Prime Salvation (Katieran Prime Book Six)

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Prime Salvation (Katieran Prime Book Six) Page 1

by K. D. Jones

  Table of Contents





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  Books by KD Jones

  Excerpt from Katieran Prime

  Excerpt from Rage

  Excerpt from Jasmine’s Escape

  Excerpt from Erin’s Awakening

  Prime Salvation by KD Jones

  Prime Salvation

  Katieran Prime

  Book Six

  by KD Jones

  © Copyright August 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.

  All cover art and logo © Copyright August 2013 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by ML Hill

  Artwork by JK Publishing, Inc.

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

  Smashwords Edition, License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it or it was not purchased for your use only, then, please return to, and purchase your own copy.

  Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales are entirely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

  JK Publishing bookstore:


  To my friends, Rochelle Vargas and Marsha Garrett, thank you for letting me bounce my many ideas off you. You two are the best.

  To my editor, ML Hill, who keeps me in line and doesn’t hesitate to challenge me to expand myself. Without you, my t’s would not be crossed.

  I dedicate this book to families everywhere. Families come in all shapes and sizes whether it’s two or twenty. Love one another and treasure each moment that you have.

  You may contact me at:



  Email: [email protected]

  Table of Contents





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


  Books by KD Jones

  Excerpt from Katieran Prime

  Excerpt from Rage

  Excerpt from Jasmine’s Escape

  Excerpt from Erin’s Awakening


  Asi: Yes

  Bond Mate: a mate that was destined by the Gods

  Comm Link: communication device that is usually worn around the ear; can be used similar to a cell phone

  Digital Tablet: looks similar to an IPAD but works as a laptop with more capabilities

  IHI: Instant hologram imaging; 3D imaging view

  IHM: Instant hologram messaging

  Katieran Juice: Similar to Earth’s wine

  Key: Be

  Kitana: hell

  Kitasa: hell no

  Mate: spouse

  Mating ceremony: wedding

  Medic: similar to a doctor

  Medic Room: an exam room

  Medical Scope: pencil shaped silver instrument that has many medical uses including administering medications and performing scans like x-rays and ultrasounds

  Mile: Still

  Nanos: biologically engineered nanotechnology used to help repair internal damage to the body and directs nutrients to where they are needed; cures the common cold

  Sa: No

  Sayer: Don’t

  Scent marking: exchange of sexual fluids intending to mate

  Stada: us/all of us

  Talle: female

  Token: Fear

  Viewing Screens: used on space ships in place of windows; view of the surrounding area is shown through video feeds

  Young: child or infant

  Katieran Sayings

  By the Fires of Kitana

  By the Goddess

  By the Lunas

  The Goddess knows

  Katieran Proverbs

  “A Katieran that practices patience is greatly rewarded.”

  “All wormholes do not lead to home.”

  “Feeling is a part of living. If you are not feeling it then you are not living it.”

  “Love the Goddess KatieRI with all your heart and your heart shall be filled with Joy.”


  Prime Salvation

  Lieutenant Lucinda Daniels, Lucy to her close friends, wants only to start a new life on a new planet. She has a tragic past that has haunted her for years. She hopes that by traveling thousands of galaxies away to the planet Katiera, she would finally be able to put her past behind her. However, she learns she cannot run from her past when it follows her and resurfaces in a new way—through the tortured soul of a missing Prime.

  Prime ConEL is finally free from years of captivity by his people’s enemy—the Morins. Though he is reunited with his family, he feels lonelier than ever. He is not the male he once was. He is no longer the Prime Commander of Katiera. His children do not need him and he is unable to connect with others because he is still trapped with his memories of what was done to him and his family. He does not know how to deal with starting over and he especially doesn’t know how to deal with the female warrior, Lucy.

  Their road is rocky. Can ConEL let go of his need for revenge? Will Lucy overcome her own past and allow herself to love again? Lucy saved ConEL’s life; however, will she save his soul from an eternity of torture and misery?

  “Our Goddess KatieRI,

  a lovely vision in white.

  Her smooth ebony skin,

  as dark as the night.

  With silky black hair,

  twinkling suns in her eyes.

  Her beauty so fair,

  her love is the prize.”


  “Sir, we need to find a new test subject. The last one we used has…expired,” Medic Cog informed the Morin Leader Krosis.

  “Are you any closer to finding the answer to our nations’ problem?” the Morin Leader Krosis asked with frustration. It was the fifth specimen they had
captured to use. They didn’t last very long and it took time to find a replacement.

  “Not completely.” When the Leader looked like he was going to punish the Medic for his failure, he quickly added, “However, we believe that we can create injections that will help our males keep up their seed production for a little while longer.”

  “This injection is not a complete cure is it?” the Leader asked.

  “No, sir. But if we can obtain viable females, it may be enough to help increase our reproduction of young that will hopefully be viable.”

  “Have any of our females produced a viable young at all?”

  “Most of our females have died in childbirth. The few remaining have lost many of their young before they were born.”

  “So we need a viable male and viable female specimen?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Well, Medic Cog, let’s go get those specimens,” he said with an evil gleam in his eyes.

  * * *

  Chapter One

  ConEL felt dead inside. He should be dead. He should have died on the Morin ship years ago when his mate MariELa took her last breath. The other Katieran males should kill him for not protecting those he loved. They looked at him with pity in their eyes, or maybe it was disgust. He understood the latter because he was disgusted with himself for his failures.

  He watched from the shadows of the ballroom as his daughter, Prima AriELa, now a full-grown female, danced with her mate TarAK. He vaguely remembered that his daughter had always cared for TarAK even at a young age. The couple looked happy and in love. She wasn’t a little girl anymore though that was how he had always pictured her in his mind for years. Now, she no longer needed him as a father, and neither did his son.

  He turned to watch his young son, TorEL, following an Earth female young about his own age. There were moments his son would laugh and smile, looking happy and like the child he should be. Then, when he thought no one was looking, his little face grew serious and cautious. His eyes searched the area for potential danger. Guilt filled ConEL for having failed his son so completely.

  It hurt sometimes to look upon the young. The Morin Leader would bring him by occasionally to torture ConEL during his imprisonment. Nothing cut more deeply to a Katieran male’s pride than to know that he failed to protect his family. TorEL was a constant reminder of that failure.

  Years ago he had been traveling with his mate, MariELa, and daughter, AriELa, back to their home world Katiera. At that time he had been Prime Commander ConEL of the Katieran Nation. He not only had the responsibility of overseeing his people’s warriors and defense of their planet, but he was also from a Prime family, which held a high status in their society, like royalty.

  He had taken his family on a small vacation to help his breeding mate relax. She was carrying their second young, that in itself was a true miracle. The Morins, an enemy of his people, had infected the entire Katieran race with a virus that killed many of their people and left the rest to live with the side effects. One of those side effects hindered the Katierans’ ability to reproduce. Not only were ConEL and his mate blessed with one beautiful daughter, but also the Goddess KatieRI blessed them with a second young.

  While ConEL and his family were on their way back to Katiera, the Morins attacked them. He was able to send his daughter off in one of the escape pods, but he and his mate were captured. He’d forgotten a few things over the years, but he would always remember the day he and MariELa were caught. It was burned into his memory for all time.

  ConEL hit the launch button to send AriELa’s escape pod off. He prayed to the Goddess KatieRI that his people would find her quickly before the Morins did. He turned back knowing the Morins had gotten into the docking bay.

  The Morin Leader Krosis stood there glaring at him. “Where did you send the escape pod?”

  ConEL said nothing. Even as the Morin warriors grasped hold of both his arms and shoved him to his knees. He refused to answer.

  “Perhaps I can convince you to answer me. Bring the female here!”

  ConEL looked up at him then. He had a sinking feeling deep inside. He struggled to get loose but the Morins punched and kicked him.

  “ConEL!” MariELa screamed as soon as she was dragged into the docking bay.

  He tried to reassure her that he was okay but she was starting to panic. That wasn’t good for her health. “Let my mate go.”

  Krosis walked over to MariELa and reached out to touch her swollen belly. ConEL growled at seeing his mate being touched by another. Krosis just laughed. “Tell me where you sent the escape pod.”

  ConEL still refused. He met his mate’s eyes. She instantly understood that their daughter was safely off the ship. She looked relieved. At least he had done one thing right by his family.

  “Your female is close to giving birth is she not?”

  ConEL refused to answer. He growled every time Krosis reached out and touched MariELa’s stomach. MariELa flinched from his touch and her face turned white. Krosis seemed to enjoy her discomfort.

  “You’re mate is obviously a viable female. She is also very beautiful. Too bad that your daughter got away. She would probably have been viable as well, and for many, many years.” He addressed his warriors holding MariELa, “Transfer the female to a holding cell on the second level close to my quarters.”

  “NO! ConEL!” MariELa tried to struggle out of the Morins’ grasp.

  “Stop! MariELa, don’t struggle. You could hurt the young.” ConEL tried to get up, but he was punched in the face again for his efforts. “Go with them. Do what you have to do to stay alive,” his voice cracked. He knew what they planned to do with MariELa when Krosis spoke of her being viable. If she stayed alive, at least there was a chance he could get them off the ship. However, it would be a slim chance. That’s if they allowed him to live.

  His heart broke listening to MariELa sob as she was dragged away. He didn’t look at Krosis. He wasn’t sure if his life would end that day, but he too would do whatever it took to survive so he could rescue his family.

  “You’re not much of a Commander if you are so easily caught. But since your seed has taken twice, we may have use for you.”

  He shook his head to get rid of the memory. But he could never truly escape it. It was burned into his soul for eternity. He watched his children. They both looked so much like their mother, MariELa. At least her legacy would live on in their children. He was glad for that much.

  He scanned the room noting his nephews with their mates happily dancing. Even his dead brother’s mate had found a new mate and was basking with the glow of a newly breeding female. His family didn’t feel like his family. He had no friends. He was…alone.

  There was a great deal of people in the ballroom. The majority were females from a planet many galaxies away called Earth. His nephews had intercepted a distress call from Earth. Earth’s people reported they were using up their natural resources at an alarming rate and their overpopulation problem was making matters worse. His nephew, Prime Medic SydEL, had done some research on the females of Earth and determined they were compatible with Katieran males.

  They had been the answer the Katieran people had long been looking for. Katiera was opposite of Earth, they had overabundance of resources but were sorely under populated. A trade agreement was made with the Earth World Government, EWG. The Katieran Nation would assist Earth in replenishing their dwindling resources. In return, the Katierans could recruit people to travel back to Katiera to help increase Katiera’s population. Those recruited were all females of childbearing years. It seemed his nephews had succeeded in doing what he and his brother had not been able to do for years.

  “Why are you hiding over here instead of spending time with your family?” a female’s voice asked him.

  ConEL closed his eyes. Not her. He did not want to be around the annoying female right now. His dead mate haunted him whenever he closed his eyes, but the female warrior, Lieutenant Lucy Daniels, haunted his every waking moment. He owed
her a debt that he would never be able to repay. If it were not for her, he, AriELa, and TorEL would still be on the Morin ship.

  “Lieutenant Daniels.” He turned to look at the female and his breath caught.

  She stood a few inches shorter than he did. Her long ebony hair pulled loosely on top of her head with the natural curly tendril hanging down framing her lovely face. She had dark brown eyes with strange black pupils. So unlike the Katierans’ eyes, which had gold pupils. He found them hypnotic.

  Her cheekbones were high and pronounced. She wore red coloring on her plump lips. He noticed those lips way too much. His cock was already stiff. He frowned because he didn’t want to feel anything for her, he didn’t want to feel anything for anyone.

  He forced his eyes away from her luscious lips. She wore a red Katieran style dress that draped around her body, caressing every curve and connected around her neck. It left her shoulders, part of her flat stomach, and a great deal of one of her thighs exposed.

  Was he still breathing? The female took his breath away with her exotic beauty. Her skin was a deep, rich brown that looked so smooth and silky. He longed to touch her and to taste her. His cock twitched inside his pants painfully. He resented her for drawing unwanted reactions from his body. He shouldn’t be feeling anything after what happened to him.

  “Prime Commander ConEL?” she asked.

  Kitana! He must have been staring for a really long time. “It’s just Prime ConEL. I am no longer the Commander. That position is held by my nephew, KydEL.”

  “You could share command if you wanted.”

  “My time as commander has long passed.”

  “Are you going to help RendEL then?”


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