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BOMAW 1-3 Page 82

by Mercedes Keyes

  "Oooh, the soonest we can have someone there is in about an hour." The person on the other end said.

  "An hour?! I don't have an hour! Oh forget it... I'll take a cab and arrange for someone to get it tomorrow. Bye!"

  She hung up and figured, what the heck, get a cab there... Jeremiah could bring her home. She looked for a taxi service and dialled the number for it, ordering a taxi. The dispatcher said they'd be there in ten minutes.

  Deidre hung up the phone and could do nothing but stand and wait.

  "You're on! You know the plan... you know where to take her! Let's go!"

  The command was given and the yellow cab pulled out from the four different vehicles sitting and waiting just in case she called for either of them.

  * * * *

  Cutting the cake and dancing...

  Sylvia held a piece of cake for Shawn to take a bite, he was laughing and watching her closely, his eyes daring her to be bad and she was, shocking him and all who watched by bringing the cake to her own mouth, taking a big bite, chewed it once and then leaned towards his mouth. The act was so erotic, that Shawn readily leaned forward and stuck his tongue into her mouth lapping up some of the delicious cream frosting. Sylvia wrapped her arms around him and pulled him down and they kissed, and enjoyed the cake as well.

  "Lord... what the hell this man done to yo'mama?! We gone have to send the kids home in a minute." Sheila exclaimed to Crystal who was standing next to her with a drink, grinning as she looked at her and shrugged. "Oh my goodness... how much you done had to drink... you grinning awful funny." Sheila observed over the whistles and wolf calls for the couple.

  "All right, keep it up... you asking for it... that is mean... this behavior of yours continues, I'll be forced into the men's room to shift it up to my waist not to be seen." Shawn warned Sylvia who chuckled and backed away from him winking and laughing.

  She felt so happy and carefree. She was on top of the world as she licked the remaining cream from her lips. Shawn watching closely, groaned as camera's flashed. The photographer's assistant was now following everyone with his video camera to capture everything they could. They also had two stationary camera's available capturing footage from the dance floor, the door and the stage. The cake was cut, passed out to all in attendance and then the floor was cleared of the tables and chairs. Sylvia was standing by her friends talking to them and caught sight of Shawn accepting a beer, and then a shot glass of whiskey with his friends. Her brows drew in stunned because Shawn did not often drink. To see him about to drink that as he laughed, downing the shot then chasing it with his beer as he stood in the company of his friends and brother disturbed her. She chided herself for being silly, of course he was celebrating. He was happy and carefree and was just wanting to enjoy himself and have a good time. She turned away and fought back her unease.

  "All right ya'll you know what time it is now. I'm Armundo Payne, son of the bride... and its time to clear the floor for some serious gettin' down. Everybody been eatin' good, I know I did - its now - burn off time! We gone start slow though - get warmed up by playing the first song of the evening from papah-Shawn's dedication list. Dustieees... I'm tellin' you now - we had to blow off the dust for his list... mama's too... that's okay though, let's get it started... come on papah-Shawn... your first one's up." Mundo started as Shawn turned looking across the room for Sylvia. Spotting her, he smiled and made his way to the center of the dance floor, his arms up and out inviting her in. Smiling Sylvia sashayed her way to him just as the first song from his list came on, 'Forever mine - by the O'Jays'

  "Woooo-we! I can't believe it! I come wit'yah'll ass, I should'ah brought my man with me!" Sheila squealed.

  "Shit... I'm callin' Jose's ass! Tell him bring his ass here!"

  "Girl is you crazy! By the time he get here, damn reception be over!" Edwina stated.

  "Just goes to show... never go to a wedding reception with your girlfriends!" Vivian stated.

  "How you girls doing? You all having a good time?" Gert asked stepping up and surprising them as Shawn and Sylvia danced slow holding onto each other.

  "Yes ma'am... thank you ma'am." Vivian was the first to answer her smiling.

  "I'm so glad. Chile... I got to say something to you, you are just gorgeous! And this red dress! You wearing this dress girl! Lord I've been trying to reach my other son on the phone so he can see you! I got another one you know... these two here taken, but I got one more... thank the lord!"

  All four of them looked at Gert like she was crazy.

  "Um, okaaay... I - um, see." Vivian responded with wide eyes.

  "Don't you worry sugga... mama's got a plan... first thing I need to know... are you married?"

  Ellen and Edwina's eyes grew huge, trying not to laugh. Sheila was laughing, and spoke up, "No ma'am... she not. She wore that red dress cause she fishing!"

  "Well let me be the first to tell you, you got that hook baited baby with the right lure ... believe me you do! So you not engaged either are you?"

  Vivian was so stunned she just stood with her mouth gaping, then shook her head. "Um, no ma'am... I'm not."

  "Good answer, next question, you looking for something serious or you just messing around?!"

  The more questions she asked Vivian, the more animated Ellen and Edwina's laughter at her. Sheila was just looking back and forth from Gert to her. "Girl don't stand there with your mouth open... answer the lady! I know I taught you better than that! You best get vocal here!"

  "She ain't slow is she? Sometime when they that pretty, they vacant at the top." Gert said to Sheila. Sheila threw her head back and laughed so hard she had to take steps back and forth.

  "No I am not slow! Just stunned! No offence ma'am... but I'm not into being fixed up. I like to be the one choosing, not that I'm not flattered you understand, I really am... but no thank you."

  "Chile listen to me... pay attention... you see my two son's here?" Gert asked. All four women were gathered around her.

  "Yes ma'am, I do."

  "Handsome as the devil ain't they?!"

  "Yeah... they are... really nice looking."

  "Well I can tell you now... you ain't seen shit!"

  "DAI - AM mama Micky!" Sheila was laughing until her stomach hurt, slapping Ellen and Edwina's hand in the air, they couldn't believe her. "You too much! What you say mama, she ain't seen shit?!" Sheila had to repeat. Gert nodded her head, reminding them all of Lena Horne with her mannerisms and talk.

  "She - ain't seen - shit! I repeat... because my youngest boy... if I could only find his tail, you will see what I mean. So Miss Vivian... if you ready for long term, park yourself in reserve, and get ready... now I must warn you... he somethin' else! He ain't the marrying kind... but if you play your cards right, you could probably be the very one to finally straighten him out and get him to the alter. 'Cause I'm telling you now... he a handful... but you... I know you a handful too! Oh yeah you are... I been praying all day long 'bout you black velvet! You just let me take care of everything. I got to go now... I gotta find out where he is. Have fun!" With that Gert was gone on her mission.

  "She call me black velvet!?" Vivian asked still spinning from her encounter with her.

  "She sure as hell did! I ain't never seen no shit like this before. Where white folks hunting us down to marry they sons... something ain't right here - Stephen King shit!" Edwina said with wide eyes.

  Sylvia and Shawn danced through two more songs, 'Anita Baker's Good Love' and'Natural High, by Bloodstone', as other's started joining in on the dance floor. The feeling was wonderful to be held in each other's arms. "You okay baby... feeling alright?" Shawn asked leaning low to Sylvia's ear because of the volume of the music. She looked up into his face and nodded. His eyes were starting to show signs of the drink he had. "You alright?" She asked. He smiled, "Now I am... holding my wife." He answered.

  "I'm surprised... you usually don't drink - I can't believe you're not feeling that drink you had." She brought to his attention.

  "Oooh I'm feeling it baby... I just wanna have a good time tonight okay? Is that okay?" He asked looking into her eyes. She smiled and nodded, discarding her growing apprehension. She really didn't want him to drink, but since he hardly ever, she wouldn't make a big deal out of this one time... it was their wedding night after all. "So... you gonna drink anymore?" She asked unable to resist.

  "I'll just have a few beers with my friends... oooh I love you so much! We're finally married... husband and wife! The first day of thousands more to come." He muttered leaning down to hug her close to him, kissing her neck, rubbing her back, his hand rubbing down over the cheek of her butt.

  "Shawn... don't... I don't like that..." She complained softly.

  "Oops, sorry... I'm sorry baby... I'll behave. Oooh but I love you so much... can't help wanting to touch you."

  "Well you can touch me later... when we're alone." She simpered.

  "You better believe I will." He kissed her, Sylvia braced herself accepting the kiss, but just in a blink of an eye, she realized she felt different about his attentions. She'd been okay until seeing him drink. The song stopped and everyone clapped. She backed out of his arms smiling, wiping the moisture from her lips. "I'll be back babe... I need to use the ladies room." She said.

  "Okay... go on, I wanna watch you walk away in that dress." He inhaled deep and winked at her.

  Sylvia turned away and walked off, feeling suddenly self-conscious. She stepped through the wide double doors over into the bar section where a lot of family and guest were gathered. She stopped and talked politely to them on the way, shaking their hands, thanking them for the gifts piled in the corner. Smiling as she walked along, she finally passed the bar and walked down a narrow hallway towards the ladies room, she would have to pass the men's room on the way, just as she reached it, Jake was coming out.

  She froze staring up at him with wide, shocked eyes. She thought maybe, he wouldn't come. Had in fact hoped that he would not come. But there he was, standing tall before her, his eyes intently staring into hers.

  Jake stepped from the door closing it, maintaining eye contact. "Wow... you're stunning. Absolutely breathtaking... look at that dress on you. My brother's lucky."

  Sylvia felt the blood pumping through her veins so rapidly, her blood pressure rose, making the pulse in her neck throb heavily.

  "Please Jake... don't cause any problems here tonight... please... we're married now. I'm happy... Shawn's happy."

  "Well that's nice to know, that everybody's happy... excuse me... I need a drink."

  He walked around her exiting the hall and went to the bar ordering one. Sylvia walked down the hall and into the ladies room with her heart pounding so hard, she grew light headed. She sat on one of the velvet seats against the wall, taking deep breaths. She could hear the music playing, an upbeat tempo was playing. Repetitively she inhaled, holding it and then blowing it out. Her heart was racing, she felt an anxiety attack coming on. She inhaled deep again, held it and then let it out slow. The entire time, holding her eyes closed as she prayed for just a little more time.

  Jake stood at the bar, in the back corner, out of sight, just watching family members who did double takes when they saw him, smiled and came over to talk to him as he sipped on his Long Island Ice Tea. Night had fallen, only the main hall was lit up, the bar area was dark with just lights from the bar shining down. There were lots of dark corners to hide in, he was tempted to find one. Part of him wished that he had just stayed away. He was determined not to mess with anyone, as long as no one messed with him. He knew he should go congratulate his brother, but he didn't feel it. While he knew he was not in love with Sylvia, he most certainly desired her... given time to get to know her, he felt that desire might grow. Seeing her just then, stirred him - made his heart skip a beat, he wanted to touch her... to feel her in his arms again... to get that sensation of her body being up close to him once more, but not by sneaking up on her. He wanted her to want him, like all the others wanted him... but she didn't. It pissed him off because he knew deep in his gut, that that would never be.

  "I should just fuckin' get the hell out of here." He muttered to himself.

  "So you finally showed up at your brother's wedding?" Bart surprised him, making him look up.

  "Yeah... what the heck, didn't have anything else to do tonight."

  "I think you need to go in there and congratulate him."

  "Yeah, maybe later dad." He returned looking to his left to see Sylvia passing them to return to the main hall. She looked up at his father and smiled at him, but kept on passed him, he looked from her back to his father, to see his eyes on him.

  "Behave yourself son... okay. This is Shawn's night... and that is his wife... let him have what is his."

  "Oh! Here we go! Maybe I should just leave!" He said growing irritated already.

  "How about trying to be happy for him instead? You don't need to leave, this isafter all about family. You should be in the other room with us instead of out here."

  "I'm comfortable dad... okay... I'm fine right where I am." Jake lifted his drink to his father, as if a toast and took two deep swallows of it.

  Bart stood a moment staring at his son. Here was another one, again... regret.

  Jake turned sideways facing the bar, uncomfortable under his father's scrutiny.

  "Okay son... take it easy on the drink okay?"

  "I'm a grown man dad."

  "You driving aren't you?"

  "I'll tell you what... if I get wasted, I'll call a cab okay? Promise." He mumbled, then took another swallow from it.

  Bart walked by him into the men's room.

  When Sylvia returned to the main hall, she noticed her daughter talking to DJ, both of whom were standing up on the stage with Mundo, the three of them getting to know each other. Crystal was laughing rather loud, holding a drink. Everywhere Sylvia looked, people were drinking. Then she spotted Shawn talking to Sheila and her friends. He was laughing hilariously, a mug of beer in his hand, half filled. He was in a really good mood. The music was loud, and many of the kids were on the dance floor, dancing to Mundo's mixes, suddenly he turned them down a bit and spoke into the microphone.

  "Everybody feeling good?!" He called out.

  "YEAH!" All responded, including Shawn.

  "Glad to hear it... I'm gettin' ready to put somethin' to the test! Let's see Papah-Shawn - can you feel it?!"

  Shawn snapped around to hear Mundo playing one of his absolute favorites, the Jackson's Five, "Can you feel it!" Courtesy of his daughter. Shawn threw his head back and howled, he passed his beer to Edwina, and threw his arms in the air and started dancing. Shocking everyone around him, simply because, for that song... it hit him in that way that forced him to move, never missing a beat! Sylvia couldn't believe her eyes. He broke into a James Brown move and shimmied out onto the floor, turning and dancing he looked for her, spotted her and waved her onto the floor with him. Sylvia laughed and started dancing up to him. However, the floor was clearly his - the song moved all through him. Those near in attendance stood surprised and laughing as he found Angela and brought her onto the floor to dance with him and then his mother. Having a good time, Gert moved out there as all three of them, Shawn's favorite women danced around him. His body gyrating across the floor freestyle.

  Sylvia laughed until she was crying... watching him dance as if he were flying high, displaying no hesitation, it was in his face - nothing but joy.

  "SHEILA! COME ON OUT HERE WOMAN!!!" Shawn shouted without breaking a step. Laughing Sheila walked out there to free style her feelings for the song, all teeth showing, loving it.

  "DAMN RIGHT... TIME TO BRING DOWN THE HOUSE!! AHH YEAH!!" Mundo shouted in the micphrophone, "That's what I'm talking 'bout! It's that time... everybody... ass on for the floor - NOW! Walls don't need holding up, they stand all by they'self! I'on care if you can't dance, do the twist or something! Everybody can do the twist!" Mundo shouted laughing, clapping and watching Shawn move. He didn't know
what blessings they deserved, but already, he respected that man, and yes, loved him. The talks they'd been having spending so much time alone together, working with each other to get the ball rolling on what his mother needed, what Shanna his sister needed, and what they needed. Laughing and joking, Shawn telling him bits and pieces from his past, about an old friend of his, Jesse. He had Mundo laughing just as much, the other way around. Yes, that was his "Papah-Shawn" He'd been calling him that now for the last week straight and felt that he was. Immediately he went into the next song, 'Sean Paul, Gimme the light' that he used to blend with other fast dance tracks, determined to keep everyone moving.

  The teen element cheered, and because she danced with her father, Angela was feeling light hearted and decided to really show her stuff. With Shawn2 out there as well, she thought what the heck. Along with him, they danced blowing everyone away with their moves. Shawn2 thought he was the best until Angela turned loose on him.

  "Oh - my GOD! Will you look at your daughter?!" Sylvia called her to Shawn's attention who was sipping more of his beer, he lowered it and took a look, his mouth falling open. He wiped the back of his hand across his moustache and beard, blinking to make sure he was looking at his daughter, and not another girl like her.

  He nor Sylvia knew that she could move the way she was moving now. Even at the bon-fire, she'd been reserved and was shy about dancing, though Sylvia had invited her to join them. Now... they could see it wasn't because she couldn't dance. Obviously, the girl had spent a great deal of time alone in her room watching videos and teaching herself to dance, because she and Shawn2 were in a dance battle. They looked like brother and sister instead of cousins.

  "What the hell..." Shawn muttered staring at her. Her neck was moving one direction, her feet another, and her body was doing three different moves as well, all at the same time. Shawn looked at Sylvia and pointed his mug towards Angela. "When... how'd that happen?!"


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