With One More Look At You

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With One More Look At You Page 24

by Mary J. Williams

  "I went with Led Zeppelin. Heartbreaker could wake the dead."

  "I'll take your word for it." Removing his jacket, Sophie stared at the gun she found underneath. Considering her options, she decided to let him take care of it. "Remove that thing. Please."

  "Are you undressing me?" Forbes released the harness, letting it—and the gun—slide free.

  "Looks that way." Under Forbes' eagle eye, Sophie set the gun aside. She grabbed the hem of his t-shirt. "Lift your arms."

  Forbes followed her instructions, watching as she tossed his shirt onto a chair. "I like where this is heading. However, when I pictured this moment, you were naked. And I had a lot more energy."

  "Men. Why do your minds always go to sex?"

  "A beautiful woman is taking off my clothes." On his own, he toed off his boots. "Do you really need me to explain why my mind works the way it does? I don't think my body is up to it—no pun intended. Give me a few hours' sleep. I'll be ready, willing, and more than able."

  As Forbes yawned his way through the speech, Sophie shook her head. Unfastening his jeans, she hid her smile at what she found. Mentally, he was exhausted. However, it seemed his body was flying on autopilot.

  Forbes raised an eyebrow, pleased when he noticed the bulge between his legs. "Well, what do you know? And they say a man hits his sexual peak at nineteen. Ten years later and I can still go under adverse conditions."

  "Go, maybe. But something tells me I would have to do all the work." Sophie gave Forbes a push. He toppled back onto to the bed like a felled tree. "Timber."

  "And yet the mighty oak remains standing."

  "Down, boy." Sophie took hold of his jeans, tugging them past his wiggling hips, taking his socks off with them. "I'd say keep it in your pants, but your boxers will have to do."

  "I like to sleep naked."

  "I'm not stopping you." With Forbes' help, Sophie rolled him to his side and under the covers. "Need a lullaby?"

  Forbes yawned again. "No."

  With Forbes settled, Sophie smoothed a hand over his tousled hair. "You're pretty adorable, you know that?"

  "I'd prefer sexy, but at this point, I'll take adorable.

  Sexy dripped from every pore in Forbes' body. Considering the situation, Sophie chose to keep that observation to herself.

  "Good night."

  "Where are you going?" Forbes took Sophie's hand, keeping her from leaving.

  "Back to my room." Sophie tugged, but Forbes wouldn't let her go. "Go to sleep. I'll see you at breakfast."


  "Bad idea."

  "Please?" When Sophie hesitated, Forbes pushed his advantage. "Just to sleep."

  The idea was a tempting one. Which surprised Sophie. She didn't sleep with men. Sex? Sure. But she wasn't comfortable with another body lying next to hers. She found herself listening to his every breath. She would tense every time he shifted his body. The longest she made it was an hour. Eventually, she found it easier to leave right away than try to sneak out later.

  If Sophie attempted to sleep with Forbes, she had one advantage. She wouldn't need to drive home in the middle of the night. Her bed was just down the hall.

  Silently, Forbes patted the empty spot beside him. A man didn't need to speak when he had eyes like that. Deep blue. Electric. A little wild. Yet infinitely tender. They coaxed Sophie under the covers without a word.

  "Okay," Sophie said, scooting close, her back to Forbes' chest. "We'll give this a shot." Then she remembered. "What about your wound?"

  Forbes' arm snaked around her, holding her tight. "It's become less of a wound and more of an annoyance. The stitches come out on Monday. However, if you want to kiss it again, I won't object."

  "Nice try." Sophie took a deep breath. Then another.

  "Sorry," Forbes said, his chin nuzzling the top of her head. "I've had a long day. Should I hop in the shower?"

  "No." Taking another deep breath, Sophie rubbed her cheek against Forbes' shoulder. "You smell good. Don't laugh?"

  "Where would I get the energy?"

  "You smell manly."

  "That deserves a little chuckle," Forbes said. Against her hair, Sophie swore she could feel his lips curving upward.


  "Yes, ma'am."

  Forbes dropped off immediately. For Sophie, that wasn't as easy. She liked the feel of his body next to hers. He felt warm. And she felt… safe. A strange word, all things considered. But there it was.

  Sophie's muscles loosened. Her eyes grew heavy. Amazingly, her body was able to relax. Forbes' breath against her neck wasn't an irritant, but soothing. She doubted she would sleep, but a restful night would be nice.

  It was her last thought as she drifted off. Deep and dreamless.


  AS ALWAYS, SOPHIE was up with the sun. The difference was that this morning when she opened her eyes, Forbes' arms were around her. And for the first time that she could remember, she was tempted to snuggle closer, forgetting the responsibilities that awaited her around the ranch.

  Indulging herself, Sophie brushed her lips against Forbes' arm. If he had stirred, she would have given in to her impulse. Turning her head, she looked at his face. And what a nice face it was. Handsome didn't begin to describe the way every feature fit just so, complementing each other perfectly. Forbes would make a wonderful subject for a sculptor. The strong bone structure almost begging to be immortalized in marble.

  Sophie smiled. Without touching, her finger traced the outline of Forbes' lips. She knew how they would feel. Warm. Strong, yet wonderfully soft. When he opened his eyes, the intense blue was startling. Breathtaking. While in repose, he was beautiful. However, a cold piece of stone could never capture the qualities that made Forbes unique. To understand, a person had to look into those eyes. Feel the life force that drove him and the energy that made others want to inhabit his orbit.

  Carefully, Sophie slipped from the bed. As tempting as it was, she didn't want to disturb him. He needed his sleep—and his energy for what she had planned for him.

  "We'll find our moment," Sophie whispered, sending Forbes a last look as she gently closed the bedroom door. "Soon."

  "I OPENED MY eyes, hoping to find a beautiful woman in my bed. Imagine my surprise when the warm body next to me wasn't the one I expected."

  Sophie continued piling lunch meat onto a piece of sourdough bread. She kept her expression neutral. However, inside, she was laughing. Loudly.

  "Dandi is beautiful. Though her breath often leaves something to be desired."

  "So I discovered when she decided to cover every inch of my face with her saliva."

  Holding it in became too much of an effort. Sophie sputtered, breaking out into a full-fledged chuckle.

  "I gave Dandi the choice of coming with me or keeping you company. I couldn't fault her choice."

  Forbes took a seat at the counter, his dark blond hair still damp from his shower. Dressed in a faded shirt and jeans, his feet were bare. Reaching across the granite top, he snatched a piece of sliced pastrami.

  "While I appreciate her show of affection, next time I'd prefer a nice hand-to-paw shake."

  "Most of the time, Dandi exhibits amazing control over who and when she licks. The temptation of your face so close to hers got the better of her."

  "Mm." Forbes didn't sound convinced. Moving to the refrigerator, he removed a pitcher of iced tea. He set two glasses near Sophie. From behind, his arms slid around her waist. "When did you get up?"


  Sophie had already eaten breakfast, done her chores, and worked several hours with her horses. Feeling the need for fuel, she had returned to the house intent on a mid-morning snack. Finding Forbes once more amongst the living was a nice bonus.

  "I didn't notice when you left. Or when your replacement joined me." Forbes nuzzled Sophie's neck. "Dandi is nice, but you smell a hell of a lot better."

  "Thanks. I think." Sophie m
oved her head, baring more of her neck to Forbes' mouth.

  "Where is Maeve?"

  "Shopping. We were out of milk and… I don't know. A ton of things. I tuned out as Maeve read them off." With affection in her voice, Sophie shook her head. "I don't know how she can get so enthusiastic about going to the grocery store."

  When Forbes found a spot that made Sophie moan, he stayed there, alternating between kissing and nibbling. His hand slid into her hair, fingers massaging her scalp.

  "To each her own. How long will she be gone?"

  "Most of the day. She plans on stopping at her sister's for a visit.

  Taking a long butcher knife from a wooden block on the counter, Sophie expertly sliced her sandwich in half.

  "What's on your agenda for the rest of the day?" Forbes breathed, his tongue taking a swipe at the curve of her ear.

  Sophie knew where Forbes' thoughts were headed. If the timbre of his voice hadn't given him away, the interesting bulge brushing against her backside would have done the trick. As she arranged her snack on a plate, she kept her tone casual.

  "I have a horse ready to return to its owners. They will be here at three o'clock to pick her up. Until then, I thought I'd putter around. There is always something that needs fixing or cleaning. Before, and after, I plan on eating."

  "That's hardly a revelation." Sophie sighed as his arm tightened, his hand brushing the underside of her breast. "Any chance I can tempt you into skipping food—for now. We have the house to ourselves. I changed the sheets on my bed."

  "Are suggesting we take a nap," Sophie teased.

  "We can do that. After."

  "Just to be clear. You want to have sex. With me. Now."

  "Yes." Forbes kissed Sophie's ear. "So, you want exact terms?"

  Sophie nodded.

  "Very well. I want to have sex with you, Sophie. I want you naked. Under me. Over me. My mouth on yours. On your breasts. Your stomach. On every inch of you. I want to be inside of you. Again and again. I want it now. I'll want it tonight. Tomorrow. Next week. In my dreams and out. I can't imagine there coming a time when I won't want you."

  Good thing Sophie had her palms flat on the counter. Without their support—and Forbes at her back—she would have slid to the floor; her legs turned into a couple of wet noodles.

  "I'm supposed to choose between you and food?"

  The fight wasn't fair. Not even close. But Forbes didn't know that.

  Letting out a disappointed sigh, his hold loosened. "If you want to eat, I can wait."

  "Well, I can't."

  Galvanized by the thought of losing Forbes' touch, Sophie spun around. She took his face between her hands. One look into those deep blue eyes was all the encouragement she needed. Sinking into his embrace, she pressed her lips to his.

  "Stop." Forbes spoke the word with this mouth against hers.

  Sophie groaned. "No means no. Is that what you're saying?"

  "Hell, no." To prove his point, Forbes grabbed the counter on each side of Sophie, boxing her in. "You want it. I want it. But I want to clarify one thing. For me, this isn't just sex."

  Heart racing, Sophie breathed deeply. "What is it?"

  "More." Forbes dropped his forehead onto Sophie's. "A lot more. I don't want a fling. As far as I'm concerned, there will be no housemates with benefits. Is that what you want? One and done?"

  "No." That was the last thing Sophie wanted. However, like Forbes, she wasn't ready to put a label on what she did want.

  "Then let's call this the first step toward—"

  "Toward more," Sophie finished. She kissed the end of Forbes' nose. "Sexy and sweet. Lucky me."

  "About that." Moving his hands to Sophie's hips, Forbes walked backward from the kitchen to the living room, taking her with him. "Between my last mission, the month I spent in the hospital, and this thing with you and me—. Well, you know. It's been a while."

  Sophie matched her footsteps to Forbes. For balance, she ran her hands up his arms, coming to rest on his shoulders.

  "Believe me, I know."

  As they reached the bottom of the staircase, Forbes came to a stop.

  "You too?" he asked, kissing Sophie's left cheek, then her right.

  "For different reasons. Obviously. The ranch takes up most of my time. When a man asks me out—which happens quite often, by the way."

  "If it didn't, I'd be worried about the intelligence of Cloverdale's male population."

  "Mm." Sophie's brain clouded over for a second when Forbes' lips moved to her neck. It had always been a sensitive area, but he found happy spots she hadn't known existed. "What was I saying?"

  "You're a busy woman. Sex isn't a priority."

  "Right." When Forbes lifted her into his arms, Sophie gasped. "I have a feeling that is about to change."

  Forbes took Sophie's mouth with his. The kiss wasn't friendly. Or about a play for power. This was about a man and a woman. No question where they were headed—only hope over where they would end up. She wound her arms around his neck, tilting her head. His tongue ran along her bottom lip as if to request entrance. She didn't hesitate. Yes. Please!

  "Damn," Forbes said, lifting his head. His breath came in harsh puffs as he looked over Sophie's shoulder at the sofa. "It's a long way up those stairs. Any reason we need a bed?"

  "No." Sophie laughed. "Unless you want to give Mike or Jerry a show. Or one of the other cowboys who like to drop in unannounced throughout the day to raid Maeve's baked goods."

  Without a word, Forbes changed direction. He took the stairs at a jog, passing her room.

  "Mine is closer," Sophie pointed out.

  "My bed is bigger," Forbes countered. He easily shifted her weight, using his free hand to open the door. "As long as we're up here, we might as well have plenty of room to play."

  "I thought you were too impatient to play."

  "Oh, we'll play." Forbes set Sophie on her feet. "Eventually. Just not right now."

  Sophie's shirt came off first. With a gentle push, Forbes had her on the mattress, removing her boots and socks.

  "Purple toenails. With sparkles. I never would have guessed."

  "There is this spa in Spokane. Tory drags me there every month or so. I like my pedicures." Sophie licked her lips, her eyes narrowing with pleasure as Forbes gave each toe a kiss. "I pick a different color every time."

  "Very nice." Forbes bit her big toe, before pressing his lips to Sophie's instep. With impressive efficiency, he unfastened her jeans while his mouth explored the inside of her denim-covered thighs. "What else do you get done at this spa?"

  "This and that."

  "I like this." One more caress of her foot, Forbes pulled off her jeans and panties in one motion. With a slow smile, the look in his blue eyes heated. Ever so lightly, he touched her flat stomach, slowly moving lower. "And that. So much smooth, bare skin."

  The air in Sophie's lungs came out in a slow sigh. "It was an impulse. I like the way it feels."

  "I agree. Wholeheartedly."

  To prove his point, Forbes caressed Sophie's upper thighs—with his fingers and his eyes. Leaning close, he followed the same path with a trail of kisses. Soft, but deliberate. Sophie watched—eyes wide—not wanting to miss a second. However, when his mouth reached its destination, she gasped with pleasure, her head falling back as her eyes closed. It didn't take long before she clutched the sheets, her body tensing as waves of pleasure coursed through her.

  "Lovely," Forbes whispered, standing.

  Over the ringing in her ears, Sophie could hear the sound of Forbes removing his clothes. She wanted to look, truly she did. But that would have taken too much effort. Heart racing, skin tingling, she was happy to watch the fading light show playing out on her closed eyelids.

  "Should I thank you or apologize?" Sophie asked as she felt the mattress dip.

  "Since I enjoyed it as much as you—"

  "That seems highly unlikely."

ckling, Forbes kissed Sophie's shoulder, slipping off her bra strap. "Maybe not from your perspective. From mine? I loved every minute. Or should I say every second? It didn't take as long as I hoped."

  Sophie smiled, letting Forbes manipulate her body from side to side until her bra joined the rest of their clothes on the bedroom floor.

  "I confessed that it had been a while."

  "And I thought it was my expertise that had you screaming my name to the rafters."

  "I didn't scream. And we don't have any rafters. At least none I can see." Sophie met Forbes' gaze "However if it feeds your ego to hear my confession, that's never happened so quickly. And never in that way."

  Forbes looked amazed. "What's wrong with the men you've dated? Savoring the way a woman tastes is one of life's great pleasures."

  "I didn't say they weren't willing to try." Sophie wondered how the conversation had taken this turn. And wished she could have a do-over, stopping before she began. With a sigh, she pushed on, wanting it to end as soon as possible. "A few have tried. Valiantly. Since it didn't do much for me—and because I like so many other things—I assumed that wasn't my cup of tea."

  "And now?"

  Laughing, Sophie asked, "What do you want me to say?" She knew, but she wouldn't make it easy for him.

  "All I ask is the truth," Forbes said, placing his hand over Sophie's breast. His thumb brushed her nipple, bringing it to an instant peak. "I succeeded where other men failed."

  "You make it sound like you were the first man to conquer Everest. It's called an orgasm, Forbes. A very nice one. But come on, you didn't invent the thing."

  Forbes' attention was focused on Sophie's breast, his tone casual as if he were speaking about the weather. "Oral manipulation. Sounds easy—in theory. When done correctly, it's art. Those other men obviously had no idea—"

  "Would you stop referring to those other men as if their numbers were legion?"

  "How many?"

  Forbes surprised Sophie with the question. That he would actually ask.

  "How many women have you been with? And I'm aware that you asked first."


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