Fort Benning
Fort Riley
Foudy, Tom
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The (Blasco Ibáñez)
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, The (film)
Francis, Joe
Franco, Ed “Devil Doll,”
Frank, Stanley
Franklin and Marshall College
Fromstein, Mitchell
Fulbright, J. William
Gaffen, Perry
Galiffa, Arnold
Gannon, Robert I.
Garrison, Snapper
Garrity, Francis “Red,”
Gartner, Joe
Garvey, Ed
Gehrig, Lou
George, Bill
Georgetown University
Germany, Nazi
Gibbons, Floyd
Gifford, Frank
broadcasting career of
New York Giants career of
VL and
Gillman, Sid
Ginsberg, Allen
Gipp, George
Gleason, Jackie
Goettisheim, Joe
Goldberg, Marshall “Biggie,”
Golden Gloves boxing program
Gonzaga University
Gora, Ray
Gordy, John
Gourlie, Mike
Grabowski, Jim
Graham, Frank
Graham, Otto
Grange, Red
Graziano, Rocky
Greatest Challenge, The
Green Bay, Wis.
American Legion Sullivan-Wallen Post No. 11 in
Catholic churches and population of
City Stadium (Lambeau Field) in
commerce and social life in
frigid weather and snow in
H. C. Prange Department Store in
Hotel Northland in
Martha’s Coffee Club in
racial prejudice in
VL’s homes in
Green Bay Bobcats
Green Bay East High School
Green Bay Packers
discipline and team spirit of
first team assembled by VL for
five-game losing streak of
founding of
hiring of VL by
history of
McLean era of
military call-up of players on
NFL championships of
off-season jobs of players on
preseason training of
as publicly owned nonprofit corporation
reorganization of
as smallest franchise in professional sports
television broadcasts of
VL as head coach of
VL’s relations with players on
VL’s retirement from
winter basketball team of
Green Bay Packers Alumni Association
Green Bay Premontre Catholic High School
Green Bay Press-Gazette
Green Bay West High School
Gregg, Forrest
Gremminger, Hank
Grier, Roosevelt “Rosie,”
Gros, Earl
Gross, Milton
Groux, Jes
Guglielmi, Ralph
Gurske, Albie
Gustafson, Andy
Gutwillig, Bob
Hackensack High School
Halas, George
Halas, George, Jr. “Mugsy,”
Halas, George S.
Hall, Dale
Halliburton, Richard
Hallion, Tom
Hamilton Tiger-Cats
Hand, Learned
Hanner, Joel David “Hawg,”
Harding, Ann
Harkins, Paul D.
Hartnett, Ken
Harvard University
Hawkins, Alex
Hay, Ralph
Hayes, Bob
Hayes, Helen
Hayes, Patrick Cardinal
Hayes, Woody
Hayward, Susan
Healey, John B.
Healy, Richard
Hearst, William Randolph
Hearst publications
Hebel, Ev
Hecker, Norb
Heinrich, Don
Heinz, Betty
Heinz, Wilfred Charles
VL’s collaboration on his memoir with
Heisman Trophy
Hemingway, Ernest
Herber, Arnie
Herman, Woody
Hertzberg, Hendrik
Hess, Victor
Hickman, Herman
Higgins, Larry
High School of Commerce
Hinkle, Clarke
Hitler, Adolf
Hobbs, W. H.
Hoffmann, Henry
Hogan, Aloysius J.
Holcomb, Stu
Holy Cross University
Holzer, John
Hornung, Loretta
Hornung, Patricia Roeder
Hornung, Paul Vernon
betting scandal and NFL suspension of
boyhood and adolescence of
character and personality of
football injuries of
glamorous persona of
Green Bay career of
Heisman Trophy won by
military service of
New Orleans Saints acquisition of
Notre Dame career of
VL’s relationship with
House Armed Services Committee
Howard, Bill
Howard, Leslie
Howell, Jim Lee
character and personality of
as New York Giants head coach
VL’s relationship with
Howton, Billy
Huff, Mary Fletcher
Huff, Robert E. Lee “Sam,”
Hughes, Ed
Huizinga, Johan
Hunsinger, Ed
Hunt, Lamar
Husing, Ted
Hutchins, Robert Maynard
Hutchinson, Ralph C.
Hutson, Don
Huxford, Jim
Hyland, Spike
Ignatius of Loyola, Saint
Independence Day (Ford)
Indiana University
Instant Replay (Kramer and Schaap)
Iona College
Irvin, Michael
Irving, Frederick A.
Irving Conn and his Orchestra
Irwin, Jim
Isbell, Cecil
“It’s Sports Time” radio show
Ivy, Pop
Izenberg, Jerry
Izzo, Anthony “Tony” (uncle)
Izzo, Antonio (grandfather)
Izzo, Dorothy (cousin)
Izzo, Eddie (cousin)
Izzo, Frank (uncle)
Izzo, Laura Cavolo (grandmother)
Izzo, Louie (uncle)
Izzo, Mike (uncle)
Izzo, Molly Grenau (aunt)
Izzo, Pete (uncle)
Izzo, Richard (cousin)
Izzo, Richard (uncle)
Izzo’s Barber Shop
Jackson, Bobby
Jacunski, Harry
James, Phil
Jennings, Jack
Jersey City Lincoln High School
Jeter, Bob
Jim Crow laws
Jim Thorpe Memorial Trophy
Johnson, Chuck
Johnson, Lyndon B.
Jordan, Henry
Jorgenson, Bud
Jude, Saint
Julius Caesar
Jurgensen, Sonny
Kahler, Basil
Kaminsky, Bob
Kane, Harry
Kansas, University of
Kansas City Chiefs
Green Bay Packers vs.
Kansas State University
Karilivacz, Carl
Karras, Alex
Katcavage, Jim
Kavanaugh, Ken
Keck, Lorraine
Kenna, Doug
Kenna, Tootsie
Kennedy, Ethel
Kennedy, John F.
nbsp; assassination of
VL and
Kennedy, Joseph P.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Kensil, Jim
Kent State University shootings
Kentucky Derby
Kerr, Harold
Kilgust, Dean
King, Joe
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Klicka, Whitey
Knafelc, Gary
Koeppler, Jack
Kolman, Ed
Korean War
Kostelnik, Ron
Kramer, Jerry
Kramer, Ron
Kremenko, Barney
Kriwanek, Russ
Krueger, Orrin C. “Ockie,”
Kuechle, Oliver
Kupcinet, Irv
Kurland, Bob
La Follette, Bob
Lãnez, Diego
Lambeau, Earl Louis “Curly,”
Green Bay Packers founded by
Lambert Trophy
Landon, Alfred
Landry, Thomas Wade:
character and personality of
Dallas Cowboys coached by
as New York Giants defensive coach
VL and
Lane, Chuck
Lane, Night Train
Larson, Lloyd
LaRue, Bobby
Lary, Yale
La Vérendrye Provincial Park
Lawlor, Jim
Layden, Elmer
Lea, Bud
Leahy, Frank
Leahy, Marshall
Leary, Timothy
LeBeau, Dick
Leddy, Orville
Legion Bowl
Leone, Gene
Leo XIII, Pope
Levitas, R. B. “Bud,”
Lewellen, Verne
Liberty: Its Use and Abuse (Cox)
Lilly, Bob
Lipscomb, Big Daddy
Liscio, Tony
Little Ricky (dog)
Livingston, Cliff
Lock, Johnny
Lodge, Gerald
Lombardi, Betty (daughter-in-law)
Lombardi, Claire (sister)
Lombardi, Eddie (uncle)
Lombardi, Enrico “Harry” (father)
boyhood and adolescence of
as a grandfather
heart disease of
marriage and fatherhood of
Neapolitan ancestry of
nicknames of
offbeat character and personality of
retirement of
tattoos of
VL’s relationship with
wholesale meat business of
Lombardi, Gina (granddaughter)
Lombardi, Harold (brother)
childhood of
education of
lifestyle of
Marie Lombardi and
operatic passion of
teaching and insurance jobs of
Lombardi, Jill Butz (daughter-in-law)
Lombardi, Joe (brother)
childhood and adolescence of
college football playing of
family life of
sporting goods business of
VL’s relationship with
Lombardi, John (grandson)
Lombardi, Madeline (sister)
childhood and adolescence of
VL’s relationship with
Lombardi, Marie Planitz (wife)
antique silver collection of
artistic talents of
death of
depression and hospitalization of
distinctive voice of
education of
football games attended by
German-Irish Catholic heritage of
as grandmother
Harold Lombardi and
heavy drinking of
married life and motherhood of
“Matty” Lombardi and
social pretensions of
striking appearance of
troubled psyche of
two childbirth tragedies of
VL’s courtship and marriage of
VL’s relationship with
Lombardi, Matilda Izzo “Matty” (mother)
character and personality of
family background of
home cooking of
Marie Lombardi and
marriage and motherhood of
VL’s relationship with
Lombardi, Michelina (grandmother)
Lombardi, Susan (daughter)
character and personality of
childhood and adolescence of
education of
Marie Lombardi and
marriage of
pregnancies and motherhood of
VL’s relationship with
Lombardi, Vincent Henry (son)
birth of
character and personality of
childhood and adolescence of
education of
engagement and marriage of
fatherhood and family life of
football interests and ambition of
football playing of
jobs of
law degree of
as motivational speaker
on VL
VL’s relationship with
Lombardi, Vincent Thomas:
aggressive pep talks and shouting of
angry outbursts of
anti-Italian bias experienced by
Asian trips to promote football by
athletes’ respect for
basketball coaching of
birth of
blinking eye spasms of
brilliant smile of
Canadian father-son camping trip of
chain smoking of
childhood and adolescence of
coaching philosophy and style of
college education of
confident and competitive spirit of
conflicted decision making of
criticism and resentment of
cultural tastes and hobbies of
death of
depressions of
discipline and responsibility inculcated
distinctive voice of
draft deferments of
early attraction of football for
emotionalism of
ethical and moral philosophy of
explosive laughter of
first coaching job of
football injuries of
football intellect of
football scholarships of
football study and strategizing of
forceful leadership and disciplinary
qualities of
golfing of
as grandfather
health problems of
honors and tributes of
humorous and romantic side of
innate shyness vs. dominant public
persona of
Italian family background of
job offers declined by
law school briefly attended by
maturity and seriousness of
memorials to
mythology of
nearsightedness and color-blindness of
nervous energy and anxiety of
as 1959 NFL coach of the year
nicknames of
nutcracker drill of
pedagogical skills of
perfectionism and determination of
physical appearance of
physique and stature of
political affiliation of
popularity of
power sweep offensive play of
press coverage of
press relations of
priesthood as intended vocation of
primary and secondary education of
public speaking of
racial and sexual attitudes of
Roman Catholic faith and devotion of
rule blocking taught by
run-to-daylight offense of
ries and raises of
sartorial style of
semipro football playing of
social life of
success and fame of
television documentaries on
temporary jobs of
T formation specialty of
toughness and abandon of
weekly television show of
will to win as dominant characteristic of
work and play combination meaningful
Lombardi, Vincent Thomas, II (grandson)
Lombardi, Vincenzo (grandfather)
Lombardi Bros.
Lombardo, Tom
Long Branch Daily Record
Long Gray Line, The
Long Island Daily Press
Long Island Star-Journal
“Long Road, The” (Rice)
Lord, Sterling
Los Angeles Rams
Green Bay Packers vs.
Lucchi, Al
Luckman, Sid
Lutz, Worth
Maahs, Bob
MacAfee, Ken
MacArthur, Douglas
Blaik and
in Japan
Korean War leadership of
political speeches of
Truman’s firing and recall of
VL on
as West Point superintendent
McCarthy, Daniel
McClellan, John
McCormack, Mike
McCrane, Joseph, Jr.
McDonald, Ray
McDonald, Tommy
MacDonnell, Robert G.
McGee, Max
McGinley, Laurence J.
McGoldrick, Father
McHan, Lamar
McIlhenny, Don
McIntyre, Ted
Mack, Lois
McKay, Gardner
McKloskey, Neil
McKloskey, Ruth
“Mack the Knife,”
McLaughlin, Leo
McLean, Raymond “Scooter,”
McMahon, Horace
McMillin, Miles
McNally, John
McNally, Vince
McPartland, Guy
McPartland, Iggy
McPartland, Joe
Madame Butterfly (Puccini)
Madigan, Edward “Slip,”
Madison Square Garden
Madow Trophy
Maggio, Tut
Mahan, Patrick J.
Majors, Johnny
Malavasi, Ray
Manhattan College
Maniaci, Joe
Mann, Bob
Mantle, Mickey
Mara, Ann
Mara, Jack
Mara, Tim
Mara, Wellington
on VL
Mara family
Marchetti, Gino
Marine Corps, U.S.
Marriott, J. Willard
Marshall, George Preston
Martin, Pat
Masse, Ben
Masse, Harry
Matisi, Tony
Matte, Tom
Maule, Tex
Mautte, Frank
Mayo Clinic
Mazzoleni, Paul
Meany, George
Menke, Richard
Mercein, Chuck
Meredith, Don
Meyers, Freddie
Miami Dolphins
Michaels, Lou
Michigan, University of
Michigan Daily
Mike Manuche’s
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Creighton
Miller, Don
Miller, Glenn
Miller, Tom
Milward, Bob
Milwaukee, Wis.
Milwaukee Journal
Milwaukee Sentinel
When Pride Still Mattered Page 79