Accidentally Wed: An Accidental Marriage Romance

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Accidentally Wed: An Accidental Marriage Romance Page 3

by Sullivan, Piper

  “And just what in the hell is that supposed to mean?” Arms crossed, I took a step forward, but this time, she didn’t budge. She might be little as hell, and soft and sweet. But she was also tough.

  She snorted out a laugh that was equal parts humor and disgust. “Oh, come on, Zeke. You haven’t had a girlfriend since you came to Belle Musique years ago. At least not so that anyone around here knows. You don’t commit, and that’s fine, it’s your prerogative. I wasn’t expecting a commitment, just common decency.” I watched as she systematically shut down before my eyes.

  “You’re right, I should have done better, but it really wasn’t what it looked like.”

  She tossed her head back and let out a bitter unamused laugh. “It wasn’t one of your women kissing you in the middle of the bar and you kissing her back? Funny because that’s exactly what it looked like to me.”

  “I know, and I was a dumbass, but I wasn’t kissing her back Maddie, I swear. I just… shit, I didn’t want to embarrass her by pulling away.” Yep, it sounded as dumb out loud as Nash said it would.

  “That makes it better, then. Good to know.” She shook her head, a tumble of waves fell around her shoulders, but she was as angry as she was beautiful in that moment. “Look Zeke, apology accepted. Really. But it’s time for you to leave, so we can both move on with our lives.”

  I stared at her in disbelief. Who was this hard, cold woman standing before me? She looked like Maddie, and wore the same clothes, but this wasn’t the woman who looked at me with a sparkle in her eyes. Gone was that smile that never seemed to waver in my presence, and in its place was a thin white line of emotional nothingness. Everything about her posture screamed ‘stay the hell away’ but those big caramel eyes didn’t lie. She was hurt, sure. Angry too. But she also still wanted me.

  “Anything else?”

  “Other than you leaving? No. Nothing.” Her chin was tilted high in defiance, daring me to push her and prove every negative thought about me right.

  “Dammit, Maddie.”

  “Don’t you ‘Dammit Maddie’ me Zeke, you’re the one who screwed, not me! I asked you for nothing and that’s exactly what you gave me. Now please, get o-,”

  I couldn’t take it anymore, not one more fucking second of listening to Maddie tell me how little she expected of me, and just how spectacularly I’d come through on that. Instead of leaving through the open door, I kicked it closed and pushed up against her until her back was pressed against the wall and those big brown eyes stared up at me filled with doubt. And heat.

  My lips crashed down on hers, hard and fast. But I needed more of her, I grabbed her thigh and ass lifted her in the air, back pressed against the wall with me between her legs. I kissed Maddie until I was so hard I ached to be buried deep inside her again and again. Devoured her mouth until she moaned into mine, digging her heels into my back, physically begging me for more.

  When her hands tightened in my hair, my dick pressed against her and I was lost. I wanted nothing more than to strip her down and fuck her right there. But now wasn’t the time. Dammit it really wasn’t the right time, no matter how much I wanted it to be. I kept on kissing her though, because I couldn’t stop, because her taste was as addictive as any narcotic, at least that’s how it felt to me.

  Maddie moaned again, louder this time and then she froze. She froze and pulled back. The spell was broken. “Zeke,” she said and let out a frustrated groan, probably at hearing the huskiness still in her voice. No matter what she said next, I knew she was into that kiss. I felt it. Maddie slid down my body which only stoked the fire that hadn’t even begun to die inside of me.

  “Maddie.” My forehead pressed against hers, silently pleading with her not to say the words she was gathering steam to say.

  “That was a mistake. It was nice, so fucking nice, but still a mistake.”

  “It didn’t feel like a mistake, dammit Maddie. It felt right.” Too right.

  “It felt right before too, Zeke. Then you went and put some woman you used to fuck, before me. I’ll see you around, Zeke.” She pulled the door open again, this time with a white knuckle grip on the doorknob and she waited, staring at the ground to avoid my gaze.

  “This isn’t over Maddie.”

  “Of course it is, Zeke. You’re just not used to the woman ending things.”

  She was right about that, but that was all she was right about. “You’re wrong Maddie and I look forward to proving it to you.” A shocked breath hissed out of her and those gorgeous brown eyes searched my own, for what, I couldn’t say.

  “Goodbye, Zeke,” was all she said before I stepped out and walked away.

  Now wasn’t the time to convince her. She needed to sit on what had just happened between us, and to come to terms with the fact that this wasn’t over.

  Not by a long shot.


  “You be good for Aunt Vivi and Uncle Nash, okay?”

  It was the day of the launch, and I was up early because I hadn’t slept at all, two maybe three hours total and I was exhausted. But being at the shop was exactly what I needed to get my head on straight before the day got started.

  “I’m always good! Good luck today.”

  “Thank you, baby. Mama loves you so much.” After a quick peck on his cheek, I left Max and headed to High St. Fashions. Today was a make or break day for me as a designer. I kept wondering if I should have just kept this nothing more than a pipe dream.

  But it was too late to turn back now, proof of that was in the ice filled cooler I wheeled into the shop behind me, filled with bottles of wine and champagne courtesy of Vivi. The flyers had been plastered on windshields, storefronts, stuffed in mailboxes and shoved into shopping bags at the supermarket. Vivi had pretty much assured that all the women in town would come into the shop today.

  No pressure.

  Even as the thought occurred to me, all I could think about was what if today was a flop? What if no one showed up today, or worse, what if they showed up and hated my designs? I knew it was a possibility and as much as anyone could, I tried to prepare myself to handle that. To deal with it, whatever it turned out to be.

  I kept telling myself that as I paced the length of the shop, casting surreptitious glances over at the dress display that seemed to be taunting me. I told myself that as I began setting up the refreshments table and placing coupons strategically around the shop for what I hoped would be tons of customers.

  Eventually my nerves settled into a low level of constant anxiety, which allowed me to put on a pot of coffee, vacuum the strips of carpet that gave the place a more sophisticated air, rearrange the dresses two or three more times. I finally gave in and poured a big cup. With caffeine coursing through my system I could think a bit clearly even with my twitchy nerves.

  By ten o’clock everything was set up. The refreshments table sat near the front window that bore the shop’s name so that people could congregate there and chat without spilling food or drink on any of the designs. Soft music would stream overhead as it always did during shopping hours, only today it would be jazz and big band to go with the 1920’s theme for the dress display. Everything looked exactly how I pictured it for the past few months, which was a more euphemistic way of saying it was as good as it was gonna get.

  “I should have tried to sleep a few more hours.”

  Mostly because I was starting to talk to myself, but also because I was now just doing busywork to occupy my mind. But there’s only so many times you can check the POS system, price tags and inventory lists.

  A knock on the back door drew my attention, but I took my time because I wasn’t in the mood for visitors. With my hand squeezed around the doorknob, I let out a deep breath and pulled it open.

  “Zeke. What are you doing here?”

  He looked nervous, holding a large bouquet of colorful tulips which he shoved at me. “These are, uh, for you.” I shouldn’t think he looked adorable standing there with flowers in his trembling hands, but he did. Or maybe it
was the way the gray denim hugged his long lean thighs, or the way the black Zeke’s Joint t-shirt hugged his muscles.

  I smiled, and immediately berated myself mentally for the gesture. “Thanks, Zeke. How did you know?”

  “Belle Musique Facebook page. Apparently, it’s the place to get all of your gossip at once, you know, in case you prefer to stay at home and try to avoid nosy neighbors.” With a shake of his head, he stepped inside and smiled down at me, and I swear to the sweet lord above that my knees wobbled at the same time my heart skipped a beat. “Can I see them?”

  Wait, what? “You want to see them? As in my dresses?” That’s the behavior I would have expected of the Zeke who wanted sex on a regular basis, but now I just didn’t get it. “Why?”

  “Why not? I’m curious what kinds of dresses you would create. My guess is sexy and understated, but I’m prepared to be proven wrong.”

  Those words were exactly what I needed to help me remember. He’d promised, last week after he’d kissed me senseless, that he would show me I was wrong about him, and yet here we were a week later, and this was the first time I’d seen him since.

  “Sure. Follow me.”

  “Gladly.” I didn’t bother to glare at him, because that’s exactly what he wanted, and I wasn’t foolish enough to take his charm as anything more than Zeke being Zeke. I led him to the front of the shop, stopping by the register and waving my hands in the direction of the display. “There they are.”

  I watched with my heart in my throat at Zeke walking over to the display, looking uber masculine next to all the frilly things around the shop. He stopped about five feet from the display and grinned.

  “You did the display too? I thought all that velvet was some kind of fetish of yours.”

  Against my will, I laughed. “You know much more about those things than I do, so I’ll take your word for it.”

  Zeke shook his head, but his gaze never left the display. “Wow Maddie, you created these! I don’t know much about fashion, but I do know that I’d happily peel you out of each and every one of these.”

  Even though I wanted to ignore the way his words made me feel, I couldn’t deny the liquid heat coursing through my body, or the way my nipples hardened behind the structured bra, keeping my arousal private from his prying eyes.

  “Thanks. I think.”

  When he turned to me, intent in his eyes, I took a step back. Not out of fear, but self-preservation. He frowned, but his long legged gait never wavered, eating up the space between us until his big black motorcycle boots were toe to toe with my soft yellow ballet flats. Big, warm hands settled on my shoulders. “Congratulations, Maddie. This is pretty incredible.”

  I didn’t want him to be proud of me, and I didn’t want to see his happiness for me shining in those beautiful chocolate depths. But he was proud and that pleased me. Dammit. “Thank you, Zeke. That…it means a lot.”

  “Good. I’m glad.” He kissed one cheek and then the other, his clean manly scent working its way deep into my brain to ensure I never forgot it. “I can’t stay long, but I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stop by later to show my support, so I figured I’d come in early while you were freaking out all by yourself.”

  Another laugh, this one more amused, erupted out of me. “You’re way too late for that. I freaked out much earlier than this.” He laughed and just like that it was like those few good months we had. Laughing over everything and nothing. But this was now, and now we were…nothing.

  “Thank you, I really do appreciate it.”

  One side of his mouth curved into a lazy grin that I wanted to trace with my tongue, so I took a step back. “Today will be great, Maddie. Congratulations again, and have some champagne. If you add orange juice it’s basically breakfast.”

  He was so much more than his charm. Zeke was also funny, with a quick wit that had kept me laughing when he was around. It had been a damn good few months.

  “That should be your new Sunday menu, ‘Basically Breakfast’ with mimosas and Bloody Marys for brunch.”

  He frowned. “Brunch? Belle Musique isn’t’ really a brunch kind of town. Is it?”

  I shrugged. “Ladies love brunch and men love having sex with ladies. Maybe you need a morning after menu too?”

  “You looking for a second, or third job Maddie? Because I like these ideas.”

  I shrugged like his words didn’t light me up from the inside out. “Let’s see how today goes, maybe I just need to stick with one job.”

  “That’s bullshit, and you know it. Tell you what, if those dresses don’t sell out then I’ll buy every one on of them. If you’ll wear them on our dates.” He grinned when I glared at him, completely unaffected. “If you don’t have any faith in yourself Maddie, that’s too bad. I do. You’ll do great today.” I opened my mouth to tell him that he couldn’t possibly know that, while at the same time secretly hoping he was right, but Zeke was done talking.

  He was kissing me. Again. This time it was slow and hot, hungry and addictive as his tongue swept across my lips before they parted, begging for more. It was what a kiss should be, and I wanted more. So much more.

  Zeke, apparently, did not. “Knock’em dead today, Maddie.” He winked and took a step back, smacking my ass on his way out the door.

  After that kiss how could I not think about him all day?

  What’s worse? The day had just gotten started.


  “Damn it’s been busy in here!” Nate walked into the office we shared and dropped down on the sofa in the corner, legs splayed out in front of him with one arm covering his eyes. “I think my blisters have blisters. Good thing you don’t require the girls to wear heels, they’d revolt.”

  He was right, the launch of the beer garden had gone even better than I planned and the after work crowd was still a few hours away. “If you want to prance around in heels man, be my guest.”

  I’d worked in plenty of bars and restaurants before moving to Belle Musique and opening up Zeke’s Joint. My parents hated it, they had big plans for me to become another corporate drone like my older brother. But don’t feel bad for me, because they gave me choices. Work at the family company helping rich people keep their reputations clean or go into politics. I’d chosen the service industry to their great shame, but they shocked the hell out of me when they released my trust fund rather than hold it hostage. Though, if I’m being honest, they probably would rather have a son who is a successful entrepreneur rather than a struggling bartender.

  It wouldn’t reflect well on the family name.

  “I would, but I’m afraid I’d steal all the tips and then our servers would quit.”

  “Or you could work it and double the tips for them, showing them what a gracious manager you are.” I had to laugh when Nate flipped me off. “Just an idea to keep morale up.”

  “Nah, I’m beat. I came back here to hide out, and to tell you that someone in the garden is asking for you.”

  “Does this person have a name?” Because if it was Shayla then I wasn’t going anywhere. Lesson learned.

  “Not Shayla if that’s what you’re asking.” He smirked because that jerk knew that’s exactly what I was asking.

  “Payback’s a bitch Nate.” I grinned as I stood, the maniacal grin that always meant hell for any employee.

  “Bring it.”

  “In due time, young Solo.” With a smile on my face I strode out to the garden wondering who would be asking for me, while also hoping it wasn’t any woman other than the one whose kiss I could still taste.

  “Zeke, over here!”

  I smiled at the sound of the young voice I knew well and turned. “Max, how’s it going man?” I was almost right in front of the table when Max jumped out of his seat and ran, jumping into my arms at the last minute.

  “Hey Zeke! Your garden is pretty cool even though I can’t have beer,” he pouted in the same adorable way Maddie would.

  “Hey, thanks. When you’re old enough, I’ll buy you one.” By then
Maddie might have a husband who would want the honor of buying Max his first beer, but I couldn’t tell the kid that. “What are you guys having?”

  Nash grinned and pointed to the empty seat while Norah slid from her seat to greet me with one of her sweet hugs. “We’re still deciding, Uncle Zeke. What’s good?”

  “Everything is good, but our burgers are out of this world. Choose your meat and then your toppings, easy as that.” Nate had hated the idea, and thought we should have more signature burgers, but people were finicky and they liked what they liked. “Or if you’re feeling adventurous you could check out the specialty burgers that come with cool buns and different fries.”

  “Waffle fries?” Max’s excitement over fries that had unconventional shapes was damn hilarious.

  “Yep, but the burger comes with stinky cheese and heaps of rocket lettuce.” His smile grew bigger because I knew of Max’s obsession with space travel.

  “That’s what I want!” He turned to Norah, talking her ear off about another space topic and she listened intently, giving the impression she was taking in every detail. One day she would become a famous playwright and we’d all end up characters on her stage.

  “Looks like the beer garden idea is doing well.” Nash looked around with a proud grin I was sure matched my own.

  “Yeah, this weather doesn’t hurt that’s for sure, but we’ve been busy since we opened at noon.” Nearly all the tables were occupied and it looked like the craft beers were selling well. “I can’t complain. But I’m surprised you guys are here now.”

  Nash nodded and cast a quick glance at the kids, both of who were occupied with other things. “Maddie promised Max he could come for lunch, and she insisted we do it today to show our support. She’s good like that.”


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