Dark Embrace (Principatus)

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Dark Embrace (Principatus) Page 22

by Couper, Lexxie

  “He has no say in your pleasure either, Inari.” Ezryn lifted his head from her sex. His black stare pinned her to the wall as surely as his hands and body did. “Only I do.” He gripped her thighs. “And that is the way I intend to keep it. Succubus or no, you are my slave, my food source now.” His face was so close to her sex she could feel the chill of his body seep into her flushed folds. A shiver rippled up her spine, its menacing bliss intensified by the cool moisture of his saliva on her spread thighs and pussy. By the Powers, how had this happened? How had she become a prisoner of not only a master vampire but also her own licentious pleasure?

  Who cares?

  “To think,” Ezryn whispered, “all this time I believed it was some ridiculous notion of desire drawing me to you.”

  Her breath caught in her throat and Ezryn chuckled, the sound soulless, callous and wickedly carnal. “Time to scream, Principatus.”

  His eyes shimmered red fire and his mouth reclaimed her pussy, his teeth capturing her clit.

  Her orgasm claimed her, sharp and savage. She arched, bucking into his mouth, her cries growing louder with each abrupt wave of tension crashing through her. Ezryn lapped at her cream, his tongue penetrating her folds, stroking her heat.

  “Fuck!” Inari burst out, both at his invading tongue and masterful hands. He massaged her butt cheeks in tightening squeezes, the pressure echoing the building eruption in her sex. It was as though he could feel her climax through her wanton body and gave it back to her, his fingers detonating pulses of pleasurable pain that seemed to feed her orgasm until it consumed her. Owned her. “Oh, by the Powers, yes, yes!”

  His tongue lashed faster at her clit. He sucked the aching tip into his mouth, flicking his tongue over it again as he sank one finger, two, three into her pussy.

  Stars of dizzying color filled Inari’s vision. She slammed her head back into the wall, eyes squeezed shut, incapable of thought. Without warning, Ezryn removed her legs from his shoulders and snapped upright, charting a path with his lips up her neck to her ear and back to her neck again. “Dark Ones, you smell so delicious.” His growl caressed her senses, and in a distant part of her mind, the coolly rational part on which she’d survived since becoming a Principatus, she heard a tremble in his voice. “So cursedly delicious.” He scraped his fangs along her throat and she shuddered, her juices slicking her thighs.

  He captured her chin with a punishing grip and jerked her face to his, crushed his mouth to her lips with a growl so demonic and primitive she felt her skin prickle.

  Fire. God. She was on fire.

  He plunged his tongue into her mouth, possessing it with total domination, and the woman she was, the female being drowning in sensual bliss, surrendered. A willing servant to the vampire’s ownership of her pleasure.


  Her shout of terrified dismay shattered the heady lust fogging her mind. She clamped her fist tighter in Ezryn’s hair, shutting out the rapture of his kiss as she yanked his head backward.

  He tore his mouth from hers, and for a split second, she swore his face contorted with confused regret. And then he chuckled again, that low, throaty laugh that made her pussy throb and her throat thick. “So the succubus still fights for control? Or is it the Principatus?”

  Mindless hunger blazed in his eyes. The same mindless hunger Inari had seen before in the eyes of so many of her victims from a lifetime ago. Her breath caught. She was succubus again. She could feel it in her very core, in the very center of what made her female.

  Is that so bad?

  Fangs glinting, he smiled at her. “Either way,” he murmured. “I will enjoy the battle.”

  Ezryn skimmed his fingertips over her breasts, her arm, and curled his fingers around her wrist in a grip she knew she would never be able to break.

  Then don’t try.

  The silent command whispered through her head and, as in the Pleasure Pussy, she could not tell if it was her voice or his.

  She looked up at him, her heart racing. For a still moment—barely a heartbeat in time—she thought he was going to say something else. And then it was gone, replaced by an unreadable expression, a human expression that made her pulse leap into fierce flight.

  No, Inari. Don’t do that. Don’t humanize him. Don’t try to make excuses for the pleasure you’re feeling. Don’t lose yourself to the lust or you will—

  But her body wasn’t listening to her head. Why would it when Ezryn smoothed his free hand over her hips, her belly, down to the wet folds of her sex on which he’d only recently been sucking and nibbling? Why would it when he stroked his other hand confidently up the length of her arms, over her shoulders to tangle in her hair? To hold her head motionless as his lips brushed hers. Caressed them with a feathery kiss so light, so unexpected she moaned.

  “Oh, Inari,” she heard him whisper, the words choked and hoarse. “What are you doing to me? Why can’t this be real?”

  Torment quavered through his questions, sending a tight shiver into her core. Was she doing it? If she was, why did she not feel stronger? If she was succubus, why did the demon force in the core of her existence not bloat with gorging hunger? She stood in the hold of a master vampire who was doing everything in his power to bring her to sexual rapture, and yet she felt nothing of the elated, smug glee a succubus feeding on her prey experienced. She felt only weak and vulnerable, made so by the raw pleasure Ezryn wrought on her body. She hated him, hated his debasing treatment of her, and yet the pleasure he wrought on her body overruled it all. If she didn’t know better, she’d believe Ezryn an incubus and she his victim.

  But she did know better. He was a master vampire and hate was the furthest thing from her heart, even if she wished it so.

  Hate had nothing to do with the confusion tearing at her soul. Hate had nothing to do with the ache in her heart.

  If she was succubus, why did she want him to pierce her flesh with his fangs and fill her with exquisite bliss?

  She had no answer, and her stomach knotted even as her body ached for more.

  Unable to stop herself, she lifted her arms and slid them around Ezryn’s neck to pull his head down into her kiss.

  He kissed her in return, a slow, gentle kiss unlike any he’d given her before. It made her knees weak and her head spin. It frightened her. Truly frightened her. But before she could pull away, a growl rumbled in his chest and his mouth turned wild. His tongue assaulted hers, as if the very kiss would decide the victor of their battle.

  He drove one hand between her thighs, plunged his fingers into her pussy, driving them deeper, deeper until he stroked the inside of her sex, on the sweetest spot of all with relentless torture. She wanted to cry out, but his mouth still claimed hers. All she could do was cling to his shoulders as he fucked her with his hand, bringing her higher and higher toward the summit. Higher toward release.

  She wanted to fall over the edge. By the Powers, she wanted to fall and smash against the rocks beneath and have the vampire feed on her spent body. She wanted Ezryn to—

  Bite her. Claim her. Bind her.

  The disconnected thought held no meaning to Inari, but it brought with it a powerful surge of raw hunger. Of pure pleasure. She shifted against him, sliding one hand from his shoulder and dragging it down his torso until her fingers found the waistline of his trousers. She wanted him inside her. She needed his cock in her sex. Like she needed breath to survive, she needed the master vampire’s sex in her own. Filling her. Possessing her.

  She tugged at his belt and the hard head of his cock nudged at her hand through the tented material of his jeans. The contact almost drove her over the edge, and she whimpered again. By the Powers, she could not hold on much longer.

  Dark Ones, neither can I.

  Ezryn’s groan echoed through her head, made her belly knot. His kiss holding her prisoner, he grabbed at his fly and tore it open.

  His erection sprung free, jutting from the bunched denim of his jeans before he could shove them down his hips. Hot electricity
shot through Inari and she closed her fingers around Ezryn’s engorged shaft, the power of its rigid length stealing her breath.

  He moaned into her mouth, a low, raw sound that vibrated right into her core.

  Yes. Oh, God and the Dark Ones and all the Powers, yes.

  Her heartbeat doubled. Her skin prickled. An immense, elemental force stirred in her core, but whether that of succubus or Principatus, she could not tell.

  Ezryn dragged his mouth from her lips, scored a burning path up to her ear as his hands joined hers on his thick, turgid cock. “I do not care,” he said.

  Inari gasped, preparing for his bite. Wanting it. Craving it.

  And then he dipped his fingers into her sodden sex and painted the folds of her pussy with her cream. “I want you to come for me.”

  Her breath burst from her and she rolled her hips forward, desperate for his finger.

  “I want to make you come.” He slid his fingers past the folds of her sex, over the swollen button of her clitoris. “Many times tonight.”

  Inari’s breath came quicker. Shallow. Exquisite pleasure shot through her and she moaned, the sound hoarse and stripped raw.

  He dipped his index finger deeper between her thighs, the tight muscles of her vagina gripping its delving length. “Come for me, Inari.”

  She stood motionless, Ezryn’s command coursing over her body, his massive erection in her hand. Every fiber of her being thrummed with an energy she’d long denied. She felt like she was stepping out of a shadow, the mastery of Ezryn’s touch fueling the heat of her repressed need. Why had she been scared of this? Why had she been terrified of what he awoke in her? It made no sense.

  His cock twitched in her grip, its length growing thicker. “See what you do to me, Inari?” He moved his lips up to her temple. “I can’t hold on much longer, but I will not come until you do.”

  A soft whimper sounded in her throat and she squirmed, squeezing her muscles tighter around the finger penetrating her sex. She rolled her hips forward, pressing her clit to his knuckle. Another jolt of wet tension shot through her and she bit down on her lip, capturing the cry wanting to escape her throat.

  “Come for me,” Ezryn whispered against her throat, slipping another finger into her pussy. “Come on my hand so I can lick your cream from my fingers.” He scissored the two together, stroking the inside walls of her sex until she hissed in a sharp breath. Glorious shards of exquisite tension speared through her at his invasion and she closed her eyes. “Oh, God…” she panted, rocking on his hand. Her orgasm rushed at her, an unstoppable force greater than the Powers themselves. “God…”

  He closed his fingers harder on hers, making her hand squeeze his swollen shaft with punishing pressure. “Come for me before I erupt.”

  He thrust his fingers deeper, deeper, all the while holding her hand to his dick, letting her feel it pulse and grow inside her fist.

  “Come for me, Inari,” he ordered again, the words a ragged groan. “Please.”

  She did. Just like that, her climax detonated with such power a cry tore from her throat. Shudder after shudder claimed her. Took her. Consumed her until she slumped against him, drained of anything but the constricting pleasure in her core.

  “Thank you, my sweet,” Ezryn rasped against her shoulder. He pulled away from her a little, withdrawing his hand from between her thighs. “Thank you.”

  He raised his fingers to his lips and touched the tip of his tongue to their glistening length. “It scares me how addicted I have become to your taste.”

  His confession sent a ripple through Inari. Addicted. A word of absolute foreboding, and yet she reveled in its meaning. She was addicted to him as well. In such a short space of time, she was addicted. “And it scares me I will never taste you enough,” she replied.

  He groaned, his cock jerking in her grip. She pumped it with slow, even strokes, the squirming beginning of her next climax building in the pit of her belly at the feel of its impressive length. Pre-come oozed from the tiny slit at its point, trickled down the domed head to wet her fingers. Her mouth filled with saliva. She wanted to taste him. She wanted to lick the glistening beads from his flesh.

  Without needing her to utter a word, Ezryn took a step backward, his jaw bunched, his eyes red fire, and she lowered to her knees and took his cock into her mouth.

  He tasted of salt and timeless pleasure. She licked at the clear moisture anointing his cock and his low moan of appreciation made her belly flutter and her pussy constrict. He ran his hands over her shoulders and her throat in a feverish, wicked exploration that made her suck his daunting member deeper into her mouth.

  “Dark Ones, that feels so good,” he groaned. “So fucking good.” His rhythm in her mouth grew faster. Wilder. “So fucking good I want to…” He groaned again, the sound animalistic, aggressive, and Inari felt a sudden shift in his body. A coiling of muscles. An awakening of something more primal and potent than she’d ever believed existed.

  With frightening, unnatural speed, he tore his length from her mouth. She straightened, gasping for breath, watching him stare at her. By the Powers, what was he going to do?

  Fangs bared, eyes burning black fire, he flattened her to the wall, slid his hands over her ribcage, her hips and down her thighs to the backs of her knees. He jerked her feet from the floor, driving her shoulders harder to the wall behind her and wrapped her legs around his hips, impaling her on his cock in one fluid move.

  “Oh my God!” Inari cried. Ezryn filled her, stretched her beyond her limits. He pumped into her, his penetrations stroking her within. He took her, possessed her, his hands on her breasts, his mouth on her neck, her shoulders, her throat. He filled her and worshiped her and drove her higher, higher. He drove her past the summit of her pleasure, past the peak of known rapture until she could take no more and cried out again.

  Ezryn’s rhythm turned wild. His cock grew thicker, longer in her sex. She heard him roar, and the Principatus she’d thought was silent roared back. Surged to the fore.

  She threw back her head and stared up into Ezryn’s eyes. Saw something there she couldn’t understand. Something that made her heart squeeze tight and her mouth turn dry. Something right and deep that made her soul ache for that which she couldn’t fathom but wanted with every fiber of her body. Something that petrified her. Something that electrified her.

  Something like true, pure desire. Something like…

  “Bite me, Master,” she begged on a silent breath. “Bite me. Please. Make me yours and mark me as such.”

  Ezryn growled low and long. His eyes ignited, his nostrils flared and he tightened his fists in her hair, thrust his length deeper into her sex and sank his fangs into her neck.

  Inari came again, her sex gushing with pure pleasure, her neck gushing with blood, and Ezryn fed on both.

  Inari’s sweet blood flowed down Ezryn’s throat. Like liquid fire and life. He drank of her, his fists in her hair, his cock in her sex. She cried out. Her moans fed the lust driving him. Her body fed his hunger. Dark Ones, she was like ambrosia. No, she was ambrosia. He’d feasted on Principatus blood before, but none had tasted like Inari—so potent and intoxicating and addictive. So sensually alive. Hell, he felt on fire.

  He sucked hard, and with every mouthful, he felt his still heart grow hot. Felt his blood surge. Felt his soulless core reach out, seeking the golden heat of her life. Felt his soul thread through hers, twisting into intricate knots, melding into thick, beautiful bands of dual existence until she was irrevocably entwined in his existence and he in hers.

  A silent roar filled him as the binding bite connected them. This was not his plan. Not his intent, and yet he could not stop. He didn’t want to stop. Now it had begun, now he could feel her within his being he never wanted to be without her. He’d intended to punish her. Punish the succubus for the way she’d manipulated him. Kill her and drain her of her deceiving assassin’s blood. And yet that very plan had gone to hell in a handbasket the second he’d entered her.
  No, before that. The very moment he’d seen Jacob at her door, the very moment he’d been almost undone by jealousy at the sight of his most trusted friend at her home, he knew he could never kill her. Just as he knew he would never let her go. She was his and he was hers. And then she’d begged for him to bite her, as he’d promised her a lifetime ago she would. And he’d known before his fangs even punctured her flesh what he was doing.

  The binding bite.

  Bound forever together.

  He thrust harder into her sex. She was his. She would never be anyone else’s. Inari Chayse was bound to him until the end of time.

  And you to her.

  The thought should have chilled him—bound to a succubus Principatus, his very existence tied to hers. It exposed him to vulnerability. Weakness. Instead, it made his chest heavy with a warm pressure he couldn’t identify. He thrust harder, drank harder, mindless of everything except the woman in his arms.

  She was his. As he’d wanted her to be the second he’d laid eyes on her.

  Yes, oh, yes, yes, yes.

  Inari’s voice whispered through his head and he let out a raw groan, his balls rising. Their connection was utter, total, and it made his heart—that lifeless, cold organ that had never once beaten—burn hotter still. He pulled her into his penetrations, felt the muscles of her sex constrict around his cock. The tight, wet sheath pushed him closer to the edge and he groaned again, the taste of Inari’s blood pouring down his throat rushing him closer still.

  Oh, oh, I’m going to come, I’m coming, I’m coming.

  Her rapturous thought cried through his pleasure just as her pussy constricted on his thrusting cock, and it was too much. Too much to fight against, too much to comprehend. His own orgasm detonated, exquisite release surging through him, powerful and incinerating, as if exploding from his very soulless core. He tore his fangs from her neck, threw back his head and roared.


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