Accidentally Married to the Billionaire (Whirlwind Romance Series)

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Accidentally Married to the Billionaire (Whirlwind Romance Series) Page 4

by Shadonna Richards


  There he was standing outside her door looking drop-dead gorgeous as usual. Stunning in his business suit and tie. His hands shoved into his pockets. God, he was breathtaking.

  Kira braced herself against the door and drew in a deep breath. She could not believe that he was there. At her apartment. He showed up without so much as a phone call during the past two weeks. She quickly turned around to look at the mirror by the door to make sure that her hair was in place. She looked dreadful. Terrible. As if she had a lot on her mind. No way did she want him to see her this way.

  “Just a minute,” she called out to the closed door as she walked towards her bedroom.

  She had on a worn t-shirt and an old pair of Daisy Dukes jean shorts. She was about to change into a summer dress. Her hair was pulled up into a messy pony-tail. The last thing she wanted him to think was that he was right for not contacting her.

  She looked through her closet but nothing was calling out to her. Then she threw up her hands. Who was she trying to impress? She brushed her hair quickly and swept it off her face and returned to open the door. She didn’t want to keep Alessandro waiting. God help her if he just walked away. Again.

  “I thought you’d forgotten about me,” Alessandro said, a grin on his face as Kira opened the door. She caught the sweet, sexy scent of his cologne and it made her melt inside.

  “Hi, Alessandro. I’m surprised to see you here.”

  Alessandro walked into her apartment when she motioned for him to come in. The first thing he noticed was the small size. The size of one of his bathrooms in his homes could fit this entire living area, he thought. He also noticed that it was hardly furnished and it could use a good paint job. It was a rental building but not properly kept.

  “It’s all I’ve got, but I’m happy here,” she said, watching his gaze.

  “You’re happy here?”

  “Why does that surprise you? Because it’s not one of your luxury penthouse suites?”

  Alessandro’s eyes carefully slid down Kira’s body. There she was not trying to impress him with a white simple t-shirt and the shortest jean shorts he’d ever seen which showed off her natural curves. My God! This woman oozed sex even without trying. Her soft brown hair was brushed back neatly and she had no make-up on but a fresh look. She looked tired but pretty.

  That spoke volumes about the woman he’d married in Vegas. For one thing, she had left him! With all that he represented. His money, his power, his position. She left the luxury presidential suite to come back to her homely surroundings. In other words, she would prefer what she saw as honor rather than use him for his money and status. He’d never met a woman like her before and he knew what he was going to do about her now that he saw first-hand how and where she lived.

  “Well? Can I offer you a drink?”

  “Not so early in the morning, my dear.”

  Kira rolled her eyes. “I meant a glass of water or something.”

  “I know.”

  Kira noticed that Alessandro seemed deep in thought. Was he there to annul their marriage? To talk about how she’d said goodbye to him in a note?

  The silence between them was awkward for a moment.

  “Listen, Kira. We need to talk.”

  Kira swallowed hard. What was there to talk about now? Hadn’t the paternity result spoken volumes about the man she thought she knew.


  “You don’t have to say anything right now. Just listen.”

  “Alessandro, I know I probably should have tried harder to reach you instead of leaving you with a note but…You didn’t even call me back. I thought…”

  “There is good reason, my dear. I had a lot to sort out.”

  “I’m sorry about the deal.” She’d heard about the Otteymans postponing plans for the site near Orlando, Florida. Rumor had it, he’d liked Alessandro’s idea but wanted to think about it more in light of the new scandal.

  “Have you eaten yet?” he asked in a low, deep voice.

  His voice was so soothing. Deep inside she was thrilled that he’d come to see her but still peeved about all the disturbing things she’d heard and read in the news.

  “I’m not that hungry right now,” she murmured.

  “Good. Neither am I. I want to take you somewhere.”

  “Now? Where?”

  “You’ll see. Get dressed.” It almost sounded like a command. “Not that you don’t look good enough to eat in what you’re wearing,” he added, his voice softened.

  His smooth words sent shivers of delight down her spine. Why was she having butterflies in her stomach again? What was with this man and his effect on her? There was no denying that she just couldn’t get Alessandro out of her system. Even if she tried.

  An hour later, Kira and Alessandro arrived by limousine to a beautiful glass condominium building in the downtown Toronto area right by the lake. The view was breathtaking. Her eyes scanned the beautiful blue water with a few white sail boats in the distance. It was a cloudless summer day and breezeless. She’d seen these stunning high rises on her way to work but never had she been up close.

  “You live in one of the units?” she said, trying to hide her astonishment.

  “I own it.”

  Kira was stunned. She was in awe of his power. Alessandro owned this building?

  She walked beside him after the chauffer opened the door for her. They arrived at the entrance and she was caught by surprise. The high ceiling and beautiful chandelier and sparkling marble floor. It looked more like a five-star hotel than a residence. A far cry from her humble rental apartment building.

  When she arrived to the penthouse by private elevator that opened up to Alessandro’s residence she was even more surprised. She hadn’t realized that some suites have their own elevator. The tall ceiling to floor windows gave a breathtaking view of Lake Ontario letting in ample sunlight into the unit. To say it was spacious was an understatement.

  “Very nice,” she commented.

  “Glad you like it. Drink?”

  “Oh, no thanks. Not so early in the morning,” she teased him. She’d forgotten that she was supposed to be peeved with him. But there was just something charming and reassuring about being with him. His aura. His captivating presence. This was the same man who’d been so passionate about opening up the children’s hospital in Florida.

  It was his turn to playfully roll his eyes.

  “Have a seat.” He motioned for her to sit on his expensive looking cream colored sofa. He then went to his kitchen and came back with two glasses of freshly squeezed orange juice.

  “Thank you.” Kira didn’t think she was thirsty but was glad when she took a sip of the drink. It was refreshing.

  “I’ll have room service bring us a gourmet lunch. Their special of the day.”

  “Room service? I thought this was a condo.”

  “It is,” he grinned. “You obviously have a lot to learn about the way some of us live, my dear. This building is part hotel, part residence.”

  “Oh, wow!” Kira could say no more.

  “Listen, I want to cut to the chase here. I don’t want to spend any more time than I have to on what I’m about to say. I want to talk about our future. Not my past.”

  Kira listened attentively. Was he assuming that there would still be a future between them after all that had happened?

  “There will be a news story to be released tomorrow about the paternity test.”

  “Oh?” Kira was confused for a moment. Was he going to admit that he was the father?

  “I am not the father.”

  “You’re not? But I thought…”

  “Yes, so did the rest of the world. And I began to doubt myself for a moment, too.”

  “So the test was a fake?”

  “No. The trouble was that someone else had a similar genetic marker as I do which is very rare. Most people have their own unique genetic marker as unique as their fingerprint. Except where twins are concerned.”
/>   “Twins?” Kira placed her glass of juice down. She was more baffled now.

  “Yes. I did some serious digging during the past couple of weeks. That’s why I haven’t been able to reach you. I had to make sure for myself. You see, my biological mother had not just given me up for adoption. But she had given up my twin brother, too.”

  “Oh, my God!”

  “My sentiments exactly. And when I had my men do further digging, we compared photographs of Bianca with the man that was supposedly me.”

  “But it was your twin?” Kira had heard of the whole evil twin story before but this one took the cake.

  “You see, my biological brother recently found out about me. He’s doing pretty good for himself where business is concerned. But he’d been…should I say naughty. He was fooling around on his wife. He had a one-night stand with Bianca while vacationing in the Caribbean.”

  “And, of course, he couldn’t tell her his real name.”

  “No. So, he gave her my name. Figuring they’d never see each other again.”

  “But Bianca saw the real you in press reports and figured it was you and that’s when she filed the suit when she got pregnant and given birth.”


  “Oh, Alessandro. That’s terrible. I’m so…I don’t know what to say. What are you going to do about it?”

  “Alessandro took a swig of his drink then placed the glass down on the coffee table.”

  “I decided to contact Marcus, my brother. He knows I could have him arrested for impersonation but I decided I didn’t want any more scandals. We’ve sorted it out. Bianca knows the truth now and has decided to keep it under wraps. She’ll receive a generous payout from Marcus. He’s doing pretty good in the software industry.”

  “I see. Alessandro, I’m sorry I didn’t believe you at first. You have every right to be mad at me…”

  He held up his hand to silence her. Then he gently pulled her close to him. “I told you, I don’t want to focus on the past but the future. I just didn’t want you to walk out of my life again when the press starts hounding you after tomorrow.”

  She grinned sheepishly. “Now what?”

  “About our arrangement? I want to annul our marriage.”

  “What?” Kira pulled back from his embrace and looked aghast.

  “My dear, I want to undo what we did in Vegas and do it the right way. You deserve much more than a quickie wedding through a drive-through chapel. I’ve never felt this way about any woman before, Kira Watson. I’ve fallen in love with you and I can’t undo that. I don’t want to undo that. Since you don’t remember the first time I proposed. I’m asking you again. Will you marry me?”

  Kira held back her head and laughed. Of course, he would want to do this right. She didn’t remember the first proposal. What would they tell their grandchildren? That she didn’t remember marrying their grandpa?

  “Yes. I will marry you, again, Mr. Romano.”

  “How about calling me Alessandro.”

  “How about I call you, the love of my life.”

  A smile touched the corner of his lips as he leaned down to kiss her with the same erotic passion he had in Vegas. “And you will always be the love of my life.”


  Read on for an excerpt of the next book in the Whirlwind Romance Series, Accidentally Falling for the Tycoon (Coming soon)


  You just never know when or where true love can strike.

  Heartbroken Jen Anne Somers wasn’t looking for Mr. Right—but he turned up in her flower shop, buying roses—for another woman. He’s hot but she quickly dismisses him. It seems as if all the good men are taken.

  Blake Harrington was quite content being single and free until his eyes captured beautiful down-to-earth Jen, the new store clerk at The Special Gift Flower Shop. He wants to make his move but he’d rather not say who the flowers are for—that would ruin his little secret. Can true love blossom in the most unexpected places?

  Chapter 1

  “Every cloud has a silver lining”—Proverb

  Jen Anne Somers finished placing flowers on the display shelf of The Special Gift Flower Shop near the beach. Though she loved her new job, it wasn’t exactly her chosen field, however, she was grateful to find employment in the tough economy. She didn’t know how she would come up with the full rent this month, but she was going to take it one day at a time—or one worry at a time. After her ex walked out of her life…things got pretty rough. She was going to make a new beginning.

  “So glad you could help out, Jen,” Mr. Myers, the store owner said as he hobbled from the back, carrying boxes of ornaments.

  “Oh, no worries, Mr. Myers. It’s my pleasure.” Jen took the boxes from him and placed them on the counter.

  Being in The Special Gift flower shop was a blessing—the silver lining in her dark clouds of recent disappointments. Jen had just been through a horrible break-up with her ex. Taking a break from men and finding herself was the best gift she could give to herself right now—time. Not just any time, but “me” time. She had lost her job in the same week, she figured this was probably time to really stop and smell the roses, so to speak. What better way to get out of a slump than to be surrounded by beauty and earthly pretty scents. For the first time in her life she could finally relax on the job and not have to worry about filling quotas or dealing with office politics or working ungodly overtime hours. Maybe this was what she needed. She felt like a person for once, not a work machine. Maybe it was time for a career change to something less stressful.

  Just then, the door chime sounded and when Jen looked up to see who her first customer would be, her heart stopped.

  The tall, handsome stranger that walked through the doors of the gift shop caught her off guard. She’d seen good-looking men before, but he was—stunning!

  Stop gaping at him, fool! Concentrate.

  The very way he stood looking at the display shelf, his hands shoved in the pockets of his tailored pants, oozed confidence. As he scrutinized the floral arrangement on the shelf, Jen checked him out surreptitiously. When he took his hand out of his pocket she noted there was no ring on his ring finger. Okay. But he didn’t give off the unattached vibe. A guy like that must be taken. Certainly can’t be footloose or fiancé free.

  Jen, focus.

  What was with her all of a sudden? This wasn’t like her. It was just that she’d never met anyone like him before. Not that she had much experience in her thirty years. She’d spent most of it as a wall flower. Her ex was the closest she’d come to a real relationship.

  “Hi, um…can I help you?” Jen’s timid voice slid out through her throat.

  “Uh, yeah. I’m looking for a special…” Mr. Handsome paused when their eyes locked for a moment. An awkward moment.

  “Gift?” she finished for him.

  He seemed a bit distracted for a moment. Did she have something on her face? Jen began to feel self-conscious to the max. She stole a discreet glance at the mirror by the display case to make sure.

  He ran his fingers through his mane and continued.

  “Uh, yes. The most beautiful floral arrangement you have. Money is no object.”

  “Oh, um…well sure.”

  Jen tried desperately to calm the butterflies that let loose in her stomach. “Well, let’s see,” she said as she led him over to the special occasion section. “What’s the special occasion?”

  She couldn’t help but catch the sweet scent of his aftershave. He smelled delicious. Stop it, Jen. He’s a customer, remember? It’s the Special Gift Flower Shop—not the Special Gift Flirting Shop.

  “Well,” he hesitated for a moment. ‘I’m actually buying for someone special.”

  “Oh?” How sweet, she thought. For his mom, probably.

  “Yes, her name is Rose,” he continued.

  Jen felt her stomach tumble to the floor.

  “Oh?” She caught her tone quickly and tried to perk up again. Why on
earth did she think there was a spark? She really needed to focus. Was she that desperate to feel desired again after rejection from her ex?

  As Jen surreptitiously observed Mr. Handsome’s physique and mannerisms, she couldn’t help but think to herself, Rose was one lucky woman! She wished she had a man buying her the most expensive bouquet of flowers today. She smiled and sheepishly led him over to the exotic display case where there were the most beautiful floral arrangements in the store.

  To read more, visit


  An Unexpected Bride – Book 1

  Emma Wiggins is about to marry her heart-stopping gorgeous boss, CEO Evan Fletcher, in seven days—too bad he doesn’t know it yet! Desperate to fulfill her ailing grandfather’s last wish to see her settle down, she tells him a little white lie on his deathbed about being engaged to her secret crush—commitment-phobic Evan. Can love blossom in the most unlikely situation?

  The Jilted Bride – Book 2

  Jody Anders’ adoptive grandparents surprised her with a short one-day visit from New York and they can’t wait to meet Gregory, her wonderful new husband with whom she eloped. Trouble is, she forgot to mention that he jilted her at the altar and is no longer in the picture. Will her gorgeous neighbour, Jake help her out?

  The Matchmaker Bride – Book 3

  What happens when a lonely matchmaker unexpectedly falls in love with a forbidden client— a gorgeous, high-flying CEO with a secret past? Read the story of Sophie Wilson and Carlos Bradley III.

  His Island Bride – Book 4

  Jessica Mills wasn’t looking for love, but love found her...while vacationing on the sunny island of Jamaica. Undercover billionaire, James Carrington thought he was through with serious relationships…that was until he met darling Jessica.

  Coming soon…

  For more in THE BRIDE SERIES click HERE!


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