Living With Him

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Living With Him Page 3

by J. L. Ostle

  “I didn’t know we were in the same class.” He leans back and stretches.

  My eyes go to his stomach where his shirt lifts a little, showing off his toned stomach. I quickly look back to my notebook. “I think you didn’t realize I existed until yesterday,” I try to joke. I look back at him and he is staring at me. “Are you okay?”

  He nods. “Yeah.” He pulls out his laptop and looks back at my pad and pen. “Don’t you have a laptop?”

  I shake my head. “No,” is all I reply. I don’t want him to feel even more sorry for me. I am no one’s charity case, and I don’t want people feeling sorry for me if I can’t afford certain luxuries. I would have got a job to afford luxuries but my dad wouldn’t allow it. He wanted me home when I wasn’t at school and it’s too late to even try and find one now with just a few months of college left. “Why are you sitting next to me? Don’t you normally sit in the back?” I point out bringing myself back to the present, nodding to the back of the class. I see a few girls looking at us both.

  “Yeah, but I saw you. I can go if you want?”

  Now I feel like a bitch. “No, sorry. I just don’t want you to feel obligated to sit next to me.”

  “If I didn’t want to sit next to you, I wouldn’t have.” He smiles. “So, what are we doing tonight?”

  “We?” I ask in confusion.

  “Yeah, roomie, if we are going to live together, shouldn’t we get to know one another more?”

  “I guess so.” I really don’t want to talk about my past, but I will talk about anything else. “We can watch a movie?”

  He thinks it over and nods. “Movie it is.”

  Professor Colton enters the room and people start to quiet down. Jackson focuses his attention on the professor as I get my pen ready and I start writing down every word said.

  “Damn, you can write fast,” Jackson whispers.

  “Years of practice,” I whisper back. The hour flies by and Jackson whispers every now and then asking a question about today’s topic. It was fun sitting next to him, but he was distracting, especially when he stretched, or when I could see his muscles bulging in his arm, or when I felt his breath on my neck when he whispered to me, but I made sure to keep my focus on the subject at hand.

  When we are dismissed, Jackson is surrounded by girls so I grab my backpack, put my things away, and I tell him goodbye and leave, not wanting to hang around.

  “Kitten, wait up.” I hear his voice and I turn around to see he is jogging towards me. “Was there a fire?” he jokes.

  “Sorry, you just looked a little busy.” I continue walking and he walks beside me.

  “Yeah, sorry about that. I’m glad we are in the same class. We can study together.”

  I nod and smile. “Yeah,” I answer and we walk in a comfortable silence when a leggy brunette walks in front of us.

  “Hey, Jackson,” she purrs. Does every girl purr when they talk to him? “Do you have time to hang out?” How she says “hang out,” even I know what she is implying.

  “Sure.” He winks at her and he turns to me. “I will see you later, yeah?”

  I nod. “Yeah, I’ll see you later.” The girl gives me a satisfactory smile, like she thinks she is stealing him away from me. I watch as they walk off, then I continue in the direction I was headed when I run into Kendra.

  “Where is Jackson heading off too?” she asks, looking at the girl clinging onto his arm.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

  She links her arm with mine. “Lovely. So anyway, during class I am going to be passing you notes on suggestions on what to wear Saturday.”

  “Can’t we talk about it later, or tomorrow?”

  “No, I want to know now. Plus, I get bored in class.” We head to our next class and take seats next to each other.

  “Then maybe you should study? Take notes, etcetera.”

  She scoffs at me. “I will think about it.” We laugh and for the next hour, she passes me notes as I try to take notes.

  After class, we start heading to my new place as she passes me a stick of gum. “So, he didn’t even realize you have been in his class all this time?”

  I shake my head. “I will tell you what I told him, he didn’t even know I existed until yesterday. But I can’t really blame him. No one knows who I am, but I like it that way. I like hiding in the background.”

  “Men are pigs.” We both laugh. “He is a good guy if he isn’t screwing you. I think it’s sweet that he wants to hang out, get to be your friend and all that.”

  “Yeah, we are going to watch a movie.”

  “That’s nice. I’m also glad that you are a good girl, and also a virgin.”

  I stop walking, halting her as well. “What is that supposed to mean? Why did you have to mention my virginity?”

  “I just mean, you are so inexperienced with men, and with Jackson being the first guy to be nice to you, I don’t want you falling for him. But I know you are waiting for Mr. Right, so that’s why I’m not worried. Plus I know Jackson wouldn’t fuck over a virgin.”

  “Please don’t tell me you told him that I’m a virgin.” I put my face in my hands.

  “No, of course not, but you kind of scream virgin sweetie.” Perfect.

  “Well, I’m glad I scream out virgin,” I say sarcastically.

  “Don’t be a drama queen—it’s a good thing. Now, let’s get our butts moving, Jayce is going to pick me up after his team practice and I’m freezing.”

  We walk inside and head to the couch, but we haven’t been here long when the door to the stairway opens and the brunette I saw earlier on campus comes into the room with her eyes zooming in on us.

  “Can I help you?” she asks in a spiteful voice.

  “No, love, we are just chilling.” Kendra takes off her boots and places her feet on the coffee table, getting comfortable.

  “Don’t you think it’s on the board of stalking to just let yourself into someone else’s place?” She crosses her arms.

  “She lives here.” Kendra nods to me. I sink further into the couch.

  “You live here?”

  I nod. Jackson walks around her and comes over, and out of the blue, he kisses the top of my head. My eyes are still on the girl and if looks could kill …

  “Did you enjoy your last class?” he asks, heading into the kitchen. Like this morning, he is ignoring the girl.

  “Not as much as he obviously did,” Kendra whispers to me.

  “Yeah, Kendra kept asking me what I’m wearing Saturday,” I shout out, trying to make the atmosphere less awkward.

  “What’s happening Saturday?” the girl asks.

  “We have a thing,” Kendra replies, turning on the television.

  “Jackson, what thing?” She heads to where he went.

  “Just a thing,” I hear him say and he heads back out with three bottles of water and passes me and Kendra one each and sits, taking a sip of his.

  “Jackson?” the girl says.

  Kendra shakes her head. “Can’t you take a hint, love? Surely you know the drill.”

  My eyes bug out when I look at Kendra. “Kendra,” I whisper yell at her.

  “What?” She sits up straight. “I hate when girls think they are going to be different after one fuck.”

  “Jackson, can I talk to you … in private?”

  Jackson stands and heads to the front door and I hear them muttering, then I hear her telling him to fuck off and the door slams shut.

  “I don’t get why you sleep with these women.” Kendra shakes her head.

  “What can I say?” He sits next to me. “You okay, kitten?”

  I nod, taking a drink of my water. I hear Kendra’s phone buzz and she smiles.

  “Jayce is almost here. FYI, you are so helping me study. I didn’t get one thing Mr. Boring said in class.”

  I roll my eyes. “Maybe if you weren’t worried about my outfit you could have paid attention more,” I chuckle.

  “We all can’t be brain boxe
s like you.” She sticks her tongue out at me.

  “So, you are Miss Smarty-pants then?” Jackson laughs.

  “She is a genius. She always gets A’s.”

  “Well, I guess you are definitely going to study with me also.” Kendra and Jackson tap their bottles in a toast.

  “What am I, a computer?”

  “A very cute computer,” Jackson says and I feel my cheeks blush.

  I look at Kendra and she is eyeing us both.

  “Honey, I’m home,” Jayce calls out. Kendra stands and squeals and runs out. Jayce walks into the room with Kendra wrapped around him.

  “Is that all you have to say to get a girl to jump into your arms? If I say that when I get home, will you wrap yourself around me?” Jackson asks me.

  I know he is joking but I look down at my hands.

  “Don’t get any ideas, bucko.” Kendra points at him. “She doesn’t need your germs.”

  Jackson stands, putting his hands up in surrender. “Chill, I was kidding.” He heads back to the kitchen.

  “You better be,” Kendra shouts.

  “You ready, babe?” Jayce asks her.

  She looks at me and I give her a warning look. “Yeah, I’m ready. We will see you guys tomorrow.”

  Jayce carries her away as I yell out goodbye. After a few minutes, Jackson comes back with a bowl of popcorn.

  “Right, let’s see what’s on Netflix.” Jackson takes his seat again and we look through what’s on and we both decide on American Horror Story. I am so enthralled with the show that the sun sets and it’s dark outside. “Do you want dinner?”

  I look at the time; I’ve been so engrossed in the story line that I didn’t realize how late it was. “Ummm.” I don’t know how to answer—I’m hungry but I can’t keep eating his food.

  “I will take that as a yes.” He presses pause and heads to the kitchen.

  “I can cook,” I offer.

  “Don’t be silly. You can cook tomorrow,” he chuckles. I watch him take out some chicken and noodles. “Hope you like stir-fry.”

  I want to say I like anything, but I don’t. “Sounds good.”

  “Oh, and please help yourself to anything in the kitchen, and I don’t want you to argue with that.” He looks at me with a serious look, and I nod.

  “Thank you.” He smiles and I smile in return. “You are amazing.” The words slip out.

  His smile gets bigger. “I try.”

  We both laugh and I sit on the counter as I watch him cook.

  Chapter Five

  I sit at the same table I did yesterday and already familiar faces start to the fill the seats. I almost die from shock when they say hi to me. Kendra sits next to me and soon Jackson sits on my other side. He gives me a smile as he passes me a can of Coke and a cupcake. I look at Kendra who is holding an extra can, which I bet is for me, with her mouth hanging open.

  “You got this for me?” I ask Jackson.

  “Yeah, thought you would like the cupcake—it’s all girly and pink and shit.”

  “Thank you.”

  He shrugs it off.

  I turn to Kendra and she eyes Jackson then passes the spare drink to Jayce. I use my index finger to take off some of the buttercream. When I place it in my mouth, I can’t help but groan over the sugary goodness. My finger is still in my mouth when I look up and see Jackson and a few of the guys watching me. I take my finger out with a pop and lick my lip, and Darren who is sitting opposite, groans.

  “Do it again, baby, please,” he groans.

  Jackson stands and leans over the table, grabbing his shirt. “Do I need to throw a punch in that face of yours?” he grits out.

  Darren puts his hands up. “Sorry, man, it was a joke,” Darren mutters.

  Jackson pushes him back in his seat and sits back down. “I think you need to start keeping your jokes to yourself.”

  “I didn’t think she was one of your girls.”

  “I’m not,” I say, shaking my head, and once again, all the guys eyes, including Jackson’s, are on me.

  I lift my cupcake and concentrate on eating it, trying to not make any noises. I listen to Kendra talking with the guys about the next football game and I only get the gist of it. Sports were never really my thing. I enjoy running as it helps clear my head, but that’s as far as it goes for me. I have no hand-eye coordination.

  “So, you ready for the party tomorrow?” a guy across the table asks Jackson. I decide to listen to this as football is just boring.

  “Yeah, we are practicing tonight, getting ready for tomorrow, but yeah, we sound good. Working on some new material at the moment.” The guy nods. “You still coming tomorrow, kitten?”

  I notice everyone’s eyes on us, and I can’t help but look around the cafeteria and notice people are staring. “Ummm, yeah. Kendra would drag me by my hair if I didn’t,” I chuckle.

  “Damn, straight I would,” Kendra butts in.

  “See? So yeah, I’m going.”

  “Good, you will get to see me in action.”

  “I bet she will,” I hear Darren mutter, but I heard it and I know Jackson did too, since he stands up and Darren stands, quickly grabbing his things. “I’m out, catch you guys later.” He all but runs out of the room.

  Jackson sits back down. “Fucker,” Jackson mutters.

  I am taking a sip of my drink, when a redhead wearing a very short skirt, sits on the table in front of Jackson. She opens her legs a little, and I have to avert my eyes so I don’t see something I shouldn’t see.

  “Hey, Jackson. Can’t wait to hear you tomorrow.” She leans forward, showing off her cleavage.

  “Thanks, I hope you enjoy the show.” He smiles at her. It’s a very seductive smile.

  “I’m sure I will. I was hoping maybe after you can show me your equipment.” She bites her lip and I can’t help but roll my eyes. “I really want to see how hard you work.” I don’t mean to, but I end up giggling and the girl glares at me.

  “Sorry,” I whisper. I don’t know what came over me, but her pickup lines are so cheesy.

  “Do you find me funny?”

  I shake my head. “No,” I mumble.


  I look at the table and then I feel Jackson’s hand on my leg.

  “I will see you around,” he tells the girl, his voice a little harsher than what it was before.

  “So, about tomorrow?” she asks, her voice all sweet again.

  “I don’t think so.”

  Her eyes open wide that he is turning her down. She sits farther on the edge of the table, her legs opening a little wider. I am sure from where he is sitting he can see between her legs.

  “Come on, bet we can have fun.” She starts using her finger to glide up her own leg.

  “I’m good.”

  She huffs and stands. “Is it because of this goody-goody virgin?” she asks, like it’s normal.

  My mouth hangs open.

  “You better watch what you’re saying, whore.” Kendra stands up and steps in front of the girl, so they are face-to-face.

  “Who are you, her bodyguard?” the girl laughs.

  “Something like that. Just because Jackson doesn’t want to fuck your pathetic ass, doesn’t mean you get to talk shit about my best friend.”

  “I shall talk to her how I please, skank.”

  Kendra looks angry and pushes her. She tumbles back and then walks back towards Kendra, but Jackson and Jayce block her.

  “I think you should go now,” Jackson says sternly. “They are my friends, so leave.”

  The redhead mutters a few curse words and stomps off. I see all the guys looking at me and Jackson, and I quickly grab my bag and stand. “I think I better go. Sorry for getting you involved, Kendra.”

  She waves me off. Jackson stands and grabs his stuff also.

  “It’s fine. That girl was a grade A bitch,” Kendra says.

  “I will walk you to class, in case any other psychos are milling around.” He smiles at me and we leave.<
br />
  We are talking about his band and his bandmates, and he tells me he will introduce them to me tomorrow at the party. I think for the first time, I am a little excited about going out.

  Jackson and I reach my class; he is leaning against the door frame and I notice a few girls walking in slowly so they can have more time checking him out. I am looking at him and not once do his eyes wander. His full attention is on me.

  And it’s nice.

  “Hey, Jackson, you ready for the party tomorrow?” I turn to see an attractive guy with a cute smile approaching.

  “Hey, Dante.” Jackson nods.

  Dante smiles at me. “Hey, Riley.”

  “Hi,” I say softly, surprised that he knows my name since we have never talked. My eyes wander to where he sits and I watch him talking to those sitting next to him.

  “Do you know him?” Jackson asks me.

  I shake my head. “No, this is the first time he has ever talked to me. Do you know him?”

  He shrugs. “He is one of the fraternity brothers of the party we are going to tomorrow. He booked our band.”

  I notice his body is now a little tense. I look back at Dante and he turns and looks at me, giving me another smile. “Are you in a fraternity?” My attention goes back to Jackson.

  “No, not my scene. Well, I better get to class.”

  “Thank you for walking with me and making sure I was safe on the walk over,” I tease.

  He kisses my forehead and walks away as I watch him. My fingers press to the spot he kissed and he turns, giving me a wink. I smile shyly and head into class, taking my seat in the middle.

  A girl named Billie sits next to me, giving me a smile. She is a quiet one too, but we always smile at one another in acknowledgment. I am taking out my notebook when Mr. Ridge walks in and announces he is giving us a pop quiz. I hear groans go around the room.

  “Can I ask you a question?” Billie whispers as our test papers get handed to us.


  She leans in farther so no one else hears. “Are you and Jackson together?” She beams at me.


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