The Second Girl Detective Megapack: 23 Classic Mystery Novels for Girls

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The Second Girl Detective Megapack: 23 Classic Mystery Novels for Girls Page 236

by Julia K. Duncan

  “I haven’t been assigned the maid’s part yet!” she flashed, when Ada ordered her to remove several stage properties that were in the way.

  “Give it to her, Alice!” encouraged the mischievous Bobby. “That girl would ruffle an angel.”

  Alice and Norma were both valuable additions to the Dramatic Club ranks. Norma especially proved to be a find, and she was given the hero’s part after the first rehearsal while Alice was the heroine’s mother. Betty, much to her surprise, was posted on the bulletin board as the “leading lady.”

  Down toward the end of the list of the cast was Ada Nansen’s name as “the maid.”

  “She’ll be furious,” whispered Bobby. “Miss Anderson told Miss Sharpe, when she didn’t think I could hear, that Ada wasn’t really good enough to be the maid, but that they hoped she would sing for them between the acts. Miss Anderson said if they didn’t let her have some part she’d be so sulky she wouldn’t sing.”

  A rehearsal was held in the gymnasium after school that afternoon, and as she went through her first act Betty was uncomfortably conscious of Ada’s glowering eyes following her. When the cue was given for the maid, Ada did not move.

  “That’s your cue, Ada,” called Miss Anderson patiently.

  “I’ve resigned, Miss Anderson,” said Ada clearly. “It’s a little too much to ask me to play maid to two charity students.”

  Norma and Alice shrank back, but Betty sprang forward.

  “How dare you!” she flared, white with rage. “How dare you say such a thing! It’s untrue, and you know it. Even if it were so, you have no right to say such an outrageous thing.”

  Betty was angrier than she had ever been in her life. She possessed a lively temper and was no meeker than she should be, but during the past summer she had learned to control herself fairly well. Ada’s cruel taunt, directed with such a sneer at the Guerin sisters that every girl knew whom she meant, had sent Betty’s temper to the boiling point.

  “Easy, easy, Betty,” counseled Miss Anderson, putting an arm about the shaking girl. “You’re not mending matters, you know.”

  Then she turned to Ada, who was now rather frightened at what she had done. She had not meant to go so far.

  “Ada,” said Miss Anderson sharply, “you will apologize immediately before these girls for the injustice you have done to two of them. What you have just said is nothing more nor less than a lie. I will not stoop to put my meaning in gentler phrases. Apologize to Norma and Alice at once.”

  Ada set her lips obstinately. The teacher waited a moment.

  “I will give you just three minutes,” she declared. “If at the end of that time you still refuse to obey me, I will send for Mrs. Eustice.”

  Ada shuffled her feet uneasily. She had no fancy to meet Mrs. Eustice, whose friendship for the Guerins was well known. Mrs. Eustice had a hot white anger of her own that a pupil who once witnessed it could never forget.

  “Well, Ada?” came Miss Anderson’s voice at the end of the three minutes.

  Ada hastily stumbled through a shame-faced apology, painful to listen to, and then, the angry tears running down her face, turned and dashed from the room.



  “Ready, Betty,” said Miss Anderson briskly. “You enter at the left and begin ‘I thought I heard voices—’ Don’t look toward the auditorium. Remember you are supposed to be in a small room.”

  Betty managed to command her voice, and the rehearsal went on. Miss Anderson herself took the part of the maid and, as she had foreseen, by the time they had finished the hour they were in a normal, happy frame of mind.

  No reference was ever made by any one to Ada’s speech, but she never appeared at another rehearsal. After two weeks’ diligent practice, the players were pronounced perfect and a night was set for the performance of “The Violet Patchwork.”

  “Why don’t we go to the woods and get some leaves to trim the assembly hall?” suggested Betty two days before the time for the play. “Mrs. Eustice’s sister is coming to see her, and some other guests, and we want it to look nice. We might get some nuts, too. Aunt Nancy promised us nut cake with ice cream if we’ll get her enough.”

  “All right, I like to go nutting,” agreed Bobby. “But, for goodness’ sake, if we’re going to walk a hundred miles this time, let’s have something to eat with us. Sandwiches and a regular spread. How many have boxes from home?”

  A canvass showed that a round dozen of the girls had been favored that week, and, at Bobby’s suggestion, they donated their goodies to “the common cause.”

  “Not all the girls will want to go,” said Betty. “Some are such poor walkers, they’ll decline at the first hint of a hike. Every one in the V.P. will want to go, I think, and that’s eleven. Then, counting the girls with boxes and the others who have asked to come, we’ll have twenty. Twenty of us ought to manage to bring home enough leaves to trim the hall respectably.”

  “We might ask for a holiday!” Bobby’s face beamed at the thought. “We haven’t had a day off in weeks, and Mrs. Eustice said a long time ago she thought we’d earned one. Will you do the asking, Betty?”

  Betty was accustomed to “doing the asking,” and she said she would once more if Norma Guerin would go with her. Wherever possible, Betty drew Norma into every school activity, and she persistently refused to allow her friend to talk as though the Christmas holidays would end their days at Shadyside. Alice worried less than Norma, but both girls grieved at the thought of the sacrifice those at home were making for them and felt that they could not accept it much longer without vigorous protest.

  Betty and Bobby, on the other hand, were determined to see to it that the sisters spent their holidays in Washington, and while Bobby cherished wild plans of filling a trunk with new dresses and hats and forcing it in some manner upon her chums, Betty concentrated her attention on the subject of cash. She intended to consult her uncle, in person if possible, and if that proved impossible, by letter, and Bob as to the feasibility of persuading Norma and Alice to borrow a sum sufficient to see them through to graduation day at Shadyside. Betty was sure her uncle and Bob, in both of whom she had infinite faith, could manage this difficult task satisfactorily, though the Guerin pride was a formidable obstacle.

  Acting immediately on the decision to ask for a holiday, Betty and Norma went down to the office and preferred their request, which was cordially granted after an explanation of its purpose.

  “All day to-morrow off!” shouted Betty, bursting in upon the six girls assembled to hear the result.

  “We may go after breakfast and needn’t come back till four o’clock when Miss Anderson has called a dress rehearsal,” chimed in Norma.

  Libbie and Louise were dispatched to notify the other girls and to give strict instructions to those who had boxes not to eat any more of the contents.

  “Elsie Taylor had already eaten six eclairs when I requisitioned her box for the picnic,” said Constance Howard. “It’s lucky we’re going tomorrow, or there wouldn’t be much left to eat.”

  Betty and Bobby each had a box from Mrs. Littell, who sent packages of sensible goodies regularly to her girls in turn.

  “I hope the sandwiches will keep fresh enough,” worried Betty.

  But she might have saved her worry.

  Just as she and Bobby were going to bed that night Norma and Alice came in, wrapped in their kimonos, each carrying a large box under her arm.

  “What do you suppose?” asked Norma. “Good old Aunt Nancy heard we were going after nuts for her cake and leaves for the hall, and she’s made us dozens of sandwiches. She said she did it because Mrs. Eustice reserved one of the best seats for her at the play. Anyway, we’ll be glad to have them, shan’t we? And, oh yes, Aunt Nancy says she’ll make us a cake as big as ‘a black walnut tree’ and two kinds of ice cream!”

  “And she brought the sandwiches up to Norma and Alice because she was determined they should have something for the picnic,” thoug
ht Betty after the girls had gone. “Talk about tact! Aunt Nancy has the real thing.”

  The girls were all up early the next morning, and soon after breakfast they were on their way to the woods. Many of those who were not of the nutting party went to Edentown, some took canoes and went paddling, others “puttered” around the school grounds, enjoying the beautiful autumn weather and the luxury of a holiday.

  Ada Nansen and her friends had elected to go to Edentown, and passed the nutting party on the way. Betty took one glance into the bus and then looked at Bobby. That young person promptly giggled.

  “Did you see what I saw?” she asked.

  “Poor Ada!” said Betty. “She does have troubles of her own!”

  For of all the teachers, Miss Prettyman alone had been available as chaperone, and to go to town under Miss Prettyman’s eagle eye was anything but an exciting experience. She was usually bent on “improving” the minds of her charges, and she improved them with serene disregard of the victims’ tastes and interests. Betty and Bobby had seen her sitting bolt upright in the bus, reading a thin volume of essays while Ada scowled at the happy crowd tramping in the road.

  The woods reached, they separated, some to gather branches of leaves and others intent on filling their sacks with nuts. The boxes of lunch were neatly piled under a tree, and sweaters were left with them, for it was comfortably warm even in the shadiest spots.

  “I don’t believe we will have many more days like this,” remarked Frances Martin, her nearsighted eyes peering into a hollow tree stump. “Girls, what have I found—a squirrel?”

  “Plain owl,” laughed Betty. “Isn’t he cunning?”

  They crowded around to admire the funny little creature, and then, admonished by Bobby, whom Constance declared would make a good drill sergeant, set busily to work again. Nuts were not plentiful, but they filled half a sack, and then, a large pile of flaming branches having been gathered, they decided to drag their spoils back to the tree and to have lunch.

  “Girls, girls, girls!” shrieked Libbie, who was in the lead, “our lunch is gone—every crumb of it!”

  Sure enough, the sweaters were all tossed about in confusion and the boxes had disappeared.

  “Who took it?” demanded Bobby wrathfully. “You needn’t tell me that lunch walked off!”

  High and clear and shrill, a familiar whistle sounded back of them.

  “That’s Bob!” Betty’s face brightened. “Listen!”

  She gave an answering whistle, and Bob’s sounded again.

  There was a scrambling among the bushes, and a group of cadets burst through. Bob and the Tucker twins were first, and after them came Gilbert Lane and Timothy Derby and Winifred Marion Brown.

  “Hello, anything the matter?” was Bob’s greeting. “You look rather glum.”

  “So would you,” Betty informed him, “if you were starving after a morning’s work and your lunch was stolen.”

  “Gee, that is tough!” exclaimed Bob sympathetically. “Who stole it?”

  “We don’t know,” volunteered Bobby. “But all those boxes couldn’t take wings and fly away.”

  “You go back and get the fellows,” Bob commanded Tommy Tucker. “We were having a potato roast down by the lake, and while the potatoes were baking some of us came up for more wood,” he explained to the girls. “We thought we heard voices, and so I whistled.”

  Tommy Tucker was flying down to the lake before half of this explanation was given.

  “Have you a holiday, too?” Betty asked. “We’re out to get decorations for the play.”

  “It’s the colonel’s birthday,” explained Bob, “and the old boy gave us the day off. Here come the fellows.”

  Half a dozen more cadets joined them, all boys the girls had met at the games. They were loud in their expressions of sympathy for the disappointed picnickers and promptly offered their potatoes as refreshments when they should be done.

  “Oh, we’re going to get that lunch back,” announced Bob Henderson confidently. “Look here!”

  He pointed to some footprints in a bit of muddy ground.

  “Cadet shoes!” cried Tommy Tucker. “Jimminy Crickets, I’ll bet it’s that Marshall Morgan and his crowd!”

  “But this is a girl’s shoe,” protested Betty, pointing to another print. “See the narrow toe?”

  “Ada Nansen or Ruth Royal!” guessed Bobby quickly. “They’re the only ones who won’t wear a sensible shoe.”



  “Who,” demanded Betty, “is Marshall Morgan?”

  “He’s a pest,” said Tommy, with characteristic frankness. “He has one mission in life, and that is to plague those unfortunates who have to be under the same roof with him. He never does anything on a large scale, but then a mosquito can drive you crazy, you know.”

  “Dear me, he ought to know Ada,” rejoined Bobby. “Perhaps he does. She is a pestess, if there is such a word.”

  “There isn’t,” Betty assured her. “Anyway, this won’t get our lunch back. What are you going to do, Bob?”

  “A little Indian work,” was Bob’s reply. “We’ll send out scouts to locate the thieves and then we’ll surround them and let the consequences fall.”

  “I’ll be a consequence,” declared Bobby vindictively. “I’ll fall on Ada with such force she’ll think an avalanche has struck her.”

  Bob sent some of the boys to trace the steps, and while they were gone outlined his plans to the others. Once they knew where the marauders were, they were to spread out fan-shape and swoop down upon the enemy.

  “I figure they’ll get a safe distance away and then stop to eat the lunch,” said Bob. “It is hardly likely that they will take the stuff back to school with them.”

  “But Ada went to Edentown,” protested Libbie. “We saw her in the bus, didn’t we, girls? And Ruth, too.”

  “They could easily come back in the same bus,” said Betty. “Indeed, I’m willing to wager that is just what they did. Miss Prettyman as a chaperone probably killed any desire Ada had to go shopping.”

  The scouts came back after fifteen or twenty minutes to report that they had discovered the invaders camped under a large oak tree and preparing to open the boxes.

  “They were laughing and saying how they’d put one over on you,” said Gilbert Lane.

  “Well, they won’t laugh long,” retorted Bob grimly. “How many are there?”

  “Marshall Morgan, Jim Cronk, the Royce boys, all three of ’em, Hilbert Mitchell and George Timmins,” named Gilbert, using his fingers as an adding machine. “Then there are nine girls.”

  “Has one of them a brown velvet hat with a pink rose at the front and brown gaiters and mink furs and a perfectly lovely velvet handbag?” asked Betty. “And did you see a girl with black pumps and white silk stockings and a blue tricotine dress embroidered with crystal beads?”

  The boys looked bewildered.

  “Don’t believe we did,” admitted Gilbert regretfully. “But one of ’em called a skinny girl ‘Ada’ and somebody is named ‘Gladys.’”

  “Never mind the clothes,” Bobby told him gratefully. “We knew those two were mixed up in this.”

  They started cautiously, mindful of Bob’s instructions not to make a noise, and succeeded, after ten or fifteen minutes creeping, in getting within hearing distance of the despoilers.

  “You girls will have to tend to your friends,” grinned Bob. “You can’t expect us to discipline them. But we’ll give the boys something to remember!”

  The party spread out, and at his signal whistle they sprang forward, shouting like wild Indians. Straight for the oak tree they charged and closed in on the group beneath it. Those seated there rose to their feet in genuine alarm.

  “Rush ’em!” shouted Bob.

  Pushing and scrambling, those in the attacking party began to force the others down the narrow path. The boys were struggling desperately and the girls were resisting as best they could and some were crying

  “Let us out!” wept Ada. “Ow! You’re stepping on me! Let us out!”

  She kicked blindly, and fought with her hands. The first person she grasped was Ruth, who was nearly choked before she could jerk her fur collar free.

  “I will get out!” panted Ada. “Push, girls!”

  The circle opened for them, and following Ada they dashed through straight into a tangle of blackberry bushes. Half mad with rage and blind from excitement they ploughed their way through, fighting the bushes as though they were flesh and blood arms held out to stop them. When they were clear of the thicket their clothes were in tatters and their faces and hands scratched and bleeding cruelly.

  There was nothing for them to do but to go back to the school and try to invent a plausible story for their condition. All the cold cream in the handsome glass jars on Ada’s dressing table could not heal her smarting face and thoughts that night.

  Bob and his friends continued on their resolute way, pushing the luckless cadets before them. Once out of the woods, they seized them by the jacket collars and rushed them down to the lake and into the icy waters. They generously allowed them to come out after a few minutes immersion, and the sorry, dripping crew began the long run that would bring them to dry clothes and, it is to be hoped, mended ways.

  “Now the potatoes are done,” Bob reported, after examining the oven hollowed out and lined with stones. “Why not combine forces and eat?”

  Every one was famished, and they found plenty of good things left in the boxes. The uninvited guests could not have had those packages open long before they were overtaken.

  After a hearty picnic meal the boys helped the girls gather up their branches and walked with them to the point where their boats were tied. They had rowed over because of the attraction of the woods—Salsette being located on the flat side of the lake—and now they must go back for the afternoon drill that was never omitted even for such an important occasion as the colonel’s birthday.

  Ada and her chums did not come down to dinner that night, and so did not help with the decorating of the hall. That was pronounced an unqualified success, as was the performance of “The Violet Patchwork” the following night and the nut cake and the chocolate and the pistache ice-cream that was served at the close.


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