Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More Page 11

by Shelley Kaehr

  Since the Middle Ages, garnet has been known for curing illnesses of the blood and infections. It is also known to protect people from poisoning, which used to be a common concern for many people.

  Spiritually, it should be given as a gift to those you love in the spirit of commitment to the relationship. It ensures long-lasting love and fidelity. The red color represents passion, not only between lovers, but passion for life and all of your endeavors.

  Because of its reputation as an illumination stone, garnet can also assist you in becoming clear about a situation, or can literally light your path—as you go on trips or long journeys it will protect you. It can also assist on the journey to enlightenment by removing obstacles standing in your way.


  Alabaster Scarab



  Angel Aura

  Aqua Aura



  Azurite–Morenci, AZ


  Azurite Flower


  Blue Chalcedony

  Blue Opal




  Coney Calcite





  Garnet Crystals

  Eye Agate

  Gold Calcite




  Lapis–My Singing Lapis


  Larimar Fossil


  Larimar–Volcanic Log


  Lithium Quartz




  Malachite Flower


  Malachite-Azurite, Morenci, AZ

  Mookite Jasper

  Mookite Pieces

  Mushroom Coral

  Nickel Magnesite




  Rhodonite Gem in Matrix


  Ruby Zoisite


  Selenite Wand







  Turquoise–Bisbee, AZ





  Physically, it can be used to help people with poor circulation, blood disorders, or heart conditions.

  I have found garnet to be the ultimate stone of sacrifice. Not only does it protect you, it will actually take on negative energy so that it will not affect you. I have had garnet jewelry disintegrate right in front of my eyes after having been exposed to strong or overpowering energies. It wraps a blanket of love and protection around you that nothing can penetrate. It is an extremely peaceful stone to carry with you and will help you sleep soundly. Energetically it is quite different from ruby, although the two are very similar in their healing properties. You would have to experiment to see which of the two you find more appealing based on the vibrational frequencies of each. I tend to be more attracted to garnet than ruby. I do not quite understand why, but I believe with ruby I feel a sense of peace, but no real attraction—as if I have already healed whatever would need to be transformed through that stone. Garnet, on the other hand, is one that I am very attracted to no matter how long I use it. I enjoy buying and wearing gem-cut jewelry in garnet, as well as carrying the tumbled pieces around with me.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce gave a reading to an entity who lived in the biblical times and referenced the carbuncle as a stone in his influence. Although he never used the term “garnet” personally, Cayce received a letter after his death from a man who spoke about the difficulty in visually distinguishing ruby from garnet.

  Sample Garnet Reading


  Before that we find the entity was in the Holy Land, when there was the entering in of the children of promise to the Holy Land. The entity was then of the sons of Hittites who dealt with the sons of Aaron as they prepared the garments of the priest, and the entity supplied the various stones, especially the carbuncle and the agate of that particular land.

  531-9 Reports

  Do not remember how I came to be in possession of a small stone a few months after the reading, and far from being a genuine ruby with its wine and carmine colors or tints, to me it was a “ruby” though it could have been termed a garnet because of its leaning towards pomegranate tint, which never—as some rubies have—verged into a violet spectrum.

  Row Two

  Emerald, Turquoise, Carbuncle, Ruby

  Several biblical versions site the above-mentioned stones as the possible first stone in row two. Most modern versions credit it as turquoise, a stone historically known in the Middle East. Regardless, it is difficult to identify and could actually be any one of a number of stones—beryl, jade, or turquoise because true emerald is quite rare.




  Emeralds have captivated people for thousands of years. The oldest known emeralds come from Cleopatra’s Mines in southern Egypt. Emeralds have appeared in royal dynasties throughout the Middle East. They were one of many precious stones used in the Taj Mahal, built in the 1600s as a tribute from the grieving love stricken Shahjahan to his beloved wife Mumtaz Majal after her untimely death in childbirth. Huge emeralds adorn the crown jewels in Iran. The interesting thing is that emeralds are not as common as people think. Some come from mines in Africa, while most come from mines in Colombia, South America. After analyzing some of the crown jewels of India and other parts of the middle east, it has been determined the emerald used in these precious pieces actually came from mines in Colombia beginning in about 500 A.D. Today emerald mines also exist in Brazil, parts of Africa, and Afghanistan. The other misconception is that the green color we see in emerald is exactly as it is found in the ground. Untrue. Most emerald, and many other beautiful gemstones, are actually treated with oils to bring out their luster. Every few years, this oil treatment may need to be updated in order to preserve the stone and bring out its best light.

  The rarity of the stone and the mystical allure of it could be why emerald is so revered and powerful in healing. It is one of the most powerful for physical healing. As mentioned before, any green stone provides healing support for the whole body. Emerald is special because it carries the green ray, opening the heart center. Spiritually it will help you open up to higher levels of love both for your creator and for romantic love. If your heart has been broken in the past, it will ease you into healing so you can love again.

  Physically, I have used emerald to assist clients with heart problems such as congestive heart failure, and restricted arteries. One man used the stone by carrying it in his breast pocket, and when he returned for a follow-up checkup to his doctor, there was no longer any trace of his heart condition. Green stones are also used for any painful conditions such as arthritis and cancers.

  Cayce Uses

  Through analysis, the A.R.E. showed the extremely high vibrations of emerald, second only to radium which is the radioactive element mentioned in part two of the book. This is a more scientific testament to the amazing healing capabilities of this stone. Other mentions of emerald were to people who used the stone in previous lives. I am sure many of us have had experience with emerald at some point in our soul’s journey.

  Sample Emerald Readings

  2431-1 Reports

  The highest vibrations he has ever tested is radium at 181—the next lowest is emerald at 80. He knows nothing between 80 and 181.


  Such teachings were correlated and disseminated; whether pertaining to the arts, those things of a commercial nature the delvings into the earth and into the strange places for those things
that might be turned into adornments as of silver and gold or precious stones—diamonds, emeralds, onyx, beryl, jasper, and all those things that made for adornment. These were the interests, these were the activities of the entity as related especially to the preparation of individuals for their material actions in those periods.


  The entity was among those set in charge of the preparations of the precious metals; as a carver of gold, a carver of stones—as of rubies, diamonds, emeralds and those prepared for those in authority and in power.




  Turquoise has been around since the dawn of civilization itself. Mining began in the Sinai Peninsula in 5500 B.C., during the reign of Egyptian Queen Zer who was wearing a turquoise bracelet on her wrist when her tomb was excavated in 1900. Turquoise was also discovered in Persia dating back to 5000 B.C., which is initially where much of the world’s turquoise supply came from, so there are several myths about the stone that originated there and in other parts of the Middle East. For example, Persians believed it was considered lucky to see the reflection of the new moon in turquoise, and if the stone changed color it was a sign of bad luck or that someone was unfaithful.

  In 1000 A.D. the Anasasi people of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, began mining turquoise and used it in trade, causing it to later become an important part of most Native American cultures. The Zuni believed turquoise protected them from demons; the Apaches believed it protected them from war and helped them in battle; and the Navajo used it in their rain making ceremonies.

  Turquoise gets its name from European trade markets where it is known as the “Turkish Stone” because it was such an integral part of trade in ancient times. In fact, Shakespeare wrote about it in the play The Merchant of Venice. Europeans believed it protected horses and their riders from illnesses and falls and that if a piece of turquoise lost its color, it was a sign that a person was ill.

  Turquoise has been a part of my life since childhood. I grew up in New Mexico and Arizona and my father worked at a huge turquoise mining company in the 1970s near some of the places mentioned in the Cayce readings.

  There is no doubt that turquoise is a very special stone I believe it connects you with the heavens while healing the physical body here on earth. I have used it for overall healing support because it has an unusually high vibration—much higher than other stones previously mentioned. It could be that, because it is truly the most ancient of stones, it carries the wisdom of the ages.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce again demonstrated his amazing knowledge of topography in assisting oil speculators. The areas he knew so much about are some of the same ones where he spoke about Lapis Linguis being discovered. In a letter written to Hugh Lynn Cayce, one man calls Lapis Azule turquoise. Could the stones be one in the same? The possibilities will be explored at length in the next section.

  Sample Turquoise Readings


  (Q) You will give the condition of this land for drilling an oil well. You will also answer the following question: Is there any underlying sands carrying pay oil?

  (A) There are in section 7 those conditions from the surface and in spots, where other minerals might be obtained—opal and turquoise. These could be made to pay. These will be good lands.


  (Q) Now, on Section 7, (West Gila and Salt River Base Meridian, Yuma County, Arizona) where does opal and turquoise outcrop?

  (A) The outcrop we find is in the ridge that lies in the western half of this section, near a clump or bunch of the mes-quite, and is in the quartz that shows in the ridge rather than the ravine that comes near this line.

  531-9 Reports

  12/2/46 Mr. [531]’s letter from Phila. to HLC: “Will you please tell Mr. Green [S. N. Green] that I have a lapiz azule (turquesa) stone and a small, apparently “ruby” where one that I really valued years ago has been lost . . .

  Sapphire, Lapis Lazuli

  While most versions of the Bible confirm sapphire as the identity of the second stone in row two, some sources cite lapis as the true stone, based on geological evidence. There could be something to that theory based on the Cayce readings; since he was a student of the Bible, it would make sense that he would speak of those stones related to biblical times. We will discuss lapis at length in the next section because it was by far the single most important gemstone in the Cayce readings.




  Sapphires are members of the corundum family and more common sisters to the ruby. Blue is the color most often associated with sapphire, but it can actually come in all kinds of colors including yellow, purple, green, white (colorless), pink, and brown. Blue sapphire, the most popular kind, is the carrier of the blue ray, which activates the throat and provides peace and tranquility to the planet, assists people with relieving anger, depression, hopelessness, and deep feelings of sorrow and guilt.

  Ancient Egyptians associated the clear sapphire with the eye of Horus and Greeks thought it had connections with Apollo. Legend says the oracles at Delphi used white sapphire as a visionary tool.

  Sapphires have graced queens and princesses throughout British history. Queen Victoria of England wore a diamond sapphire tiara; Elizabeth II also occasionally wears a sapphire studded tiara; and Princess Diana’s engagement ring from Prince Charles was a stunning sapphire—not the traditional diamond.

  The most famous sapphires came from Kashmir where some hunters accidentally discovered a huge deposit there in 1881, and the gems were so common it was like picking up stones on a beach.

  I love sapphires and use them often in self-healing. I used them on my eyes to relieve tension following long writing projects, to calm nerves, and to bring a restful and deep sleep. Although I rarely have stomach problems anymore, not too long ago I had a horrible stomach ache and used the sapphires on my solar plexus and sacral chakras. Within a minute of placing the stones there, the pain had reduced drastically.

  Cayce Uses

  Cayce never mentioned sapphires himself, instead referring to the red corundum, or ruby.

  Sample Sapphire Readings

  2533-1 Reports

  Have always been interested in precious stones—am wearing a sapphire that means a great deal to me. I shall surely get a pearl, now.

  4341-2 Reports

  I lost the watch four or five days ago in the vicinity, it is platinum, diamonds and sapphires and has [ . . . ] to [ . . . ] engraved on back. I have ads in the paper. Could you locate it for me and I’ll go get it and try to pay a reward.

  Biblical References

  “It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire.”

  Job 28:16

  Diamond, Quartz Crystal, White Moonstone

  This stone is another with several discrepancies as to its true identity in the breastplate. Diamond is the most common opinion; moonstone is only listed once; and crystal a few times. The argument here would be similar to that about the ruby—why is this stone called diamond here while crystal is referred to by name so many times in the book of Revelation? I believe this is also due to translation discrepancies and that it is most likely that clear quartz crystal is the identity of the third stone in the second row on the breastplate.




  Diamond is the mineral form of carbon, source of all life on earth. Because of its links to the life force, it can work miracles on those who can obtain it for healing. At an unconscious level, even the ancients must have sensed the amazing mystical and life-giving power of the stone. No other stone in history has inspired more greed, hatred, and bloodshed, yet it has stood the test of time as the one stone above all others to symbolize the purity of romantic love.

  Because of the clarity of white light brought forth by diamond, it activates the crown and connects you to the Source of all that is. It can be used in cellular regeneration and
DNA activation. Real diamonds are obviously quite expensive to get for healing purposes. There is another stone called the Herkimer Diamond from a mine in Herkimer, New York, that is affordable and offers many of the same healing properties as real diamonds—although chemically they are similar not to diamond but to quartz crystal.

  Cayce Uses

  It is not surprising based on the historical importance of diamond that it was mentioned over 20 times in the life readings, usually to remind people of past incarnations and assist them in realigning with life-affirming vibrations from the stone that would assist their current lives. Cayce reported the stone represents love, charity, faith, and courage.


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