Untamed Love

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Untamed Love Page 13

by Anton Swanepoel

  “Aurora, what is going on?” Nana asked when she stood and dusted herself off.

  “Nana can I borrow your scooter please?”


  “Aurora wait.” Chase yelled from the stairs.

  “I see.” Nana said and held out her keys. Aurora bolted to the parking area while Chase ran for her, calling for her to wait. “Drive slow.” Nana yelled when Aurora climbed on the scooter.

  “Aurora.” Chase yelled when she pulled away. He stood frozen for a moment, then bolted to his motorcycle. He had to catch Aurora. She had to know the truth.

  Chapter 12: Will Love Win?

  Aurora zoomed through the traffic. There was only one place she knew to go to think. Nana’s small automatic scooter was easy to ride. All Aurora had to do was operate the throttle. Being a cheaper model, there was only a hi, and low beam switch for the light, with the lights activating when the ignition was turned on. Tears flowed freely while Aurora dodged dogs and locals on bicycles returning home. A short distance out of town, the traffic lessened, and Aurora sped up. She let the scooter run flat out at 80km/h on the deserted road, double the speed limit. At the back of her mind, Nana’s words forced their way up. Aurora backed off the throttle and slowed down to the speed limit. Just then the scooter's headlights lit up a broken-down truck that blocked most of the road. Aurora slammed on the brakes, and the scooter skidded on the dirt road. Aurora almost lost control of the scooter and dragged her boots in the dirt alongside the scooter to stay upright. She stopped just in time with the front of the scooter going under the truck and the side of the truck almost touching her chest. Her heart raced while she pushed the scooter backwards, then negotiated around the back of the truck. If she had gone any faster, she would have been seriously injured.

  The near accident took some of Aurora’s thoughts away from Chase and her lost job. When she looked again, she was at the gate that led to the hidden temple on Nana’s uncle’s property. Aurora put the center stand out while letting the scooter ide. With its headlight lighting the gate up, Aurora gave the lock a good kick. It opened up and Aurora pulled the attached chain away, then opened the gate. She quickly pushed the scooter through, then locked the gate behind her. The road was narrow like Nana said, but with the full moon, it was spectacular. Aurora brought the scooter to a stop when she spotted the temple. She climbed off and walked to the forgotten temple that once served as a library for monks. At a time, chants and incantations reverberated off its walls and roof. With the roof mostly gone, the moonlight bathed the inside in a soft silver glow. Aurora walked over the leaf covered ground to the back of the temple and dropped down on the blanket Nana had left there. Aurora’s mind and emotions were in disarray. Everything I wanted and thought I had was gone in an instant. Rick sleeping with Emily and then Chase not telling me he had a girlfriend. Was grandmother right? Did I not deserve to be loved?

  Aurora bolted up when a motorcycle stopped outside the temple. How did Chase find me? Aurora’s heart raced. She balled her fists. Chase will come to know the karate moves I know.

  “Aurora.” Chase said when he entered the temple.

  “You said you would wait an eternity for me, and then you went and shagged some girl while I got dressed for dinner. I had the perfect evening planned, and you ruined it.” Aurora yelled and sprinted forward, her eyes locked onto the soft spots on Chase’s body. Aurora jumped through the air and did a flying kick. Expertly Chase sidestepped and Aurora landed in a kneeling position behind him, then jumped up and took her stance again.

  “I did not sleep with a girl.”

  “I saw you come out of her room, and she was all over you. Slobbering you and you telling each other you love each other.” Aurora yelled then lunged forward and threw a triple combination punch. Chase managed to block two, but the third one caught him on the shoulder. Chase rolled his shoulder, and Aurora smiled. He felt that one, good.

  “You hardly can call it slobbering. She only gave me a peck on the check, and...”

  “Whatever.” Aurora launched another triple combination punch attack. This time Chase was ready and blocked each blow.

  “AND, she is my sister.”

  “What?” Aurora dropped her hands, unsure as to what to do.

  “She is my sister. We have not seen each other for almost ten years since I joined the marines. She hated me being there, and she had constant fights with my mother for taking my side. She was still staying with my mother when I joined the marines. Then she just one day packed up and left. She did not even know our mother had died. I only found her a month ago after hiring a private detective. I was in New York meeting her. We settled our differences, and when she heard I was no longer in the marines and lived in Thailand; she wanted to come with me. We were on our way to go see Angkor Wat when you ran into me on the airport in New York. The day I saved you in the swimming pool, she had gone to Battambang for the day but had a motorcycle accident. That was why I left you to go to Battambang. She only came back this afternoon. I missed her text messages through the day, and she was angry with me for not replying all day. I did not know how she was going to react when I explained why I missed her text messages.”

  “And, how did she react?”

  “She hit me with her crutch and then said if I do not bring you with me for breakfast with her tomorrow she will bash my head in with her crutch. She is dying to meet the person that stole my heart.”

  “Shit, I feel like an asshole.” Aurora looked down and kicked a few leaves up.

  “Don’t. You behaved exactly as I would want you to behave. If you did not care for me, you would not have reacted so intensely. A girl used me a while back to get her boyfriend jealous. I thought I would never trust a girl enough to fall in love again. You proved me wrong. How you reacted showed to me you really care.”

  “I do.” Aurora looked up at Chase.

  Chase leaned forward to kiss Aurora, but she stopped him with her hand on his chess and pushed him away.

  “Not like this, I am a mess. It is not perfect.”

  “Why does everything always have to be perfect Aurora?” Chase asked softly.

  “Because I am not perfect. I am useless. I lost my job. I am nobody. I can never do anything right. I do not deserve to be happy. I do not deserve YOU.” Aurora yelled. Aurora’s energy left her, and she dropped to her knees. Tears ran in rivers down her cheeks while her body rocked. Chase’s hands were warm on her shoulders.

  “Go away Chase. You deserve a better girl. A perfect girl for you that will make you happy.”

  “You are perfect Aurora.”

  “No I am not.”

  “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I am madly in love with you. You are the perfect girl I want.” Chase gave Aurora a hug, and then lifted her chin. “Who raised you Aurora?”


  “Do you trust me Aurora?”


  “So, then who raised you?”

  “My grandmother from when I was four.”

  “Aurora. Picture yourself being four years old. You are in your grandmother’s living room, and she is with you. You look over to the kitchen, and you see a glass of soda. It is your favorite color and you shuffle over to it with your little legs. You take it in your little hands, and it is your favorite color and smell. You take a sip, and it is amazing. So you shuffle over to your grandmother to show her the treasure you found. Just as you enter the living room, your little hands cannot hold the glass anymore, and it falls and messes soda all over your grandmother’s carpet. You look up and you look into her face, and you see her expression. What would you like to tell her now as an adult you could not back then?”

  “I was only four. How could you yell at me like that? The carpet did not even stain. You demanded perfection from me when you yourself were a mess; your life was a mess. Nothing I ever did was good enough for you.” Aurora took a deep breath. “I see now. You were jealous of me doing better than you ever could. You could not admit I was
better than you were. I am not worthless. At least, I planned a bit in my life. You could not even plan for your funeral. I spent two years paying off the hospital bills you left me with. I am not worthless. I am perfectly like I want to be, and I am exactly where and with whom I want to be.” Aurora grabbed Chase and held him tight while rivers wetted his shirt. His warmth and strong shoulders gave her comfort. This is what I want. This is where I want to be. I want you Chase. Aurora’s cellphone rang in her pocket, and slowly she pulled away. She gave Chase a kiss and then pulled away from him.

  “It is probably Nana checking if I am okay.” Aurora said and pulled her cellphone out. Aurora’s face dropped.

  “Who is it Aurora?”

  “Crap, this is bad timing. It is Barbara, my boss’ boss. One of the board members. She is phoning me to tell me the board decided to fire me. My secretary had already altered me by email.”

  “You will have to talk to her some time, why not now?” Chase asked. Aurora ground her teeth and answered the call.

  “Hello Aurora.”

  “Hi Barbara.”

  “Aurora. I am sorry to bother you like this. I know it is a bit unusual doing this over the phone, but the board had a meeting. I cannot go into all the details now, but I thought you should know soonest that the board are giving you the senior manager position.”

  “What? Why?”

  “It is not something I want to discuss over the phone, but Emily no longer works for the company. The portfolio is a mess, and the investors are upset.”

  Aurora slowly stood and then took a step back from Chase. Her heart pounded in her chest and her head span. As a manager, I could juggle the workload and fly once a month for a long weekend to see Chase, but as a senior manager, there would not be the time. Keeping my job and taking the senior management position means letting go of Chase. I love New York. I love my job, but I also love Chase and Asia. But I have no job here or no idea how it is going to work out. Nothing is planned. Aurora bit her lip. Grandmother, I deserve to be happy, and I am worthy of love, even if I do not have a job.

  “Barbara. I thank you for the offer, but I have to decline. I am not coming back to New York.”


  “Barbara. I greatly respect you, but I have to follow my dreams, and they are here in Asia.”

  “You have a work offer there?” Barbara gasped.

  “No.” Aurora took a step closer to Chase and put her hand on his chest. “I met a man, and I fell in love with him and with the country and culture here. This is where I belong.”

  “You give me no choice Aurora. I did not want to tell you this over the phone. Emily tried to steal the money. She transferred the $100 million to different foreign accounts and then tried to leave the country. She was arrested at the airport a few hours ago. If it was not that I was going through the files online to see if you really did all the work, I would not have picked up that the money was transferred to personal bank accounts instead of investment accounts. Aurora, we need you. The investors are threatening to sue the company. I understand that you want to stay in Asia; I will do anything for my husband, so I understand. Can we compromise?”


  “The work you do Aurora can be done mostly from anywhere in the world. If you want to stay in Asia, we will set you up there. Visas, work permits, housing, anything you need. You can fly once a month to New York for meetings. Please think about it. It will take a week for the banks to release the funds back into the company’s accounts. I can give you that long to decide. Will you think about it?”

  “I will? Thank you.” The call disconnected. Aurora switched the phone off and dropped it onto the leaf-covered ground. Before Chase could comment, she grabbed him and kissed him. Aurora ran her hands down Chase’s back and then grabbed his shirt at the bottom. She pulled his shirt off and then let it drop on the ground. Aurora moaned when Chase planted kisses from her lips to her neck while he unbuttoned her shirt.

  “Nice.” Chase smiled when her pink bra showed. Chases pulled her shirt off and unhooked her bra. Aurora’s creamy mounts swelled, and her rose buds hardened when they hung bare. She unbuckled Chase’s pants while he suckled on a rosebud. Her creamy mounts throbbed while Chase cupped them. Chase dropped a hand to Aurora's pants while Aurora pulled his down. His manhood was hot and hard in her hands. The apex of her legs became swollen, and her portal of pleasure ached for him. Chase pulled her pants down then lay a trail of kisses from her creamy mounts to her apex. His lips were hot on her pedals of womanhood. His suckled on her pearl and shockwaves of ecstasy shot through Aurora. She grabbed Chase at the back of the head and arched her body backwards as he ravaged her senses. Deep inside her, she clenched multiple times. Aurora pulled Chase’s head away from her, then bent down and pulled her wallet from her shorts. She took the condom wrapper out and opened the packet. Chase’s manhood throbbed in her hands while she rolled the condom on. Her creamy mounts ached impatiently for his hands to cup and caress them while Chase lowered Aurora onto the blanket. His lips found hers, and their tongues did a dance. Chase dropped his hand to her apex. His fingers glided over her wet naked flesh and massages her pedals of womanhood.

  “Take me now.” Aura gasped and pressed her body hard against Chase, feeling his warmth. Slowly, Chase entered her and she accepted him fully. Rhythmical they moved as one, their hearts beating as one. Their heart beat increased, and their breathing were fast and shallow. Chase was in and out of her while his hand stimulated her pearl of womanhood. Aurora moaned and hugged Chase tightly when she clenched around him. Chase let go on the second time she clenched around him, driving her even higher. Chase continued the onslaught on her senses with his fingers on her pearl while he suckled her throbbing hard rose peaks. Aurora gently pressed her lips tighter while her eyes glistened. Slowly she leaned forward and ran her hands through Chase’s hair while he planted kisses from her swollen creamy mounts, over her chest, to her neck and then her lips. Gently Chase pulled out from her. Aurora felt empty at the loss of him. Chase lay down next to her and the caressed her body with his fingers.

  A butterfly landed on one of her sensitive rose buds, sending a shiver through Aurora. Chase frowned, then his face went serious.

  “Hey, that’s mine.” He said and brought his hand up. Aurora stiffened. Is he going to kill the butterfly? She relaxed when he placed his finger on her swollen creamy mount next to the butterfly, then gently scooped it up. Slowly, he glided his finger off her hardened throbbing flesh towards the apex of her legs while his tongue suckled a sensitive rose bud, causing ripples of pleasure to engulf Aurora. Stopping at her tummy, he off-loaded the butterfly there and lifted his head.

  “I think this is where you belong, you must have escaped.”

  Aurora giggled then ran her hands through his hair while he renewed his onslaught on her senses with his tongue on her rose buds. His hand glided over her body to her apex, then joined the onslaught on her senses. Aurora’s breath raced and she arched her back, giving him full access to her. His hand was hot on her bare flesh as it glided over the damp petals of her womanhood. Seconds later, her portal of pleasure glistened. Aurora brought her thighs together as her love’s sweet lava flowed, and she clenched deep inside multiple times. Not being able to take any more attacks on her rose buds, she pulled his head to hers. His lips were hot on hers, and his tongue absorbed her drugging nectar before dancing a tango with hers. I love you Chase, floated through her mind. Chase slowly pulled away, causing her lips to yearn for more suckling. Chase pushed himself up and then let his right hand glide up over her tummy, past the butterfly and on to her creamy mounts. His fingers caress her rose buds, sending jolts of lighting pleasure through her body.

  “Are you sure you are ready for a beach server job in Thailand?” Chase asked. Aurora grabbed his hand and pressed it hard against her swollen mounts.

  “You do not like what I did?”

  “I do! And that’s the problem. I cannot think straight with you doing it.” Auror
a gasped, and then calmed her breathing. When she had some sort of control over her breathing, she continued. ”My company just offered me the senior manager position. Emily screwed up. They are desperate to have me back.”

  “Are you going to accept?”

  “Hell yes.” Aurora yelled.

  “And us?” Chase’s face went white.

  “They are willing to set me up anywhere in the world I want to live. I was thinking of moving in with a gorgeous hunk lying next to me.” Chase smiled, and his color returned.

  “You know I live in a traditional Asian wooden house half in a forest on a cliff that overlooks the ocean. Is that something you want?” Aurora smiled. I don’t care if we live in a barn knee-deep in cow manure, as long as I have you. However, your house is my dream house.

  “It sounds perfect.”

  “How many days did you plan on still staying in Cambodia?”

  “I want to stay two days here in Siem Reap, then go to Phnom Penh for two, then to Kampot for three days.”

  “And then?”

  “Then off to Thailand to see some gorgeous hunk that swept my feet out from under me.”

  “So I will see you in about a week then?”

  “You bet that amazing ass of yours.”

  “Is my ass all you care about?” Chase dropped his eyebrows.

  “Well, you have other qualities as well.”

  “Such as?”

  “You are terrific in the woods, not sure how you are in a bed or shower yet.”

  “We can go back to the hotel and find out.” Chase smiled then gave Aurora a passionate kiss.

  “We should probably get dressed.” Aurora panted when chase surrendered her lips to her.

  “Has it got anything to do with the fact that several mosquitos already zapped my ass, and you do not want to share?” Aurora burst out laughing when she leaned forward. Several red spots showed on Chase’s still perfect ass.


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