Escape to Paradise

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Escape to Paradise Page 20

by Pamela Yaye

  “Are you going to let him back inside the house now?” Santiago concealed a grin. “When I found him sleeping in the office yesterday, I actually felt sorry for him. That couch looks nice, but it’s lumpier than a bag of rocks!”

  “I was disgusted by the way your father treated Claudia and couldn’t stand to be in the same room with him, so I kicked him out,” she explained, biting into her macadamia nut cookie. “I think that scared him straight, because yesterday he checked into an outpatient substance abuse program.”

  “I hope he’s finally able to address his issues and quits using alcohol as a crutch.”

  “Here he comes, Tiago. Be nice.” Ana kissed his cheek, then dusted the food crumbs off her hands. “I’ll see you later. I’m going to go play Pass the Sombrero!”

  Santiago undid the top button of his pinstriped dress shirt and rolled up his sleeves. He was officially off the clock and ready to join in the fun. He picked up a tall glass and poured himself some fruit punch. Keeping an eye out for Claudia, he stood at the lounge entrance, pretending he didn’t see his father charging toward him or the wild-eyed expression on his face.

  “Where’s that Jeffries woman?”

  Santiago hit his father with a cold, hard stare. “Why do you want to know? Looking for someone to humiliate?”

  “No, I want to hire her!”

  “You want to hire Claudia?” he repeated, frowning.

  Mr. Medina held up a fat stack of white business cards. “I’ve received hundreds of inquiries about our guest services department,” he explained, his voice filled with excitement. “I just got off the phone with the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi. The Prince wants to rent out the resort for his fiftieth birthday, and he wants us to plan a week’s worth of events for five hundred of his closest friends!”

  “Claudia would never work for you,” he said, shaking his head. “Not after the way you treated her at Uncle Estevez’s pool party.”

  “Not even if I pay her three times her going rate?”

  “It’s not about the money,” Santiago snapped, gripping his glass. “You humiliated Claudia, and throwing money at her isn’t going to make the situation better.”

  Mr. Medina shrugged. “Maybe you can talk to her for me.”

  “I’m not letting you come between us again. If she takes me back—” He stopped, cleared his throat, and tried again. “When we get back together, I’m going to show her just how much she means to me, and if that means permanently relocating to Richmond then that’s what I’ll do.”

  “Your mom would be devastated.”

  “Mom can always come visit.”

  “Do you think it would help if I apologized to Claudia?” he asked, his tone low.

  Santiago tasted his drink. “That’s a start.”

  “Sorry to interrupt, gentlemen—” Ramón was panting, and sweat was streaming down his face “—but there’s an urgent call for you at the front desk, Santiago.”

  “Take a message,” he said, panning the crowd for his lady love.

  “This is the fifth time Ms. Winston’s called, and she’s become quite hostile.”

  “Ms. Winston?” Mr. Medina frowned. “Who’s that?”

  “Señorita Claudia’s sister,” Ramón explained. “I’ve paged Señorita Claudia, but she hasn’t responded. The bellboy said he saw her rush out of Sueños in tears about an hour ago…”

  A growl rumbled deep in Santiago’s chest. I’m going to snap Chaz in two! “Transfer the call to the kitchen phone,” he instructed, marching back inside. “And try paging Claudia again.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Santiago sped into the kitchen, and when he spotted Chaz at the stove, he flew across the room. “What did you do to make Claudia cry?” he demanded, backing the flirtatious chef into the freezer door. “Did you force yourself on her?”

  “Me? I didn’t do anything!”

  “Then why did she leave here in tears?”

  “Because she found out her house was vandalized.”

  A frown creased Santiago’s lips. “Who told you this?”

  “I was with her when the officer called.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “On her way back to Richmond, I guess.” Chaz gave a shrug of his shoulder. “I offered to drive her to the airport, but she turned me down. I bet she’s long gone by now.”

  The phone on the kitchen counter rang. Santiago strode across the room, snatched it up and put it to his ear. “Hello, this is—”

  “Forget the pleasantries,” a harsh female voice said. “Where the hell is my sister?”

  Chapter 20

  Claudia slid her key into the lock, pushed open the front door and dropped her bags. After countless delays and another three-hour wait in the Dulles International Airport lounge, she was finally home. Broken glass crunched under her feet as she walked through the dimly lit foyer. There was a putrid stench in the air, and when Claudia slapped on the lights and saw the garbage scattered across the floor of her gourmet kitchen, her frustration quickly morphed to anger. Damn kids! Didn’t they have anything better to do than vandalize people’s homes?

  I hope Detective Stimpson gets here soon, she thought, assessing the damage on the main floor. The carpet was stained with muddy boot prints, the dining room chairs were overturned, and there was paper everywhere. She was overcome by emotion, struck down by feelings of despair, but then Claudia remembered Santiago and all the good times they’d shared, and a soft smile touched her lips. Things were up in the air between them, and she didn’t know if they’d ever get back together, but she would never ever forget how loved and cherished he’d made her feel.

  Claudia heard her cell phone beep and wondered if the new text message was from Santiago. Once she did the walk-through with Detective Stimpson and cleaned the house, she’d give him a call. She owed him an apology for abruptly leaving the celebration bash, and was so desperate to hear his voice she considered phoning him back now—

  “Welcome home.”

  Claudia froze. Shock and denial filled her. A chill shot through her body, and her hands and legs began to shake. No, no, it can’t be! She glanced to her left, convinced her mind was playing tricks on her—but there, seated on her favorite chair and smoking a cigar, was her ex-husband. He’d lost weight, was sporting a grizzly, unkempt beard, and if not for the pale brown eyes hiding behind rimless designer glasses, she wouldn’t have recognized him.

  “Since I couldn’t come to you, I had to find a way to bring you home,” he announced, blowing smoke up into the air. “I knew if something happened to your precious little house you’d come running, so I paid two delightful crooks I met in the county jail to trash the place.”

  Claudia gathered herself, forced herself to remain calm. She wasn’t going to cower away or give her ex-husband the satisfaction of seeing her cry, either. To project confidence, she squared her shoulders, lifted her chin and met his steely gaze. Claudia wasn’t the woman she used to be, and she wasn’t going to let William intimidate her in her own house. “If you don’t leave right now, I’m going to call the police.”

  “Go ahead.” He leaned back in the chair, locked his hands behind his head and propped up his feet. “I’ll be right here waiting patiently for you to finish your call.”

  Claudia wanted to smack his legs off her coffee table, and give him a good, hard cuff upside the head, but she didn’t. Instead, she picked up the phone on the end table. It was dead. Her stomach pitched to the floor, and the fine hairs along the back of her neck shot up.

  “Now, where were we?” William raised his index finger above his head. “Yes, right. We were discussing your recent trip to Cabo. I must admit, I was stunned when my informants told me you were screwing Santiago Medina all over his family’s resort. You didn’t waste any time fin
ding another rich, older man, did you?”

  “You had me followed?”

  “Of course I did. You have something of great value to me, and I couldn’t afford to let anything happen to you while you were in Mexico.”

  The way he leered at her body made Claudia’s skin crawl. He was more cunning than the snake that tricked Eve, a proud white-collar criminal with no conscience. What did I ever see in him? she wondered, wishing she could wipe that arrogant smirk off his face. Her cell phone beeped, and an idea struck. Calmly, she slid a hand inside her pocket, felt along the top of her cell phone and pressed the record button.

  “I heard you have a meeting with the SEC on Friday,” he said, pumping more smoke into the air. “I hope you plan to tell them what a loving husband and generous community leader I was. Because, really, what else is there to say?”

  “I’m going to tell them the truth. That you stashed millions of dollars in Swiss bank accounts, used various mistresses to hide money and invested the money you stole in commercial projects.”

  “Including my wife’s event-planning company, Signature Party Planners. Ever consider what will happen to your business when that juicy tidbit is revealed?”

  The thought of losing her company made tears sting the back of her eyes, but Claudia didn’t crack. “You’ve destroyed a lot of lives, and all that matters to me is that your victims get the money they invested back. I can always start over. You can’t.”

  He kicked the table clear across the room and surged to his feet. The vase on the coffee table crashed to the floor and shattered into a hundred pieces. “You spoiled, ungrateful bitch,” he raged, stalking toward her. “If it wasn’t for me you’d be living in your aunt’s nasty, rat-infested house, or turning tricks on the corner.”

  Her heartbeat quickened, racing completely out of control. Winded, as if she’d been kicked in the stomach, she struggled to breathe. Masking her fear, she said firmly, “Get out of my house and don’t ever come back.”

  “With pleasure. Once I retrieve what’s mine I’ll gladly be on my way.” William ripped her purse out of her hand, dumped the contents on the floor, and rifled through her wallet.

  “What are you talking about? There’s nothing in my bag that belongs to you.”

  “Oh, yes there is. You just don’t know about it.” William dug into the billfold, pulled out a blue memory card and kissed it. “I’ve been looking forward to this day for months!”

  Claudia shook her head. “That’s not mine.”

  “I know. I hid it there for safekeeping.”

  “When? I haven’t seen you in over a year.”

  “I stashed it the day we moved out of Manchester Court. I knew the feds were closing in, so I hid the memory card somewhere they’d never look.” He released a deep sigh of contentment as he buttoned his thick, burly coat. “I wish I could stay, but I have a plane to catch.”

  “You’re never going to get away with this.”

  “Sure I will. Just watch me.” William tucked the memory card inside his back pocket. “As you can imagine, the last few months have been incredibly stressful, so I’m heading off to Puangiangi Island for an extended vacation.”

  Claudia felt her lips part and her mouth fall open. She knew she was gawking, standing there with a wide-eyed expression on her face, but she couldn’t believe William was about to jet off to a private island off the coast of New Zealand. Sure, she had recorded their conversation, but what good would it do if the authorities couldn’t find him?

  “Don’t look so surprised.” His pale, thin face broke into a broad smile. “You didn’t think I was actually going to go to jail, did you?”

  William tossed his head back and brayed with laughter.

  “I have too much money to ever let that happen. Prison is for stupid people who get caught, and I always stay two steps ahead of the cops.”

  “I wish we’d never met,” Claudia said, wearing a disgusted face. “You’re an arrogant, pompous cheat, and you deserve everything that’s coming to you.”

  William grabbed her wrist, gripped it so tight, she felt his fingernails cutting into her flesh. He backed her against the wall and pressed himself roughly against her. He reeked of smoke, and his breath smelled like hot garbage. His gaze was sharper than jagged glass, and a crooked smile appeared on his chapped lips. “I hear you’re quite an exhibitionist,” he snarled, baring his teeth. “I never pegged you as a closet freak, or the kind of chick who’d give it up on the first date, but my informants tell me you couldn’t get enough of your rich Latin lover.”

  “Let go of me.”

  “Or what?” he jeered. “It’s just you and me, baby. Your sugar daddy isn’t here to save you, and evening the score is on the top of my list—”

  Something in Claudia snapped. Split in two like a twig. She’d had enough. Enough of people pushing her around, insulting her, calling her names. Smiling sweetly, she raised her leg and threw her knee powerfully into his groin.

  Pain sparked in his eyes and flickered across his face. Groaning like a neutered dog, he staggered back into the bookshelf, bounced off the arm of the leather sofa and then fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Claudia grabbed a wooden statue off the mantel and raised it high above her head, prepared to strike if William made any sudden moves.

  Claudia heard the front door open, the crunch of glass, then loud footsteps on the floor.

  “Baby, I’m here now. Everything’s going to be okay.”

  Claudia felt strong arms around her, lifting her off her feet and carrying her across the room and into the kitchen. She inhaled Santiago’s scent, and sighed when he whispered words of love and comfort into her ear. The sound of his voice calmed her and made her anger disappear. He held her close, tight, as if he was scared she was going to break free and finish William off.

  Two burly Richmond Police officers rushed inside the living room. One handcuffed William, hauled him to his feet and dragged him outside. Detective Stimpson introduced himself and explained how neighbors had spotted William entering the house earlier. Claudia handed over her cell phone, and after recounting what William had said, agreed to come down to the precinct tomorrow to file an official report.

  The officer nodded, tipped his hat in her direction and strode out the front door.

  Santiago pulled her into the hard ridges of his chest. They stood there for a long moment, drinking in the silence, relishing the joy of being back in each other’s arms. Tranquility permeated the air, was so thick around them, Claudia felt high off its fragrance. She couldn’t believe that Santiago was here, in Richmond, sitting with her on her black suede couch. Finally, after years of being mistreated and abused, she’d met a man who made her feel loved and protected and whole. God does care about me, she thought, clutching Santiago’s hands. He brought this wonderful, selfless man into my life, and I’ll never take him for granted.

  “Baby, you’re trembling.” Santiago stared down at her, a look of concern on his handsome face. “Do you want me to go and get you a blanket? I don’t know where your linen closet is, but if you point me in the right direction, I should be able to find it.”

  “I’m okay. I just want you to hold me.”

  Santiago brushed his lips across her forehead, drew her closer to him.

  “What are you doing here, Santiago? You’re supposed to be at the celebration bash.”

  “No, I’m supposed to be here with you,” he stated, his tone matter-of-fact. “And thank God I got here when I did. You would have killed that guy!”

  Claudia laughed. She felt invincible, like she could conquer the world. And she would. She had Santiago in her corner, rooting for her, cheering her on, and there was nothing she couldn’t do. I’m going to fulfill my destiny, and nothing’s going to stop me.

  “Your sister called the resort
looking for you, and after speaking to her I knew I had to come see you,” he explained. “I told Chaz to contact the Richmond Police Department and hopped on the Medina family jet.”

  “You talked to Max? Oh, no. Was she mad?”

  “More like livid. I’ve never heard a pregnant woman use such foul language!”

  Claudia wore a wry smile. “I’m sorry. I should have warned you about her. She gets like that sometimes, but her heart is in the right place.”

  “I told Max I’d take care of everything, and I promised you’d call her later tonight.”

  “How did things go at the celebration bash?”

  “Wonderful. When I left my mom was doing the rumba, and the acrobats were performing their final set. I think you did too good of a job, though. My father wants to hire you!”

  Claudia raised her eyebrows. “You’re kidding.”

  “I’m serious, and don’t be surprised if Dad calls you tomorrow and begs you to oversee the guest services department for all twelve resorts.”

  “I won’t hold my breath,” she quipped. “I feel terrible about missing the party, but I’m thrilled that everyone had a great time.”

  “And I’m thrilled that we’re back together.”

  “You are, are you?”

  Santiago brushed her bangs away from her face. “Claudia, I think about you every minute of the day, and when we’re apart my heart aches for you. I won’t lose you again, and I’ll do anything for us to be together.”

  His words caused tears to well up in her eyes. Santiago was an esteemed businessman and heir to a multimillion-dollar empire, but he wasn’t afraid to be vulnerable with her. And that made Claudia admire him even more. He was a gentle, loving soul, and she felt blessed to have him in her life. “I want us to work, too, Santiago, and I’m completely committed to this relationship. Dating long distance isn’t going to be easy, but—”


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