Heat (Firefighters of Montana Book 4)

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Heat (Firefighters of Montana Book 4) Page 11

by Karen Foley

  “I want to undress you,” Callie said, and scrambled off the bed to pull his boots off, dragging his socks with them. Then she climbed back over him on all fours, until her hands were braced on either side of his head and her dark hair hung around their faces like a curtain. She fixed her gaze on his mouth before slowly lowering her head and covering his lips with her own.

  Tyler had intended to let her take the lead and set the pace, but her kiss was like a drug, sucking his willpower out of him and making rational thought almost impossible. With a deep groan of surrender, he caught her face in his hands, thrusting his fingers into the cool, silky mass of her hair and deepening the kiss. Callie lowered herself onto him, until her breasts pressed against his chest and the ridge of his erection strained against her center.

  “You feel so good,” he muttered against her mouth. When she slid experimentally along the length of his rigid cock, he gave a hiss of pleasure and reached down to grip her hips and guide her movements.

  “Ohmigod.” Callie breathed, and settled herself more fully against him.

  Tyler slid his hands beneath her skirt and cupped her rear, stroking and squeezing her pliant flesh. She gasped into his mouth and her movements became more urgent. Reaching between her shoulder blades, Tyler found the zipper at the back of her dress and drew it down until the fabric gaped away from her body and he could see her pink-tipped breasts.

  Tyler broke the kiss and pushed her to a sitting position. Hooking his fingers in the straps of her dress, he pulled them downward. The bodice caught briefly on her nipples, and then fell in a soft whisper of fabric around her waist. Tyler let his breath out and covered her breasts with his hands, testing their weight and gently kneading them. They were just large enough to fill his palms, and he rubbed his thumbs across the distended tips, hearing her soft hum of pleasure.

  “Take this off,” he commanded softly.

  Callie complied, pulling the dress over her head before she tossed it onto the floor. Just as he’d imagined, she was slender and pale, her skin flawless. She looked at him through hazy eyes, and caught his hands in hers, pulling them back up to cover her breasts.

  “Touch me,” she breathed. “I want to feel your hands on me.”

  With a soft growl, Tyler sat up and wrapped his arms around her as he crushed his mouth to hers, sliding his tongue along hers and feasting on her lips until he thought he’d burst with need. Her skin was warm and silken against his, and he skated his fingers over her back, exploring the dips and curves of her spine, gratified when she shifted restlessly and tried to get even closer.

  “Here, let’s try this,” he said, and turned her onto her back. He knelt between her splayed thighs and drank in the sight of her against the pillows. With her hair spread out around her and her eyes shimmering with need, she exceeded his lustful imaginings. When her gaze dropped meaningfully to his cargo pants, he didn’t pretend to misunderstand, pushing them down and off, until he was able to drop them onto the floor beside her dress.

  She gave a soft “oh” of admiration, and reached out to slide her fingers beneath the waistband of his briefs and tug them down, releasing his erection. Tyler gritted his teeth as she stroked the head of his penis and then closed her hand around him, squeezing him gently. He sucked air into his lungs and struggled for control, but the sight of her slim, pale fingers around his hard length was too erotic. With a soft growl, he wrapped a hand around her wrist and pulled her away, using his free hand to shove his briefs down over his thighs. He came over her, bracing his weight on one arm as he kicked his underwear completely free. Naked, he settled himself into the cradle of her hips. She stared at him with a mixture of desire and anticipation that he found impossible to resist.

  “Are you sure about this?” he asked softly, tracing his thumb over the plumpness of her lower lip. “No regrets later?”

  Turning her face, she caught the pad of his thumb between her teeth and bit gently, before drawing the digit into her mouth and sucking on it. The sensation caused a white-hot bolt of lust to ricochet through his body and settle in his groin, where he pulsed hotly. Whatever illusions he’d had of letting her set the pace were obliterated with each soft, hot sweep of her tongue.

  “I’m sure.” She assured him, releasing his thumb and reaching for him. “Whatever happens later, I won’t regret this.”

  Tyler grunted his approval and replaced his thumb with his mouth, kissing her so deeply that their teeth scraped together as he stroked her tongue with his own. At the same time, he slid a hand to her rear, cupping her and lifting her against his hardness.


  Callie didn’t know what she’d been expecting, but Tyler completely consumed her until she could no longer think straight.

  “I want you inside me.” She gasped against his mouth, and reached between their bodies to curl her fingers around his thick length. He made a constricted sound of pleasure and Callie felt her own desire kick into full gear as she stroked him.

  “Enough”—he rasped into her ear—“or I won’t last.”

  Tyler dragged his mouth away from hers and bent his head to her shoulder. Callie felt him shudder lightly before he rolled to his side, pulling Callie with him.

  “Take these off,” he commanded hoarsely, and pushed her panties down over her hips.

  Callie helped him, until she was able to kick the garment free, and then she was as nude as Tyler.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he said hoarsely, and splayed his hand over her abdomen, just above the narrow strip of curls.

  His palm was warm and callused against her skin, and when he slid his hand lower, she spread her thighs so he could cup her intimately. She ached with need, and pushed against his hand to tell him without words she wanted more. But when he parted her folds and slid a finger over her slick flesh, she gasped from the shock of pleasure that jolted through her.

  “You are so wet,” he said with a groan.

  He swirled a finger over her, causing her hips to jerk, but when he inserted a finger inside her she nearly came off the mattress.

  “Yes! That feels so good.”

  Tyler gave a groan and bent his head to cover her mouth. Callie kissed him greedily, drawing on his tongue and spearing her fingers through his hair. Tension coiled tightly inside her with each sensual stroke of his finger.

  “I’m not going to last,” she managed to gasp. “I want you inside me when I come.”

  He muttered a soft oath and reached for his pants.

  “Hang on.” He fished through the pockets until he found his wallet, withdrew a small foil packet, and tore it open with his teeth.

  Callie watched as he covered himself, the sight of his strong hands on his erection incredibly arousing. He shifted so he came over her completely. Bracing his weight on one arm, he positioned himself at her entrance. His features were taut. His entire body was primed and ready, every muscle standing out in stark definition. Aroused, Tyler Dodson took her breath away.

  He fitted himself at her opening and, with his gaze locked on her, he slowly surged forward. Callie sucked in her breath. The thick, hot slide of him inside her caused her to arch instinctively upward.

  “You’re so tight,” he muttered. Hooking a hand beneath her thigh, he drew her leg up and over his hip as he began to move. He stretched her, filled her, eased himself into her until her buttocks were flush against his hips and there was nothing but the taste, scent, and feel of Tyler, in her and surrounding her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked against her mouth.

  In answer, Callie arched against him and drew both legs up until her heels rested on his firm butt. The movement opened her even more, and when she shifted her hips restlessly beneath him, he groaned and buried his face in her neck.

  “I’m more than okay,” she breathed against his lips, and he plunged into her. The sensation of him filling her was more exquisitely intense than anything she had ever experienced.

  “Kiss me,” she begged.

  He turned his face and
caught her lips in a deep kiss. He drew on her tongue even as his pace quickened and he thrust into her with increasing urgency.

  “Come for me,” he growled, and punctuated his words with another thrust of his hips against hers.

  With a choked sob, she convulsed around him as her orgasm tore through her in a blinding rush of pleasure. The intensity of her release was enough to push Tyler over the edge as well, and with a hoarse shout, he plunged into her one last time, shuddered, and went still. He dropped his head to her shoulder, and Callie hugged him against her. Their breathing was ragged and she could feel the heavy, uneven thumping of his heart against her chest. He pressed a kiss against her neck, just at the juncture of her jaw. His breath, warm and fresh, washed over her as he dragged air into his lungs.

  “That was…amazing.” Carefully, he withdrew from her and discarded the condom, before rolling to his side, pulling her with him and tucking her back against his chest. He dipped his head and caught her earlobe between his teeth, nipping gently before soothing the tender flesh with his lips and tongue.

  Amazing didn’t come close to describing what Callie had just experienced. Simply put, the sex had been the hottest, most incredible she’d ever had. She closed her eyes. She wouldn’t think about tomorrow, or all the tomorrows after that. She had tonight, and it would have to be enough.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tyler left during the night, kissing her sweetly and letting himself out into the dark. Callie lay awake until dawn, unable to stop thinking about him. Her body was tender in all the right places from their lovemaking, and her skin felt sensitive and abraded from the roughness of his beard. Her only regret was that she wouldn’t feel like this again, maybe ever.

  She told herself it wouldn’t do any good to get involved with him, or even get to know him better since they lived so far apart. She had to remind herself how much she disliked the cold of Montana. And the long winter nights. And the isolation. California was where she wanted to be. She could never be happy in Montana.


  No matter how beautiful it was, or how good it felt to be back.

  She lay curled on her side with the pillow bunched beneath her cheek. His scent still clung to the sheets, and she breathed deeply. He would leave St. Mary that day, and she’d probably never see him again. The thought was so depressing; she nearly dragged the covers over her head.

  She didn’t regret sleeping with him, even though she’d never done anything so daring or out of character in her entire life. She’d thought she might feel guilt or shame, but there was only disappointment they wouldn’t share the experience again. He’d been an amazing lover, both tender and strong, seeming to understand what her body craved even when she didn’t. If anything, the intensity of her own response to him was what bothered her the most. Her lack of inhibitions was almost embarrassing, in retrospect. She’d never considered herself to be passionate, but he’d brought out a side of her she hadn’t known existed.

  She’d had relationships before, but none of her former partners had been able to wring the cries of pleasure from her that Tyler had. Just thinking about it made her body go hot all over.

  With a groan, she swung her feet out of bed and took a lukewarm shower in the tiny bathroom, before pulling on a pair of jeans and a cotton blouse. She pushed her feet into her boots, scooped her hair back into a ponytail, and grabbed her small backpack. She didn’t want to think too much about Tyler, because if she did, she’d have to admit last night had been a mistake. She’d thought she could sleep with him without becoming emotionally involved, but every time her thoughts turned to him, her chest ached, and she felt a little hollow inside.

  When she stepped out of the cabin, she immediately looked toward the spot where the Glacier Creek smokejumpers had made their camp, but they had already packed up their gear and left. Only the flattened grass provided any evidence that they had been there at all. In fact, she saw many of the emergency responders were pulling down their tents, and loading their equipment into the trucks.

  While she knew this was a positive sign, because it meant the wildfire was finally under control, she couldn’t help but feel bereft. Where was Tyler now? At the small airfield, preparing to return to Glacier Creek?

  Callie walked across the campground to where the emergency animal rescue center had been set up. Already, many of the animals had been claimed by owners or, like the rescued deer, had been returned to the wild.

  Two volunteers were already there, and together they helped Callie provide the animals with their daily treatments. She noted with satisfaction that Napi was growing stronger and his bite wound was healing nicely. Even his burns were improving, and if his happiness at seeing her was any indication, he was feeling better, too.

  “Have we had any reports of a missing dog?” she asked Kim, one of the volunteers.

  “Nothing yet. We’ve posted pictures locally, and the newspaper is going to run a short article about the animals that have come in.” She held a cat that had been brought in with a burned tail, and now she rubbed her finger under the animal’s chin, eliciting a purr. “Hopefully they’ll all find homes before too long.”

  Callie bent and gently stroked Napi, thinking if nobody came forward to claim him, perhaps he would make a good companion for her father, once he left the hospital. Reassuring herself the animals were in good hands, she climbed into the kennel truck and drove to Browning. It was still early when she peeked in at him, but Frank McLain was sitting up in his hospital bed, eating his breakfast.

  “Hey, Dad,” she said, as she pulled up a chair and surveyed his breakfast tray. “What is it this morning?”

  He grimaced. “Oatmeal. Always oatmeal.”

  “Well, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but your days of steak and eggs are probably over.”

  “Hmph. When are they going to let me out of here? I need to see my wolves, make sure they’re okay.”

  “I know, Dad.” She tried to sound reassuring. “But first you need to get better. The doctors think you’ll be able to leave by the end of the week, but they want you to go to rehab.”

  He grimaced. “Why would I do that?”

  “It would only be until you get your strength back, maybe another week or so. You’ve been through a lot.”

  “I feel fine.”

  His color was better, but Callie thought he looked tired and drawn. Besides, with no home to return to, rehab would give her some time to persuade him to come back to Monterey with her.

  “Listen, Dad, since you’re feeling better…” She paused, and clasped her hands together in her lap, not sure how to continue. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”

  “I know about the house.”

  Her head snapped up. “You do?”

  “One of the firefighters came to see me this morning.” He pushed the tray table away, and his eyes grew suspiciously bright. “He said the house was destroyed, but the wolves survived. Except for Nina. But she was an old girl, and the stress of the fire was probably too much for her.”

  Callie leaned forward. “A firefighter came to see you? Today?”

  “About an hour ago. Nice young fella, said he was a friend of yours.”

  “Tyler Dodson.”

  “That’s him.” He sighed deeply and folded his hands across his blankets. “So I’ve been thinking that if the wolf enclosures are still intact, maybe I could get a trailer and haul it up there. That way I could still stay on the property.”

  “Dad. No, just…no. That’s not going to be possible.” She swiped a hand across her eyes. “The wolves have been placed at other sanctuaries.”

  “But that’s just temporary. As soon as I’m better, I’ll go get them.”

  Callie felt an overwhelming surge of frustration. This was the way it had always been with her father—the wolves came first. Always the wolves. She’d gone into veterinary medicine because she cared about animals, too, so she got it. She understood his concern for them, but this was too much.
r />   “Dad,” she said, her throat tightening, “you’re not getting those wolves back. That was part of the deal. They’ve been placed permanently at other sanctuaries in Missoula and Wyoming, and that’s the end of it.”

  His bushy brows drew together. “It doesn’t have to be. I’ll bring them back.”

  Callie pushed her chair back and stood up. “Do you realize how close you and I came to dying in that wildfire? Do you? All because you cared more about those wolves than you did about your own safety.” She paused. “Or mine.”

  He looked stricken.

  “It’s true,” she continued, unfazed by his apparent dismay. She’d harbored her own hurt and resentment for too long. “Your refusal to leave because of the wolves nearly got us both killed. All my life, you’ve put those animals before your own family. But now your family is gone, your house is gone, and you can’t return to that property.”

  She waited for him to respond, but he was silent, staring at her as if he’d never seen her before.

  She leaned forward. “The sanctuary is gone, Dad, and you have to accept it. You have to start thinking about what you’re going to do for yourself. Just Frank McLain. No wolves, no sanctuary, just you.”

  “That sanctuary was my life. I don’t know what else to do.” He bent his head. “I don’t even know how to be a father.”

  Callie leaned forward. “Then come to Monterey and live with me.”

  His expression was one of shock. “What?”

  “I have plenty of room, and it would be nice to have you close.”

  “California?” he asked in dismay. “No, never. I’ll never leave Montana. This is my home.”

  Callie had expected him to say this, but the knowledge he’d prefer to stay where he had nothing, rather than come live with his only daughter, was hurtful.

  “I dropped everything to be here with you,” she said carefully. “I left my home, my job, and basically put my life on hold. I did it because I love you, and because you needed me. I’ve never asked you for anything. But I’m asking you now. Come to Monterey. Do this for me.”


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