Tough Break (FSCU Pitbulls Book 3)

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Tough Break (FSCU Pitbulls Book 3) Page 4

by Stella Marie Alden

  “Who was it? Let’s see. Was it Grasso?”

  “Eww.” I picture the forty year old Biology professor.

  “Utpal in IT?”

  “No, definitely not.” He’s sweet but in a geeky way.


  “Now you’re reaching.”

  “Okay, I give. And you better tell me because I’m not leaving until you do.” She puts her feet up on the table and narrows her gaze.

  I close my eyes. “It was bad judgement on both our parts. What happens in The Hole stays in The Hole.”

  “The Hole is not Vegas. It’s a biker bar. What the hell were you doing there?” She pokes my side repeatedly until I lift my lids.

  “I was supposed to be having a pity party for one. And before you go off, it was early. There were only a few old-timers, there.”

  “Liar. Who else?”

  I moan. “The Pitbull’s new grad assistant.”

  “No way. Chris Vance?”

  I nod while she stares at me shaking her head back and forth. “He’s about as ornery as they come. He doesn’t have a chip on his shoulder, he’s got a cement block.”

  “Well, I have to admit, it was a weird night. We got to talking, got to drinking, and then to kissing.” I close my eyes. “It wasn’t one of my most brilliant moves.”

  “Oh, was he bad in bed?” She pats my hand.

  “No, no, he was incredible. It’s just I don’t feel comfortable sleeping with someone I don’t know and it was so friggin’ awkward after. He got mad and told me to get lost.”

  “Whaaa?” Beth’s brows go up and her mouth drops open. “I will go beat the livin’ daylights out of him.”

  I picture my heavy-set friend going to my rescue and can’t help but laugh. “It’s okay. Yesterday, I called him a pedophile.”

  “You did not.” Her dark brows rise almost to her hairline.

  “I did but let me explain. I left my phone at his house and while I was out, he brought it back and I lost my shit because I saw him with my sister.”

  “That would make him an ass, not a pedophile. She’s eighteen, right?”

  “I know, I know. But when it comes to Karen, I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m so over my head. I told you how I found a perv from the laundry room with his tongue down her throat. My God, what if I hadn’t come home as soon I did? Maybe she would be better off in a group home?”

  “You don’t really believe that, do you?” My friend squeezes my hand and I smile.

  “No. But I do need some training or guidelines. I had no idea it would be so hard.”

  She pulls me up and starts typing on my computer. “The college has some community classes in the Student Union. Because you work here, you can take them for free. I’m sure they have one on child-rearing.”

  “I’m not really her parent… I’m not sure what I am.”

  “Well, just saying. Maybe you could use some hints. Here’s one, Parenting Your Difficult Teen. The first one meets Wednesday night. Do it.” She refuses to budge until I fill out the form and hit send.

  “Okay then, I’ll let you go back to work. Almost done?”

  I roll my eyes. “Hell, no. I’ll have to bring some home.”

  “Bye. Don’t work too hard. And if that sexy assistant coach stops by again? Girlfriend, you take what he’s offering.”

  “Bye, Beth. See you later.”

  I finish grading the last of the ‘Intro to Biology’ paper, then check out instructions from my boss and mentor, Professor Andrews. In addition to homework, I now have the odious task of advising two campus clubs; the Foreign Exchange and the Mexican American. I’m not thrilled to be singled out for my heritage but whatever. A job is a job. I email her back to ask exactly what my responsibilities are as club advisor but she says to check with the registrar who points me back to my boss.


  Google knows everything so I type, ‘What does a college club advisor do?’

  Good God, that can’t be right. I don’t have time for this. It’s a full-time job.

  Holy shit. I need to meet with these club officers. Nowhere in the bylaws does it say I need to do everything myself. If these students want a club, they’re going to have to do the work and send me their status.

  I shoot off another email to the club president, check the time, and walk home. There’s no messages from Chris but it shouldn’t surprise me, I was a horrible bitch.

  Before dinner, my sister goes on and on about her new job, refusing to eat. We have a huge fight about how I can’t afford take-out every night. I crawl into bed, more determined than ever to help her become an independent adult.

  It may take longer than I first thought.

  Wednesday night comes none too soon. Karen and I had another fight yesterday and another this morning. Almost everything centers on her refusal to understand my limited budget.

  I can’t afford a puppy and even if I could, she’s not responsible enough.

  As I wait in the hallway for the parenting class to begin, I see my handsome mistake and my heart starts to pound. Quickly, I open my brochure and scan the list of classes with associated room numbers.

  He’s waiting in line for anger management?

  Holy shit. A complete chicken, I slip against the wall and hide behind a concerned middle-aged couple, talking about their teenager.

  Tonight, Chris is dressed in a loose t-shirt and torn jeans hanging low on his hips. My body tingles as I recall his clever hands on my clit.

  When an elderly woman arrives and unlocks his classroom door, I heave a sigh of relief.

  Thankfully, I won’t have to speak with my one night stand who turns, catches my eye and raises one brow.

  I gaze into space as if I don’t recognize him. He seduced me and hit on my sister. He’s a creep.

  After class, I rush down the hall hoping to avoid him but he calls from the doorway of room B212, “Danielle, Danni! We need to talk.”

  I turn to stare into his stormy eyes and everything else fades away. “We have nothing to discuss.”

  “We sure as fuck do.” His voice raises.

  From inside the room, his elderly teacher scolds, “Language, Mr. Vance.”

  He turns to face her. “What am I, twelve?”

  “You tell me.” The blue-haired octogenarian steps into the doorframe and glares at me as if his attitude was my fault. “Please, you two, come inside.”

  “He started it.” I point at the man who gave me the most splendid orgasm of my life, kicked me out of his bedroom like a whore then showed up at my house.

  I wait for the room to empty before going in. She sighs, closes the door, and sits behind the desk.

  “I need to get home.” I cross my arms, feeling more like sixteen than twenty-four.

  “It won’t take long.” The woman smiles so pleasantly it would be rude to walk away.

  However, Chris stands with his arms crossed scowling at us both.

  “Mr. Vance? Could you tell us why you’re angry?”

  “I don’t need this shit.” He heads for the door but she calls out. “I’m afraid you do, if you want to keep your job. It is a prerequisite.”

  His hand on the doorknob, he pauses and I take two deep breaths. I don’t want to be responsible for him losing his job but neither do I want this confrontation.

  I dig into my purse and text Karen.

  Me: Running late. You OK?

  Little Sis: You don’t have to keep checking. 

  Shit. There’s another frowny emoji. I’m so fucking tired of them when all I’m trying to do is help.

  Chris plops into a folding chair, his legs stretched forward and arms crossed over his chest. “Are you following me or something?”

  Ass. “No, I was taking a parenting class next door.”

  “Good. You need it.”

  His insult stings. “Thanks a lot.”

  The elderly teacher smiles. “There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”

  She looks at me. “I’m Mrs. Gris
wold. I’m the instructor of the anger management class. Mr. Vance is one of my pupils. Can he tell you why he is so angry?”

  “I called him a pedophile.”

  “And is he?”

  “No! I am not.” Chris jumps up from his chair. “I was having iced tea on a picnic table outside in the open.”

  He points. “For once, I was being a nice guy, returning the phone she left behind. Then, she accuses me of messing with her kid sister, who, by the way, is a lot nicer than this bitch.”

  Ouch. That’s two times he’s burned me and now I’m pissed. “Nice?” I turn to the instructor. “Do you know what he did?”

  I stand and face him nose to nose. “We had sex. After, he told me to get lost.”

  His face moves closer and his voice goes into a low growl. “You stared at my leg.”


  “I didn’t like it.”

  “That’s your excuse for being a total asshole?”

  “Yeah. What’s yours?”

  Chapter 9


  I need my job. Being an assistant coach is the one thing keeping me from turning into an alcoholic and living on the streets. Recently, my overwhelming bitterness has subsided. I’ve slept through the night and haven’t had a suicidal thought for over a week.

  Sure, Danielle makes me crazy, but for very good reasons.

  “Mr. Vance?” Mrs. Griswold clears her throat and I again recall the conditions of my employment. I either get my anger under control or lose my job.

  This ancient, blue-haired therapist holds the key to my fucking future. Otherwise, I’d tell her to take a long hike off a short pier.

  “Yes, Ma’am?” I back away from the beautiful brunette with the big eyes and perfect smile.

  “Do you want to tell Miss… I’m sorry dear, what is your name?” The octogenarian turns to smile at my one night stand but I barge in and answer.


  “Mr. Vance, do you want to explain to Danni why looking at your leg made you ask her to leave?”

  “I really have to go.” I check the time on my phone.

  Both women stare at me, brows creased while Danni taps one flip-flop.

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” I lift my pant leg so they can see the missing muscles and the multiple scars from more than a dozen operations.

  I give the old woman credit for not flinching but the woman who fixed my libido doesn’t look down.

  Instead, she glowers into my face. “You need to get over yourself. You are such a jerk.”

  “I never said I wasn’t. That doesn’t change the fact there was nothing wrong with me having tea with your sister. I didn’t hit on her. We talked. She’s a sweet kid.”

  Mrs. Griswold turns to Danni. “What do you have to say?”

  The brunette crosses her arms and juts out her chin. “I’m sorry I overreacted. I’m sorry I stared at your stupid leg, and sure as hell, I’m sorry I slept with you.”

  She glances at the instructor. “Are we done here?”

  “Almost. Mr. Vance? What is your response?”

  The old woman is going to be the death of me.

  “I was an asshole for asking Danielle to go after having the best fucking sex of my life. We good now?” My gut churns. The males in my family do not apologize. It’s a sure sign of weakness.

  Shaking her head, Mrs. G removes her glasses, and rubs her eyes. “Not really but it will have to do. I want you to make an appointment with me.”

  She hands me a card and I stare at it. “Are you serious?”

  “As a heart attack.” Her grim smile sends a shiver down my back.

  I take the thick paper gingerly between thumb and forefinger and place it in my wallet pleased to see she hands Danielle a card, too. “You, too.”

  “Me? What did I do?” Her sexy mouth drops open.

  “Nothing. I think, however, you might need some guidance with your sister. Am I wrong?”

  She nods slowly. “How did you know?”

  “I see all the personnel files of the new hires.” The elderly woman uses both palms on the desk to stand. “Now, I might suggest you two go have a cup of coffee and iron out some of your differences. This is a small campus and you’re bound to run into each other.”

  “Coffee, Miss?” Hell, I don’t even know her last name.

  “Certainly, I’d love to.” She storms out the door and leaves her purse on the back of the chair.

  I grab it, give a quick scowl at Mrs. Griswold and follow.

  “Student Union?” I’d rather have coffee with a venomous snake.

  “Sure. Whatever.” She looks down to text and follows me up the stairs.

  I’m not sure what I should say. One part of me, the lower extremity, wants to take her to bed. Another part wants to strangle her for almost losing me my job. Still another is insulted she thinks I’d take advantage of her sister.

  We walk in silence to the coffee station where she orders a decaf but I choose high-octane. I won’t be sleeping tonight. The evening stirred up too many demons and they sure as hell won’t be leaving anytime soon.

  As we make our way to a booth, my hand goes to her lower back. It seems my whole body is a traitor to my cause. I want her. Sure I do. It’s only natural, especially after Rip Van Willie came to life.

  Maybe, if I enlighten her, she’ll better understand.

  Riiigght, I’ll just explain how she’s the first woman who made my cock stiff in ages? That should go over well.

  My instructor said if we talk about our issues, instead of act out, the anger will subside. I’m not sure I’m buying it but am willing to give it a try. If it doesn’t work, I’ll go back to class next week and tell the old bird she was full of shit.

  I lead Danielle to a bench and slide in beside her but leave a healthy amount of space. I need my large brain in charge, not the one who got me in trouble.

  I sip on my coffee gathering courage while she does the same.

  We both start to talk at once but being a gentleman, I back off. “Ladies first.”

  She takes a deep breath and locks those beautiful eyes onto me. “I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.”

  “You didn’t.” I don’t want her thinking she owes me anything.

  “And I really was over the top calling you a pedophile.”

  “Agreed.” I’m not letting her off the hook easily but she gives it back to me in spades.

  “You were a real shit after we had sex.”

  “Yeah. I was.” There’s silence where I think a normal person would apologize but it’s bad enough I’m in anger management and walk with a limp. Also, I’m about to share how up until a few days ago, I thought I was no better than castrated.

  My ego can stand only so much.

  “Shit.” I glance up at the fluorescents, down at my sneakers, then blurt out, “I haven’t had sex, couldn’t have sex for over two years.”

  “Ahhh. Okaaay…” Her mouth drops open and I can see the wheels turning as she tries to figure out how that’s even possible.

  “One of my injuries was close to my groin. My doctor thought I severed a nerve. He offered surgery and I was considering it when I met you. I haven’t had an erection since the night before the accident.”

  I lift my gaze to her face where her cheeks have reddened as she stares into her coffee cup.

  “Listen, Danni. You made me forget I was damaged, then you stared at my leg and it all came back. I was about to become famous and earn millions of dollars. Instead, I can barely pay my rent.”

  “Thank you for explaining.” When her hand covers mine, my heartrate quickens and blood runs south.

  “I don’t want you thinking you weren’t great, because you were. I mean, you are great and not just in bed.”

  As words spew from my mouth, I realize they’re true. The more time I spend with her, the more I admire her fierce spirit and how she stands up to my bullshit. Despite my first opinion, not once has she felt sorry for me.

  I take a dee
p breath, picture my father listening in, and cringe. “I, ah. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m guessing you don’t apologize often.” Her eyes lift to mine and I want her so bad it hurts deep inside my chest.

  I shrug. “Upbringing, I guess, but maybe it’s time I make some changes. Are you willing to ride along while I figure it out?”

  “I don’t think we should have a repeat performance of the other night. That was a, a…”

  “Mistake?” I fill in the blank but thinking I didn’t please her twists my gut.

  “Do you think so?” She nibbles her lip and searches my eyes for the longest time.

  “Only if you do. Do you?” My finger reaches out to her mouth and I release the lovely pink flesh she holds captive.

  “Not sure, at least not yet.” Her phone pings and she glances down at it. “Karen’s asking if I’m coming home. I should go.”

  “Tell her I said hi?”

  “I will.” She scoots out from behind the booth and I follow, my hand slipping to her waist as I open the door for her.

  Outside, I stop, wanting like hell to kiss her and yet knowing it’s too soon.

  I shoot out my hand, “Thanks for coffee. See you around?”

  “Yeah. I’m sure we will.”

  With caffeine surging through my veins, I take a shortcut through the field and stop dead in my tracks when I spy Jackson on top of the hill kicking the shit out of three guys.

  Then, I hold my breath. Holy shit, campus security almost catches him and some teammates running down the hill toward a dorm party.


  CJ Quinn is a real boy scout. If he finds out his team was beating up some guys in a parking lot, there’ll be hell to pay. He might kick them off the team and our chances at a championship will be gone.

  That’s all fine and good for him. He had a good run with the NFL, invested well, and this job is more of a hobby. Me? I need this win if I’m ever going to move up past poverty.

  Chapter 10


  Me: You coming to the game?

  Danni: Can’t. I have to work.

  Fuck. We’ve been playing phone tag all week. I thought for sure I’d see her after the game. Everyone comes to the first of the season. Who the hell has to work on Saturday? Maybe she has papers to grade but I can’t imagine there’s many so soon in the semester.


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