Brown, Berengaria - Vivienne's Vacation (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Brown, Berengaria - Vivienne's Vacation (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 5

by Неизвестный

  His very kissable lips were curved up in a delightful smile, and the potency of him had Vivi’s panties dampening and her belly clenching with desire. And at least a dozen years younger than me, damn it all to hell! Not to mention Ryan’s partner.

  Mr. Sex on a Stick rushed over to her, took her hand between his, and stared deeply into her eyes. “You must be Vivienne. I’m Boyd,” he stated in a deep, rumbly bass voice that sent a fresh rush of cream pouring from her pussy onto her already damp panties.

  Vivi took a deep breath, slid her hand out from his, and tried to slow down her pounding heart and gather her lust-scattered wits enough to answer like a mature woman instead of a sex-starved nymphomaniac.

  “Hi, Boyd. Yes, I’m Vivi, and I’m very interested in the program you and Ryan are running here.” I’d rather jump into bed with both of you and fuck your brains out, but since you are partners and much younger than me, I’ll try to get a grip on my hormones!

  Boyd led her across the room to a chair between him and Ryan and began explaining the program. Soon, Vivi had controlled her lust and was genuinely and excitedly intrigued with the farm’s potential for the young people she worked with.

  Several hours passed as Vivi asked questions and the men went into greater and greater detail. “This is awesome. I so want my girls to participate. To get them out of the city, out into the sunshine and fresh air, learning new skills, and away from so many temptations. For them to stay long enough in one home to plant seeds and watch them grow. So many of these kids have been shunted from place to place with no stability in their lives. Being here for six months would be so good for them.”

  “If they want to, they could stay twelve months and achieve a certificate in horticulture. If that doesn’t interest them, we have some other options, too, such as small engine mechanics. The literacy and numeracy programs are also useful. We’ve found a lot of these young people have had very sporadic school attendance.”

  Vivi nodded as Ryan spoke.

  “Yes,” she said, “when your home life is unstable, attending school becomes a low priority. Some of the girls I have with me at the moment are well behind in their education, and that is pretty much normal for the kids I see.”

  Vivi leaned back in her chair and became aware of the sounds of voices calling and feet stomping in the old farmhouse. She raised a questioning eyebrow at Boyd. He smiled in response.

  “Ah, yes. The boys are never late for supper. And Molly is a stickler for clean hands and fingernails. She sends them back to the bathroom to scrub again if she isn’t satisfied. They soon learn to arrive in time for a proper shower before the meal.”

  Vivi laughed then looked at her own fingernails. “Think I’ll pass?”

  Ryan stepped across the small distance from his chair to hers. He gently drew her to her feet and then carefully inspected her hands. “Perfect,” he whispered, dropping a light kiss on her knuckles.

  All the lust that had been buried underneath her enthusiasm for this project suddenly exploded like molten lava from a volcano. Her belly clenched, her nipples hardened, her heart began to pound. In vain, she reminded herself that these men were partnered to each other, but her body wasn’t listening. Her body was screaming, “Fuck me!”

  Suddenly, her brain stopped functioning, too. Before she could stop herself, her mouth opened, and she asked, “So, Boyd and Ryan, you are partners? You are together?”

  Fiery heat flamed across her face, and she clapped her hands to her mouth in dismay. But the men both laughed.

  “Oh, yes, Vivi. We are together. We have loved each other for three years now, and we’ve been living and working together almost all that time,” said Ryan.

  “But we are bisexual,” added Boyd. “At first we used to go out occasionally and have a woman each because we enjoy women, as well. However, once we became committed partners, it seemed like being unfaithful, so these days we like to share a woman.”

  “One day we hope to find one we both like who would be interested in a ménage relationship. Have you ever had two men?” asked Ryan.

  Vivi’s blush deepened. Now her whole body felt hot, not just her face. Nevertheless, she nodded. There was no way she would tell these two attractive younger men about her vacation, but she did need to let them know she was interested in them. Very, very interested in them.

  “Yes, I have. It was the best orgasm I’ve ever experienced in my life.”

  The atmosphere in the room was thick with lust. It burned from Boyd’s light blue eyes as he glanced from Vivi to Ryan, and from Ryan’s chocolate brown ones as he returned the look.

  A bell rang at the back of the house, and the voices of many young people called out.

  Vivi glanced at the men and breathed deeply, willing her flushed body to calm down.

  “Supper,” the men said together. “Let’s go.”

  * * * *

  The meal was noisy and chaotic, but Vivi enjoyed herself, gradually putting names to the young people around her, listening intently to their conversation and joining in from time to time.

  Their manners were a little rough, and their language tended to be coarse, but she could see the way so many of them idolized Molly, and she was impressed. She was even more impressed when Freddy came over to her after a dessert of delicious apple crumble and said, “I’ll be out in the orchard at ten tomorrow. If you meet me outside the barn, I’ll show you around.”

  “Thank you, Freddy. I’d really like that.” And she realized she was looking forward to it and to getting to know this young man better and seeing him display his skills.

  After the meal, most of the young men went outside for a ball game on the grass. She had no idea what they were playing, but they formed two teams simply by half of them taking their shirts off, and the game seemed to involve running madly from one end of the yard to the other, with or without the ball.

  She relaxed on the porch with a few of the boys and let her eyes roam over Boyd and Ryan, who were on opposing teams. Ryan’s shirtless torso was more drool-worthy than she had even imagined, and her fantasies ran wild, beginning with the three of them in bed together. Not going to happen with a houseful of young men and women to watch every move and hear every noise.

  The half-dozen girls in the project then came out on the grass and joined in, all of them displaying an excellent understanding of the game and none taking their shirts off despite splitting themselves evenly between the teams. One little redhead also had a real sense of where the ball was going to end up, and time and time again she was in the right place at the right time.

  “That’s Rhiannon,” said a soft voice beside Vivienne. “She used to train with the state athletics team.”

  Vivi turned to smile at the boy beside her. “She is very, very good. Is she going to try out for a college team?”

  His face fell. “Well, our teacher, Andy, hopes she’ll be able to go back to high school at the start of next year, but then she’ll have to catch up on a lot of subjects. Boyd said she might be able to get some extra teaching, but…”

  “If she wants to go back to school, I’m sure Boyd and Ryan will get help for her. What about you? You’re Peter, aren’t you? What do you want to do?”

  Peter brightened again and spoke about his desire to work with animals.

  Gradually, the daylight faded, the game ended, and the young adults all came inside again to watch TV, play computer games, and head off to bed. Vivi noticed Molly had left a giant basket of fruit out and that many of the boys took some with them to their rooms.

  Just goes to show that if takeout doesn’t deliver, kids will eat healthy. I do hope my girls can join a project like this.

  Chapter Six

  Vivi ran her hands down her sides. She was dressed in her sober, navy blue, one-piece swimsuit, her bellybutton piercing hidden from sight. This afternoon, everyone was meeting at the lake, and one of the instructors, Basil, was going to teach anyone who wanted to learn how to do an Eskimo roll in a kayak.

  An E
skimo roll sounded like some weird kind of ice cream or cookie to her, but apparently it was some tricky maneuver to prevent a kayaker from drowning.

  The previous few days had passed quickly, filled to the brim with talking to the people at the farmhouse, wandering around looking at the various projects, and lusting after Ryan and Boyd. Vivi was almost certain they wanted her, too, but of course nothing could happen on-site. Although logic suggested that since the men lived there surely they must…

  Vivi stayed safely on the shore while Basil demonstrated an Eskimo roll. The idea was to turn the kayak from an upright position laterally 360 degrees—going underwater and coming back up—while still moving forward. It looked so easy when Basil did it, but it was obviously a lot trickier to do than it appeared. A group of eager young men volunteered to attempt it first, and most of them ended up in the water out of their kayaks. Some managed to stay in the kayak, but not one managed to get it upright again, much less while moving forward.

  After hours of trying and laughing, it was Freddy who was the first to succeed. A horde of young adults ran splashily to him to hug him and congratulate him. Then they dunked him.

  Immediately, it became a free-for-all playtime with fountains of water flying everywhere.

  Ryan, Boyd, and Basil hastily got out of the water while the younger onlookers rushed in to join the fun.

  Vivi stayed nice and dry on the sidelines, laughing as these troubled young people, who often seemed so much older than their years and who had lived through things adults should never have to experience, were enjoying being young and free in the sunshine and water.

  “It’s so good to see them enjoying life,” she said to the men. Then her breath caught and heart started to pound as she looked at Boyd and Ryan. Both of them so tall and muscular and Ryan so gloriously tanned. Boyd was all bright lightness, leaner and sleeker than Ryan and looking like an extremely sexy fish with droplets of water on his toned muscles. Sex on a Stick times two.

  Boyd’s eyes were crinkled with laughter. Ryan’s broad shoulders gleamed in the sunlight. Their muscles were defined, their asses taut inside their board shorts.

  She was getting to know the two men better, too. Just talking to them, they didn’t seem young, but when she looked at their faces, she knew the dozen or more years between them were another barrier to any possible relationship. People would talk about an old lady of forty-one partnering with young men of less than thirty. Besides, she was sure once she really got to know them, generational differences would appear to crack the possibility of a relationship. Not to mention they already had each other and had only mentioned a woman for an occasional ménage.

  As the hilarity died down, the men organized some swimming races and competitions, and Vivi participated with the girls, the afternoon passing so swiftly she hardly had time to comprehend that tomorrow she would be going back to work.

  * * * *

  Early the next morning, both men were out on the porch to wish her a safe trip back home.

  “I’ll be asking for permission to bring the girls here for six months. This program is just what they need,” she said.

  “And we’ll be visiting you next month when we come into the city to make our quarterly report,” Ryan replied with such a lustful look in his eyes Vivi could not help but imagine what was in their minds. It was in hers, too.

  Hardly a day went by without a phone call or email or both from either Ryan or Boyd. Vivi looked forward to their conversations. It was more than just lust, a hope for sex which she was not sure would ever eventuate. They were becoming friends. They understood each other, had so much of the same view of life, and felt so similar about their respective jobs that Ryan and Boyd were almost like an extension of herself.

  The organization she worked for was enthusiastic about the potential of the farm to give young people a new focus and direction. Vivi had been called into the city three times now to meet with the board of directors and talk about the time she had spent there, the programs she had seen running, the young people she had spent time with, and the type of input she would be able to make if the girls in her care went there for six months. Vivi felt confident that such a trial would be forthcoming.

  She also felt hopeful about spending the night with Ryan and Boyd when they came to the city. Nothing had been said, no words of love, lust, or sex had been mentioned, but tenderness and care were part of their vocabulary, and she believed their relationship would progress, even though she was not sure how that would work if she was to spend six months at the farm.

  Did Boyd and Ryan sleep together at the farm, or only when they were on leave? Could she work beside them day after day, week after week, and only have sex maybe once a month? Hell! What kind of choice was that? She’d accept sex with them both if it was only once ever! But more would definitely be better. Oh, yeah. She was gonna aim for more. Lots more.

  * * * *

  Boyd and Ryan snuggled together under their quilt. Although they each had their own rooms, with their own beds, closets, and desks, and they made sure to use their own rooms, they shared a bathroom that linked the two rooms, and they walked freely between them once their doors were bolted at night.

  They also kept their cell phones with them at all times, and every person on the property had their cell numbers in case of an emergency.

  But now, at night, alone together, snuggled under the quilt, they whispered their plans and hopes for the trip to the city next week.

  “Do you think Vivi will join us? She’s been very open and honest with us, but it’s a big step to consider a threesome instead of something more traditional.” Ryan pressed his lips to Boyd’s shoulder and gently sucked the flesh there.

  “I’m sure she’ll give us a tryout. It’s just up to us to blast her socks off so she wants to stay with us.”

  “Well, she did say the one night she’d had with two men was the best orgasm ever. But do you think she wants those men, instead of us?”

  “Nah.” Boyd shook his head assertively. “She’s never even hinted at other men. Reckon it was a one-night stand or something like that. We know she was divorced a long time ago. It’s not like a sexy chick like her would sleep alone the rest of her life. What we need to do is plan something really special, something memorable that will be the signal of the start of an ongoing relationship, not let her think we just want to use her for one night.”

  Boyd slid his fingers into Ryan’s hair and pulled his face closer to kiss him deeply. Suddenly, the kiss got out of control. Noses mashed together, teeth clashed, and tongues slid between lips, cranking up the tension exponentially.

  By the time they pulled apart, their lungs were starved for air, and their cocks were hot and hard with need.

  “I can’t wait any longer,” whispered Boyd.

  “Do me. Do me now.” Ryan flung the quilt off them both and scrambled up to lean against the headboard, his legs spread wide apart and his hand on his cock.

  Boyd rolled over and reached into the nightstand for the lube, wrenching the drawer open so hard it almost came off its tracks. He grabbed the lube, twisted the cap off, and was kneeling in front of Ryan in a heartbeat.

  He squirted the lube into Ryan’s anus then squeezed more gel over two fingers and slowly pressed them inside Ryan’s hot, dark channel. Ryan pressed his ass back into Boyd’s hand as the man’s fingers massaged his inner walls. Both men’s hips unconsciously rolled in time with the finger movements, and Ryan leaned forward and stroked Boyd’s cock, capturing a pearly drop of cum from the eye and smoothing it over the mushroom-shaped cockhead.

  “Fuck, that’s hot,” murmured Ryan.

  “You’re hotter. My dick is gonna burst if I don’t get inside you soon.”

  “So hurry up and get inside.”

  “One more finger first.” Boyd smeared lube liberally over his fingers again, entered Ryan’s ass, and stretched the softened tissues gently before coating his cock in gel and dropping the tube onto the nightstand. “Now.”

nbsp; “Thank God. I thought you were gonna take all night!”

  Boyd silenced him with another kiss while he pressed his engorged cock against Ryan’s sphincter. The muscles opened easily, and he slid inside.

  “Fuck, that feels good.”

  “Damn straight.” Boyd pressed in farther, his cock sliding easily now, until he was balls-deep inside his lover.

  They rested like that for a brief moment, arms wrapped around each other and lips locked together, then Boyd briskly withdrew almost all the way out until just his head remained inside Ryan, and he thrust deep and hard with all his power.

  “Fuck, yes.”

  The men set up a punishing pace, Boyd pistoning in and out, muscles bunching and releasing, hips thrusting, sweat lightly coating his face and back. Ryan met him thrust for thrust, with harsh, needy strokes, one hand fisting his own cock, the other grasping Boyd, now on his shoulder, then on his hip, next on his upper arm.

  The place was too frantic, the movements too harsh, for either of them to last long.

  “I’m coming,” gasped Boyd, swirling his hips in a figure eight, dragging his cock along all the sensitive nerves of Ryan’s walls, and expertly pinging his prostate. Boyd took one hand off Ryan’s hips to grip the other man’s cock then thrust as hard and deep as he could.

  His cock exploded in the hot, welcoming depths of his partner, and the jetting spurts of cum combined with all the other sensations to drive Ryan to climax, too. Cum spurted from Ryan’s cock, coating both their hands and bellies.

  Ryan leaned forward and pulled Boyd’s face closer for another kiss. “We make a mighty fine team, you and me,” he said.

  “Hell, yeah. Give me ten minutes to recover, and let’s do it again.”

  Laughing softly, they disentangled themselves and moved into the bathroom to clean up.

  Chapter Seven

  Vivi was quite nervous about meeting up with Boyd and Ryan again. The men were so hot, just looking at them made her thoughts scramble with the need to be fucked. But she wanted them to meet the young women in her care so the girls could ask questions about the project and what they would do there. On the other hand, if Boyd and Ryan were in her house, they couldn’t have sex. And she really, really wanted to have sex with them. Well, as long as that’s what they wanted, too.


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