Vampire Friend (Vampire Hero Book 2)

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Vampire Friend (Vampire Hero Book 2) Page 24

by V. B. Andrian

  After several minutes of hard breathing, I finally got my hands to come up to his face and stroke his cheeks. My verbal functions however were still not on board, because all I managed was, “Wow”.

  Nate started chuckling and pressed his lips to my forehead. “My thoughts exactly, babe.”


  “Can we do that again?” she asked with a small laughter.

  I laughed out loud. “Whoa, now. You might want to take it easy there, England.”

  She playfully swatted at my arm, though it was so soft it barely registered as a swat. More like a caress. “I didn’t mean right now, Nate. Tomorrow maybe.”

  I chuckled softly and pulled her back in my arms. “You’ll probably be sore tomorrow. But the day after…” I kissed the top of her head. “I’ll be right back.”

  I went to clean up in the bathroom and wetted a cloth for Ali. I kneeled before her, spreading her legs open to have access to her gorgeous mound. She was bare, making me think she’d prepared herself for me. Just me. I started getting hard again at her sight, but quickly berated myself. She’d just given me her virginity, dammit. I needed to rein in my hunger until she was not in pain anymore.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, catching me completely off guard.

  I held the warm cloth on her skin and lowered my eyebrows in question. “What for?”

  “For having you clean me up. Not the sexiest of moments.” She gave me a sheepish smile that almost looked like a grimace.

  This girl… “One,” I threw the washcloth to the side and leaned forward to brush my lips over hers, “don’t scare me like that. I thought for sure you were going to ditch me right here.” She giggled and I chuckled in response. Highly unlikely, not that I wouldn’t deserve it. “Two, you didn’t have me do anything. And three, I love taking care of you. Even with something as small as wiping the first blood from between those soft legs of yours. I loved it. So no, apology not accepted.”

  She giggled again. “I still can’t believe this is real.”

  I smiled softly and pulled her closer, bringing her to settle in my embrace with her head in the crook of my neck, a leg between mine and an arm draped around my waist. “It is unreal,” I mumbled. “It’s way too good to be true. You’re way too good to be true.”

  “Oh, I’m not really real,” she said matter-of-factly. “I’m merely a fairy drawn out of a tale to steal your heart and take it back to my evil mistress, so she can perform her magic.”

  I laughed again, nuzzling her hair. “You make the blood rush in my veins,” I said softly, while letting a small smile play on my lips. My heart was beating like crazy, and I could feel hers beating just as fast. “This is how I imagine would feel to drink blood. Right now, I feel like I can lift a tank and throw it so hard, it would go into orbit around the sun.”

  “You’ve really never tasted blood?” she asked, pulling back to look at me.

  I shook my head softly. “No, never.”

  She mock-huffed. “You ruin all the stereotypes. Vampires are supposed to be drinking blood all the time. It says so in all the novels I’ve read.”

  I laughed again and pulled her back in. “Those books are full of bull. Okay, grunted, Kay used to drink blood every other day before Evy. But that was for a whole different reason, and even he has stopped it. You’ve really never met a vampire before us?”

  She shook her head in response. “Never. You and Kay are the only ones I know. Oh, and Luke and Sean. I forgot about them.”

  I chuckled softly, trying to hide the pang of jealousy I felt from showing in my voice. “I like that you forgot about them. I really didn’t like the idea of you being out with two guys, two single guys.”

  She pulled slightly back again. “You really were jealous?”

  I cocked an eyebrow. “I was practically green with it.”

  She smiled lopsidedly. “You do realize Luke was doing most of it on purpose, right? He only wanted you to be jealous so you would come out and claim me.”

  I laughed before tucking her back to my chest. “Claim you? I like the sound of that, England. I like feeling that I own you. That you’re mine.”

  She laughed too. “And you make me giddy with your caveman performance. I know I told Charles I don’t belong to anyone, but I didn’t really mean it. I belong to you.”

  I tightened my hold on her. Just the thought of that British asshole enraged me. “I’ll let that comment about the dickhead pass, because you only used his name to state that you belong to me. And I fucking love that statement.”

  She giggled, and the sound caused my gut to clench with happiness. “Alright then. Now back to the blood thing. Have you never wanted to try it? See what all the fuss is about?”

  Had I wanted? Before her, never. Now? “Honestly? I thought about it once.”

  “Really? When?”

  I started moving my hand up and down her back in soothing strokes. “When I made you come with my mouth.” I felt her gasp, but I knew she’d enjoyed that, so I kept going. “You taste so fucking sweet and good, I found myself wondering what it would be like. Don’t worry, though,” I quickly added, because this was Ali I was talking to. She’d been raised to fear and despise all vampires. “I’m never going to do that, so there’s nothing to it.”

  “I wouldn’t mind,” she whispered and I was once again struck dumb.

  “No?” I’d had girls asking me to bite them before, but with Ali it was different. For one, she wasn’t asking. She was just making sure I knew she would be willing. And two, well, it was her. Nothing about her was like the other girls.

  She shook her head. “No. That is to say, if you ever want to, I would like to be the one you drink from.”

  I squeezed her once more. Maybe she just needed the reassurance that I wasn’t going to hurt her. “Baby, that’s a given. If there ever comes a time, that is. I’d never try another girl’s blood.”

  We remained silent for a while after that. I couldn’t get my mind over the fact that this girl had stirred everything in me. Even the previously non-existing urge for blood. It wasn’t like I wanted it. But merely the fact she’d made me think about it was enough to intrigue me.

  “Kay only drinks Evy’s blood then?” she asked bringing me out of my daze.

  I took a deep breath. “Well, if he has to. He’d had a real problem before he met Evy. Ever since our parents died, he was basically never without blood. He’d formed some kind of addiction, but only in the sense that he didn’t like feeling powerless. Though it wasn’t a problem on its own, we all felt like he needed to stop. Evy confronted him with that thought, and after too shitty weeks of being away from each other, Kay finally understood he didn’t need blood and stopped it. He actually quit cold turkey. He hasn’t needed to drink any blood, not ever since… that night.” I took another deep breath and let it out slowly. It turned out, no matter how much I moved on, it still hurt thinking about that night. Ali gave me a small squeeze in reassurance. Yeah, she knew which night I was talking about. “But if he needs to then yes, Evy’s blood is the only one he’ll have.”

  She sighed. “It’s so romantic. It’s like another facet of their relationship. And now that they’ll get married, hers will be the last blood he will ever taste, no matter his past. It’s intimate in a sort of… morbid way.”

  I chuckled softly because she was right. Talking about blood, even as vampires, was a little morbid. “True. And don’t forget, she was also the first blood he tasted. So it’s kind of like it comes back in a circle.”

  “Ha. That is so true. She was the first blood…” she trailed off. A moment later she sat up as if she’d had a spring under her back, looking at me with wide eyes. “Nate. She was his first blood.”

  I turned to flick the light on my nightstand on, looking back at her in confusion. “Yeah. You knew that. Remember Evy’s story about the zoo?”

  She nodded, almost frantically, her face lighting up with some kind of revelation. “Yes, but it’s not what I mean. This is th
e answer, Nate. Not the age, not the development of the Gene, but the fact that she was the first blood he tasted.”

  She shot up from the bed, and started pacing back and forth at the foot of it. Her hands were also moving in a frantic pattern – raking through her hair, pressing on her cheeks, balling into fists, and all over again. I sat up in complete confusion, trying to follow her train of thought. And, alright, I definitely liked seeing her pace around naked.

  “Babe? What are you talking about?”

  “The research!” she exclaimed, without really looking at me, just continuing her excited pacing. “Kiara had one thing wrong. She’d assumed that because of Kay’s young age, the vampiric Gene wasn’t fully developed and couldn’t be affected by the enzyme. Then the enzyme stuck around, and the Gene developed fully while simultaneously building immunity against the enzyme.”


  “But all tests based on vampires of that young age have failed. And that’s because she was wrong. It wasn’t the development of the Gene that caused the immunity, but rather the fact that Kay’s blood was untested with the other type of blood – the one without the enzyme. His body simply didn’t know it was different, and therefor accepted the enzyme, which led to developing immunity!” She jumped on the bed, landing on her knees in front of me and cupped my face with both hands. Her excitement was rolling off her in waves, causing my own heart to beat enthusiastically. Jesus, she was gorgeous. “Don’t you see?” she continued. “I know what to look for now. Chances are, I can create a vaccine, a working vaccine! And I can do that with just a small sample of your blood.”

  I brought my hands up, as I felt my lips splitting wide in a huge grin. “I knew you would do it,” I whispered, my voice sounding gruff. “You’re amazing. I’m so proud of you.”

  “I love you,” she whispered back to me and planted her lips on mine. And I realized as I kissed her back that it was the first kiss she was initiating.

  I tightened my hold on her face and lay back on the bed, bringing her down with me. I settled her on me, her gorgeous tits pressed against my chest, her smooth legs draped over mine, her small hands sinking in my hair. I lowered my hands to her body, caressing every accessible inch of her satin-like skin, the feel of it shooting straight to my cock. I knew she could feel me growing hard when she moaned in my mouth, and her hips surged forward.

  I let out a frustrated groan and pushed her back. “We need to stop now. You’re sore and I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “I’m alright,” she whispered while seeking my lips again. Her kiss was soft, and yet it caused lust to zing through my veins, making my dick twitch against her.

  Letting out another frustrated groan, I rolled her on her back and loomed over her. “Babe, you’re sore.” And just to prove my point, I brought one hand down and grazed my fingers over her mound. While my touch was feather-light, she winced. “You know I want you, but let’s put it off for now, okay?” I kissed her again, before forcing my body to roll away from her. Turning on my back once more, I pulled her to me until she was tucked against my side, with her head on the crook of my shoulder, a leg over my thighs, and an arm over my stomach.

  “Nate?” she whispered after a long stretch of silence. “Does it hurt?”

  “What, baby?”

  I felt her hand leaving my stomach, and then her fingers were grazing my still-hard cock. I hissed in a breath, willing my hips to stay put and not push forward to seek her touch.

  Jesus, fuck.

  “A little bit,” I admitted. “Sort of. The feeling is very similar to pain.”

  “Can I help?” she asked in the most innocent yet sexy voice I’d ever heard, and I almost embarrassed myself for the second time that night.

  “Baby… Not tonight, okay? Jesus! I love you, Ali.” I squeezed her tighter in my arms. “Just try and get some sleep.”

  “Alright,” she whispered, bringing her hand up again to rest on my chest.

  It didn’t take her long to sleep after that. I on the other hand ended up needing some time before I could calm my throbbing dick down, over the prospect of Ali helping me relieve myself. What would she have done? Given me a hand-job? A blow-job? At the mere image of her head down there, I had to bite back a series of groans and muttered curses to avoid waking her up.

  And after those thoughts were gone, I was kept awake by the wonder of having her in my arms. Naked. Mine. Feeling her skin pressed against mine. Her soft, warm breaths fanning my chest. Her heartbeat beating steadily against my side.

  I reveled in the acceptance of those sensations. After almost a year I was finally able to breathe again. No more guilt, I’d promised myself. Because I finally realized that feeling guilty over what I’d missed with Kiara, only made me forget the things I hadn’t missed.

  Gran had been right. I hadn’t been in love with Kiara. I loved her, but it was nothing compared to how I felt about Ali. And no matter my feelings, my time with Kiara was gone. She was gone, and all I could have were her memories. And those I would keep tightly within me. But everything else – the hurt, the guilt, the fear – I would put all those away and start fresh.

  With Ali.

  Chapter 16


  My life was perfect.

  I wasn’t exaggerating. It was.

  Every night for the next week I slept over at Nate’s. Evy and Kay would be back in the weekend, and we had the flat to ourselves until then. And did we take advantage of that!

  On Monday I was still a little sore from our first time, but there was so much more we could do to each other. We both skipped our classes after lunchtime and ended up in Nate’s bed, where he brought me to climax twice with his hands and once with his mouth.

  When he was done, I could see him throbbing over my belly, and the urge to please him was beyond my control.

  I’d wrapped my hand around him and slowly started stroking his length.

  “Ali,” he’d groaned, “you don’t have to, baby.”

  I’d given him a mischievous smile, squeezing him a little harder. “But I do. I want to.”

  He’d let out another loud groan, before flopping on his back to give me space.

  “Tell me what you like,” I’d whispered while lowering my mouth right over the engorged head.

  The feeling of my breath over his sensitive skin had caused him to push up into my fist. “Fuck, anything,” he’d bit out. “I’m going to love anything you do to me, Ali.”

  I’d grinned and flicked my tongue over the head, swapping the drop of pre-cum that had made its appearance. His salty yet sweet taste had made me moan with my own pleasure. Using my fist to stroke his base, I’d slowly wrapped my lips around him and pushed him further into my mouth, lifting up slightly every few centimeters and then sliding back down. I’d taken as much of him in my mouth as I could, and had used my other hand to softly graze my fingers over his balls.

  He’d jerked slightly, pulling out a bit. “Not so softly, babe. It tickles."

  I’d added a little more force until he had nodded his acquiescence, and then continued stroking him with my lips and tongue. My hand had moved in counterparts with my mouth, and I had taken him so deep that I’d been surprised I hadn’t triggered my gag reflex. Nate’s groans of pleasure had encouraged me to try a few swirls of my tongue around the head, or run the tip along the underside.

  His hands had delved in my hair, but he hadn’t pushed or stopped me and I’d continued my task, finding a rhythm that fairly soon had him writhing.

  “Ali, I’m not going to last,” he’d groaned, his voice sounding as if he was in pain.

  I’d increased my rhythm and the movements of my tongue, and I’d felt him pulsing and swelling impossibly more. He’d tugged at my hair to pull me back, but I’d resisted. A moment later I’d felt hot semen shooting down my throat, which I’d swallowed as fast as I could, as he was shouting his release along with several expletives.

  I had no idea giving a man pleasure would be something I would e
njoy, but, oh, I’d enjoyed it. So much, in fact, that he’d had to pull me away from him, because I’d been determined to go on and get him off again.

  Tuesday to Thursday we’d tried other things. A lot of other things that included the living room, kitchen, and shower. We were both insatiable with each other, and I still couldn’t believe any of it was real. It was like a dream coming true. Maybe better than even that.

  However, we had done more than just sex. We had talked about everything, bonding with each other even more, sharing every secret, every memory, every dream. I’d thoroughly studied the tattoo on his calf, and he’d explained it was Kaylan’s design to represent the Lockwood family. B and M – his grandparents – were the root, A and L – his parents – the trunk, and K and N – him and Kay – the branches. He would have to add Evy’s initial next to Kay’s, and there was room for more branches for when they would have children.

  I had told him I’d thought of getting a tattoo as well once, but never had a specific design in my mind to do it. I wanted something for my father, but I wanted it to represent more than that. My father had been the first person in my life to love me, and I wanted to add to that, now that I had Nate too. But I didn’t tell him as much. I preferred keeping it a secret for now.

  Friday afternoon, as I finished my classes and was returning to my dormitory room, my phone started ringing in the tones of Taylor Swift’s Love Story.

  I answered with a grin. “Hi, Evy!”

  “Ali!” Her squeal made my ears ring. “Admit it now: have you turned my apartment into a sex cave?”

  I grinned widely because we had, but I would never admit it to her. “How are things going in your engagement holiday?”

  “Ha. Avoidance of the question. Meaning you have turned my apartment into a sex cave. Are you at least using protection, or am I going to be an aunt before even my marriage?”


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