Marked Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 1)

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Marked Omega (Quarantine Omega Book 1) Page 17

by Lizzy Bequin

  I barely manage to get the words out before another hard climax rocks my body, tensing and relaxing my muscles in rhythmic waves.

  While he cradles my head with one arm, his other arm loops under my knees and pulls my thighs to my chest, letting the Alpha’s already ridiculously long cock drive even deeper into my pussy.

  “Careful,” I whimper.

  His nob brushes against my cervix, but ever so gently, and it actually feels really good. While he continues fucking me with slow, deep strokes, I wedge my hand down between my legs so I can touch him where he’s sliding in and out of me.

  “Does that feel good?” he whispers, skimming his soft stubble against my cheeks.

  “Mm-hm,” I whine.

  It’s crazy to think that only a short time ago it was Kadmon’s first time. Now he’s a freaking sex god. He swivels his hips, stirring his hard cock all around my insides, stimulating places a simple thrust wouldn’t get. Just a couple of seconds of that, and he manages to wring yet another orgasm from my pussy. This is the biggest one so far, and I squeal as my arousal spurts from my hole.

  “Source, you look so fucking beautiful when you come,” Kadmon growls.


  He nods and brushes his lips against mine. Even that’s almost enough to do me in a fourth time.

  “Then make me beautiful,” I breathe.

  Kadmon grins.

  Before long, he has me moaning so loud that we’ve scared off every bird for acres and acres around.


  The sun has reached its zenith, and it is winking through the canopy of green translucence in golden starbursts. I raise my hand to shield my eyes against its blinding radiance.

  Shit. We stayed out here longer than we meant too. Kadmon fucked me and filled me three times with his hot cum before we finally drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms, his cock still knotted inside my pussy.

  He is snoring lightly now, a faint smile playing at his lips. I wonder if he’s still fucking me in his dreams too.

  We need to head back to the city soon before Addom and Hasker become worried.

  But first I need to clean myself up after our little romp. Ever so stealthily, I slip out if Kadmon’s embrace and stand up, brushing the leaves and bits of dirt from my tushy and legs.

  I look down at the sleeping Alpha—he’s such an impressive creature. It’s like watching a wild tiger napping, his massive rib cage expanding and contracting with each heaving, rhythmic breath.

  In that moment, I have no doubt that I love him, just as I love my other two Alphas, each in their own special way. We are truly bound now, bound as mates until death.

  I know I should wake Kadmon, but I decide to let him rest a few more minutes before rousing him. I can hear the faint burbling of water over stones, and I would like to wash my body before we depart.

  Following the sound through the trees, I come upon a shallow clear brook. I stoop and lave the pure clear water over my shoulders and chest, enjoying the refreshing tingle it brings to my skin. I dip my feet in, letting the cool water flow over them.

  It’s funny now to think that I used to believe this place was a hell on earth. How wrong I was. The zone is the closest thing to paradise.

  But as I recline on a smooth stone, kicking my feet in the rippling water, I feel something. An intuition. An instinct. A prickle of danger.

  By the time I hear the tread of a boot heel behind me, it is too late.

  A hand clamps over my mouth, trapping my scream before it can escape my lips. The hand is big, but not Alpha big. And the texture of the skin is weird, sterile, and rubbery.

  That’s because it’s not a hand at all. It’s a glove.

  “Hello, Lily,” a distorted voice lilts.

  I try to wriggle away, but another hand snakes its way around my upper body, and I am lifted off the ground, my back pressing against more rubbery material. I kick my legs but it’s of no use. The man who has captured me from behind is far too strong. And as he spins me around, I see his companion, the man who just spoke.

  “It’s time to go home,” he says.

  Although the visored helmet hiding his face modulates his voice to a harsh rasping sound, I still recognize his cadence. It’s Dr. Lucian.

  “Hurry up, Bishop,” he says, gesturing toward the light at the edge of the woods. “Take her to the vehicle before the Alpha wakes up.”

  “Why don’t we tranquilize the Alpha and grab him too?” a voice behind me says, and I realize that the guy holding me is Bishop. “We shouldn’t pass up this opportunity.”

  “Fuck the Alpha,” Dr. Lucian snaps. “Too much trouble. Too much risk. Besides, we don’t need him now. We have something so much better.”

  I try to scream until my face is red and it feels like every blood vessel in my eyeballs will pop, but it’s no use. With Bishop’s gloved hand over my mouth, all that comes out is a faint whine from my nose.

  “Fine,” Bishops says. “Have it your way. But you’re making a mistake.”

  They carry me away, and I see the black, jagged shape of the armored transport parked at the forest’s edge.

  “Put the omega in the back,” Dr. Lucian orders as he marches around to the passenger side of the car. “And make sure to restrain her well.”

  Bishop chuckles as he opens the rear door.

  “What is a helpless omega going to do to us?”

  “You’d be surprised,” Dr. Lucian says as he climbs into the front passenger seat of the vehicle. “Omegas can be surprisingly dangerous under the right conditions. Not as dangerous as—“

  Before he can finish, a blood curdling roar booms from the forest, scattering the birds from the treetops. Bishop tenses up behind me.

  “The Alpha,” he snarls. “Shit.”

  Kadmon explodes out of the foliage like a charging grizzly bear. His eyes are wild with a berserker rage, and his teeth are bared. His overdeveloped canine fangs glint in the sun.

  Bishop moves quickly. He shoves me into the back seat and slams the door behind me. Then he whirls around, pistol drawn and aimed at the charging Alpha. The gun barks three times, the sound dampened inside the vehicle.

  Kadmon doubles over and collapses to the ground, his body digging a wide gouge in the grassy terrain from the momentum of his charge.

  “Kadmon!” I scream.

  I try the handle of the vehicle door, but it is already locked. I thump my palms against the glass, but it’s far to thick for me to break it.

  In a flash, Bishop is in the driver seat. He slams the car into gear and tears out across the fields, tires sending up a spray of dark earth in our wake.

  Through the rear window of the vehicle, I can see Kadmon stirring. He struggles to get to his feet, but stumbles.

  “Kadmon!” I cry again as tears blur my vision. “You motherfucking assholes.”

  Fury courses through my veins like fire. I whirl in my seat ready to tear these men apart with my bare hands or die trying.

  But I find myself staring down the muzzle of a pistol aimed straight at my head.

  “Take it easy, Lily.” Now protected by the vehicle’s shielding, Dr. Lucian has removed his helmet, and he’s grinning at me. He angles the gun down so it’s pointing at my heart, then at my belly. “If not for your own sake, then for your child’s.”



  The interior of the transport is eerily quiet and dim while the landscape of sunlit grassy hills flows by outside. The vehicle rocks and pitches as Bishop throttles us across the terrain.

  “That’s right.” Dr. Lucian speaks through that phony, too-perfect smile of his. “You’re pregnant, Lily. Congratulations. You don’t know how happy I am to be the one to break the news to you.”

  The vehicle hits a divet, and Dr. Lucian’s pistol bounces precariously.

  In the driver’s seat, Bishop rips off his helmet and tosses it aside, revealing his black beard and scarred face striped with sweat.

  “That was t
oo fucking close back there,” he pants as he glances in the rear view mirrors. “If we had just tranquilized the Alpha like I said—“

  Dr. Lucian waves his free hand dismissively.

  “No need for all of that,” he chuckles. “Our little guest is carrying something much more valuable in her belly. An infant Alpha. Perhaps an entire litter.”

  I shake my head in disbelief. He’s bluffing. He must be.

  “There’s no way you can know that,” I growl.

  Dr. Lucian grins smugly.

  “Don’t believe me? Take a look for yourself, omega.”

  Dr. Lucian keeps his pistol trained on my bare midsection. I’m naked, and I should be ashamed that these two outsider men can see my body, but right now I don’t care. All I care about is getting out of here.

  With his other hand, and without taking his eyes off me, Dr. Lucian retrieves his data slate and flings it into my lap.

  “There. Look.”

  I pick up the data slate and turn it. There on the screen is some kind of dossier. My picture is in the upper corner. It’s my old SynerGen photo with my hair neatly pulled back in a bun—a far cry from the wild mess I’m sporting now—and my face is completely devoid of piercings.

  That’s what I looked like only a few weeks ago, but it’s like looking at a picture of someone else. An image from another lifetime.

  My eyes scan down the rest of the screen, which contains all kinds of information. Some of it is what you’d expect. My height. My age. Some other personal details. But some of the information is changing. There is a heart rate monitor showing my racing pulse.

  And there are coordinates too. Longitude and latitude. The numbers are changing as the vehicle barrels southward.

  “What is this?” I whisper.

  Dr. Lucian chuckles again.

  “Monitoring implant,” he says. “It was inserted into your body during your inoculations prior to our little excursion. You know, so we could retrieve you in the event that you should go missing.”

  A tear rolls down the side of my nose and splats on the screen. I smudge it away.

  “You’ve been tracking me all this time,” I mutter.

  “That’s right,” Dr. Lucian says. “We were worried you would never leave the confines of the old city. The energy levels there are too strong for our shielding. But as soon as we saw your coordinates moving away from the center of the zone, we knew we would have a chance.”

  Dr. Lucian snickers.

  “All because you wanted to visit your little friend Evie.”

  “Eva,” I say flatly. “Her name was Eva.”

  Another patch of bumpy ground rocks the vehicle and jostles the pistol aimed at my belly.

  “Whatever,” Dr. Lucian says. “Just take a look at the bottom of the screen.”

  But I’ve already seen it. One small label that doesn’t particularly stand out from the other data.


  I suddenly feel claustrophobic. The interior of the vehicle grows oppressive, like the armored roof and walls are closing in. My breath becomes short and shallow. I feel a heat inside my chest, just slightly painful, like when you stand a little too close to a campfire. Like a sunburn on my heart.

  “What do you want with my baby?” I wish my voice wasn’t cracking the way that it is. I don’t want these pricks to hear any sign of weakness. But I can’t help it. “Why do you want an Alpha so badly anyway?”

  Dr. Lucian snorts.

  “You know full well the havoc those animals can wreak, Lily. Hell, you’ve seen it firsthand. If we could harness that savagery. Replicate it in a lab…”

  The data slate tumbles out of my fingers and I clutch my chest. My heart feels like it is literally bursting into flames behind my sternum.

  What is happening to me? What is this pain?

  “What the fuck is wrong with her?” Bishop grunts.

  “Are you okay, omega?” Dr. Lucian asks with false concern in his voice.

  I ignore him and bite down against the pain scorching my insides like someone has dumped a shovelful of hot coals into my ribcage.

  “Weapons,” I hiss through clenched teeth. “You want the Alphas to be your soldiers, is that it?”

  Dr. Lucian laughs, and the sharp sound stings my ears, making me wince. Hot tears of pain roll down my cheeks.

  “Oh goodness, no,” Dr. Lucian says. “What good is a weapon that you can’t control? Why those Alphas would do as much harm to our own troops as they would to the enemy. No, we’ve got something else in mind…Population control.”

  I shake my head, unable to talk through my intense pain that is getting worse with each passing moment.

  “Overpopulation is the root of every problem we face today in the city hives. Disease. Poverty. Political unrest. It all boils down to one problem. Too many people, and no place to put them all. But a few well placed Alphas could fix that. Why, one of those beasts could clear out an entire hab sector in a matter of minutes. It would be messy, to be sure, but we could just chalk it up to some sort of new genetic mutation. The remaining population will be down on their knees sucking our cocks for us to protect them.”

  “Genocide,” I rasp. “You’re talking about genocide.”

  Dr. Lucian clucks his tongue.

  “Such a nasty word. We prefer to think of it as ‘inventory management.’”

  A new pulse of searing pain erupts through my being, making me scream. It scorches me the worst at the bite-mark scars on my neck and at my piercings—my eyebrow, my nose, my nipple, and between my legs.

  I fasten my seatbelt harness and tighten the straps over my naked body to keep myself upright so I don’t keel over onto the seat in agony.

  Besides, I’ve got a plan. It’s not a good one, but I have to try.

  Suddenly I realize what is happening to me. It’s my bond to the Alphas. The vehicle is taking me too far away from my pack, and my omega body is crying out. I never imagined pain like this was even possible. It feels like white hot hooks are embedded in my heart, trying to drag me back, to keep me from moving any farther away from my Alphas.

  It feels like my very soul is being torn to shreds. I throw back my head and howl in pain.

  “What the fuck is wrong with it?” Bishop asks again, glancing back at me.

  “Just shut up and drive,” Dr. Lucian snaps.

  Time dilates. The blur of trees outside the window seems to slow to a crawl. Dr. Lucian’s face is turned away from me while he berates Bishop. At the same moment, the vehicle hits another bump, and the gun wavers, temporarily pointing away from me.

  In that drawn-out moment, I see my chance. I channel every molecule of pain coursing through my body and direct it into one fierce kick.

  Dr. Lucian’s gun hand swings away. The pistol flashes. Blood splashes the driver’s side window as the bullet passes through Bishop’s face, blasting his jaw away. Dr. Lucian’s expression is a mask of shock and terror.

  I take some small pleasure in knowing that I finally wiped that fucking grin off his stupid face.

  Just as suddenly, time seems to return to normal speed in a frantic rush. My ears are ringing from the gun shot. Bishop slumps against the steering wheel, and we swerve wildly. Gravity seems to go crazy as the transport vehicle starts to roll and both men are flung out of their seats.


  When I get my bearings, I’m hanging upside down in my seatbelt harness. My ears are still ringing. The searing pain is still there, but it has thankfully lessened.

  Hanging there, I glance around the cab of the vehicle. The men are nowhere in sight. The windshield is broken out, and the jagged bits that remain are stained with blood like a row of glassy fangs. Both of the front doors are flung open, presumably from the impact.

  I thought this vehicle was designed to withstand anything. Apparently they lied about that too. Go figure.

  Turning my senses inward, I check my body for injuries, but as far as I can tell, I’m pretty much unscathed. Somehow, I can even sense a t
iny life force inside my womb too. My tiny embryo is alive and well.

  What I just did was a huge risk, but I had no choice. If the transport had reached the quarantine wall, all hope would have been lost.

  Now, however, I need to get my butt in gear and move.

  Bracing one hand against the roof, which is now the floor, I unlatch my safety belt and slump down. The data slate is lying there. Its screen is cracked but still working, still displaying my stats.

  That’s coming with me.

  The rear doors won’t open, so I carefully crawl out through the wreckage of the windshield into the blazing afternoon sunlight. The glare hurts my eyes—just one more part of that awful pain that seems to be tearing me apart atom by atom.

  But it’s getting better. With each passing moment, it’s getting better.

  The ringing in my ears has started to subside just a little, and I hear a soft grunting sound behind me. When I turn around, I see a body sprawled on its back.

  It’s Dr. Lucian. One eye is in the process of swelling shut. His perfect smile is ruined, his incisors cracked in half. It looks extremely painful.

  I stand over him, and he stares up at me with terror in his one good eye. Then, slowly but surely all of that fear disappears as the eye grows milky and dull. His skin pales, and dark, sickly veins appear. His shattered mouth mumbles wet, mindless sounds.

  Soon, the transformation is complete. He’s a beta.

  I should feel happy about that. I should feel some satisfaction that Eva and Sara have been avenged. Maybe that’s what I’ll feel later.

  Right now, I just want to go home.

  Taking up the data slate, I walk a few paces and watch as the coordinate numbers change. Once I know which way is north, I start to walk. But I soon find I didn’t even need those coordinates.

  I can feel the power of the Source drawing me home. And I can feel my bond to my mates.

  For a moment, I almost drop the slate on the ground with the intention to smash it under my heal. I don’t know why exactly. I guess as a symbolic fuck you to the outside world.

  But I stop myself. I scroll through the windows on the display, which is slightly glitchy due to the cracked screen. But just as I thought, this tablet has satellite communication enabled.


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