Unmatched Love

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Unmatched Love Page 7

by Mary Nixon

"Life is not forever bug my love for you is eternal." I assured her.

  "I love you."

  "I love you too."

  Her declaration surprised me. I didn't know she loved me back. Or maybe she realized it after I came close to death.

  "That's brilliant love. You just made me the happiest man alive."

  And that had to be my best moment. She loved me back.

  "Mom, this is Bea Bianca. The woman I am madly in love with. The woman I want to marry as soon as I get out of this bloody bed."

  Surprise registered in all their faces except for Jacob whom I had already told my plan.

  "Cazzo!" Erma exclaimed. "So soon?"

  "I love her and she loves me. I don't see a reason to wait."

  "Well what does she have to say about it? Marriage is two way

  Tony." Jacob intruded.

  We all focused on Bianca who suddenly looked paler than death.

  Bianca's POV


  I was not ready, I hadn't even thought that far ahead. They were all staring at me waiting for an answer. Jacob's pale blue eyes were urging me to be honest with myself. Erma looked doubtful and Tony was anxious for a positive answer.

  What was I to do?

  When the door opened and Ferrer walked in, I was relieved for the welcomed interruption.

  "What are all of you doing in here?" Ferrer asked. "He's supposed to be resting."

  "He has just asked Bianca to marry him." Erma announced. "We are waiting for an answer."

  Another pair of eyes settled on me.

  The pressure to say yes was immense but things would be moving too fast.

  I just met Tony four months ago. He loves me and I just realized I love him too. Now he wanted to marry me.

  It was a bloody whirlwind. I was not ready to commit to such lengths.

  "Tony, I think we should think this through."

  "Yeah buddy you should. This is probably the morphine speaking." Ferrer jumped in to save me. "You came close to death and you're looking for some stability right now."

  "I want to be left alone." He told us before he sunk back in his bed and pulled the covers over his head.

  We all left except for Ferrer who remained to examine him.

  Once we were outside,

  I felt my chest constricting in pain. I had just turned him down and the disappointment in his eyes was still eating at me.

  "Good choice." Jacob whispered into mg ear. "Neither of you are ready for marriage."

  He stepped aside and Erma stared at me. Her brown eyes had a striking resemblance to Tony's. She had the same look Jacob had.

  "I waited to meet you in Prague. But it seems we were both rushing to Tony." She spoke in slightly accented Italian.

  "You're the designer I was Ti meet?" I asked.

  "Si bella I am."

  I had modelled for her before but I had never thought she would want me to exclusively work for her. Suddenly my declining Tony's marriage proposal made me feel awkward in front of her.

  "About Tony, I don't think he took it too well when you turned him down. But again take it from me when I say that you're too young to commit to a man. I can see he loves you and I hope you love him as much. Take your time and get to know each other."

  "Thank you."

  "You should go home and freshen up. Get him a few clothes and anything you think he may need."

  After Erma left, I faced Jacob.

  "Where does Tony live?"

  An awkward question based on Jacob's blue eyes.

  "You two want to get married and you don't even know where he lives?" He asked with a light laugh in his voice.

  "We've not known each other that long."

  "Okay. I can drive you." He offered.

  An hour later, we were in Tony's penthouse. I met his entire staff as Jacob updated them on Tony's condition.

  I went into Tony's too and packed up a few of his clothes. He hadn't worn most of them and I spent my time ripping off price tags.

  He had a full closet. No doubt he loved clothes. I personally had a fetish for shoes.

  After he was packed up, Jacob came into the bedroom. I sat on the bed staring at the man who badly reminded me of a Greek god. He looked so good it was hard not to stare. Actually a of Tony's friends were drop dead gorgeous.

  "You should move in at least for the time he's recuperating. It will console him especially because you didn't say yes to his marriage proposal."

  "I couldn't say yes."

  He sat down beside me and I caught his alluring scent. He was not like Tony. He didn't have a playful side, he didn't smile much. He was constantly in deep thought. He was a mystery.

  "There is no need to rush into something you're not sure about. It's not healthy for either of you but should you decide you want to be with him then nothing should stop you."

  "Is he mad at me?" I asked.

  "Of course he is. Tony has never handles rejection well. But you should know, he loves you and he will get over it."

  "Thank you Jacob. We should probably be heading back."

  He left me thinking as I finished packing up. Just as I was about to walk out with the bag, my phone vibrated.

  Unknown: You're one hour has been long up Beatrice. Tomorrow's papers will be overflowing with your secrets.


  Chapter eleven: Sweet love

  James Lyons's POV

  After being in the hospital for a month, I was glad to be in the luxurious comfort of my penthouse.

  I was still nursing my wounds and a broken heart after Bianca didn't say yes to my marriage proposal.

  What was consoling is that she agreed to move in. At least I got to see her every morning and every night as she fully dedicated herself to my recovery.

  We hadn't gotten intimate just yet and I was going crazy out of my mind with raw desire for her. Ferrer had repeatedly warned me against any strenuous activity including sex.

  I hated the celibacy but I also wanted to heal properly. I needed to get back on my feet and find the bloody pieces of scum that almost ended my life.

  In the mean time, I had put on some weight. Who wouldn't when you got constantly pampered with breakfast in bed, and constant attention all day long?

  My best part was each afternoon when I got to hold Bianca in my arms when we watched a movie.

  She loved romance and I loved action packed movies. I ended up compromising if it meant I could hold her for an hour or so.

  She felt so good in my arms, her petite frame a perfect fit.

  This particular afternoon, I was focusing on her lovely face as she watched telly. I kissed the top of her head and she looked up at me.

  "Do you need anything babe?" She asked.



  "You. I'm starving for you."

  She reddened slightly and tried to escape my hold but I flipped her beneath

  me and pinned her down on the bed.

  "I want this." I told her.

  "And Ferrer said-"

  "Screw Ferrer. My whole body is aching for you. It's been a bloody month love, please don't torment me any further. Let me make love to you."

  She was just as hungry and I could tell from the way she licked her lips.

  "Okay but I'll make love to you so that you don't strain yourself." She offered.

  "I'd love that." I agreed and got off her.

  I watched as she slowly undressed stripping down in such a sexy manner it drove me absolutely crazy.

  After she was naked, I couldn't tear my eyes away from her breasts, the hardened pink tips that were so bruised the last time my mouth tasted them.

  "Now let's get you undressed."

  She worked on my shorts and slowly pulled down my boxers. My interested was large, heavy and threatening to blow. I needed to a release.

  After I was naked as well, she searched my drawer.

  "What are you looking for?" I asked.


"I haven't actually restocked. In between death and coming back to life it must gave slipped my mind."

  "Then we can't do this." She spoke shyly.

  "Are you scared of getting pregnant?"

  She nodded and cupped her breasts.

  "I want you to have my babies. So don't worry, I won't mind if you do."

  "I'm not ready to become a mother Tony. I'm sorry but we can't have sex without protection."

  I felt frustrated.

  "I'll withdraw before I cum."

  She didn't look convinced. She was about to get off the bed when I decided that I was going yo have her no matter the cost.


  hold of her waist, I flipped her over and spread her legs.

  She tried to protest but I silenced her with hot desperate kisses. I was going to love her until her objections faded.

  In one swift move, I delved deep into her. She dug her Cheryl into my back and I groaned out in pain as they dug into my flesh.

  pool of blood looking paler than death. He had slit his wrists and he had lost a lot of blood.

  would compensate for the pinch.

  Half an hour later, just when I was about to explode inside her, I pulled out and spilled myself on her belly.

  It felt so good to get my release.

  It had been so long.

  She just stared at me dazed with passion.

  "I've kept my promise love. Hold on I'll clean you up."

  As I was in the bathroom grabbing some tissues, I saw Bianca's phone vibrating. I was about to take it to her when the unknown caller hanged up.

  Knowing it was bloody rude to go through someone else's phone, I picked on an application that I assumed was her private calendar.

  I had been with enough girls to know about safe days and what nots.

  According to the calendar, she was ovulating. Paying attention in biology suddenly paid off. She was ripe to conceive if I came inside her.

  I wanted a baby.

  A little girl with her green eyes and her sun kissed blonde hair.

  She was obviously avoiding commitment. She had turned my marriage proposal down and the only reason she had moved in was because I was still recovering.

  After I would heal, she would leave. She

  had made it clear.

  What I was thinking was unfair but I needed to get Bianca to commit even if it was this way.

  Jacob would have probably disapproved bit he wasn't here. This was a choice I was making on my own. It was a bad move but I was growing desperate for her.

  "Tony?" She called.

  "I'm coming love."

  If I was a straight shooter, then I would knock her up soon.

  I returned to her and cleaned her up.

  "Thank you for pulling out. A baby is not in my calendar as yet."

  If she only knew that I intended to knock her up, she would be cursing me instead of thanking me.

  Bianca's POV

  I arrived at the agency an hour late after Tony had insisted on another round in the bathroom. I had made a mental note to see a doctor so that I got on birth control right away.

  I loved that Tony kept his promise to withdraw but then again t was not a guarantee he always would. If he got caught up in the moment, then we would have a big problem.

  An unwanted baby...

  "You're late, again!" Arra yelled as soon as she saw me.

  "I'm sorry." I apologized.

  "I got you a show in Milan."

  "But I told you I can't travel. I'm taking care of


  "Do I look like I care? He's not s baby! He's a grown man with enough money to hire a dozen nurses to attend to him. Here's your ticket."

  I stared at the date and the plane was leaving at dawn. Tony would be so upset with me but I had been missing from the scene for almost a month now. I needed to get back in.

  "I'll be seeing you tomorrow?" She asked.

  "Yes." I agreed.

  On my way home, I kept thinking about Milan. I needed the money. I had paid Ben over quarter a million; all my savings. I barely had a penny on me.

  I paid Ben to shut him up but I felt he would soon be asking for more.

  Maybe telling the truth to Tony would help but then would my employers still give me modelling contracts?

  I passed by the house Tony bought me to pack a bag. I took sometime and soaked myself in the golden tub enjoying the hot water.

  I was glad for the privacy away from Tony. I liked being alone at least for a time within the day.

  As I soaked rubbing a soft towel over my skin, I received a text message.

  Unknown: I call and you don't answer.

  It had to be Ben.

  I sat up slightly and he texted again.

  Unknown: That golden tub must have cist your boyfriend a fortune. You look like royalty inside it.

  I suddenly got out of the tub when I realized he may be watching me.

  The bathroom window had stained glass there was no way he could see through it.

  I called him almost immediately.

  "What the hell Ben!"

  "From a street rat to a billionaire's girlfriend. How died it feel Beatrice?"

  "What do you want?" I asked impatiently as I wrapped my body in a towel. "I already sent you half a million pounds. What more could you possibly you want?"

  "I live a very high end life. I already spent that money. I need more. I'm thinking the bath tub. How much is it worth?"

  I turned my head and gazed at the gift Tony had given me. How could I possibly hand it over to that pathetic man?

  "Anything else but the tub."

  I was negotiating with a criminal. This was extortion at its best.

  "Fine. A million by the end of the week."

  "Why you bloody idiot! I don't have a bloody money tree growing in my backyard! Where am I supposed to get a million pounds?"

  "Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth? By the way, how is he? I heard he got shot."

  "Don't pretend you care."

  "You know I don't but maybe you should ask him for the money."

  "I can't do that."

  "Actually since we've agreed your asking him, I want ten million by the end of the week. Later baby."

  The line went dead and so did my entire body.

  Ten million bloody pounds?

  If I asked Tony, he would freak. He would

  ask questions that I wasn't willing to give answers to.

  I had always known my past would catch up with me but not this soon.


  I got back to the penthouse two hours late and found my boyfriend reading a book in the living room.

  As soon as he saw me, he set it down.

  "Where have you been?".

  "At the agency."

  I don't know why I had the sudden urge to lie to him but then again it was a bad habit.

  "I called Arra and she told me you left over two hours ago. Why the bloody hell are you lying to me?"

  He was definitely pissed as he stood up and gazed at me intently his brown eyes mere narrow slits that could kill.

  "I'm sorry. I passed by my place to have some me time."

  "There is no me in a relationship." He countered.

  "I needed some space."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Yes. Actually Tony, I need space. I need to rethink what we have."

  I saw the sudden pain in his eyes.

  "Rethink? Am I not good enough for you?"

  "It's not you it's me- "

  "You sound like a bloody man right about now. I've given that crap to over a dozen girls so please, tell me the truth. What's really going on?"

  This is the part where I should have told him the truth. The part where I could have relied on my boyfriend to deal with Ben but being the obstinate girl I was, I declined the road to honesty and took the highway of deceit.

  "Nothing is going on. I just think we have moved too fast. I'm sorry Tony but we should end this."

I had to cut off my connection to Tony so that Ben wouldn't use me to get to him. It was not fair. He had been more than generous with me and he didn't need me milking him dry.

  He had a hurt look in his eyes. He took a step forward and cupped my face. The pain faded into something I could only describe as love.

  "Listen to me Bea."

  He only called me Bea when he was serious.


  "I love you. Whatever this is we can work it out together. You don't need to leave. Talk to me baby. Tell me what I can do to make this work. I need you, I love you."

  He was making it hard for me to walk away.

  It even got harder when he gently palmed my breasts, slowly unzipping my dress and with one look at me, he took my nipple into his hot mouth.

  I allowed it.

  I loved it when he made love to me.

  I surrendered myself to him that night as he repeatedly took me the highest points of pleasure. I never wanted to come back down but everything sweet comes to an end.


  Chapter twelve: The mother and father

  I ran towards him. He was lying in a pool of blood looking paler than death. He had slit his wrists and he had lost a lot of blood.

  "What happened?"I asked. "Someone call an ambulance."

  One of the servants, the housekeeper stepped forward as another servant took off probably to call an ambulance.

  I wrapped his wrists with a scarf draped over the chair.

  "What happened?" I demanded once more.

  "I was coming to clean the office when I found him like this." She said frantically.

  "Would you happen to know how long he has been like this?" I asked as I searched for a pulse.

  "Not long sir because he arrived only half an hour ago." She said.

  I finally found a pulse but he was not breathing. I immediately began performing CPR. I kept going as much as I saw no response.

  "Come on Rei!" I called still putting pressure on his chest with my hands.

  Seconds later his eyes batted open and he murmured something I couldn't quite comprehend. I could hear the ambulance siren and a few minutes later Rei was being rushed to the hospital. I followed in my red corvette still wondering why he had tried to kill himself.

  Was it the embezzlement issue?

  Reinaldo had made away with a lot of my father's money, enough to sink the family business but I didn't understand why. To spite the old man maybe? It however explained why my father was desperate for me to take over. He couldn't count on Rei and he was probably hoping I would pump my wealth into the business.


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