

  “So, what are you going to do tomorrow?” Jeni asked.

  “I thought of just kicking back at the pool after breakfast.”

  “You going swimming?” Jeni gasped.

  “No, don’t be silly. I bought a large travel guide and want to see what temples I like.”

  “You still looking for that spot? You hoping to find it in a picture in a travel guide?”


  “I hope you find it and peace Aurora. Now. Are you at least going to wear a bikini to the pool?”

  “Yes.” Aurora smiled.

  “Nice, knock them out okay. Listen, I got to go, love you.”

  “Love you to.” Aurora replied when Jeni waved a kiss at her and ended the call. Aurora closed her laptop and then flicked off the lights. She climbed into the bed, pulled the fleece blanket over her, and then curled up with a pillow. Aurora bit her lower lip. I have to find the spot. I cannot come all the way to Angkor Wat and not find it.

  Chapter 7: Death

  Monks chanting and bells ringing woke Aurora before the sun was up. Aurora stretched herself out on the bed and yawned. She moaned when she checked the time on her cellphone, just before 4 am. Ah man, this is unfair. What now? Aurora bolted upright. It is just before 3pm in New York. Barbara will still be at the office. Sitting cross-legged in bed, Aurora dialed Barbara’s office number using Skype. Barbara’s secretary took the call and put her though.

  “Barbara good day.”

  “Good afternoon. It is Aurora.”

  “Aurora. I was not expecting a call from you. Seeing as you seem to hate me.” Aurora was taken aback and for a second lost her thoughts.

  “Why would you think I hate you? I thought you hated me for spilling wine on your sued leather boots at your house at the Christmas party.”

  “No Aurora. I do not hate you for that. In fact, I always thought of you as the daughter I wished I had.”

  “But but you were so mad and said you will have me fired.”

  “Yes I was mad because I thought you were drunk. And yes, I tried to have you fired.”

  “I don’t understand. Why did you not have me fire

  “Because when I got the surveillance videos from my home security system to use as proof to present to the board, I noted something and changed my mind.”

  “May I know?”

  Barbara took a deep breath. “Aurora, promise me you will not over react.”

  “I promise.”

  “The video clearly showed that Emily pushed you from behind into me. It was a calculated move. You also only had half a glass of wine the whole evening. You were not drunk, and it was not your fault for spilling wine over me.” Aurora’s blood turned to red hot lava, and her eyes threw flames. “Aurora, you still there?”

  “Yes. Sorry.”

  “Look. I know this is a lot to handle. I know you did most of the work for the project. However, when we checked, Emily’s signature was on all the documents. From the database logs it seemed you did no work at all. What is more, Emily showed me an email from your computer to her saying that she must do the presentation as you cannot handle it. It was dated last week Wednesday, the same day she changed the hotel function to Saturday. She called the clients and changed the date. I do not think she ever tried to get a hold of you on Saturday. Rick just took her word.”

  Aurora almost dropped the phone. Her throat closed off. For a few seconds, she was speechless.

  “So you are saying that Emily planned to take the project, so she can get the promotion? That she somehow had the server logs altered. But then she should be fired.”

  “It is not as simple as that Aurora. Due to you punching Rick and also verbally abusing Emily. Ultimately, we have to keep one of you. I am strongly behind you Aurora. But I am one of eight board members, and the only female. I have been looking for a reason to fire Emily for a long time. And knew she was up to something. However, you made it very difficult for me. I am sorry. I will do my best. However, the board has already decided we cannot afford to keep both of you because of the incident as well as that we fear there will be future problems as both of you seem to have a liking for Rick.”

  “Is there anything I can do until the board meeting to help my case?”

  “Don’t do anything stupid.”

  “I think I did all the stupid I could.” Aurora faintly laughed, drawing the same from Barbara.

  “Look Aurora. Get some rest, have some fun, and leave this with me. I think I have a strong case for you. You may get a written warning, but I think I can convince the board not to have you fired. Dorothy alerted me by email that you are in Cambodia and passed on your number there. I will personally call you if anything changes before the hearing.”

  “Thank you.” Aurora ended the call and then set her alarm for 8am. After turning off the lights, she snuggled up in bed. Knowing that she had a very influential board member on her side that thought of her as a daughter, filled Aurora with hope and joy. See grandmother. I am not useless and people do love me. Sleep came fast for Aurora.

  A few hours later, music filled the room. Aurora reached over and silenced the phone, then sat up in bed. Rubbing her hands together for the excitement the day was to bring, Aurora stood and grabbed the half-finished water bottle. Emptying the bottle in one go, she popped it in a trash can next to the dresser and then headed for the toilet. Standing cross legged, Aurora carefully lifted the toilet seat to make sure there were no uninvited guests. Finding it safe, she dropped down and let go. She was thankful that the room had toilet paper as well as a hose. Aurora chose the paper option, the whole hosing your ass thing just was not for her. Aurora chuckled when Sandra Bullock’s movie with Sylvester Stallone popped into her head. He had to use three shells and could not figure them out. In the end, he cursed the computer that gave him paper fines. Sylvester gladly took it and wiped his sexy ass with it. After a quick shower, Aurora combed her hair and applied cherry scented lip-gloss. She had a natural beauty about her that allowed her to turn heads without makeup on.

  Aurora selected a sexy two-piece pink bikini and then pulled a T-shirt and shorts over it. Going barefoot, she grabbed her IPad mini and wallet, then headed out. When she opened the door, Cambodia welcomed her. It smelled fresh, far different than Manhattan’s smog. Aurora took a lungful in, then leaned on the hip high brick wall of the walkway. The sun was already a distance on its path across the sky. Next to the hotel were a few local brick houses. In the distance, rice fields and green tall trees filled the countryside. Aurora smiled. With Rick and Emily not together, and Barbara set on getting Emily fired, maybe my dreams can come true. Aurora’s day was only getting brighter. Aurora’s heart filled with joy, and she closed her eyes and let the sun hug her. Aurora tugged the room key and her wallet in her pants pocket, and then made her way to the lower floor and the garden with her iPad tugged under her arm.

  She was about to turn left to go around the garden towards the reception where she saw people eating the night before when something on the second floor in front of her caught her attention. Stopping dead, Aurora watched the four young guys from the previous night joking around in the same area the disco lights came from when they waved at her. Although the guys were kind of hot, none having shirts on, they were a bit skinny and about 20. Aurora wanted a man, not go baby snatching. In the daylight, Aurora realized her assumption about the section was wrong. Half of the building had windows that must be rooms, but the last half of the second floor to the right was open with only support pillars here and there. Music still came from the area, but at a lower volume. What interested Aurora more was the pulley system with its attached basket.

  The basket would go down and disappear through a window in a building to the right, then come out with plates full of food and slowly be pulled at an angle to the second floor where a local would remove the food, replace it with dirty dishes and then sent the basket down again. I have to go check that out. Aurora continued towards an archway in front of her, and found the stairs that lead to the bar area. When Aurora reached the second floor, the four guys stopped dead where they were playing pool at a table to the right. Aurora ignored their looks and made her way past a number of woven bamboo couches and low tables to a bar area at the back where two fridges proudly displayed a number of local and imported sodas and drinks.

  Aurora was about to ask if they served breakfast, when she noted a stack of menus on the counter. Taking one she had to smile at the menu. Although it was in English, each dish had a small color picture next to it of what the dish actually was. Jeni was right. What I would call something, is not what Cambodians call it. The proof was in the pizza section, which showed pictures of baguettes with various toppings on. Each menu item had a number next to it.

  “I would like a fruit salad with yogurt, topped with honey, and green tea please.” Aurora commented when she replaced the menu.

  “$3 dollars please.” The guy behind the counter said and wrote two numbers on a small slip of paper then handed it to a second guy next to him. The second guy walked over to the pulley system. When Aurora paid, the pulley operator attached her order to a spike on the basket and sent it down to the kitchen below. Aurora turned to take a seat and caught the four guys gawking at her ass. On a couch and beanbag next to the pool table were two girls who gave her a jealous look. Aurora walked past the bar counter to a number of tables that was right next to the open wall, further into the area. Taking the last table, she was out of the view of the girls and guys. Aurora made herself comfortable and then opened the temple guide book she bought. The book had over 65 attractions, yet with its over 380 included images, it was easy to pick the temples she wished to see.

  Aurora scanned the images and barely looked up when her food arrived. The portion was far larger than she expected, including the tea that was in a half liter beer jug. By the time Aurora had finished her breakfast, she was thoroughly full. She had made a short list of the first temples she wanted to see the next day, starting naturally with Angkor Wat. Casually she paged through the images of Angkor Wat then froze. This is it. This is the spot. Aurora almost dropped her iPad. Desperately she paged back and th
en a few pages forward. Her heart hammered in her chest. Crap. There is no description for the image of exactly where in the temple it is. But at least I know now that it is at Angkor Wat. How hard can it be to find it? Aurora devoured the information given about Angkor Wat and then sagged back in her chair. Slowly Aurora read a few lines again. The outer complex spanned an impressive 1.5km (0.93 miles) long x 1.3 km (0.8 miles). The main temple base is 330m long x 255m wide with the central structure five stories high. Aurora put the iPad down. Maybe it is going to be a bit harder to find the spot than I thought. Well, I have come this far. I will not give up. I will find it. Aurora froze. What if I do not find it by the time I need to fly back? I cannot miss the hearing. Aurora took a deep breath. No, tomorrow I will find it. Aurora wanted to immediate race to Angkor Wat, but with most of the morning gone, it would not be the perfect day she planned. She wanted to spend the entire day at the temples.

  With nothing else to do but read some romantic books, Aurora decided to read next to the pool. The four guys gave her a sideways glance, but mostly ignored her this time, probably deciding that since she is not interested in them, she is not worth their time. After taking the steps down, Aurora went through a second archway and stood in front of a large swimming pool. She walked along the left and around the swimming pool to a bar behind it. Next to the bar was a tiled area with lounge chairs and umbrellas.

  Aurora bought a bottle of water from the bar then made her way to the last lounge chair, furthermost from the bar. She stripped down to her bikini, and then pulled a lounge chair forward to allow her head to be in the shade and her body in the sun. After making herself comfortable, she immersed herself in her latest novel. She was a woman traveling on horseback through Texas in the early 1900s to a farm her father left her in his testament. A rattle snake had scared her horse, and she was thrown off and hit her head against a rock. When she came to, she was staring into the eyes of a mysterious stranger who patted her head with a wetted hanky. She was about to thank him when laughter and water splashing ripped her from her story. Annoyed, she watched the four guys jump into the pool, then get out and try to throw each other in the pool. Shaking her head at them, she went back to her story.


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