Untamed Love

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Untamed Love Page 9

by Anton Swanepoel

  “Just a moment.” Aurora gave up on finding a bra in the overstuffed backpack and threw a shirt on. Quickly she tried to make her hair look sort of in control. With a take me to bed now look in her eyes, she ripped open the door.

  “Oh, it’s you.” Disappointment filled Aurora’s voice. Nana smiled back at her.

  “Wow, you must really like Chase.” Nana giggled and pointed to Aurora’s shirt. Aurora turned scarlet when she looked down. Her tight rose buds were almost cutting holes in her T-shirt and longed to be suckled. Quickly she crossed her arms over her chest.

  “I could not find a bra in time.” Aurora countered.

  “Right, that’s what I say to my boyfriend as well when I want sex.” Nana laughed.

  “Sorry I...”

  “You were expecting him. I know. He is not back yet. I came to see if you are okay.” Nana giggled, cutting Aurora off.

  “I am fine. Thank you for checking in on me.”

  “Okay. I have to go to work now.” Nana turned and walked away. Aurora shook her head. Strange girl, but a nice friend. Aurora closed the door again, and threw herself on the bed then yelled into a pillow. ”Aahh, where is a man when a woman needs one?” She rapidly kicked her feet against the bed and punched the pillow to get rid of her frustration. Satisfied that she released enough sexual tension in her body, she stood and went to the shower. She needed a cold shower. With the strict dress code at the temple, Aurora dressed in a long denim, hiking boots, and a button-up cotton shirt with elbow length sleeves. Cherry scented lip-gloss, a bit of perfume, and a brush through the hair took care of the final touches.

  Aurora grabbed her wallet, cell phone and a baseball cap, then headed out. She locked her room door, then glanced at Chase’s room door. Am I going to wait for him? It would be nice to see the temples with him. But what if he does not return? Am I going to give up on my dream of seeing Angkor Wat by waiting for a guy I know nothing about? He may be a total loser. Aurora balled her fists and ground her teeth. What is it about Chase that makes me not be able to forget about him? She took a deep breath, flipped her nose up and squared her shoulders, then made her way to the restaurant. Reaching the restaurant, Aurora looked around. The four guys were not playing pool or hanging around. A second set of stairs that lead to the roof caught Aurora’s attention. I wonder where that leads to.

  “Morning. Would you like to have something to eat?” A server asked.

  “Yes please. Cereal with fruit mix, topped with honey, and green tea please. Oh, and where does this lead?” Aurora pointed to the stairs.

  “The sun deck. There are a few tables and chairs and two couches on top. People normally watch the sun rise from there. However, the view from there is worth it throughout the day.”

  “Can I order food there?”

  “Of course, I will bring it up for you. It is $3.” Aurora paid the server, then headed up the stairs. Reaching the top, she passed a number of tables and made herself home in a bamboo woven couch, then marveled at the breathtaking view of the Cambodia countryside. From her vantage point, she could see more of the rice fields and banana trees in the distance. Okay, as I am going by myself to the temples, it is back to my original plan. See Angkor Wat first, then if there is still time, see the mountain temple, Phnom Bakheng. Mm, maybe have lunch at the temples, then definitely go and see Baphuon, and the Elephant Terrace. Oh, and I have to see the sunset at Angkor, seeing as I missed the sunrise over it this morning.

  “Your breakfast.”

  “Thank you.” Aurora smiled and then immediate started eating. There was no time to lose now that her day was planned to perfection. Aurora scoffed her breakfast down, and then stood. She gave one last look at the spectacular Cambodia countryside and then made her way down to the reception area. A number of backpackers were coming and going, making the reception area crowded. Four times she was shouldered by a backpack before she cleared the reception area and stood in the parking lot.

  “You want tuk tuk?” A local asked a short distance away and climbed off his scooter.

  “How much to Angkor Wat?”

  “You go whole day I take you all over $25.” Aurora contemplated the offer, then decided against it. There were loads of tuk tuks and motorcycle taxis at the temples. She much rather preferred to go on her own time.

  “How much just for a ride to Angkor Wat?” The guy thought for a moment.



  “Hop in.” The guy jumped on his motorcycle and started it. Aurora gave one last look around the reception area and then in the direction of her room. I wonder where Chase is. Letting him go, she jumped in the tuk tuk. After making sure Aurora was properly seated, the guy pulled away and maneuvered down the small side road into the main road. Traffic was already dense, and the going was slow. Luckily, they only had 7km to ride to get to the main entrance. All along the road were roadside restaurants, hotels, backpacker dorms, and the occasional massage parlor. I am so getting a massage when I come back. I wonder whether Nana will be able to join me again. I love talking to her. The tuk tuk driver turned left at a traffic light into the main road running through Siem Reap. With the road being larger, the driver sped up. Aurora’s eyes glistened when she spotted a KFC. The road contained more businesses, with convenient stores, upper market restaurants and boutiques as well as a small shopping Centre. Soon they pulled into a parking area where the driver directed her to the ticket booths. Aurora took her place in one of the lines.

  “How many day visit?” The girl in the ticket booth asked when it was Aurora’s turn.

  “Three days please.”

  “Stand on the markings please.” The girl pointed to painted footprints on the ground. When Aurora took her place, the girl took her picture with a computer web cam, then held out her hand.

  “$62 please.” Aurora handed over the money, and then took her photo id ticket. On cue, the tuk tuk driver stopped next to her in line with the exit for the parking area. Aurora energetically jumped in, and they zoomed out of the ticket area and back into the main road. Excitement bubbled up in Aurora. She loved the wind through her hair while dense forest passed by. Although the road was tarred, it still felt like a jungle. Large tall trees lined the road and made an honor guard for her. A few minutes later, they turned left at a T-junction where their road dead ended into the side of the moat of Angkor Wat. The majestic temple came into view, and Aurora gasped. The driver stopped right by the main entrance. Although still in the distance, Angkor Wat was magnificent and captivating. A marvel in both building style and achievement.

  “You want me to wait?”

  “No. Thank you.” Aurora said and climbed out, and then paid the driver. He wasted no time in searching for tourists to take back to Siem Reap to make his trip double worthwhile. Aurora climbed the steps leading to the top of a 200 meter bridge that spanned the moat surrounding Angkor Wat. Her heart rate quickened. Water gently lapped against the sides of the bridge. In the distance, the five massive towers of Angkor Wat called to her, and her feet answered. Birds sang love songs, and Aurora took the fresh scent of nature deep into her lungs. She passed the outer wall and stepped onto the 350 meter causeway that gave her a direct path to her dreams. Aurora passed two library buildings and two large ponds that flanked the causeway.

  The closer Aurora came to Angkor Wat, the more she fell in love with the place. A mysterious energy radiated from the land and mystical temple that soaked into her very soul, uplifting her. For the first time in her life, she truly felt alive and happy. Strange that it took a 1000-year-old temple to tell me where I belong. Aurora glowed, radiating love and excitement. Dedicated to her quest, she was oblivious to the number of men she stopped dead in their tracks while she made her way to the outer courtyard. Aurora put her hand on her chest. Her heart was hammering away. I am close. I can feel it. Aurora walked around in the outer courtyard and marveled at the smaller temples and library buildings where monks years before gave wise counsel to the masses as well as hol
d prayers.

  Having circled the outer courtyard, she climbed the steps to the inner courtyard wall. Nearly 2000 apsaras decorated around 600 meters of the inner wall in bas-reliefs, depicting ancient battles and myths of creation. Aurora slowed down at the turning of the sea scene to study it in more detail. With her heart in her throat, she finally pulled enough courage together and crossed the inner courtyard and made her way directly for the steps that led to the center of the main temple. Aurora stopped for a moment at the bottom of the steep wooden steps built to assist tourists. It is now or never. Filling her lungs to the fullest with unpolluted air, she took on the stairs. Each step was a fight both in steepness for her body, and in fighting her mind. Part of her wanted it over and be free, and part of her wanted to stay shackled to her past. The stairs led to an archway that opened up in a small courtyard. Four towers guarded the corners while a massive central tower stood exactly in the center of the temple. Aurora walked along the edge of the top level in a roofed corridor to the first corner, then cut across the courtyard to the Buddha statue at the center. She had to pay her respects first. Although not Buddhist, Aurora bowed her head and brought her palms together by her forehead in respect, a sign only given to the Buddha.

  “Himfp.” A male tourist snorted next to her and unimpressed pushed past and shouldered Aurora.

  “You don’t need to be Buddhist to find his teachings of love and respect inspiring.” Aurora snapped.

  “He is a glutton, a fat Buddha.” The man snapped back.

  “Only in Chinese tradition and it is a sign of prosperity. The original Buddha and all the original images in Cambodia are slender. Have a closer look at the statue.”

  “He is lying down and is lazy, just begging all day.” The man yelled and then stormed off. Aurora shook her head at the man and turned back to the Buddha image. Wow, and I thought I had issues. Giving another bow to the Buddha image, Aurora walked back to the corridor and resumed her walk. All around where openings the size of modern double windows in the walkway walls to allow light to enter through. From the top, the entire temple grounds were visible, as well as much of the nearby temples. At each opening, Aurora paused for a moment to take in the scenery. Another opening and another view passed by. No, this one is also not it. Where is it? Where is the spot? Aurora stopped dead when she faced the main entrance of the temple grounds. This is the place. A knot formed in her throat, and her heart raced. From her vantage point, she could see the causeway that lead to the main entrance clearly. The stone was rough under Aurora’s hands when she held tightly onto the edge of the stone opening. I found it. This is the view in the background of the picture of mom and dad. This is where they first met and shared their first kiss. This is where grandmother said mom told her she would go when she dies. Raw emotions tugged at Aurora’s heart. I miss you mom and dad. I wish you were here. Aurora wiped away the tears. Did you touch this stone mom? Is my hand where yours once was? Are we touching? Are you here? Aurora swallowed hard and took a deep breath. I did it. I fulfilled the promise I made myself when I was six. The day grandma gave me the first picture taken of you and dad together, taken by a stranger passing by. GRANDMOTHER. Oh mom why did you leave me with her? Did I not deserve to have you raise me? Am I really as bad as grandmother said I was? Aurora gripped the stone until her knuckles turned white while the tears flowed freely. Her body shook while emotions poured out.

  A calm filled Aurora and stopped the tears. She wiped her eyes on her sleeves and then took a deep breath. I love Manhattan, but I never belonged there. That is why I never was happy there. I have seen so little of Asia, and it has been hard on me. Yet, I love it. I want to live here. Sadness filled Aurora’s heart. There is no work for someone of my skills here. If I move to Asia, I would need to give up everything. And where will I live, what work will I do? A chill ran down Aurora’s back. No grandmother, I will find a way. I will be happy. If I keep my job and work hard for 10 years and save every cent I can, I will have enough to keep me afloat for a long time here. I have to convince the board not to fire me. Even if I have to work under Emily, I will not give up. An earthy perfume with a hint of patchouli finally grabbed her attention, and Aurora span around.

  “Beautiful view.” Chase smiled.

  “Where were you?” Aurora blurted out. Her cheeks reddened when she realized how silly the question was.

  “In Battambang. The taxi had engine troubles on the way back. I looked for you at your hotel room and then at the restaurant but could not find you.”

  “How did you know to look for me here?”

  “Angkor Wat is the first temple tourists come to visit. And the top level is a must see. If there was any place to find you, it was here. I have actually been here for an hour walking in circles around the top looking for you.” His answer melted Aurora’s heart, and a slight swelling occurred in her rose buds. Chase came to stand next to her and peered out over the inner section of Angkor Wat. Aurora turned to face the same direction before commenting. “I ate breakfast on the sun deck.”

  “The one place I did not look.”

  “Have you been standing here for a while?”

  “Long enough.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “You seemed to need a moment alone.”

  “Thank you. And thank you for saving me in the pool yesterday.”

  “It was my pleasure.”

  Aurora looked at him, and their eyes connected. For a moment, the world disappeared when his deep-blue eyes pulled her in. Aurora’s creamy flesh swelled until it was warm and tingling. Before she got drunk on his intoxicating stare, she broke the connection and looked over the countryside again.

  “So have you seen enough of Angkor Wat to go see some other temples?” Chase placed his hand on her shoulder. Electricity shot through Aurora at his touch, and her heart rate increased several levels.

  “For now. I want to see the sunset over Angkor Wat later. I had planned to go see Phnom Bakheng, the state temple of the first capital at Angkor.”

  “Then there is not a moment to lose.” Chase grabbed Aurora’s hand and pulled her towards the stairs.

  “What’s the rush? The temple is not going anywhere.” Aurora laughed.

  “We have to hurry, there is still time.”

  “For what?”

  “You will see. Trust me, you will love it.”

  Excitement filled Aurora, and she felt like a kid on her way to Disney world. Quickly they made their way down the stairs to the inner courtyard. They jogged to a back entrance of Angkor Wat where Chase had parked his BMW R1200GS Adventure motorcycle. Chase held out a helmet to Aurora, and then helped her fit it. He climbed onto the motorcycle and fitted his helmet, then turned to face her.

  “Jump on Aurora.” Without hesitation, Aurora jumped onto the back seat. Chase reached behind him and grabbed her hands, then brought her arms around his middle and placed her hands together. When Aurora gripped him around his waist, he started the motorcycle and pulled away. The powerful engine launched the motorcycle forward with force, and Aurora tightened her grip around his waist. A smile formed on Chase’s face. Adrenalin rushed through Aurora when Chase picked up the front wheel. A distance later, he dropped the wheel again and gave more throttle. Behind him Aurora yelling at the top of her lungs with joy. Chase expertly negotiated the motorcycle down a narrow dirt path that was littered with leaves. The treetops touched and created a narrow tunnel of natural green wonder.

  After a few minutes, the path opened up, and they joined the main tarred road that passed the main temples in the park. Trees flashed by for a distance before Chase slammed on the brakes and pulled off the road. Aurora’s hands shook from excitement, and she gave Chase a squeeze before she let him go and climbed off. Aurora pulled the helmet off then froze. In front of her were four elephants. No way. Aurora’s jaw dropped. Chase took the helmet from her and locked it with his helmet to the motorcycle then went to purchase tickets. One of the elephants slowly walked over to Aurora,
and her heart stopped. A large riding basket was fastened to the back of the elephant, capable of carrying two people. The elephant trumpeted and then lowered its trunk. Gently it ruffled Aurora’s hair.

  “You can stroke her if you want.” The elephant’s handler said when he came to stand next to Aurora. Nervously Aurora lifted her hand and touched the elephant’s trunk. Slowly, the elephant moved forward and then dropped its head. Aurora gently ran her hand over the elephant’s head, who gave Aurora a gentle nudge.

  “She likes you.” Chase said when he came to stand next to her.

  “This is so amazing.” Sparks ignited in Aurora’s eyes.

  “I know. I wanted to ride one, but you have to be two people to balance the basket out on the back. We just made it. This is the last ride up for the morning. Come, let me help you up.” Chase took Aurora’s hand and led her to a large wooden platform nearby. Stairs took them to the top where they were at the same level as the elephant’s back. The handler led the elephant to the platform, ran up the steps, and then climbed onto the elephant’s back. He made himself seated directly on her neck with a foot behind each ear.

  “Get on.” He motioned to Aurora. Chase held her hand, and she climbed over the ankle high side of the basket. Just as she put one foot on the basket, the elephant moved away a little, causing Aurora to be balanced in midair.

  “Jump forward.” Chase said.

  “The distance is too much.” Aurora countered. Aurora gasped when Chase grabbed her by the ass with both hands and pushed her forward. As if in planned, the moment Aurora had both feet in the basket, the elephant moved back to allow Chase to easily climb on. Aurora and Chase sat down in the basket with their feet dangling in the air next to the elephant’s sides. Aurora gave the elephant a sideways glance. You moved on purpose. As if the elephant could read her mind, it lifted its trunk and pushed Aurora against Chase.


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