The Love I Lost (Ariadne Silver Romance Mystery #2)

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The Love I Lost (Ariadne Silver Romance Mystery #2) Page 1

by Morris Fenris

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Book Samples

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  The Love I Lost

  (Contemporary Romance Mystery)

  Book 2 of the Ariadne Silver Romance Mystery Series

  Morris Fenris

  Love Romance Publications House

  The Love I Lost

  Book 2 of the Ariadne Silver Romance Mystery Series

  Copyright 2015 Morris Fenris

  Love Romance Publications House

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from the author.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Chapter 1


  Five beautiful years had passed since Ariadne “Alice” Silver became Mrs. Lucien Valier. The five years spent in Phoenix with her new family had been full of happiness and positive progression for all of them. Alice expanded her business and was now the successful owner of a dozen spas throughout Arizona and France. Lucien opened his own law firm from their home and was doing very well, and his beautiful daughter, Eugenia, had blossomed into a beautiful teenager and was making huge strides with her medical condition as well as with her music studies. The sky was the limit and it seemed as though the only way for the family to go was up.

  The time was about 7 PM and Ariadne was looking forward to Eugenia's return from her music class. She was just beginning to feel anxious as Eugenia was usually home by this time. As she paced back and forth through their huge reception hall, she was trying to rationalize with herself. “Perhaps Eugenia wanted to spend some extra time extracting the melodies she was engulfed with,” she thought to herself. She sat down by the window with a cup of tea in her hand.

  Ariadne aimlessly stared into the sky and attempted to cast her worries aside as she reminded herself of all she had been through and how happy she was now. Though Eugenia was faced with her own struggles due to her physical deformity, she was progressing, and Alice was glad that Eugenia would never be faced with all of the rough experiences she had gone through.

  The focus on her past and present was broken as she heard the doorbell ring. She jumped up, feeling immense relief because she knew it had to be Eugenia returning home. She rested the teacup on her custom-made teak wood table and tightened the tie of her red velvet robe as she rushed to open the door. As she flung the door open, to her surprise it wasn't Eugenia. There was a man standing in the doorway, probably in his early thirties. He wiped his bushy brow and twirled his mustache as he asked, "Mademasollie, j'mappele Frank. Mr. Valier?"


  She assumed that the man must have been one of Lucien’s clients, and opened the door wide to welcome him in. As the man entered, Alice leaned outside and peered down the road for a moment to see if Eugenia was anywhere in sight, but to her disappointment, there was no sign of anybody else. She sighed and locked the door.

  Lucien had his personal office upstairs, beside his and Ariadne's bedroom. Only the people with special appointments were invited there. Many of his clients didn't even know of its existence, but the ones who knew about it also knew the rules to maintain quietness and not disrupt the calm of himself and his family.

  Ariadne asked the butler to make their guest comfortable and to alert Lucien of his arrival. Flooded with a new wave of anxiety, she returned to her throne of solace and grabbed her cup of tea. Her eyes wandered through the room and rested on the grandfather clock. Her tension about Eugenia rose with every tick of the clock’s hand and a few desultory voices in her head began to speak of her daughter being unsafe for some reason. She tried to wait patiently. It was on a very rare occasion that she ever had to worry about something. A few more minutes passed and she firmly held the teacup to keep her hands from shaking. Just then, Lucien came down from his office with his client. He shook his hand and guided him to the main door. As he was about to walk back upstairs, he looked at Ariadne who was sitting quietly and tapping her foot on the ground nervously. He sat down next to her and kissed her on the cheek.

  “What’s the trouble, mon ami?”

  Ariadne was just beginning to spill her worries to Lucien when she heard the telephone ring. Both Lucien and she froze for a moment, perplexed about who might be calling on the landline. They only used the landline to register Lucien’s business. The only phone numbers anyone had of theirs was their mobile numbers. Neither of them could remember the line ever ringing before. Nonetheless, Ariadne felt a spark of hope and ran to the other end of the room to answer it.

  "Hello? Valier residence"

  There was a stretch of silence on the other end before someone spoke out. Then, just a scream, "Mama? Mama! Help me!"

  Ariadne felt as if her heart had been pierced through and a shock ran through her spine. Lucien rushed to his wife as he saw her eyes open wide.

  "Eugenia? What is happening? Are you alright?" Alice asked, her voice overflowing with worry. Eugenia wept with hiccups. Ariadne was struggling to understand what Eugenia was telling her. Finally she clearly heard, “Please mama, do what the man says!”

  Lucien held his wife as she nearly collapsed and he took the receiver from her hand.

  “Eugenia, darling? Is that you, sweetheart?” Lucien spoke calmly into the phone though inside he was shaking.

  “Daddy! Just do what the man says! Do what he says, please, Daddy!”

  The other side of the line disconnected as Lucien heard the wails and pleading of his daughter. Even for a rational and level-headed top lawyer like himself, this was almost too much for Lucien to bear.


  Ariadne awoke with a start to a splash of cool water on her face and opened her eyes to find herself lying in her husband’s arms on the floor of the reception hall. Their butler, Samuel, stood over the two of them, trying to hide the panic that had spread across his face. Everybody loved Eugenia and this terrible phone call was reason for anyone who knew her to be stricken with fear and tremendous worry. As Ariadne’s eyes regained their focus, she remembered what had happened just before she fainted, and jerked herself up hoping that it had all been some terrible nightmare.

  “Where’s Eugenia? What happened?” She asked in a panic, looking left and right, trying to spot her lovely step-daughter.

  It took all of Lucien’s willpower to keep himself calm. He knew that if Alice sensed his panic she would completely break down, so he tried to reassure her as he began to formulate some kind of plan in his mind. He turned his wife’s face to his and her terror stricken gaze met his own. He kissed her on the forehead and assured her that everything would be alright and that he just had to figure out what to do.


  It was just the day before the horrific phone call when Eugenia had arrived home late from her music class for the fourth time that month. Ariadne cared for Eugenia more than anything in the world, and her only source of worry came from this love and care. The last time Eugenia had quietly snuck inside two hours late, Ariadne snapped at her. At fourteen years old, Eugenia was entering a rebellious phase of life that even the most perfect of angels experience. Since that night, there had been s
ome tension between Eugenia and her stepmother. Eugenia tried to explain that she had to study late sometimes and that she loved to go to the library after her music lessons, but Ariadne just wanted her to stay out of trouble and come home early. She couldn’t understand what Eugenia’s problem was; when they had moved to Phoenix she had a library and music room built in the house, especially for Eugenia. She thought that her stepdaughter must be hiding something from her and felt hurt. Eugenia wished that Alice could understand the difference and was hurt that her stepmother didn’t trust her anymore. They had made up after the argument over a cup of hot cocoa, for they loved one another very much, but since then they had both felt a certain change in their relationship.


  Ariadne leaned into her husband as he kissed her on the forehead. She trembled with frustration, regret, and fear, wondering what could have happened to Eugenia. She knew firsthand how dangerous it was for a young girl outside after dark, and she wished that Eugenia would have just listened to her. She couldn’t help but consider how this may never have happened if they had just stayed at her old mansion in the valley of southern Arizona. Lucien and she had taken the decision to move to Phoenix shortly after their wedding because there were much better physiotherapists willing to come to the house and work on Eugenia’s leg, and there they had access to much better junior high and music schools than what she would have been able to attend in the valley. Ariadne had tried to set up their new home with everything her stepdaughter could ever wish for so that she would feel comfortable. She just wanted her to avoid staying out late and getting into trouble as she grew up.

  As she sat on the floor of the reception hall, trembling with worry, she couldn’t help but play back in her mind the heated discussion that had occurred between Eugenia and her just before Eugenia had left for her music class that afternoon. She had approached the young girl in an attempt to find out what the library in the city had that she couldn’t offer her at home. Eugenia took offense to this and stormed out in a hurry. Ariadne’s heart was shattered. She feared now that she may never see her precious angel again. She looked at Lucien with tears streaming down her pale cheeks and let her head fall onto his shoulder.

  “It’s all my fault!” She sobbed, “What are we going to do?”


  Eugenia had always been an exceptional girl and never ceased to amaze everyone she met. Though she avoided sports due to her physical trouble with her leg combined with her innate inclination towards music, reading, and all things intellectual, she had been a strong and healthy child who was blossoming into a beautiful young woman. She was extremely talented with her music, earning such nicknames as “the female Mozart” and “Eugenia the genius.” She loved diving deep into the depths of each tune and exploring every delicate sound of a melody.

  Harpsichord had always been her favorite instrument; piano was next. She had played Mozart’s symphonies when she was just five. The natural passion which separated her from other kids had always made Lucien proud of her.

  After Ariadne met Eugenia, she had been drawn to the little girl instantly without being cognizant of her musical talents. It wasn’t long before Ariadne learned that Eugenia’s mother had died while giving birth to the little angel. She felt intense sorrow that Isabelle, Eugenia’s biological mother, never got to see what an intelligent, beautiful, and talented girl she had brought into this world. Sometimes she even cried for her. She had neither seen nor known the love of a mother.

  Before Ariadne had met Lucien and Eugenia, she was successful and wealthy but she was not happy. For all the money she had in the world, she lacked some important values which make a person whole, such as trust and love. Her life had been rough. She had single handedly fought the world and had come out on top, but she was broken and bruised, lost like Alice in Wonderland before she met her “mad hatter” and “Eugenia the genius.”

  It hadn’t taken her long at all to decide that she wanted to do something for Lucien’s little girl after she learned of her passion for music and her zeal for life. Since she met the father and child, she made sure to contribute in every way to the little girl’s well-being and overall happiness. She saw it as an opportunity to shower a child with all the love and care that she had never known.

  Ariadne took a leap of faith that she never thought she would when she stationed some of her best and most trustworthy employees in France to open a new spa outlet there. Managing multiple business locations and properties throughout Arizona and France wasn’t easy, but all her effort had been worth it as she got to see her business and her family blossom over the course of five years. She finally understood the values of trust and love and she couldn’t be happier.

  Everyone was happy and everything was going fine until Eugenia started staying out quite late after her music classes. The first couple of times she turned up late for supper, Ariadne and Lucien went easy on her, but when Eugenia started coming home later and later, Ariadne’s worry grew more intense. It was coming to the point where Ariadne and Lucien had to wait for her to come home a few times every week. Ariadne knew that the classes finished by 6 PM sharp, but Eugenia wouldn’t turn up until 9:00 PM or even later.

  After having a phone conversation with Eugenia's teacher, Ariadne was convinced that there was something fishy going on, but she wondered why Eugenia would be hiding anything from her father or herself. When Eugenia had disappeared a couple of times during the weekend, Ariadne was ready to interrogate her. She had already spoken to her husband about it who decided to sit down quietly during the whole session. Lucien knew about Ariadne’s tough life and understood her worry and frustration. He was getting worried himself, but wasn’t very good at having emotional talks or being firm with his only daughter. Ariadne just wanted to know from Eugenia was where she had been spending her extra time. Eugenia kept insisting that she was at the library, but Ariadne would not believe her. As her parents’ frustration mounted, she spoke to them less and less and eventually started locking herself in her bedroom. Ariadne and Lucien were struck by the sudden change in Eugenia’s behavior and they were baffled about what they should do about it. They just wanted her to understand that they care for her more than anything in the world and they just want her to be safe, but there was clearly some serious miscommunication happening. They were confused about what to do as any parent with a rebellious teen would be. Ariadne longed for the simplicity and understanding of Eugenia’s younger years.


  Since meeting his Alice, everything in in Lucien's life was moving, growing, and changing quickly, and so was he. After losing Eugenia’s mother, he never dreamed of finding love again and he had been sure that he would never remarry. When he met Ariadne and saw how quickly she came to love and trust Eugenia and him, his heart felt full for the first time in years. He gave up his life in France to begin anew in the United States. During the five years since his marriage, he had completed the necessary studies required to allow him to practice law in his new country, passing the bar exam in Phoenix with ease after taking several jurisprudence courses. Just two years after moving to the city, he was able to open his own practice and his business was flourishing.

  Being a naturally adaptable person, Lucien took to life in his new home fairly well. He learned the ins and outs of American law quickly and perfected his English. He was happy and comfortable with his new family in Arizona, but as one can imagine, even the most adaptable people face a degree of struggle when getting acclimated to a new culture. One of Lucien’s main concerns was his daughter, Eugenia. He understood that growing up in America would be much different for her than the life in France that she was used to. Fortunately, she had learned quite a bit of English before they left for the United States, and being a fast learner, she had picked up on the rest with amazing ease. Still, there were certain values that differed dramatically between the two countries. He was afraid that the general selfish attitude of the Americans would rub off on his sweet little girl as she was at a very impressionable
age when they moved.

  Ariadne Valier was a smart woman. She knew when and how to make proper decisions. That was one of the best and the unnoticed quality in her which helped her crawl out of any filth she could have ever gotten into. When she saw Lucien worrying about his daughter’s acclimation to life in America, she suggested he take one of the rooms in their large home to open his practice in so that he could oversee his daughter’s education and build his business easily.

  Lucien instantly agreed to the suggestion and had a good office set up in his house. Soon, he had so many clients that he took another of the rooms as his private office. Apart from his work, he had never forgotten about the responsibilities he had over his only daughter, Eugenia. He knew that it was quite easy for teenagers to get spoiled in the States and he made sure to always look after her. Unfortunately, he soon saw the American attitude rubbing off on her, and though he tried to keep things calm and peaceful, it broke his heart a little bit more every time she arrived home late and every time Ariadne had an unsuccessful attempt at communicating with her.


  When Lucien took the phone from Ariadne’s hand as he held her in his arms that horrific evening and heard his little girl wailing, he was almost thrown into a rage. A surge of emotion flowed through his body and he was frozen on the spot. There were only two things which kept him calm. Most importantly, he had to reassure Ariadne that things would be okay. He had to be strong for her own sake. Another was his natural ability to understand that a bad situation will only escalate if a person loses control and acts irrationally. He suppressed the rush of adrenaline that was flowing through his veins as he held his wife and kissed her on the forehead. He could not bear to see her cry. He knew everything about her; everything she had been through. He knew how much she loved and cared for Eugenia and he knew how worried she had been lately. She wanted so badly to protect his little girl and to give her a comfortable life, free from all of the struggles and hardships she had experienced in her own. He had never seen anyone so hardworking, honest, and selfless in his life. He knew how lucky he was to have her, and he always put his emotions on the back burner to make sure that she was alright. He had never had to be so strong before in his life.


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