and Conrad’s Letters, 224
death, 300–2
delighted with Hilton Hall, 195
and DG’s conscientious objection, 114–16
and DG’s wartime service, 93, 95
friendship with Sergey Stepniak, 8–9, 15
and ‘Garnett hands’, 204
and George Moore, 199–200
letter to DG, 52–3
loses Duckworth job, 103
marriage, 10–11, 13–14, 326
and No Love, 240–1, 246
and outbreak of war, 79–80
Ray Garnett confides in, 228
reads DG’s works, 189–90, 198, 200, 202, 211, 216, 235
relationship with Nellie Heath, 13–14, 18
sale of his books, 376
and Sons and Lovers manuscript, 475
and T.E. Lawrence books, 232–3, 301, 376
and wife’s pension, 41
works with Red Cross, 99–100
Garnett, Edward Alexander (‘Ned’), 443, 497, 520, 542, 547
Garnett, Frances, 112, 379, 390, 456, 463
dedicatee of Two by Two, 469
and DG’s attitude to women, 556
education, 467, 472
‘gangs up’ on DG, 533
given Moby Dick, 542
serves as DG’s companion, 545, 549
Garnett, Henrietta, 55, 381, 383, 390, 397, 401, 427, 429, 434, 446, 497
birth and naming, 371–2
and DG’s death, 550
and DG’s later years, 507, 516–17, 520, 528
education, 456
marriage and Burgo’s death, 461–3, 465–7
suffers serious fall, 539
Garnett, Jane, 180, 404–5, 408, 428, 443, 472, 497, 520, 543
Garnett, Jessica, 532
Garnett, Linda (née Burt), 507, 509–10, 514, 520, 529
Garnett, May, 8
Garnett, Merlin, 513–14
Garnett, Nerissa, 379, 390, 427, 446, 456, 463, 467, 494, 497, 508, 520
dedicatee of Two by Two, 469
and DG’s death, 550
illustrates The Master Cat, 536
Garnett, Olive, 7, 291, 293
Garnett, Oliver, 428, 497, 520, 528, 541
Garnett, Rachel Alice (‘Ray’) (née Marshall)
affair with Garrow Tomlin, 220–4
attitude to marriage, 194, 221–2
breast cancer, 236–7, 241, 247, 256–8, 298–9, 310–11, 320, 322–4, 329, 335–40
compared with Angelica, 475
death, 340–1
and DG’s absences, 207–10, 223
and DG’s relationship with Angelica, 319–20, 323, 325
distance from Bloomsbury Group, 165, 181, 272, 326
and Garrow Tomlin’s death, 253
and Hilton Hall, 194–6
illustrates No Love, 236
illustrates A Ride on a Rocking Horse, 158, 177
and king’s silver jubilee, 287
marriage in crisis, 208–10, 220–3, 226–30, 282–3
marriage recovers, 242–3
relationship with DG and marriage, 157–71
and Richard’s birth, 179–80
sense of dislocation, 188–9, 192–3
suffers stillbirth, 167–9, 327
taken ill in Ireland, 329
undergoes abortion, 247
and William’s birth, 204–5, 219
Garnett, Rayne, 13, 140–2, 145, 205
Garnett, Dr Richard, 5, 7, 22, 204
and Thomas Love Peacock, 385, 391
Garnett, Richard
birth, 179–80
breaks his arm, 257
childhood and education, 188, 207, 209, 221, 225, 228, 245, 252, 257–8, 269, 284, 294, 298–9, 309, 329, 380
comments on his siblings, 381
and DG’s death, 550–1
and DG’s journalism, 268, 333
and DG’s later years, 517, 520, 527–8, 543
and DG’s relationship with Angelica, 344, 359
and DG’s wartime letters, 362–4
and Edward Garnett’s death, 301
engagement party, 408–9
and Great Friends, 544–6
and Hart-Davis firm, 376, 386, 392, 403–4
and king’s silver jubilee, 287
and Maynard Keynes’s generosity, 377
and his mother’s death, 338, 340–1
and outbreak of war, 329, 346, 356
and Ridley Stokoe farm, 359–60
Garnett, Robert, 13, 140
Garnett, Romany, 520
Garnett, William
birth, 204–5, 219
childhood and education, 207, 209, 221, 225, 228, 245, 258, 269, 294, 298–9, 309, 329, 344, 380
comes in for criticism, 412
and DG’s death, 550
and DG’s later years, 467, 471, 478, 481, 493, 497, 504, 507, 510, 514, 529, 532, 542
and DG’s marriage with Angelica, 359
and DG’s operation, 367
and Edward Garnett’s death, 301
and farming as career, 386
and Hart-Davis firm, 376
ill with pneumonia, 389
and king’s silver jubilee, 287
marriage, 507, 509
and Maynard Keynes’s generosity, 377
and his mother’s death, 338, 340–2, 356
and outbreak of war, 354, 356
and Richard’s engagement party, 409
and Ridley Stokoe farm, 359–60, 373
and Vanessa Bell’s death, 452
working in Durham mine, 361–2, 379–80
Gelpke, Wenzel, 550
George V, King, 287
Gide, André, 151
Gilmour, Sally, 324, 383
Gold, Jack, 541
Golding, William, 285
Goldwyn, Sam, 294–5
Goncharova, Elena Grigorievna (‘Lenochka’), 26, 56
Gonne, Maud, 45
Gooden, Stephen, 182
Gorky, Arshile, 502
Gould, Gerald, 178, 249
Goverts, Dr Henry, 392
Gowing, Lawrence, 399
Grant, Major Bartle, 107
Grant, Duncan
and Angelica’s parentage, 316, 324, 353, 360, 553
and Armistice, 136–7
and art dealership project, 139
birthday dinners, 505, 515
and censorship of No Love, 235
conscientious objection, 106–20, 134
death, 542, 555
dedicatee of Lady into Fox, 177
and DG’s affair with Alix Sargant-Florence, 128–30, 132
and DG’s later years, 495–7, 511, 520, 532
and DG’s marriage to Angelica, 351–3, 358, 360, 362
and DG’s marriage to Ray, 164–7
and DG’s memoirs, 407–8, 414, 421–2, 424
and DG’s relationship with Angelica Bell, 309–13, 315–16, 318, 320–1, 325, 327, 334–5, 341–2, 344, 347
farming in Sussex, 124–6, 134
and farming project, 109–20
Go She Must! as tribute to, 214
and Hilton Hall, 195–6, 205–6
and Holroyd biography, 487–8
his legacy, 475
and painting, 113, 134
paints DG’s portrait, 146, 167
paints Ray Garnett’s portrait, 166
possessiveness and jealousy, 86–7, 129–30
and Ray Garnett’s death, 340–1
relationship with DG, 81–8, 141–2, 165–7, 326, 554
relationship with George Bergen, 244–5
relationship with DG and Vanessa Bell, 84, 101–5, 124, 132–4, 136
and Richard Garnett’s birth, 180
and Rupert Brooke memoir, 136
and Virginia Woolf’s suicide, 345
Grantchester, 49–50
Graves, Robert, 185, 229, 238, 306, 415
Gregory, Jane, 540
Gressent, Alfred, 125, 134, 145, 197
Sir Herbert, 404
Griffith, D.W., 143
Groves, Air Commodore Percy, 331–2, 338–9, 347, 365, 368
Guinness, Bryan, 139, 502, 520
Gunn, Diana and Peter, 517
Halévy, Daniel, 397
Hall, Radclyffe, 230
Hall, Ruth, 519
Hamill, Frances, 439, 446, 448, 454–5, 491
Hamilton, Edward, 374
Hamilton, Jamie (Hamish), 270–1, 374, 460, 505
Harcourt Brace (publishers), 263, 432, 440, 484
Harden, Taylor, 260–1
Harmsworth, Desmond, 272
Hart-Davis, Rupert, 270, 374–6, 378, 382–8, 391–3, 398–9
crisis and DG leaves firm, 401–4
DG’s subsequent relations with, 419, 439, 477, 484–5, 522
Harvey, Edmund, 100
Harvey, Marie, 537–8
Haslam, Miss, 26
Hawthornden Prize, 185
Haydn, Hiram, 484
Hayward, John, 205–6, 216, 250, 301, 303, 373, 460
Heath, Carl, 17, 21, 115
Heath, Ellen Maurice (‘Nellie’), 13–14, 18, 30, 100, 115, 140–1, 325, 336
death, 461
and Edward Garnett’s death, 300–1
Heath, Richard, 13
Hedgecock, Bill, 291
Heider, Frau (and family), 52–4
Heilbrun, Carolyn, The Garnett Family, 453–4
Hepburn, Jim, 501–2, 547
Herlitschka, Herbert and Marlys, 322, 324, 329, 335, 455
Hey, Cecily, 156–7, 163, 335, 339
Higgens, Grace, 378, 452, 493, 511, 517
Hiles, Barbara, see Bagenal, Barbara
Hilton Village versus Publishers cricket matches, 205
Hinchingbrooke, Rosemary, see Peto, Rosemary
Hinchingbrooke, Viscount, 396
Hitchcock, Alfred, 244, 292
Hitler, Adolf, 289
Hoare, Sir Samuel, 329
Hobson, Florence, 13
Hobson, Harold, 17–18, 36, 51, 63, 66, 187, 486, 495, 508, 515, 528, 552
Hobson, John Atkinson, 12, 21, 111
Hobson, Mabel, 17–18, 45
Hobson, Maggie, 496
Hogarth Press, 149, 345, 373–4, 384
Holloway Gaol, 301
Holroyd, Michael, 424, 464–5, 486–9, 497, 505, 513
Holtby, Harold, 427
Holtby, Patricia, 427–8, 430–1, 454
homosexuality, decriminalisation of, 422, 487, 497
Hopkin, Ann, 363, 380, 394, 396, 399, 401, 405, 415–19, 428, 433, 523
Hopkin, David, 380
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 406
Hopper, Bruce Campbell, 346
Horney, Karen, 554
Hotson, Leslie, 251, 268, 409
Houseman, John, 398
Howard, Andrée, 324
Howard, Brian, 139
Howard, Frances, 294–5
Howard, Michael, 505, 512–13, 532
Hudson, W.H., 19, 71, 80, 248, 538
Hueffer, Elsie, 19
Hueffer, Ford Madox, see Ford, Ford Madox
Hunt, Mr, 22
Hunt, Violet, 54
Hutchinson, Mary, 114
Huxley, Aldous, 219, 370
Illustrated London News, 538
Independent Labour Party, 231
Indian nationalists, 37–47
Information Research Department, 379
Jackson, Mr Harvey (surgeon), 367
Jackson, Janetta, see Parlade, Janetta
James Tait Black Memorial Prize, 188, 404
James, Henry, 19, 149, 464
Fourteen Stories, 382
Jefferies, Richard, 21, 33, 124
Joffre, Maréchal, 94
John, Augustus, 70
Joyce, James, 446
Ulysses banned for indecency, 230
Jung, Carl, 34
Keats, John, 180, 428
Kennedy, Susan, 540
Ker-Seymer, Barbara (‘Bar’), 270, 272, 276–9, 281–3, 287, 289, 308, 321, 334, 433, 501
Keynes, Geoffrey, 50, 77, 183, 211, 257, 262, 303, 334, 422, 502
enlists in war, 107–8
and Hart-Davis firm, 376, 382
literary career, 216, 268
and Maynard Keynes’s sexuality, 487
and Ray Garnett’s cancer, 236–7, 241, 247, 256, 258, 298–9, 320, 335
takes DG to watch operation, 308
Keynes, John Maynard, 79, 130, 137, 180, 187, 206, 212, 289, 344, 388
and Birrell & Garnett bookshop, 141, 146–8
and Café Royal dinner, 81–2
and censorship of No Love, 235
and conscientious objectors, 107, 109–10, 114–15, 117
and dancing the ‘Keynes-Keynes’, 211
death, 377
and DG’s journalism, 262, 285–6
and DG’s memoirs, 395, 421
and DG’s return from France, 104–5
disapproves of DG’s marriage to Angelica, 358
employs Mrs Stephens, 273
and end of old Bloomsbury, 377
featured in Great Friends, 546
finances and generosity, 243, 262, 285, 303, 359
and Frankie Birrell’s death, 284
and outbreak of war, 77–8
relationship with Duncan Grant, 81–2, 86, 88
sexuality, 487
Keynes, Stephen, 547
Kilroy, Alix, 220, 253
King, Henry, 481
King’s College, Cambridge, 329, 361, 380, 464
Kipling, Rudyard, 546–7
Kirstein, George, 435, 449, 473, 515
Kirstein, Lincoln, 260–1, 267, 330, 404, 435, 447, 449, 476
Kirstein, Mina, see Curtiss, Mina
Kitchener, Lord, 103
Knollys, Eardley, 478
Knopf, Alfred A. (publishers), 184, 199, 218
Koch, Howard, 398
Korda, Alexander, 295, 299–300
Korda, David, 538, 5541
Kubrick, Stanley, 292
Lall, Arthur, 436–7
Lall, Shusheila, 436–7, 439, 443, 473, 542
Lamartine, Alphonse de, 183
Lanchester, Elsa, 288, 294, 492
Lane, Joanne, 541
Larkin, Philip, 543
Lauder, Harry, 38–9
Laughton, Charles, 294–5
Laurie, T. Werner, 144, 179, 184
Lavrov, Madame, 23, 25
Lawrence, A.W., 305–7, 334, 415, 462
Lawrence, D.H., 6, 11, 63–7, 78, 137, 188, 268, 407, 538, 546
breaks with Bunny, 88–9
‘indecent’ paintings, 449
Lady Chatterley’s Lover, 89, 424
letters for sale, 435, 439
The Rainbow, 104
San Cristobal ranch, 449, 491
Sons and Lovers manuscript, 475
US universities and, 446–7, 473, 475–6, 513
Lawrence, Frieda (née Weekley), 63–6, 78, 88, 137, 546
Portrait of Frieda Lawrence, 453
Lawrence, T.E., 179, 232–4, 243, 250, 266, 268, 331
and Aldington’s Lawrence of Arabia, 414–15
American students and, 474
death in motorcycle accident, 280
The Essential T.E. Lawrence, 391
his Letters, 305–7, 314–17, 343, 370
The Mint, 232–3, 301, 376
Ocampo study and BBC documentary, 462–3
Oxford Seven Pillars of Wisdom, 232, 301, 376
Lawrence of Arabia, 451–2, 462–3
Lean, David, 451, 463
Lefevre, Marriott, 477
Leger, Alexis, 416
Leglais, Georges, 97, 254
Lehmann, John, 356, 373, 384
Lehmann, Rosamond, 278, 281, 506, 520
Levin, Kirik, 26, 56–7
Levy, Paul, 420
Libertinism, as intellectual movement, 558
Liddell Hart, Basil, 415
‘Limpsfied intelligentsia’, 12–13, 71
br /> Lindbergh, Charles, 247
Ling Su-Hua, 298
Linklater, Eric, 376
Lipscomb, W.B., 288
Little, Brown (publishers), 440
Llewelyn-Davies, Michael, 174
London Blitz, 344–5
London Library, bombed, 364
Longman (publishers), 439
Lopokova, Lydia, 137, 180–1, 187, 211, 271, 289, 487, 511
Evening News articles, 219
Louisville Courier-Journal, 185
Lowell, Robert, 409
Lubbock, Percy, 188
Lucas, E.V., 18
Lurie, Alison, 491, 494
Lynd, Robert, 40, 43
McCallum, John, 432
MacCarthy, Desmond, 82, 204, 267
MacCarthy, Molly, 82
McCullers, Carson, 438, 449, 473, 491, 538
McEwan, Ian, 188
McGuinness, Norah, 225–6, 229–30, 237–8, 282, 321
Mackenzie-Smith, Barbara, 253
Mackrell, Judith, 219
Maclean, Alan, 519, 541, 546
McLeish, Archibald, 260, 267, 404, 435
Macmillan, Harold, 520
Macmillan (publishers), 375, 519, 545–6
Madonia, Giovanna, 409–10, 417–18, 428, 440, 446, 495, 515, 528, 547
Malcolm, Janet, 555
Manchester Guardian, 272
Mantel, Hilary, 185
Marsh, Edward, memoir of Rupert Brooke, 136
Marshall, Eleanor, 158, 167, 336
Marshall, Frances, see Partridge, Frances
Marshall, Horace, 158, 195, 372
Marshall, Judy, 158, 256, 336, 339
Marshall, Margaret (‘Mam’), 158, 167, 187
Marshall, Nadine, 205, 372, 501
Marshall, Rachel, 372
Marshall, Rachel Alice (‘Ray’), see Garnett, Rachel Alice
Marshall, Tom, 158, 205, 212, 372, 501
Marshall, William Cecil, 158
Marshalls’ Flying School, 246
Marten, Howard, 107
Martin, Kingsley, 262, 267, 285–6, 288
Maxwell, William, 443
Melville, Herman, 457
Memoir Club, 225, 377, 393, 395, 407, 423, 433
Menon, Krishna, 438
Metcalfe, Mary, 294
Meynell, Alice, 182
Meynell, Benedict, 251, 547
Meynell, Francis, 158, 205, 220, 253, 256–7, 303, 334, 460, 520
and Nonesuch Press, 181–4, 197–8, 251, 272
Meynell, Vera (née Mendel), 182, 184, 197–8, 205, 217–18, 253, 460
Mezentsev, General, 9
Mitchell, Anne Lee, 547
Mitchell, John, 41
Mizener, Arthur, 491
Moby Dick (houseboat), 457, 479, 490, 509, 512, 527, 542
Montagu, Ann, 426
Moore, Beatrice, 491
Moore, George, 179, 198–201, 203, 216, 239, 523, 541
Moore, Harry T., 447, 476, 491, 502, 513
Moore Turner, Percy, 140
Moralt, Dr Marie, 139
Mordkin, Mikhail, 65, 447
Moreau, Jeanne, 538
Moreno, Jacob, 485–6
Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 81, 87–8, 90, 114, 137
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