The Millionaire's Royal Rescue

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The Millionaire's Royal Rescue Page 6

by Jennifer Faye

  “Did we have plans?” She didn’t recall any. In fact, Grayson had said he planned to remain in the city for most of the day.

  “No, we didn’t. But I wrapped up my meeting early and returned to the palace. I thought I would see you at lunch and when you didn’t show up, I...I just wanted to make sure everything was all right.”

  “Oh, yes, everything is fine. I was reading.” She gestured toward the now rumpled bed.

  Grayson’s gaze followed her hand gesture. “It looks like I must have startled you.”


  He moved toward the bed where he knelt down and picked up the journal from the floor. But that wasn’t the only thing on the floor. The precious pictures were scattered about.

  “Oh, no.” She rushed over.

  “No worries. Nothing’s ruined.”

  “You don’t have to pick that up,” Annabelle said, kneeling down next to him. “I can get it.”

  “I don’t mind.” He picked up a photograph and glanced at it. “Is this you as a child?”

  She looked at the photo and a rush of memories came back to her. “Yes. That’s me and my brother, Luca.”

  “You were a cute kid.”

  “Thanks. I think.” Her stomach quivered as Grayson’s gaze lingered longer than necessary. She swallowed hard. “I can’t believe my mother kept all of those pictures stuffed in her journal.”

  “ that’s your mother’s. It explains why you’re so protective of it. I thought you were going to jump across that desk at the police station when the officer said he couldn’t release it to you.”

  Heat rushed up Annabelle’s neck and settled in her cheeks as she realized how that incident must have looked to others. But she’d been desperate to hang on to this link to her mother. And by reading the pages, she already felt as though she knew her mother so much better.

  “Thanks for stepping up and reasoning with the officer,” Annabelle said. “I just couldn’t get him to understand my urgency.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “You know, you’re not such a bad guy to have around.”

  His voice grew deep and gentle. “Is that your way of saying you’d like me to stay for the heritage festival?”

  “Maybe.” Did her voice sound as breathless to him as it did to her?

  His head lifted and their gazes met. There was something different about the way he looked at her. And then it struck her with the force of an electrical surge—there was desire reflected in his gaze. He wanted her.

  It was like a switch had been turned on and she was fully aware of the attraction arcing between them. Annabelle had never felt anything so vital and stirring with anyone else in her life. Maybe she’d led a more sheltered life than she’d ever imagined. Sure there had been other men, but those relationships had never had this sort of spark and soon they fizzled out.

  With them kneeling down on the floor side by side, their faces were only mere inches apart. Did he have any idea what his close proximity did to her heart rate, not to mention her common sense?

  His gaze dipped to her mouth and the breath hitched in her throat. Was he going to kiss her? And was it wrong that she wanted him to?

  Not waiting for him to make up his mind, she leaned forward, pressing her lips to his. If this was too bold, she didn’t care. She’d been cautious all of her life, while her brother had been reckless. If she wanted things to change, then she had to change them, by taking more chances.

  His lips were smooth and warm. Yet, he was hesitant. His mouth didn’t move against hers. Oh, no! Had she read everything wrong?

  Her problem was her lack of experience. She hadn’t gotten out enough. She didn’t know how to read men. Here she’d been thinking that he desired her and the thought had probably never crossed his mind. She was such a fool.

  She started to pull back when his hand reached up, cupping her cheek. Her heart jumped into her throat. Then again, maybe she had been right. As he deepened the kiss, her heart thump-thumped. He did want her. And she most definitely wanted him.

  Her hands slid up over his muscled shoulders and wrapped around the back of his neck. All the while, his thumb stroked her cheek, sending the most delicious sensations to her very core, heating it up and melting it down.

  She didn’t know where this was headed and she didn’t care. The only thing that mattered was the here and now. And the here and now was quite delicious. Quite addictive—

  Footsteps echoed in the hallway. Annabelle recalled leaving the door wide open.

  She yanked back. Grayson let her go. It was as though they both realized that what was happening here wasn’t practical. They came from different worlds and worse yet, they were involved in a business deal. She couldn’t lose her focus.

  Annabelle averted her gaze as she ran a shaky hand over her now tender lips. How could she face him again after she’d initiated that kiss—that soul-stirring kiss?

  She glanced down at the mess still on the floor. Focus on anything but how good that kiss had been. Annabelle began picking up the papers when there was a knock at the door. She glanced up. “Come in.”

  A member of her uncle’s staff appeared, holding a tray of food. “Excuse me, ma’am. The king asked that this tray be brought to you since you missed lunch.”

  “Oh. Thank you.” She forced a smile. “You can leave it on the desk.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” The young woman deposited the heavily laden tray and then turned for the door.

  The door snicked shut as Annabelle turned back to Grayson. He was picking up the last of the photos and papers. They were now sorted into two piles. One of snapshots and one of scraps of papers.

  “I think I got it all,” Grayson said but his gaze never quite met hers.

  So he regretted what just happened between them. She couldn’t blame him. She’d let the attraction she’d felt since she first met him get the better of her. Now, she had to somehow repair the damage if she had any hope of getting him to bring his state-of-the-art gaming café to Mirraccino. And it wasn’t just the café Grayson would bring to the area, but it would also be the headquarters for the Mediterranean arm of his business—an employment opportunity that would help Mirraccino.

  “I’m sorry.” They both said in unison.

  The combined apology broke the tension. They both smiled—genuine smiles. Maybe this situation wasn’t beyond repair after all. A girl could hope, couldn’t she?

  “I shouldn’t have kissed you,” Annabelle confessed.

  “You didn’t do it alone.”

  “But still, I initiated it. This is all on me.”

  He arched a brow. “I don’t think so. I could have stopped you...if I’d wanted to.”

  Had she heard him correctly? Or was she just hearing what she wished to? “Are...are you saying you didn’t want it to stop?”

  His gaze searched hers. “If we’re to continue to do business together that probably shouldn’t happen again.”

  “Agreed.” She averted her gaze. “And I think you’re going to be impressed with the incentives we’re willing to offer you to bring your business to Mirraccino.”

  “I’m looking forward to seeing the package.”

  As Annabelle continued to gaze down at the Oriental rug covering the wood floor, she noticed a cream-colored slip of paper sticking out from the edge of the bed. It must have come from the journal. She bent over and picked it up.

  “Sorry,” Grayson said. “I must have missed that one.”

  “It was most of the way under the bed. It’s no wonder you missed it.”

  Wanting something to distract her from the jumble of emotions over Grayson’s pending departure, she unfolded the slip of paper. Inside was a message. A very strange message.

  “What’s the matter?” Grayson asked.

“It’s this note. It seems odd. Why would my mother have a note addressed to Cosmo? I don’t even know any Cosmo.”

  “Do you mind if I take a look?”

  There certainly wasn’t anything personal in the note so she handed it over. It honestly didn’t mean anything to her. Why in the world had her mother kept it? And why would she have placed it with her most sacred papers?

  Grayson read the note aloud:

  Cosmo, tea is my Gold. I drink it first in the morning and at four in the afternoon.

  for you. I hope you enjOy. Am hopiNg The Queen Is weLL. Visit heR oftEn? Nate is Well. yOu muSt see Sara. She’s growN very much. Everything is As you requesTed. Don’t terry. Get goin noW. WishIng you all of tHe best.

  “What do you make of it?” Annabelle asked.

  Grayson stood up and turned the paper over as though searching for more clues as to why her mother had kept it. “You’re sure it doesn’t strike any chords in your memory?”

  “None at all. In fact, can I see it again?” Annabelle examined the handwriting. “That’s not even my mother’s handwriting.”

  “That’s odd. You’re sure?”

  “Positive.” She moved to the bed and retrieved her mother’s journal and flipped it open to a random page. “See. Very different handwriting.”

  “I have to agree with you. Perhaps it wasn’t in the journal. Maybe someone who stayed here before you dropped it.”

  “Impossible. I’ve been in this room for a couple of years and trust me when I say they clean the palace from top to bottom without missing a thing. No, this had to have come from the journal. But my question is why did my mother keep such a cryptic note?”

  Grayson backed away. “I can’t help you with that.”

  She folded the note and slipped it back in the journal. It was just one more mystery where her mother was concerned. Annabelle would try to figure it out, but later. Right now, she had to convince Grayson that Mirraccino was a good fit for Fo Shizzle.

  “We should go over those financial projections now.” She glanced at him, hoping he’d be agreeable. “Unless you have other plans.”

  He shook his head. “I’m all yours.”

  His words set her stomach aquiver with nervous energy. She knew he’d meant nothing intimate by the words, but it didn’t stop her mind from wondering what if?

  * * *

  A couple of hours later, Annabelle stared across the antique mahogany table in the library at Grayson. She’d successfully answered all of his questions about the financial projections and the future of the South Shore.

  He was still reading over the material. There was a lot of it. She’d worked hard to present a thorough package. But she had one other idea up her sleeve.

  Grayson straightened the papers and slid them back in the folder. “You’ve certainly given me a lot to think about. Between the proposed national advertising campaign and the tax reduction, I’m impressed.”

  “Good.” But he still didn’t seem thoroughly convinced and that worried her.

  He picked up the folder. “I appreciate your thoroughness.”

  She refused to stop while she was on a roll. If she could bring this deal about, the South Shore would have an amazing facility for seniors in need of assistance. It would have decent-priced housing for young families. And this café would give young people a reason to hang out in the South Shore without causing a ruckus. And from the reviews she’d read about the cafés in other cities, it would provide a popular tourist destination.

  “Why not hang out with me today?” she asked in her best cajoling voice. When his gaze narrowed in on her, she smiled.

  “I have some reports to review and emails to answer.”

  “Can’t they wait just a little bit?” She had to think fast here. “After all, it’s a beautiful day in Mirraccino. And this is your first and perhaps your last trip here. And you haven’t seen that much of the island.”

  “I’ve seen enough—”

  “To know that it’s beautiful. But I haven’t yet shown you other parts of it. Mirraccino is a complex nation. It has a rich history, but it is also a thriving community with a technology base that tops the region. And there are lots of young people—young people who would like the opportunity to remain here in Mirraccino when they complete their education.”

  Grayson rubbed a hand over his clean-shaven jaw. “I don’t know.”

  The way his eyes twinkled told her he was playing with her. She asked, “Are you going to make me beg?”

  Surprise and interest lit up his handsome face. “I—think—”

  “You’ll be a gentleman and accept my invitation without making me go to such great extremes.”

  He smiled and shook his head. “Boy, you know how to take the fun out of things.”

  “I thought fun was what we just had before we were interrupted.” She was blatantly flirting with him, something she rarely did, but there was something about him—something that brought out the impish side of her.

  “Is that what we were doing?”

  He wanted her. It was written all over his face and as much as she’d like to fall into his arms, they’d both agreed it wasn’t a good idea. There was work to be done. And she wasn’t about to confuse her priorities again.

  Before lunch, she’d had the forethought to set up some appointments at the university with the faculty and some of the computer science students. She had a feeling if he were to see this island nation for all of its benefits, he’d change his mind about expanding his business here. At least she hoped...

  And what was in it for her? Besides helping her community once their business was concluded, she wouldn’t mind another of those mind-blowing kisses. Not that she was anxious for anything serious. She didn’t have time for a relationship. But if he were to set up a business in Mirraccino, she might be able to make time for a little fun. As it was, all work and no play made for a dull Annabelle. That’s what her brother always used to tell her. Maybe he wasn’t all wrong.

  Grayson quietly studied her for a moment. “Okay. You’ve won me over. Let’s go.”

  Yay! This plan would work. She knew what he wanted and now she could show him that Mirraccino could provide it. “Just give me a second to freshen up.”

  “Do you mind if I take another look at that cryptic note?”

  His question surprised her, but she didn’t see how it would hurt. While Grayson read over the note, Annabelle touched up her makeup and swept her hair up into a ponytail. She knew that it was fine just the way it was, but she had an impulse to look her best. Not that she was trying to impress anyone of course...



  Grayson couldn’t help but smile at Annabelle’s enthusiasm. Her eyes twinkled when she was excited and she couldn’t stand still. She stared at him with rapt attention.

  “It’d been a long time since someone had looked at him like he was at the center of their world. He’d forgotten how good it felt for someone to care about his opinion. Was it wrong that he didn’t want it to end?

  “Grayson, please, say something.”

  “I really enjoyed today. Thank you.”

  Her smile broadened and puffed up her cheeks. She was adorable. And a business associate—nothing more. It was for the best. “How much?”

  “How much what?”

  “How much did you enjoy today?” She clasped her hands together. “Enough to seriously consider Mirraccino for your new headquarters?”

  He couldn’t help but laugh at her eagerness. “How could I say no to that pleading look?”

  “You mean it?”

  He nodded. What he didn’t tell her was that he’d made up his mind after reviewing the financial package. “I sent the figures to my team to consider.”

  “I knew you’d like
it here.”

  Grayson began walking along the sidewalk of the great Mirraccino Royal University with Annabelle by his side. He didn’t say things that he didn’t mean. And he wasn’t truly impressed that often, but today he had been.

  He was glad that he’d relented and decided to give Annabelle...erm... Mirraccino another try. Annabelle had arranged for a most impressive tour of the up-to-date campus. He’d talked with the professors in the computer science department. And he’d even agreed to give a spontaneous guest lecture.

  To his relief, the lecture had gone well and the students had been quite receptive to his talk on his company’s cloud technology and how they’d harnessed it to make their café games relevant and constantly morphing into something bigger and better.

  “Really? You were honestly impressed?” Annabelle came to a stop in front of him. Hope reflected in her eyes.

  “Yes, I meant it. Why do you sound so surprised?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not. It’s just—”

  “You weren’t so sure about today, were you?”

  She shrugged. “Not really. I wanted to believe you’d see the full potential that Mirraccino could offer you—offer your company, but yesterday you seemed to have made your mind up about everything.”

  He couldn’t let her stop there. “And what have I decided about you?”

  Annabelle glanced away. “That I’m spoiled and overprotected.”

  “That isn’t what I think. That is what you think, but it shouldn’t be. I think you work hard for what you want. Setting up everything today couldn’t have been easy, especially when it was done at the last minute.”

  Her gaze met his. “I called in every favor I had here at the school. But to be honest, when I spoke to the head of the computer science department and told him who I wanted to bring for a visit, he was more than willing to help. You have quite an amazing reputation in your field.”

  “I don’t know about that, but I appreciate your kind words.”

  When she gazed deep into his eyes, like she was doing now, it was so hard to remember that they were supposed to be doing business together and not picking up that kiss where they’d left off. His gaze latched on to her tempting mouth. What would she say? His gaze moved back to her eyes. Was that desire he spied glinting within them?


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