Embracing Us (Embracing Series)

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Embracing Us (Embracing Series) Page 15

by Delisa Lynn

  “Okay, get all of your loving in on this handsome, little ten pound and three ounce fellow and he is twenty-two inches long. I need to take him for his DNA test, then he is all yours. He is perfect Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. And umm, everyone else, congratulations.” Says Nurse Becky.

  “He is so beautiful Li, congratulations.” Evan says as I see unshed tears form in his beautiful brown eyes.

  “Thank you, why don’t we let him have his test and then you all can hold and kiss all over him.” I say to everyone, they all look at me and shake their heads. I’m so tired. I think I may have dosed off a little, because when I woke up it was only Liam and I in the room.

  “Hey beautiful, you went to sleep so everyone else stepped out. The nurse said Greyson’s test went fine and they will have all of our results in the next hour. How are you feeling?” He asks as he kisses my forehead.

  “I’m okay, I feel hungry though. Can I please have some caffeine? A pop, tea, or latte anything.”

  “Yes, actually Nikki is gone to get you some food. I’m pretty sure she has a surprise for you.”

  “Of course she does, she knows what I like and I have a feeling she is bringing it to me.” I giggle.

  “Oh, so what is it that you like Mrs. Ellis? I thought you liked this.” He says as he leans in and kisses me.

  “I don’t like that. I love that, and I’m hungry. And if Nikki wants to stay my best friend, she best be bringing me some good food, a burrito and a large sweet caffeinated tea.”

  “Hmm, well maybe she will. But right now, I want your lips on mine. That’s one beautiful son we have, you know. I know he is mine, well I think he has my blood line. His eyes look just like mine.”

  “I know baby, I think he is yours too. I can feel it. I love you Liam Anthony Ellis, thank you for everything.”

  “I love you so much more, and I always will, thank you for giving me three beautiful children. I’ll be ready to start on the fourth as soon as you are.”

  “Trust me, you don’t want to go anywhere near that area right now.”

  “I think I should be the judge of that.”

  I can’t believe I missed the birth, we were on the other side of the hospital taking that test. I finally got to tell Evan what I thought of him while I was over there. I was nice. Only because everything that Lila and Tatum said made sense. I know they loved each other at one time, but I still think it’s fucked up to have sex with each other four years later when you are married to someone else. Life is short and anything could have went wrong in that delivery room. Thank God I have a beautiful healthy wife and a healthy baby boy.

  As I sit here with Li, I think how lucky I really am, and if this test comes back that Greyson doesn’t have my blood, we will get through it. We will overcome this just like every other obstacle we have overcame. He will be one lucky little boy, he will have two sets of parents that love him very much. I know that Evan and Tatum will take care of him just as well as Lila and I will. Evan agreed that he can have my last name, so the girls won’t ask questions now, of course when they are older. We will tell them the truth, but they are too young right now.

  “Excuse me, Lila we have the test results, would you like for me to call Evan in here so everyone’s here?” Nurse Becky asks.

  “Yes, please. Thank you Becky.” Lila says as she grabs my hand.

  Becky walks back in with Evan and Tatum. They came over and stands next to us. Lila is holding Greyson, in one arm and holding me with the other. It was finally time, we were going to find out if we have to share our little man with another family. I have all sorts of emotions running through my mind. I’m nervous, sad, and anxious. I don’t want to share our baby, and I know that Lila doesn’t either.

  “This test was performed here in our secure lab, and these results are ninety-nine point nine percent accurate. With that being said, I will open them and I will hand them to Lila. She can announce to everyone and I will step out to give you privacy. If you need anything, just press the call button and I’ll be back in. Good luck to you all.” She says as she hands Lila the folded results.

  Lila, hands me Greyson. I hold him up to my chest, I place a kiss on his forehead just before I whisper in his ear, “I’ll always be your daddy. The love I have for you doesn’t mean you have to have my blood running through your veins. I will always take care of you.”

  She slowly opens the test, her hands are shaking and I can see the tears in her eyes. She looks at me, and then at Evan. She takes a deep breath and unfolds the results. She gasps and starts crying, she put her hand over her mouth. I knew it, he is my baby boy’s father. I can’t fucking believe this shit. Their one night of passion has turned our worlds upside down and around. I hold Greyson close to me and whispered in his little ear. “I’ll always be here for you little man. No matter what that paper say’s I’m your daddy baby boy. You are mine.” I kiss his little forehead and sit next to Lila.

  “Liam, please don’t cry. I’m sorry these tears aren’t sad tears baby they are happy tears.”

  “You’re happy he is Greyson’s father. What kind of fucked up shit is this Li?” I yell. I’m so pissed she was happy he is the dad.

  “No, you are the father. Look, he is yours. I was just so happy and shocked, and didn’t know what to say. He is ours, he is an Ellis baby. God Liam, I love you so much and I am so sorry I hurt you. Please look at me.”

  “Jesus, you almost gave me a damn heart attack, you scared the shit out of me.” I say as I lean over and kiss her.

  “Evan, Tatum, sorry we brought you into all this. We wanted to do the right thing and let you know that possibility was there. Here you can look at the test.” Lila says as she hands the test to Evan.

  “Liam, I’m glad that you are the father, not that I wouldn’t have been happy if he was mine. But I know this is the best for all of us. Congrats to you both. I hope that we can put this all behind us and we can all be friends someday.”

  “Thanks Evan, I think that is a great idea. Would you guys like to stay for the baby shower?” I ask as I extend my hand to him.

  “We better get back, but thank you. We will see you next month at the wedding.”

  Watching my beautiful wife lie here sleeping, and holding our son in my arms makes me that happiest man in the world. We got our test results back and baby Greyson is mine. Of course if he wasn’t, he still would be anyways. He looks just like an Ellis though. Lila and I together sure do make some beautiful children. The girls are on their way here and they can’t wait to see this little guy.

  After the test results, Evan and Tatum went home. They congratulated us and brought in some gifts. I invited them to the baby shower we are having, but they had to get back home. But they would see us next month at Nikki’s wedding. I was okay with being around them, and especially after knowing this baby is mine, I was even more okay with them being here.

  I know Li fucked up. Hell we all make mistakes, no one is perfect. She has vowed to never do it again, and I believe and trust her. Other than her little escape, she is the perfect wife. I will spend the rest of my life making sure she is happy and taken care of. I’m finally doing something I wanted to do and that’s working at the ‘Ellis Boys Investigations’ as a private investigator. Of course I’m working at the Wine Venue too, but this is something I’ve wanted to do and working with my two brothers is great.

  “Hey you, quit hogging my baby boy and let his momma love on him. Isn’t he the cutest little boy you’ve ever seen?”

  “Well I hope you slept well? The girls are with Megs shopping. They are going to bankrupt me before they’re twenty.” I say laughing.

  “We sure are in for a bumpy ride, good thing they have a little brother to keep them in line. Oh and I’m sure AJ will be right there with Greyson protecting them and running all of their boyfriends off. Did Eric call you? He wants to know something about a guy Kaylin used to hang out with, I think he wants you to use some of your P.I. skills.”

  “Yeah, we talked. I’m actually worki
ng on it now. I just put the laptop down so I could hold my precious baby boy. I can’t believe how much he looks like me. The girls have always looked like you, so looking at him and seeing me still amazes me.”

  “He is going to break all kinds of hearts with those eyes of his. I can’t believe he will be two weeks old tomorrow. It doesn’t seem like we have been home that long. You ready for the baby shower tomorrow?”

  “Yes, ma’am, I think Megs and Nikki has pretty much covered everything. Hell it’s not like we need any gifts. I think between the two of us and our mothers we have everything.”

  “Yeah, we do. But it’s about showing this little guy off and spending time with family and friends. I think Nikki and Brody are going to stay in California until, after the wedding. She shouldn’t be traveling much with her being pregnant. She had mentioned staying at the hotel on the boulevard, so they would be close to here.”

  “That will be good, that gives you ladies plenty of time to finish getting everything together. And that gives you some girl time, and me and Greyson some man time.” I say, as I wink at my beautiful wife.

  “Speaking of girl time, I need to get out of this house. Take me out today, or I can see if Megs wants to hang out. I just need to get some fresh air and maybe shop a little.”

  “You, just had a baby. You need to relax and get some rest. The next couple of weeks will be busy enough for you. How about I cook you lunch, and you do some online shopping? Sound fair enough.”

  “I guess, don’t cook though, order Chinese. Sweet and Sour Chicken from Hunan? They deliver here don’t they? I think I will do some online shopping.” She says tossing a pillow at me. “Oh and I’ll be getting that tattoo I wanted. I was thinking I would get it after Nikki’s wedding. You getting one too?”

  “You still want one? I thought it was a pregnancy hormone. Of course I’ll get one, you aren’t getting one alone. You know you should let Ash do it, he is really good. He had a client last week and I stopped by and watched him, I think he found his calling.”

  “No way in hell, he is coming toward me with a needle. You can let him give you, yours but he isn’t touching my wrist.”

  “Okay fine, have it your way. I will let him do mine though. I trust him.”

  After Greyson was born, and we received the test results it was the greatest results ever. Liam was his daddy, I had a feeling all along that he would be, but it was best to make sure. I had never seen Liam cry as hard as he did when they gave us the results. It was happy tears of course, but you would have thought he just won the lottery. I could see the joy in Evan’s face when they said Greyson was Liam’s. Not that Evan didn’t want him, but it wasn’t meant to be.

  Evan and I never belonged together, my heart was always Liam’s and his was always Tatum’s, we see that now. He told me he would always have love for me, but he could never love anyone the way he loves her. I have to admit she is a wonderful girl. I never thought I would like her let alone be friends with her.

  Some may find it odd, hanging out with their ex-fiancé’s new fiancée. But we are okay with it. She knows that Evan and I are finished and she has his heart and soul. Nikki is happy about Tatum and me becoming friends, because the two of them had become really close. She felt like she was betraying me by being her friend. I will be honest, at first I was pissed, but after meeting and getting to know her, I think it’s great.

  Today is our baby shower get together, and I’m so excited to finally show Greyson off to everyone. Nikki and Megan have been planning this huge event for weeks. I’m okay with that because I’m planning Nikki’s bachelorette party. Watch out ladies, there will be strippers and penis decorations everywhere. I’m evil sometimes, they will thank me later.

  “Lila, where are you. You ready to go pick up the cake?” Nikki says as she yells through the house.

  “Hey sweets, I’m in the nursery.” I was holding my beautiful son and looking into his eyes, I see his daddy in him. He is going to be a heart breaker just like Liam.

  “You know, you could let someone else love on that handsome fellow every now and then. Like his Aunt Nik.” She say as she sanitizes her hands and takes him from me.

  “Trust me, you will be the same way. I just wish you didn’t live so far away. Why can’t you guys move here and work. Brody can get a job at the firm I’m at. The benefits and salary is amazing. Then you can buy the house down the street, and we can be neighbors.”

  “As great as all the sounds, we can’t Brody has already signed on with the guys. He really wants to do this, and our house is being built.”

  “I know, it sounded good. Let’s get ready, Meg should be here soon. Rosa is going to watch Greyson, this is the first time we have left him alone. My mom will be here, after she gets off work.”

  After we pick up cake and all the decorations, we come back to all the guys drinking on the deck. They have music playing, and we don’t see the kids or the woman anywhere. Liam looks so happy sitting here with a beer in his hand just laughing and talking with the guys. I’ve realize that I need to count my blessings every day. I am very thankful that Liam didn’t leave me.

  I walk down to the family room, and I see my mom, Sofia, and Rosa with all four kids playing some video game. It sure did have all of their attention. Greyson is in my mom’s arms, asleep. He looks so peaceful and she looks so proud holding him.

  They all looked so cute, I walk over and kiss all my babies, including AJ and went back up to my friends. They have already started decorating and making the food platters, I love the fact that Nikki and Megan got along so well. The only person missing was Addison. Not a day goes by that I don’t miss that girl.

  “Where is that proud momma at?” I hear a male voice say. I turn to see it came from my baby brother.

  “Eric, come here. I didn’t think you guys could make it. You’re always so damn busy. The girls forgot they had an Uncle Eric.” I say laughing.

  “That’s why I come bearing gifts, hopefully they will forgive me. My residency will be over in a year. Then my schedule will be even crazier. I’ve heard that the hard part hasn’t even started. I wouldn’t give it up for anything. Being able to help save lives is what I do best. Got to make them proud of me you know.” He says as he points up. I knew exactly who he was referring to.

  “Well, the kids will definitely appreciate that. Aww you got AJ something too? That was nice of you, and you know that Ads and Dad are both proud of you.” I whisper in his ear as I hug him.

  “Thanks sis, I love you and I’m very proud of the woman you have become. Also we will have to talk about the whole DNA test thing later, I saw Evan at the hospital. This isn’t the place, you can fill me in some other time over coffee.”

  “Thank You.” I whisper then I notice Kaylin with the other two girls.

  “Hey stranger, with you and Eric both working at the hospital I never get to see you either. I miss you lady.” I say as I hug her, she is super sweet and adores my baby brother.

  “I know, I miss you too. I stopped in and held Greyson before you were released but you were sleeping.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m glad you did. He is getting so big, he is downstairs with mom, and you all can go down there if you like.” I say as I grab them both a beer.


  Sitting here shooting the shit and drinking with my boys, knowing I have three beautiful kids and a sexy little lady inside, makes me a very happy man. The things we have been through has made us both stronger and knowing that she is standing by my side with this new business makes me love her even more. I’m finally chasing my dreams.

  “This feels good guys, why haven’t we done this before now?” I say to Ashton and Kade.

  “It does, I can sit and look at this beach all damn day. Fuck that condo, I’ll just move in here.” Kade says as he throws his head back laughing.

  “The hell if you will, you can visit. But you my man need your own damn place. My wife and I like to be very loud and have sex all over this house, and with you tw
o here we can’t do that.” I say as I kick his chair.

  “Dude, she just had a baby you can’t do anything for months. Except take the lotion bottle to the bathroom with you.” Ashton says as he throws his beer cap at me.

  “Fuck no, I don’t do that shit, if I can’t have my wife’s pussy than I don’t get mine.”

  “Yeah right, there isn’t a man out there that hasn’t wacked the putter here and there. Hell sometime I do that shit twice a day. I don’t have to hear no woman bitching and don’t have to worry about catching anything. Although that Meg, has me wanting to bend her ass over and just fuck the shit out of her. She drives me crazy. There is something about her, and I…Hell I just want her, there I said it.” Kade says as he grabs another beer.

  “I knew it, she has you wanting to settle down. I never thought I would see this day coming. Liam you better go get a fucking calendar and mark this shit down, our cousin wants to wife up that hottie he’s been drooling over.” Ashton says as he punches Kade’s arm.

  “Stop, leave him alone. She seems like a good girl. But you sure she wants you man?” I say as I look at him and back in the house at her.

  “Fuck you both, I’ll find out tonight. We’ve kissed and shit, but tonight she is mine. And it won’t be a one night thing either.”

  “What about the chick you was banging last weekend? Have you heard from her?” Ashton asks Kade.

  “Nah, don’t plan on it either. That was a onetime thing, she was lucky I needed some or her ass wouldn’t have gotten anything from me.”

  “Alright guy’s let’s go see what they’re all up to in there.”

  We are all having a good time. Having everyone together was always great. There’s a knock at the door, Lila goes to answer it and when she comes back, we are all surprised by the unexpected guest. I can tell Lila was a little uncomfortable and wasn’t sure if she should have let Christabella in, but she did. The look on Ashton’s face looks like he is going to faint.


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