Dragon's Heart

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Dragon's Heart Page 9

by LaVerne Thompson

  Okay, she had no choice but to accept she might be brethren and maybe could communicate telepathically. Well, she was human too and Earth her home. What could she possibly do if the brethren race were dying, and Earth might also be in danger from this renegade dragon? Of course, she’d do what she could to help, but she would do it her way. She’d be damned if she became his consort, or whatever, when he had another.

  Maya got off the bed and checked her watch. There was just enough time to call Justin before she changed for dinner. She didn’t want to talk to him but if she didn’t get the call over with, he would just keep pestering her parents until she spoke to him.

  Her feelings for Justin had changed. Maya wasn’t sure when. No, that’s not exactly true. They had never changed. She’d always known she could never love him as a woman loves a man. Oh, she cherished his friendship but nothing more would ever exist between them. Determined to make her feelings clear to him once and for all, she pulled out her cell phone and called Justin.

  He answered on the first ring. “Maya. Thank God! Are you okay? Where are you?”

  “Hello to you too, Justin. In answer to your questions, I’m fine and since you’re in Paris you know I’m not. The question is, why are you in Paris?

  “I thought I’d surprise you. Imagine my surprise when I arrived at the hotel your parents said you’d made reservations only to find out you’d canceled them.”

  “Justin, I told you not to come. It’s your own fault for not listening to me.”


  “No buts, Justin. Please, do not bother or worry my parents again because I changed my plans without consulting you. You are my friend, Justin, not my keeper.”

  “I care about you, Maya, and I thought I was more to you.”

  She sighed. “I know you care about me and you tried for it to be more, but you know I’ve never thought of you as anything more than a friend. It’s why I’ve not been able to sleep with you, and why I never agreed to marry you when you brought the subject up.”

  Justin’s voice came across hoarse. “I’ve never pressured you about sex. I was willing to wait until after we were married.”

  She took another deep breath. She’d hurt him, but she had no choice. “That’s not going to happen. Listen, Justin, I’m sorry you went all the way to Paris. You can either go home or enjoy your stay. It’s up to you.”

  A moment of silence sat between them before he responded. “I can’t believe this. We need to talk and not over the phone. Are you coming to Paris?” His voice no longer sounded winey, but more authoritative.

  “No, I’m not,” her voice came out even more so.

  “Then where are you? Still in Ireland?”

  Maya hesitated. “Yes.”

  “I see…”

  “I’m not sure you do. Like I said, stay or leave Paris.” She had to be clear and firm with him. It was the only way he’d heed her once and for all. “Do what’s best for you, but don’t come here looking for me, and don’t worry my parents about my whereabouts again. There’s really nothing more for us to talk about. I’m sorry, Justin. We’ve always been good friends, and I’d like us to continue to be so, but that’s all we can ever be to each other.”

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Yes, I do. I’ll call you when I return home. Have a safe trip.” Maya disconnected the call before Justin could reply. She would have disconnected the call even sooner had she known what he did after she hung up on him.

  Sonofabitch! Justin screamed at his cell phone. How dare she hang up on me! How dare she not agree to marry me! After all this time of careful planning, after finding her at last! I swear I’ll make the bitch pay for this! She will be my mate!

  Justin placed several calls on his cell phone before he left his hotel room.

  Maya had no trouble finding the library. She stood in front of the closed doors, listening to the muted sound of the voices within. Her hand hovered over the brass doorknob when suddenly the doors swung opened on their own. Draakar stood before her, looking every inch the Lord of the Manor born. He gazed into her eyes. The desire burning in his emerald orbs froze her where she stood. It scared the shit out of her and she feared her eyes might have been burning right back at him.

  The man defined incarnate perfection. Dressed once again in all black, a long-sleeved silk shirt and pants hugged his powerful frame. His beautiful long hair lay pulled back away from his face so she could savor every inch of his finely chiseled features. Not just his looks drew her, though they were sufficient all their own, but also the man himself. Even with her eyes closed, she’d still know when he was near. This fascination with him had to stop. She did not want this.

  I told you if you touch me without my permission, I will kill you where you stand.

  He said nothing, merely stepping aside for her to enter, and then she heard him in her mind. I bow to no other’s will but yours—for now.

  She paused beside him, sending a sharp glance his way before he turned to face the room. “Lady and gentlemen,” Draakar said without raising his voice but still getting the attention of the others. “This is Maya.” Anyone with at least one working ear could easily detect the clear ring of possessiveness in his tone.

  Maya pulled her gaze away from him to look around the room, lined from the floor to about fifteen feet up with books, but several people were also within the room. Drawn to them, she didn’t get a chance to examine the books. They all stood, one by one. Almost everyone bowed their heads when she made eye contact. She recognized her sandy-headed guide to the stones as well as one of her fellow hikers; somehow not at all surprised to see them here. Ian grinned at her before he bowed his head. A tall handsome man she didn’t know stood near the end of a long sofa, but he too showed her deference.

  The last person in the room, a striking redhead with green eyes, stood near Ian. She barely glanced at Maya; too busy ogling Draakar with such desire written all over her face. Momentarily forgetting her earlier antagonism toward him, Maya wondered why Draakar didn’t take her up on her blatant invitation, but the dragon part of Maya would have none of it.

  I don’t think so!

  The woman’s head snapped over to meet Maya’s blazing gaze. Maya was aware her eyes flashed golden fire. She could feel the heat in them. She had a point to make and, my God, she’d make it.

  In fear and awe, the woman dropped to her knees with her chin down, unable to look at the aura of fury and power surrounding Maya. A neat feat because the woman wore a long skirt making the position look uncomfortable. Maya didn’t care.

  Your name?

  Cassandra, my Lady.

  Do you know who I am?


  Never forget again.

  I won’t.

  I know you won’t.

  I swear it!

  No need. The minute you do you cease to exist.

  “Oh, get up,” Maya said shuddering, still not used to hearing voices in her head and not quite ready to believe one of those voices really belonged to her.

  Cassandra got up awkwardly and looked everywhere but at Maya and Draakar. Ian must have taken pity on her because he placed his arm around Cassandra and whispered something in her ear.

  Draakar never took his gaze off Maya. She didn’t realize it yet but she had just made the first move. She had placed a claim on him in front of witnesses, in the usual way of the brethren, even if she didn’t consciously know it but her dragon did. The females were quick to claim whomever they considered theirs. He smiled. “Come,” he said holding out his arm for her to take.

  For a full minute, Maya stared at the black silk shirtsleeve covering his arm before placing her hand on it. She might as well have been holding a band of steel. Immediately a golden glow surrounded her where she touched him. He lost the smile around his mouth and gave a low-throated growl, vibrating through Maya’s soul. When she tried to remove her hand he covered it with his own, sending heat from his palm to every nerve ending she had. She glanced at her arm, s
urprised steam wasn’t escaping through her pores.

  No, he sent to her only. By your own free will, you touched me.

  All eyes in the room remained riveted on the couple standing by the door who were oblivious to everything and everyone around them.

  Do not push me, Dark One.

  Lord. I am Dark Lord.

  No creature is Lord of me.

  Ah, but I’m not just any creature. “Come, let us have dinner.” Draakar led Maya to the dining room across the hall and the others fell in behind them.

  A huge mahogany table with clawed feet dominated the room, giving it a look of old-world elegance about it. Maya didn’t know much about antiques but it appeared to match the rest of the house, or rather, castle—pricey. The table had eight comfortable cushioned armchairs around it, but still large enough to easily accommodate more. Although she did find it odd there were no place settings on the dark polished wood top.

  She looked around the room and saw all the walls but one were painted a dark avocado, and there were electric iron wall scones in the shape of medieval torches around the room, as well as an iron chandelier with two tiers of electrical candles hanging over the center of the table. The muted lighting was enough to bathe the room in a soft glow yet keep it free of shadows. One wall depicted a scene of a bronze dragon sitting on top of a rocky mountain ledge, spewing red flame into the sky at a burning purple sun. Maya thought the same artist who painted the scene also painted the one on the ceiling in her room. Maybe even created the mosaic in the foyer.

  Draakar escorted Maya to the seat at the right from the head of the table. Ian took the seat at his left across from her. Ian started to place Cassandra beside him but the low growl coming from Maya’s throat must’ve changed his mind. A trembling Cassandra immediately moved herself as far away from Maya as possible and kept her gaze focused on the tabletop. The guide, James, smiled as he took the seat beside Ian.

  Maya’s fellow hiker took the empty chair beside her. A fellow American, if she remembered correctly, named Paul. He and his wife, Cindy, were both avid hikers and had been on the hike to the stones with her. He looked like a cover model for anything outdoors and his wife looked complete East Coast debutante. They made a gorgeous couple but she didn’t see his wife. Did that mean his wife wasn’t brethren? A distinguished-looking stranger, who might be some sort of businessman, sat next to him. He just looked the part, right down to the staid pinstriped vest he wore.

  After they were all seated, Draakar sat down at the head of the table then went around the room and introduced them by name. When he got to the guide, Maya spoke. “I already know James. He was my guide on a hike to the standing stones, along with Paul here and his wife. They were also part of my group. We all visited the stones. At this very spot,” she said staring pointedly at Draakar.

  “That’s right,” Paul replied, looking at Maya and James. “We were all on that hike.” He shook his head. “I just realized Maya’s right. The stones were here. They drew us to this place.”

  “They are still here,” Draakar said. “The castle stands over them. This is a place of power and is highly protected. None around here otherwise know of the Stones of Power. The only reason you were guided to them is because they allowed it, and even then, you still didn’t know you had been called to them.”

  “That’s true,” James said. “All of a sudden I possessed knowledge I didn’t have before, and I just knew the way to the stones. But I didn’t know their purpose. I only knew I had to take these people there.”

  “Most of what you need to know your dragons already possesses. It is the human in you who will take some time to come to terms with these truths and understand this ingrained knowledge.” Draakar’s gazed briefly touched on each of his lost brethren—Lost no more, Maya thought—but his gaze rested longest on her before continuing.

  You all were able to hear and answer my call. Your dragons have awakened. That was your first test. You have also passed the second test. You were strong enough to find your way to this place. Being here means you can call magicks and be trained to use your powers. As I said, no one comes here who the Stones do not want.

  Draakar paused and looked around the room. He had everyone’s full attention. There will be many more trials for you to overcome but it will all be worth it. So far your dragons have been acting on instinct and guidance from both myself and the Stones. Now it is time for you to learn to draw from your own powers. To touch Mother Earth directly yourselves. The Stones have judged you worthy. It is time to claim the birthright long denied you.

  How do we do that? Maya asked.

  Trust in yourself, both human and dragon. The first conscious use of power for you will be easy because it is triggered by one of the more basic instincts of all creatures—hunger. It is dinnertime. There were no place settings on the table when you sat down. Now there are.

  Everyone looked down at the previously empty space in front of them. Only now green satin oval-shaped silken tablemats filled the space, on top of which sat spotless black china plates, solid silver cutlery, empty water glasses as well as both red and white wine glasses.

  “Oh my!” Cassandra exclaimed.

  “Yes. Exactly that,” the businessman, Robert Durham, said. Daakar had introduced him as the Akgon banker.

  Now ladies and gentlemen, if you want to eat, Mother Earth will provide. She provides all for us. She is the source of all. Call to her. Tell her of your need, and she will provide.

  “I…I don’t understand,” Maya said. “How? How do we call to her?”

  Let your dragon guide you to her. The dragon links us to her. Trust your dragon, Maya. Call to Mother Earth.

  Maya closed her eyes and blood flushed to her skin, not unlike when exposed to the heat of the sun but burning from within. She felt…energy. Yes, a good word for what infused her. Pure energy gathered in her core. She gasped. Her mind and body filled, became weighted by it. It came from…the ground. Rose up from the earth and consumed her. Mother, Mother Earth, provider of us all. I have need. Maya thought of one of her favorite dishes, a cold bottle of sparkling water, and her white wine glass half way full of her favorite Riesling. She opened her eyes and looked at the feast created before her.

  Draakar watched them all, but his gaze constantly kept returning to Maya. Mine, his soul sang, Mine.

  The brilliant golden glow surrounding her lit up the room. Maya completed the simple task of power he set for them first. Steam rose to the painted ceiling from the plate of hot penne pasta with prawns in a white wine sauce in front of her. She even remembered the garnish. Fresh parsley and grated Parmesan cheese sat on the top. Her white wine glass was halfway full of…his senses indicated a Riesling from the North Western section of America, and a bottle of Perrier stood beside the water glass now full of ice. Excellent! As Draakar expected, strong in power. The task showed she also paid attention to the details. He looked around at the others.

  All had varying degrees of success, Ian’s meal being the next most complete. Ian grinned at him. “I created one of my favorite dishes, fish and chips, along with a frosty mug of ale.” He raised his mug of dark liquid, blew on the foam before taking a big sip.

  “I think you forgot something though,” Draakar said.

  Ian looked at his plate again then smacked his palm over his forehead. “Aarrg. I forgot the vinegar for dipping.”

  Draakar smiled at his first. Ian generated a bright red glow from his use of power, but not anywhere near the strength of Maya’s. Interestingly, Cassandra and Paul were both bronze dragons and equally strong. Both had medium rare steaks and baked potatoes without toppings of any kind on their plates, and their water glasses were each half full. James had a cheeseburger on his plate, no condiments, and all of his glasses were empty. He had a green glow, marking him a green dragon.

  Robert, his banker, though, would need a little work. His bun-less hotdog lay buried underneath green peppers and mustard with sauerkraut beside all of his empty glasses. Despite this
display, of them all, Robert, with the exception of Maya, had the potential to control the greatest power. He accessed the magicks of a golden dragon but not stronger than Talon’s power.

  These five would be both his and Maya’s vanguards. Along with the two coming tomorrow, who should be a blue and a brown dragon, would make up their elite Firsts. They were among the strongest of the Earth brethren. After training, he hoped, they would also be the salvation of both Earth and Akgon.

  Everyone looked down at their food and around at their tablemates. Each face wore varying degrees of smiles and all were pleased with what they had accomplished.

  Excellent. You have all done well. For now, let us enjoy what Mother Earth has provided for us. Just concentrate again for anything else you want or to complete your meal, then eat.

  Maya looked at the empty spot in front of Draakar. “What about you?” she asked. “Aren’t you going to have anything?”

  He looked at her through narrowed eyes. “I like what you are having. Why don’t you provide that for me?”

  Draakar watched the play of emotions cross her features, should she or shouldn’t she, over doing something directly for him versus further testing her powers. Testing her powers won. The energy rush brethren experienced when using their magicks proved a powerful lure. Maya repeated exactly what she created for her own plate on his.

  “Oh my! I did it!” She clapped her hands and everyone around her grinned. Even Cassandra smiled at her exuberance.

  “Please, everyone, eat,” Draakar said grinning at Maya. “We will continue your lessons after dinner.”

  Maya took a few bites then put her fork down. “Draakar, why do I get the feeling you’re holding something back from us? I know you need help to save your realm, but what is it exactly you expect us to do?”


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