A Wolf's Duty

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A Wolf's Duty Page 10

by Jennifer T. Alli

“I wanted what was inside her.” He closed his eyes and began to centre his mind, drowning out Fred’s babble. “Fuck.”

  “What’s going on Sean? What’s inside her and what exactly is your problem now?”

  “She’s gone Fred. The bitch has up and left the bloody country.”

  “How do you know?”

  “I have a gift, like Natasha did and I want Alex’s as well.”

  “So you know what a freak my slut of a wife was then?”

  “Yes, I know about her differences. I’d always known.”

  “And apparently her daughter is a freak as well. I suppose I should add you to that category as well then.”

  “Do whatever you want Fred,” he sighed, mentally preparing himself for the chase he was about to initiate to find Alex and take her powers from her.

  “Hang on a minute, did you just say she left the country?”

  “Yeah, she’s leaving as we speak.”

  “You’ve got to be shitting me!” he shrieked, the vein on his forehead throbbing as anger welled within him.

  “I kid you not, she’s gone.” He spoke simply and calmly, patiently waiting for the wound in his side to heal so he could leave.

  “Do you know where she’s going?”

  “No, I have to wait until she gets where she’s headed and then I’ll go find her.”

  “And you’ll know exactly where she is?”

  “Yes, but why do you care? You’ve never shown this much interest in her before.”

  “She wasn’t worth two hundred and fifty thousand pounds back then was she?”

  Sean’s jaw dropped at Fred’s claim. “Where did she get that kind of money?”

  “The slut left it for her in her will. I don’t know where she got it either. That kind of money doesn’t just appear out of nowhere, I’m betting that she got it from one of her lovers, the little whore.” He shrugged, “At least I can benefit from her whoring ways now that she’s dead.”

  “I don’t think that’s it Fred.”

  “Well then where do you think she go it from?”

  “I have a feeling her parents left it to her.”

  “She had that kind of family money and no one told me?”

  “I heard they disowned her when she married you, apparently they didn’t approve of your relationship. But she was their only child, I guess they decided to give it all to her when they died, they were really rich fuckers; it explains where the money came from. You never did meet them did you?”

  Shaking his head in response to the question, Fred scowled as a realisation dawned upon him. “I can’t get access to my money; she left it all to the brat! And now she’s run away.”

  Remembering the feeling of sharp claws tearing into his flesh Sean shuddered. “She might not have run away.”

  “What are you talking about? What else could have happened, I told her about the money this morning and now she’s done a runner to keep it from me.”

  “I was attacked Fred, something jumped me from behind and did this to me.” He turned exposing the scarred flesh. “Whatever it was might have taken her.”

  “Why would someone take the brat, she’s worthless.”

  “Maybe for the same reason as me, they want what’s inside her.”

  “I’ve got to get her back, she turns twenty one soon and then the money is mine.”

  “I could help you find her Fred, but only if I get to take what I want from her and when I do she might not be one piece.”

  Fred’s dark eyes glittered in the dim lighting and he turned, extending a hand to his friend. “As long as I get my money, I don’t care what happens to the bitch, I’m done looking out for her.”

  Sean grinned, taking Fred’s hand and clasping it in his own. “So we have a deal then?”

  “We have a deal Sean, as soon as the bitch touches solid ground, you tell me where she is and we’ll go and get her.”


  Staring silently out of the car window, Alex watched as the landscape flew past, resignation filling her with each mile that passed. Tall green pines stretched for miles in every direction, their whispers firmly relegated to a far corner of her mind.

  From his seat beside her, Tobias reached out to grasp her hand loosely within his own. He smiled, pleased that she had not snatched it from him. She must be coming around now. “We’re nearly there now sweetheart. We’re on my family’s property now and we’ll be able to see the estate in a minute.”

  She sighed but otherwise remained silent, swiftly killing his rising hope. She’d spoken to him only once since he’d taken her from her home. The sole occasion she had deigned to converse with him, she had told him that she wouldn’t willingly get on the plane to the secluded part of North America where he lived. A large grin had appeared on her face as she informed him that airport staff would ask questions when she inevitably kicked up a fuss and would send her home when she told them that he was effectively kidnapping her. When he had calmly told her that staff for a private plane at a private airstrip could be paid well enough not to ask such awkward questions, she had returned to being silent and hadn’t spoken to him since.

  Turning back from the driver’s seat, Sebastian felt his heart go out to his older cousin. “You did the right thing Tobias, you know that right?”

  Eying a particularly nasty bruise on her forearm that had refused to heal over the course of their two-day journey, he felt his conviction return in a massive surge. “I know.” His eyes quickly found her face, a frown forming when he caught a glimpse of her dazed expression. But it doesn’t make it any easier to do.

  The car soon pulled up at the entrance of the estate and Alex felt her eyes widen in shock at the size of the building. Tobias lives here? If they added some bloody turrets this place could qualify as a castle. Turning to look at him as he silently exited the car, her apprehension doubled. But how could I forget, he’s a prince. He should be living in a castle, with a perfect Princess. “What am I doing here?” she groaned quietly continuing to regard Tobias from behind the relative safety of the glass.

  Her door opened and she found herself staring into Tobias’ stormy grey eyes and her heart began to race from the intensity of his stark gaze. “Did you say something Xandria?”

  Choosing to ignore his question she stepped out of the car, careful to avoid contact with his large body. His body did strange things to hers without any conscious effort on his part, if they touched her righteous indignation might deflate and disperse into nothing.

  “What do you think?” he asked, inclining his head towards the grey brick building. The estate stretched for seemingly miles both east and west and she had a strong suspicion that it extended just as far around the back. The three floors failed to surpass the surrounding forest, ensuring that it remained well hidden from prying eyes. Again choosing to respond with silence she continued to examine the building, studiously avoiding eye contact with him.

  “Tobias!” The booming voice commanded attention and Alex felt herself unable to resist its demands, her head quickly turning in the direction that the voice came from. “What are you doing back so soon?” The tall man burst from the estate doors, wrapping his arms around Tobias and squeezing hard. The man’s entrance had apparently caused a chain reaction and dozens of people rushed from the building trailing behind a tall slender female with flaming red hair who was crossing the distance between them with astonishing speed.

  Instinctively moving to hide in Tobias’ shadow she watched as he was embraced by the fast and beautiful red head, anger and jealousy rising with each second that the woman’s arms remained around him. First that blond bitch, Lucinda, and now this? What the hell? Does he have a harem or something? Why even bother bringing me here if this is what I have to compete against? This isn’t even a competition; this woman has won. The pines in the distance rustled loudly reacting to her distress and the whispers increased in volume, begging for release.

  Her arms finally left his body and she took a step back grasping his h
ands tightly as her eyes wandered across his frame, taking in each feature as though she had not seen him in years. “I take it that you missed me, mother,” Tobias chuckled, squeezing her delicate hands reassuringly.

  Mother! There’s no way she’s his mother. It’s impossible, she doesn’t look old enough. Then again she might not be all natural anymore, surgery can do amazing things. Her mind calmed when she realised who the woman was and the whispers began to die down. Staying in his shadow, she watched the interaction between Tobias and his family.

  “Of course I missed you, it’s been so quiet here without you. Things are always better when you’re here.”

  Clutching his chest the King groaned dramatically. “You wound me Yvonne, am I not enough? My world has collapsed.”

  “Stop being so dramatic Thomas,” she chided playfully, releasing her son’s hands and lightly slapping Thomas’ hand. “The world is still in one piece and it probably won’t end for a while.”

  The King’s smile widened, beaming at his wife. “Sebastian told us you were back. We weren’t expecting you so soon. And now that I come to think of it, where’s Ryan? You rarely see Sebastian about the estate without him.”

  “Yes,” Yvonne inserted, “when we last spoke you said you wouldn’t be back until the next full moon. I take it your plan failed. And now you want to rest before the chase?”

  “No mother, my plan went perfectly.” A little too perfectly. I wasn’t there to protect my mate when she needed me. “And I had to leave Ryan behind to collect some things for me.”

  “Then why are you back so soon?” Thomas demanded, his brow creasing in confusion. “You should be with your mate trying to get her to accept you.”

  “There was an unforeseen hiccup and I had to push forward my plan.” Reaching behind himself, he grasped one of Alex’s quivering arms and pulled her forward until she stood directly in front of him. “Mother, father, I’d like you to meet my mate Alexandria. Xandria these are my parents, King Thomas and Queen Yvonne.”

  A moment of silence passed before the queen squealed joyfully. “Tobias, this is your mate?” Alex cringed at the question backing into Tobias for support. “She’s beautiful.” Flushing under the unexpected compliment, Alex began to wring her hands together drawing the queen’s attention to her arms.

  Yvonne gasped at the visible bruising peaking the King’s interest. “Tobias,” he growled. “Your mate is injured. What’s going on?”

  “Alexandria, what happened?” Yvonne asked, true concern evident in her tone.

  “Your son kidnapped me and made me come here.”

  “Is this true Tobias?” Yvonne questioned gently.

  “Yes, it is and I’d do it again in an instant. I gave my mate my word that I wouldn’t hurt her father and then she told me that he’d been abusing her for the last two years after he’d driven her mother to suicide. I did what was necessary to protect her and I won’t be ashamed of myself or my actions.”

  Clapping his son on the back, the King grinned, his sharp canines now prominent, his warm boisterous voice now devoid of any of its former mirth. “You did the right thing bringing her here, you shouldn’t be ashamed.”

  “I know.”

  Stepping away from Tobias’ body, Alex groaned. “I’m sorry but I think you might be misunderstanding the situation. I just said that your son kidnapped me, decided he was bringing me here and gave me no choice in the matter.”

  “I heard,” Thomas replied, his calm demeanour in the face of her clear agitation, angering her further.

  “And you don’t think there’s anything wrong with that?” she spluttered, her voice rising in tandem with her agitation.

  Lightly touching Alex’s shoulder, Yvonne stepped in and began to defuse the tense situation. “Alexandria, why don’t we head inside and you and I can talk. There’s no use trying to reason with these two once they’ve decided that they’re right about something, stubborn doesn’t even begin to describe them,” she smiled whispering conspiratorially in her ear as she guided her towards the large open doors.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Now Alex, why don’t you tell me what happened?” Yvonne pressed.

  Sitting in the queen’s personal living room, Alex struggled to become accustomed to the opulence of her surroundings. The simple walk down the hallway to reach Yvonne's quarters was littered with amazing works of art, each she suspected worth more than she could ever have hoped to make in a lifetime, making her distinctly aware of her shabby state of dress. Having refused to speak or acknowledge Tobias since they had left, she was still wearing his oversized sweat pants and plain t-shirt. The queen on the other hand was dressed in a long and elegant light blue dress, reinforcing the stark differences in their living styles. The queen’s room further highlighted the differences between them, peach walls lined with expensive pieces of artwork and thick cream carpet covering every inch of the floor.

  Sitting on a chair across from Yvonne, Alex began to fidget, unsure of how much to tell her. Exhaling wearily she decided that the truth would hopefully gain her an ally. “Like I said, Tobias basically kidnapped me and forced me to come here.”

  “Yes dear, I heard that. What I don’t understand is why he had to force you. If what my son said is true then he saved you from a terrible fate.”

  “He was telling the truth, life with my father was very hard on me.”

  “Then why did you resist him when he said he would take you from there?” Yvonne sighed, clearly unable to understand the motivation behind Alex’s actions. A thought occurred to her and she gasped. “You know what we are! Is that it? Is that why you were so reluctant to come back here, you were afraid?”

  “No, no that’s not it. I mean yes, I know what you guys are, the whole wolf thing and all, but I’m not afraid of Tobias. To be honest it’s not like I can say anything about him being different without being a hypocrite. I’m a witch after all. I’m not normal either. I know he’d never intentionally hurt me, but he took away my ability to choose for myself and just took it upon himself to decide that this was what was right for me. He didn’t even give me a chance to go home –” Her eyes began to water as she remembered the few mementos of her mother she had been forced to leave behind.

  “There was no way he was going to let you to return to such a dangerous situation,” she sighed frustrated at how things had turned out. “You weren’t born one of us Alexandria so this must all be a little confusing for you. You have to understand what exactly my son is and what you are to him.”

  “Your highness,” Alex interrupted before being cut off by Yvonne.

  “Please don’t call me that Alexandria, we’re family now and there’s no formality between us in this family.”

  “I’m sorry your highness, but I’m not a part of this family.” No matter how much I’d like to be, her mind whimpered, remembering the loving and caring welcome Tobias had received upon returning.

  “My son obviously didn’t explain this to you very well, now did he? You’re his mate and that means that we’re family.”

  “Oh he explained that bit alright and I’ll tell you what I told him. We aren’t married, I don’t remember getting married so I’m not his wife.”

  “Of course you’re not Alexandria,”

  “Thank God, at last someone with some sense, I’m glad that you see things my way,” she cried, relief flooding her at the prospect of an ally.

  “You’re not his wife yet, but pretty soon you will be, it’s inevitable.”

  Groaning at Yvonne’s claim, she allowed her head to fall into her hands. “Not you too.”

  “You’ve lived your entire life among ordinary humans and so our ways may seem to be a little strange but they exist for good reason. Now let me explain to you the thing about mates and maybe you’ll understand why Tobias did what he did. For each of us there is only one mate. Now while we females are quite content without one, maybe not really and truly happy, but we can survive without them, the males of our species suffer fr
om what in human terms might be seen as an affliction. Once they reach maturity they are driven to find their mate, they can find no true rest, happiness or joy until they have claimed their mate. It might seem a little harsh but the instinct has ensured the survival of our species for centuries.”

  “So basically Tobias didn’t want me, he was forced to come and get me?” she questioned, the idea making her stomach roll. I should have known better than to think he would have wanted me for me.

  “When you put it like that, it makes a perfectly beautiful and natural thing seem very ugly. He didn’t have to find you, there are males among us that are content to live the half-life they have without their true mate and they are fine. The instinct simply guides the males to the woman that’s best for them, will make them happiest and give their lives the most meaning.”

  “The downside of the instinct comes when the male has found his mate. That’s when problems can arise. After spending decades searching for someone, the males of our species become very protective of their mates, irrationally so. I suppose it’s their inner wolf that does it, they’re very possessive you see and when protecting what they see as their most valuable possession anything becomes justifiable and everything and anyone that threatens their mate is seen as the enemy. We only get one mate to spend the span of our very long lives with and if you lose your mate, then the life you will have to lead is even worse than the half-life you had before finding a mate. I’ve seen males who’ve lost their mates, they’re shadows of their former selves, most don’t live long after the passing of a mate and they take their own lives.”

  “That’s horrible!” Alex gasped, the image of Natasha’s body lying in her own blood refusing to leave the forefront of her mind.

  “If you saw them you wouldn’t think so. But I hope you can see that our males aren’t like the ones you have known, they protect what they think is theirs. Let me tell you a story from when the King and I first met. I knew I was his mate but I didn’t just give myself to him, I made him work for me,” she chuckled to herself, amused by her memories. “He was still a Prince at the time, you can’t ascend to the throne without a mate under our laws, but he commanded authority while still being loveable and approachable. You would never have thought him capable of violence back then, which is why it was so shocking to everyone when he went wild. There was another male and he accidentally bumped me into a door handle, my skin is very fragile for one of our kind and because I’m so pale it left a mark. Thomas saw it, took one sniff of me and left. He hunted down the man who had hurt me and tore him apart. I wasn’t there to see it but apparently he nearly tore the man’s arm off his body. You would never think it to look at him but he has possessive and protective instincts as well. Since then everyone has given me a very wide berth,” she giggled quietly to herself.


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