One Night With My Billionaire Master

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One Night With My Billionaire Master Page 4

by Cynthia Sax

I gaze up at the stars, not knowing where we are, trusting him to lead me. “Who answers that question?”

  We reach a wall. Logan feels along the gray stone, finds a door handle hidden in the shadows and opens a narrow metal gate. “You answer that question.”

  We step through the exit and bright lights temporary blind me. I blink, my vision adjusting. A limousine idles in a side alley, the scarred man standing by the passenger door.

  “You could decide to spend tomorrow night with me. Or, I could pursue you for another seven months and five days.” He ushers me into the vehicle. “It’s your choice.”

  I lower my ass to the soft leather cushion and he claims the seat beside me. He’s giving me control, allowing me to decide on how quickly or how slowly our relationship progresses. The door shuts. It’s my choice.

  The floor vibrates under my shoes. We’re moving. Logan drapes his arm along the seat back behind my head and presses his thigh against mine, presence, power, heat and strength rolling off his muscular form.

  I think about his words. “If I reject you, you won’t pursue me for another seven months and five days.” He’s never lied to me, but this is too incredible to be believed. “You’ve had me once already. You’ll move onto someone new.”

  “There is no one else for me.” He pulls me onto his lap. “You’re mine, Arianna, and I will pursue you until I breathe my last breath.”

  “Truly?” I study him, looking for lies, seeing none.

  “Truly.” He nods gravely. “During the day, I’ll tempt you with slow dances, wicked words, furtive touches. At night, I’ll climb into my empty bed and dream of you, of your tight hot pussy around my hard cock, my diamonds covering your nipples, your soft voice in my ear. In the morning, I’ll fuck myself with my fists, bellowing your name as I come.”

  Oh my God. I stare at him.

  The corners of his lips lift. “You’re wet for me, aren’t you, pet?”

  “Yes, sir,” I whisper, unable to lie.

  Logan repositions my body until I face forward, my back resting against his chest, my ass cradled in his lap. “Lift your skirt, open your thighs, and show me,” he commands.

  I glance toward the front of the vehicle. The partition is lowered. The driver could see me.

  “You don’t want me to ask again.” The warning in Logan’s voice makes me shiver.

  I slowly pull the hem of my skirt to my waist, revealing my knees, thighs, cleanly-shaven mons. My ivory skin contrasts vividly against the black fabric of my dress, shining like a beacon in the dimly lit limousine.

  I spread my legs, hooking them over Logan’s bent knees. He slides his feet outward, exposing me even more. The driver, if he looks behind him, will see the drops of moisture glistening on my pussy lips.

  “You’ll stay like this for the rest of the trip,” Logan instructs. “And you won’t come, not until I give you permission. Your pleasure belongs to me, tonight, tomorrow, seven months and five days from now. Do you understand?”

  I swallow hard. “Yes, sir.”

  “If you touch yourself, I’ll be very disappointed.” He places my fidgeting hands on my legs and covers them with his rough palms. “If another man touches you, I’ll financially destroy him.”

  “I understand, sir.” I’ve heard the rumors, seen how competent business leaders scurry around my billionaire investor, babbling and sweating and acting scared out of their wits. I know he can deliver on his vow.

  We sit in sexually-infused silence. Every couple of minutes, Logan reaches between my legs and strums my intimate folds, brushing my clit, keeping me in a constant state of arousal, teaching me a lesson I won’t ever forget. He controls me, my anguish and my bliss.

  Determined to survive this sweet torture, to earn his approval, I play mind games with myself, counting backward, reciting financial ratios, seeking to distract myself.

  But every time I find an effective way to deal with his erotic assault, he changes his technique, the damn man throwing me off balance. My brain melts. My willpower wanes. I start to shake, my pussy juices dripping on the seat, my musk scenting the air.

  “You didn’t ask where we’re going, pet.”

  It’s a struggle to concentrate on this comment. I want him so much. “I trust you, sir.” Sexual strain stretches my words, raising my pitch.

  “We’re returning to my home.” My billionaire master acts as though carrying on a conversation with a half-naked woman sitting in his lap is a normal occurrence for him. “The house is secure, my people can be trusted, and I want your scent on my sheets, your pretty blonde hair spread over my pillows. Do you have any concerns about this plan?”

  I force myself to picture his home in my mind, to ignore my need. Logan owns a sprawling mansion in one of most private and exclusive neighborhoods in Toronto. Iron gates surround the gorgeous European style structure, securing the grounds. Tall maple trees block the views of curious passersby.

  It’s a sanctuary in the city and very few people have seen inside it. Excitement shimmers over me, adding to my arousal. In a few minutes, I will be one of these people…if I’m worthy. Desire rages through my body and I grit my teeth.

  “Answer me, pet.”

  Oh, God. His deep sexy baritone nudges me closer to release. “I have no concerns, sir.” I push the words past my trembling lips.

  “You’re a good girl.” His reassuring rumble delights me. I’d smile but I’m scared that slight movement will push me over the edge. “You deserve a reward for trusting your master.”

  “Sir?” If that reward is more pleasure, I’ll cry.

  “You’re in a bad way, aren’t you, pet?” The sadistic bastard chuckles. “You did so well.” He scoops me out of his lap, handling me as though I weigh nothing, and he places me gently on the soft leather seat beside him. “Once my tongue touches your sweet pussy, you can come.”

  “Thank you, sir.” I spread my thighs, desperate for release, my body shaking painfully.

  My billionaire master cups my ass, his firm grip lending me some of his restraint, and he lifts my pussy higher, gazing at me. “You’re ready for my touch.”

  He licks me with the flat of his tongue, and I buck upward, screaming, coming hard, splintered apart by the exquisite stimulation. Colors explode in my brain, bliss rushing over me, curling my fingers and my toes.

  Logan draws back and watches me as I twist and turn in his big hands, shameless in my desire, unable to control my responses, the pleasure too acute to manage. I don’t know how long I gyrate, caught up in my release.

  I return to Earth, falling, falling, falling. He bends over and licks me again, from ass to clit. I jerk, sensitive to his touch, an after-tremor rocking me.

  Logan smacks his lips, his eyes gleaming. “My pet is delicious.”

  He likes my taste. I smile dreamily up at him, floating on a happy cloud.

  “That’s one, pet.”

  One? My eyes widen. “There’s more, sir?”

  “Much more.” My new master chuckles. “I’ve only just begun.” He lifts my ass once more. “Such a pretty pussy.” He peruses this private part of me. “If you’re very good, I’ll decorate your clit with diamonds.” He’ll design a clit clamp for me. My body twitches as I imagine that pain, and he smiles knowingly. “You’re perfect for me, Arianna. Don’t ever doubt this.”

  He lowers his head and applies himself to his self-appointed task, euphoria reflected in his tanned countenance. Another man might have used me like the slut everyone thinks I am, taking my body with no concern for my pleasure. Logan pays homage to my feminine form, his touch tender and his mouth hot. I gaze at him with wonder and lust as he nibbles and nips at my pussy, adoring me with his lips.

  He’s in no rush to end my torment, peeling me apart slowly, leisurely gliding his tongue over each fold, chasing every drop, and I moan, wiggling with delight, the need inside me spiraling skyward.

  My billionaire master circles my clit with the tip of his tongue, pushing back the concealing skin. I follow
the movement with my hips, passion winding around me tighter and tighter and tighter until I whimper, his light touch unable to push me over the edge. I need something more.

  Logan’s gaze meets mine. He knows what I require. I beseech him with my eyes.

  He flings one arm across my body, strapping me to the seat. This restraint excites me. I can’t move, can’t escape him. He fastens his firm lips over my clit and looks upward. Oh my God. I hold my breath, reading his intent. He wouldn’t. He couldn’t. I’ll die. He’ll slay me dead.

  His eyes glimmer. Logan inhales deeply, sucking my clit into his hot mouth. The pressure is too intense to survive. Shards of color explode in my mind. I scream, reaching for him, my spine bowing. My fingers sink into my billionaire’s hair, and I hold him to me, riding his face, while he sucks me dry, plunging his tongue into my tender pussy.

  Ripples of warmth roll over me, cresting into a crescendo, then easing into a low hum. Energy seeps from my arms and legs. I release his hair, sag against the limousine seat, drained and barely conscious.

  Logan straightens, his cheeks splattered with specks of moisture, his lips glistening with my juices. “You’re a delight, pet.” He lowers my skirt, covering me once more. “You’re a joy to watch.” He draws me into his arms, his body heat and distinctive scent engulfing me. “I’m never letting you go.”

  “Don’t want you to let me go,” I mumble into his chest, my eyelids heavy, my mind fractured. “But please tell me there isn’t more.”

  He chuckles. “We’ll stop for now.” He presses his lips against my forehead. “Sleep, Arianna. I’ll take care of you.”

  I can’t sleep. My eyes close. I don’t want to waste one minute of this night. But I’m so fuckin’ weary, and when the blackness reaches for me, I don’t have the strength to escape its clutches. I allow it to part me from my billionaire, perhaps forever.

  * * *

  A band of heat encircles my waist. Seductive warmth curls along my bare shoulders, spine, ass, infusing me with a sense of safety, caring, love. I smile dreamily, stretching my arms and legs. The warmth moves with me, soothing my aching body. It’s a good soreness, the feeling one earns after a hard workout.

  I open my eyes and blink. Beams of sunlight stream across the foot of a massive bed, highlighting the carvings on the red cherry wood posts. A stunningly beautiful painting hangs on one of the sage green walls, the subject, a pair of pale feminine hands bound in red ribbon.

  Bound. Oh shit. I’m in my billionaire’s dungeon.

  I try to sit up and am unable to move, a muscular right arm pinning me to the ivory sheets. “It’s morning.” I struggle to free myself, my voice loud in the otherwise silent room. “People will see me return to my apartment, Logan. They’ll know.” My father will have proof. He’ll disown me.

  “No one will know.” Logan turns me easily in his arms, handling me carefully as though I’m delicate, precious. “I’ve considered this possibility. Trust me to protect you.”

  The billionaire’s black hair is tousled. The shadow of stubble on his cheeks and chin accentuate the gold flecks in his brown eyes. His muscles are defined, his skin tanned. My mouth dries, this private image of him stirring my passion. “I trust you but--”

  He places his right index finger over my lips, stopping my words. “There are no buts with trust.” He strokes my flesh, exploring every dip and curve.

  “Benoit will be frantic,” I murmur against his fingers. “We have to deal with the vendors from last night, sort out the issues, settle their accounts.” Logan will safeguard me from my malicious half-siblings. My job, however, is my responsibility.

  “We’ll both be in our respective offices by noon.” My workaholic billionaire knows all about responsibilities. “Your friend is always frantic.”

  I smile. “He is.” Benoit revels in drama. I skim my fingers along Logan’s collarbones, over his pecs, circle his flat male nipples. “He suspected what our plans were for last night.”

  “But you didn’t confirm his suspicions.” My billionaire lays still, allowing me to explore his body, his eyes partially closed.

  “I didn’t.” I prop myself up. “No one knows.” My eyes widen. “A dragon?” I trace the black-and-gray tattoo curving around his left side, the design unexpected, the detail of the tiny scales, the webbing on the wings, exquisite.

  “Bulls make money when the market goes up,” my sexy financier murmurs. “Bears make money when the market does down. Dragons find treasure in every market.”

  This is how he became wealthy, by seizing every opportunity. “Dragons guard their treasures.” I splay my fingers over the ink, my hand inches away from his hard cock. “They’re possessive, territorial.”

  “Dragons would never allow their treasure to escape them.” He stands, slides his hands under my ass and shoulders, and lifts me into his arms. “They take care of their valuable possessions, polishing and cherishing them.” He walks with me through the huge bedroom, his bare feet padding on the hardwood.

  “Their treasures are treated so well, they don’t want to escape.” I link my fingers at his nape, holding onto him. We enter an equally large bathroom.

  A brand new toothbrush, hairbrush, and other female necessities are set on the marble counter beside one of the sinks. There’s even a collection of makeup, the same brands I normally use.

  Why would he do this for me? All I promised him was one night. I gaze pointedly at the assortment and then at Logan, needing an explanation for his actions.

  “My home will always be yours,” he says, as though this explains everything, as though living together is a certainty.

  Is it? I gaze up at his angular face. Could I give up everything—my family, my job, all I’ve ever known—for this man? Logan carries me into the open shower stall and taps a button. A small part of me says this decision is already made, was made the moment he touched me. I—

  Warm water sprays down on us, the shock tearing me from my turbulent thoughts. I shriek, surprised, and press closer to my man.

  “Sorry, pet.” Logan lowers me, sliding my body along his, the skin on skin contact exciting me. “I should have warned you.” He surprises me with the apology.

  “I shouldn’t have reacted that way, sir.” My feet touch the wet tiled floor.

  He squirts bodywash onto a cloth. “I’m glad you did.” He rubs sensuous circles into my form, massaging my tight muscles. “By reacting naturally, you show me what you like and don’t like.”

  “You take my preferences into account, sir?” I voice a concern I didn’t realize I had.

  “You drive our scenes.” Logan swirls the cloth over my breasts, round and round, following my curves, escalating the need inside me. “A submissive has as much power as her Dom, perhaps more.” He pinches my taut nipples. My back arches, the pain sublime, and his lips curl into a smug smile. “My happiness is tied to yours.”

  “That means a lot to me, sir.” I pant, savoring his words and his caring, wanting this feeling to last, to be part of my life permanently. The thought of being alone, walking away from him, is unbearable.

  He snaps the cloth. The corner catches my upper thigh, and I yelp, pain radiating from the contact point. “You’re not focused, pet.” Disapproval darkens his voice.

  “I’m sorry, sir.” I only wish to please him.

  “Spread your legs.” He rinses the cloth thoroughly.

  Oh God. He’ll wash my pussy now. I widen my stance.

  He swipes the soft fabric over my pink folds, and I tremble, wanting, needing him. “Are you on birth control, pet?”

  “I am, sir.” The first time the slut rumor surfaced, my father insisted on this precaution, and I was too mortified to protest.

  “I wouldn’t touch you if I wasn’t one hundred percent healthy.” Logan slides one of his thick fingers into my pussy.

  I clench him, craving more. “I know you wouldn’t, sir.”

  He wouldn’t ever put me at risk. My billionaire strokes me, in, out, in, out, an
d I rock against him, my desire building.

  “The next time we fuck, I’ll fill this pussy with my hot cum,” he promises.

  Please let that next time be soon. I close my eyes, my world narrowing to his finger. He pumps me once, twice. I need one more.

  He pulls his hand away. Mother of God. I bite back my curse, opening my eyes. The man knows how to drive me insane.

  “Turn around, pet.”

  I grit my teeth and obey him, turning to face the shower wall. Water flows over my skin. His hard cock brushes against my leg. I tilt my hips, opening to him, exposing both my pussy and my ass, wanting him to end my torment.

  Logan ignores my offer. He brushes my hair forward, rubs the cloth over my shoulders, down my spine, between my ass cheeks. I inhale sharply. He wouldn’t, would he?

  He would. I squirm with embarrassment as he circles my puckered hole.

  “Stay still.” He smacks my right leg.

  “Sorry, sir.” I freeze in place, my chest tightening.

  “Your ass belongs to me.” He pushes against this untried entrance with his thumb. “If I want to fuck this hole today, I will.” He forces me open, the tautness spiraling my desires upward. “And you’d let me, wouldn’t you, pet? Even knowing it would hurt.” His lips hum against my earlobe. “That’s how much you trust me.”

  “Yes, sir.” My body is his. Logan’s chest presses against my back, his hand is wedged between my clenched ass cheeks, his thumb inside me.

  “I’d never betray that trust.” He removes his thumb and kisses this tested hole. “We’ll progress slowly over weeks of nightly encounters, perhaps months, training your ass to take my cock, using increasingly large butt plugs.”

  He wants months of nightly encounters. My stomach flutters. Is that possible? “No one must know, sir.”

  Logan wets a fresh cloth. “Don’t doubt your master, pet.” He scrubs my legs, warming my skin. “Hold onto the tile.”

  I splay my fingers over the shower stall wall and he lifts my right foot, cleaning between each toe.

  “I’m aware of your needs, all of your needs.” He pinches my insole and I dance in place, craving release. “No one will know until we want them to know.” He releases my right foot and picks up my left, thoroughly washing me.


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