Untamed Love

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Untamed Love Page 11

by Anton Swanepoel

  “Well, I have not had much experience. I only use the training job to have a visa and stay in Thailand. I kind of do not need to work so I only take students when I feel like it.”

  “Army pension?”


  “Right, sorry. Do not insult the Marines by calling them Army, they are sensitive about it.” Aurora said in a mock deep voice then playfully pushed Chase on the shoulder.

  “We are big teddy bears with hearts of gold wearing guns and bullet-proof vests.” Chase chirped in, then continued in a more serious voice. “My mom had a large estate. She was in real estate and did well for herself. I invested my inheritance, and with my pension, I do okay.” Chase was actually doing more than okay as his mother left him a fortune, but he wanted Aurora to like him not for his money. They watched the sun slowly give power over to the moon. Aurora slid her hand over Chase’s and they held hands when the night began.

  “So beautiful.” Chase said.

  “The sunset is amazing right?”

  “That’s not bad as well.”

  Aurora pressed her lips together. Smooth Chase, very smooth. I walked right into that one. You are a fast learner. She gave Chase’s hand a slight squeeze.

  “Are you hungry?” Chase asked.

  “I am. And I miss my chocolate milkshake. How was it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Aurora turned her head and gave Chase a puzzled look.

  “I ran after you but was too late. You got on a scooter and sped away. I spend the rest of the day riding all over the place looking for you.”

  “You did?” Aurora’s jaw dropped.

  “Yes. I finally came here when the sun was setting, hoping that maybe you still wanted to see the sunset. I had to find you.”

  Aurora reached forward and kissed Chase, who went stiff. Immediately Aurora pulled away.

  ”I am sorr...” Chase’s hot lips over hers cut Aurora’s words off. She slid her arms around his broad shoulders and pulled him closer while Chase placed his hands on her hips. Chase’s kiss was devastating to her senses and when he pulled back for a second to look into her eyes, she hungered for more. She wanted him, needed him. He was right and wrong for her at the same time. Chase captured her lower lip with his mouth and then suckled her lip for a second before letting his tongue dance over her lips. Aurora’s breathing quickened, and her heart pounded in her chest. Her creamy mounts swelled until they hurt while her apex moistened. Even in the low light, her hardened throbbing rosebuds announced themselves through her shirt. Chase’s tongue found hers and seduced it with moist sweeps until they mated. Aurora gave a slight moan when Chase brought his hands up and cupped her throbbing mounts through her shirt. Aurora was ready for him, ready for him to take her fully. To let every inch of him explore her deepest passion.

  “You have to leave now. The park is closing.”

  Aurora pushed away from Chase with such force that she fell over backwards. Her face went scarlet when she stared up at the park’s officer who shone a light in her eyes.

  “Right, we are off.” Chase said with a hint of laughter in his voice and jumped up. He held out his hand to Aurora then helped her up. Laughing they jogged to Chase’s motorcycle and then raced back to the hotel. Aurora was in heaven. She slid her hand under Chase’s shirt and ran her fingers over his hard abs. Aurora leaned her helmet against Chase's shoulder and held him tightly while they passed locals on their way home. At the hotel Chase locked the helmets against the motorcycle and then turned to Aurora.

  “Do you want to get pizza to go?”

  “Oh yes.” Aurora smiled.

  Aurora took a seat in one of the bamboo couches in the reception area while Chase ordered to Cambodia pizzas and sodas. Aurora turned in the couch to face Chase and then brought her legs up.

  “Why do you hate vanilla Aurora?” The question took Aurora by surprise, and she looked away. She remained silent for a moment then took a deep breath.

  “My mother loved chocolate ice cream. The last time she kissed me, she was eating some. I can still taste her cherry lip-gloss mixed with the chocolate ice cream even though I was four at the time. My grandmother refused to buy anything but vanilla ice-cream.”

  “That is a bit mean.”

  “My grandmother loved her son, but she did not approve of mom marrying him. After the accident, grandmother said it was my mom’s fault that she lost her son because if he did not go after mom and leave for New York, we would not have made the trip to her and have the accident. Grandmother took her hatred for my mom out on me. It did not help that I look like my mom. So the older I got, the worse things got between us. I felt sorry for her and did the best I could to please her.”

  “I am sorry to hear that.”

  “Well, she is gone and I can buy as much chocolate ice-cream as I want.” Aurora smiled.

  “Your order.” A server said behind Chase, and held a plastic bag up. Chase took the bag and then held his hand to Aurora to help her up. Hand in hand they walked back to their rooms while making small talk.

  “My room?” Aurora asked when they walked down the balcony.

  “Sounds good.”

  Aurora opened her room door, and motioned for Chase to leave his shoes at the door. Aurora switched on the lights and then set the air conditioner to just break the heat. Chase sat down at the end of the bed and took out their dinner. Two baguettes with toppings, rolled in paper, and soda. Aurora took a spot at the head of the bead and crossed her legs. In silence, they started on their food.

  “Wow, this is amazing. Extra so since I am starving.” Aurora exclaimed.

  “I got you something extra as well.” Chase smiled when Aurora was almost done with her baguette. Slowly, chase pulled two small chocolate-chip Haagen-Dazs ice cream tubs from behind his back.

  “Oh thank you. That is amazing.” Fireworks erupted in Aurora’s eyes, and she held her hands in front of her mouth. She had to contain herself not to grab the tub from Chase. Aurora smiled when Chase playfully held the tub tightly for a moment, before letting Aurora have it. His gaze for a moment fixed on the scar on Aurora’s left hand, then he quickly looked away.

  “It is from the car accident.” Aurora said and ran her index finger over it once.

  “I am sorry. I know it is painful for you.”

  “No, don’t be. It is okay. I have been keeping my feelings locked up for so long. Talking about it with you at lunch actually helped.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Chase. How do you go into battle knowing you may die? How do you get the courage to face death?”

  “I don’t know how the other guys handle it. But for me, I tried to live each day to the fullest. So that each battle I went into, I felt that if I died that day, I lived my life.”

  “But did you not have plans for the future? Was there not something you were scared you would not get to do if you died?”

  “I had plans for the future. But in combat you soon learn that the best plans rarely go as you want them. You adapt and change plans in the moment. The hardest part is the quiet times. When everything around you is going to hell, all you think about is staying alive.”

  “Did you lose friends?”


  “Why do some live and some die?”

  “Aurora. Are you asking why you lived and your parents died?”

  “Yes. What makes me deserve to live and they not?”

  “I don’t know why some live, and some die. Maybe it is fate, maybe destiny, maybe it is random, or maybe it is nothing but luck. But what I do know, is that if it was my choice, I would have wanted me to die so that my team members can live. And I would not want my team members to feel angry or undeserving for my sacrifice. I would want them to follow their dreams. I don’t know why you lived and your parents not. But I believe that they would want you not to feel sorry for yourself. Or that you did not deserve their love and sacrifice, but to live your life to your fullest and go for your dreams.”

��Thank you.”

  Aurora sat silent for a moment then ran her spoon around inside the ice cream tub and scooped the last out. As she licked the spoon off, ice cream ran down her chin.

  “Let me help you there.” Chase said and took a serviette, then leaned forward. Gently he wiped Aurora’s chin off. Their eyes locked and for a moment neither moved. Slowly, Chase leaned in and kissed Aurora. She dropped the empty tub on the floor and ran her fingers through Chase’s hair. Chase placed his hand behind her back, and Aurora leaned back. Gently Chase lowered her head to a pillow. The little sluts in Aurora’s stomach went wild. Her rose buds hardened when Chase left a trail of kisses from her lips to her neck. Aurora ran her hands down his back, grabbed his shirt and pulled it off. His muscles were hard and hot under her touch when she ran her hands over his chest and abs. Chase’s lips found hers while he unbuttoned her shirt. With one hand behind her back he unhooked her bra and gently pulled her shirt and bra away in one motion. Her creamy mounts lay bare and started to swell.

  Aurora unbuttoned Chase’s pants and pulled them down. Chase suckled on her rose buds while he cupped her throbbing creamy mounts. Aurora arched her back when Chase left kisses all over hear chest and stomach, then unbuttoned her pants. She giggled as he pulled her pants off. Aurora ran her hands over his underwear. His manhood was hard and hot underneath. Aurora bent her head back and closed her eyes when Chase slipped his hand under her panty and over her naked flesh. Tipping her head forward again, she opened her eyes and froze. A shock went through her body. Rick was on top of her. Panic flooded her body and she quickly closed her eyes. A second later, she opened them, and Chase was on top of her again. Slowly, he bent down to ravage her aching mounts with his searing hot lips while he gently started to pull her panty down. Aurora’s thoughts were all over the place. What are you doing Aurora? You can have Rick. But I want Chase. Am I doing the right thing? If I sleep with Chase and then go to Rick in a few days I am no better than Emily. But I don’t want Rick anymore. I want Chase. But it will not work out with me in New York and Chase in Thailand.

  “Stop.” Aurora’s command and her hands pushing on Chase’s chest caused him to jolt back. For a second, his expression went blank and then his face became emotionless. Aurora’s heart stopped. O God, what have I done? Is he going to get mad and hurt me, maybe even rape me? Shit I led him on, and now I am telling him to stop. Chase looked at her with that deep-blue eyes, now not showing any emotion. Aurora cringed when he placed a palm next to her head on the pillow. Chase took a deep breath, then his muscles relaxed and his expression softened, turning to sorrow.

  “I am sorry for pushing too fast Aurora.” Chase said and pushed away from her and made to get up.

  “No no no, please don’t go. Just give me a moment.” Aurora said, and grabbed Chase by the arm. She closed her eyes for a second, her breath racing almost as fast as her heart.

  “It is not you. You are perfect and I want you, oh I want you badly, it is just.” Aurora took a deep breath to try to calm her nerves.

  “Is it something to do with your problems in the city you came to Cambodia to solve?”


  “Your boyfriend dumped you and you thought you would screw some random guy to get over him?” Chase’s voice had a hint of anger in it.

  “Yes, No.”

  Aurora’s eyes shot open when Chase got off her and the bed. Without a word, he picked up his clothes and headed for the door. Stopping by the door, he looked at Aurora and commented.” Aurora, I am no girl’s bounce. I was not playing around.” Aurora jumped out of bed and ran to Chase. Throwing her arms around his neck, she held him tightly.

  “You are not a bounce. I did not have a boyfriend.” Aurora let Chase go and then took his hand.” Will you give me a minute to explain?” When Chase nodded, she took him back to bed. Chase sat on the edge of the bed, while Aurora crossed her legs and faced him where she sat at the top.

  “My boss whom I punched because he suggested my co-worker to the board to get the promotion that should have been mine. Well, I did not punch him because of the promotion. I was mad because I had a crush on him. I found out they were seeing each other for a month already.”

  “You felt he betrayed you?”

  “Yes. Stupid dreams I had. I had planned to come to Cambodia in any case, and now I had the time. Yes, I was open to having a causal relationship just to get over Rick my boss. But then you came along and complicated everything. I want you Chase, and I do want to make love to you. But I just need time because I want it to be real, not just a one-night stand. I want to be with you. I just do not know how it can work out yet.”

  “For you Aurora, I will wait an eternity.” His comment brought tears to Aurora’s eyes, and she had to fight hard not to break down in a sobbing mess.

  “Chase. Will you stay tonight and just hold me please?” Chase slowly leaned forward and kissed Aurora on the forehead, then gently pulled her legs straight and tucked her in bed. Switching the lights off, he snuggled up behind her. Chase rested his hand on her thigh, unsure how to hold her. Aurora dropped her hand to Chase’s, then brought it up to her throbbing mounts that were still yearning for his touch.

  “You can touch me Chase. I just don’t want sex tonight.” Chase gave her breast a slight squeezed, then kissed her once in the neck.

  “Thank you for understanding and not getting mad, and for staying. I need you here tonight.”

  “There is no other place in the world I would rather be than here with you tonight, even if I have to sleep on the floor.”

  Raw emotions ripped at Aurora and she could not contain the tears anymore. Tears of joy burst out and her body shook. I have to make this work. But how? Chase hugged her a bit tighter while she cried herself to sleep.

  Chapter 11: Facing Fears

  Darkness was still ruling when Aurora awoke. During the night, they had turned and Aurora was lying on Chase with her head resting on his chest. His arm was wrapped around her. Aurora closed her eyes and listened. Chase’s heartbeat was steady and strong. Aurora gently lifted her body, then pressed one hand on Chase’s heart and another on hers. Their hearts beat as one. Aurora let her hand glide over Chase’s chest and stomach, then she slid out of bed. She had pressing matters to attend to. After letting go of the soda she had the night before, she stepped into the shower. The water was warm and helped her clear her mind. Movement to her right pulled her attention to the bathroom door. Chase poked his head around the door and smiled at her. Aurora lifted her arm and held it out to Chase, inviting him into the shower with her. Chase took her invitation, and came to stand behind her. Gently he hugged her from behind.

  “I am messed up right?” Aurora asked.

  “We all have our problems and hang-ups we have to deal with.” Chase took the soap bar from its holder and began to wash Aurora down. His gentle touch was in stark contrast with the power hidden in his muscular body. Aurora took the soap from Chase, and ran her hands all over his body. He was as ready for her as she was for him. Aurora stood and pressed herself against Chase.

  “I feel so safe in your arms Chase.”

  “Do you want to see something special?”

  Aurora looked into his eyes. “I am already looking at something special.”

  Chase kissed Aurora, then took her hand and pulled her from the shower.

  “You will need long pants and boots. It is some distance away on a dirt road.” Chase held a towel for Aurora.

  “And I just had a shower.” Aurora smiled.

  “Oh, and wear a bikini underneath.”

  Aurora’s face went stark. “Chase, you know I don’t swim.”

  “I know. Just trust me on this one.” Chases closed the shower taps, dried himself, and then wrapped a towel around his middle.

  “I am quickly going to my room to get my swimming trunks and fresh clothes. See you in five minutes.” Chase picked up his clothes from the floor and left the room. Aurora selected a two-piece black bikini, then dressed in long de
nim and a cotton button up shirt, followed by her hiking boots. Chase returned just as Aurora was fastening her boot laces. All done, Aurora grabbed her Rip Curl wallet, cell phone and then locked up. Energetically they jogged down hand in hand to Chase’s motorcycle. The morning air was fresh and full of promise. The sun and birds were still asleep when they pulled out of the hotel’s parking area. Aurora held Chase by his hips and took the scenery in while they passed through the heart of the still sleeping town. Boutiques and upscale restaurants stood shoulder to shoulder with small convenient shops, Khmer roadside restaurants, and local businesses. Siem Reap’s heart catered to all, tourists and locals alike.

  Chase turned right onto a main road that lead to the next town and opened the motorcycle up. Businesses selling office supplies, household goods, car parts and more flanked the road. Two flea markets flashed by, and then only trees lined the road, illuminated by the powerful headlights of the motorcycle. A short distance later, Chase turned left into a side road, and let the motorcycle run at full speed.

  The full moon illuminated rice fields dotted with trees that lined the road, while in the distance, the Kulen Mountain range called to them. Now and again Chase slowed down when they passed a small local village where in the daytime chickens crossed the road, children ran after them, and banana leaf thatched wooden houses stood proud on tall stilts next to the road. Slowly, Cambodia came to life further on. Women cooked breakfast on open fires under the houses while men helped, and old folks watched on while they lay in hammocks fastened to the stilts.

  The sky turned pink when they turned off into the Kulen Park. Dirt and dust spat into the air when Chase opened the throttle. Minutes later, they stopped before a gate where Chase quickly bought tickets from a still half-asleep guard. Chase gave one look at the sky turning light orange and then headed up the mountain. Aurora’s heart beat wildly when they raced up the steep cement road that led to the top off the mountain. Below them, the Cambodia countryside was ready to step out of the darkness. On top of the mountain, Chase let the motorcycle spew up rocks and dirt while he gunned it over the gravel road. Dense jungle like forest lined the road while trees touched branches overhead. A distance later, Chase turned into a side road.


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