Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4)

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Vengeance Of A Black Knight (Iron Dogz MC, #4) Page 7

by René Van Dalen

  Stepping back Wolf looked at Spider who nodded. Bending down he grasped the handle at the bottom of the door and pulled. The door slid up easily and silently, revealing the contents of the unit in the reflected light of the bright security lights.

  Wolf frowned in confusion as he looked into the unit then at Spider.

  What the fucking fuck was this?



  Wolf stepped just inside the unit, turned the lights on and froze. Spider was the first to break the stunned silence.

  “Fuck me. This has to be where he worked his undercover shit from. He wasn’t out fucking like we used to think, he was here doing whatever the fuck this shit is. Why didn’t he ask for our help? And why the fuck did he have a fucking arsenal of weapons? I’m not even going to try and understand the fucking crotch rocket. I thought our brother was a hard core Harley man.”

  “I think this was a place where he could escape from the shit in his head when it became too much for him.” Owen said softly.

  They swung around to look at the prospect who shrugged nervously before he explained. “Army had demons, a lot of fucking demons and I think this is where he came when he needed to escape those demons.”

  Spider gave him a short nod. “Ja, you’re right, the guards seem to know him well which means he came here often and at night, when there was no one around to bother him. It still doesn’t explain the weapons though.”

  Wolf looked down at the keys in his hand and found the tiny one that would unlock the small filing cabinet standing next to a desk and a tall steel rack against the back wall. It was the only part of the space that did not have welded mesh mounted to the wall.

  Everywhere else weapons of all descriptions rested in hooks mounted in the mesh. With just a glance Wolf saw AK-47’s, R-1’s, a grenade launcher, several different makes of handguns, knives of different sizes and more semi-automatic weapons. See through plastic crates were stacked below the weapons and they held ammunition, a fuckload of ammunition.

  A clothing rail held biking leathers, leather jackets and several pairs of black jeans and black cargo pants. Neatly stacked on the steel shelf was a pile of black t-shirts, three black full face helmets and an entire shelf was filled with boots. From off-road biking boots to combat boots. On another shelf deep mesh trays held leather gloves, socks and boxers still in their packaging. Another tray held deodorants and shit.

  The two bottom racks held the most interesting items. The one held an USMC duffel bag with R L Jordan stamped on it and the other held a huge first aid bag that filled almost the entire rack.

  Wolf swept a hand around to indicate the weapons covered walls.

  “This shit here is a life sentence waiting to happen. We need to get done here and get the fuck out. Prez can decide what to do about this.” Wolf said quietly. “Prospects, start taking some photos so we can show the boss what we’ve found. Don’t touch anything, if you have to, wear gloves. And for fuck’s sake don’t catch any of us in those fucking photos.”

  With Spider right beside him Wolf made his way deeper into the unit to the filing cabinet in the corner. Inserting the key in the lock at the top of the cabinet he turned it and listened to the click as the lock opened.

  Spider pulled the top drawer open and they stared in confusion at the files it contained.

  “You going to do it or am I?” Spider asked softly.

  Wolf didn’t answer he just pulled out the very first file and flipped it open. A photograph of an unfriendly and dangerous looking fucker was clipped to the inside front cover and several sheets of paper were clipped to the other. The top sheet gave his age, physical features and addresses. There were a list of aliases as well as what seemed to be a very short list of convictions for juvenile offences, and another much longer list of suspected crimes committed by whoever the fuck this asshole was.

  And then he hit the name and his breath rushed out of his lungs in a heavy grunt.

  “What the fuck?” He whispered as he pointed at the name and looked at Spider. “He’s got a file on one of his family members? Why?”

  Spider frowned and shook his head in confusion.

  “No fucking idea. We need to take every single fucking file just in case someone else comes sniffing around. There’s fuck all we can do about the weapons but we can protect his family for him.” Spider said as he took the rest of the files from the drawer. There were about twenty of them. The files ranged from thin to thick, all filled with papers and photographs. Putting them in a pile on the desk he nodded at the cabinet. “Let’s check what’s in the other drawers.”

  The second drawer held a bottle of Johnny Walker Black and two glasses.

  The third drawer held a box with a small property of kutte wrapped in tissue paper. It wasn’t an Iron Dogz kutte, the patch on the back was that of the Shadow Wraiths MC but the names on it meant nothing to either of them.

  The fourth and final drawer held a lockbox with the key taped to the top and a laptop in a hard protective case.

  “I’ll take this shit, you take the rest.” Wolf tipped his head toward the files.

  Picking up the kutte and the lockbox he walked outside and put them in his saddlebags. Spider followed with the files and the laptop and carefully secured them in his saddlebags. They stood next to their bikes as they waited for the prospects to finish up. Once they were done they locked the unit and drove back to the gate. Wolf had a quick word with the guard and gave him his number, told him to call if anyone else tried to get into the unit.

  They rode away slowly and only accelerated once they hit the highway. Riding into the compound Wolf looked towards the east where the sun was about to rise. They didn’t have much time left before they would be riding out to escort their brother on his final ride.

  Walking into the clubhouse he rolled his neck and grimaced when it cracked loudly. He fucking needed coffee and a fuckload of it too. But first they had to deliver the shit they had found at the storage unit to the boss. His office door stood open and Wolf and Spider walked in to find all the officers and lieutenants gathered in the room. They were the last to arrive.

  Wolf set the box that held the small kutte and the lockbox, along with Owen’s burner, down on the desk in front of Hawk while Spider set down the files and laptop.

  “We didn’t open the lockbox, Boss, but we did have a look at the file at the top of the pile and that’s where it gets weird. Army was keeping tabs on his family in the US for some reason. Ziggy will have to check out the laptop to see if there’s something on there that would help.”

  Before Hawk could answer Aunt Beryl followed by Chris walked into the office with two trays. One filled with mugs, sugar and a jug of milk and two big French presses filled with fresh coffee, the other held two big platters filled with a mound of toasted bacon and egg sandwiches, a pile of paper serviettes and a stack of small disposable plates. They set the trays down and left without saying a word, pulling the door closed behind them.

  “Fuck, I didn’t realise how hungry I was until I smelt those sarmies.” Spider groaned.

  Silence descended on the office as they helped themselves to coffee and filled their plates with sarmies. There wasn’t enough seating in the room so they sat on the floor against the wall.

  Hawk finished his sandwich and sipped on his coffee then cleared his throat. Everyone’s attention instantly went to him.

  “We have a fucking long day ahead of us today. The shit Wolf and Spider found needs further investigation and we will get to it, but not today.” Hawk took another sip of his coffee and sat back holding on to his mug.

  While he was eating and sipping his coffee Ziggy had been paging through the files with a heavy frown. He had put one file to the side, separating it from the rest while he quickly scanned through them. Now he too sat back in his chair and tapped the top of the pile.

  “These files need further investigation before I can make a full report as to why our brother had them.” He sighed and tapped the oth
er one. “This one needs no investigation at all. He was keeping tabs on his eldest brother for some reason. The last entry here was made the week before the ambush and according to the file his brother is clean. Army was looking for something but we’ll never know what that was because there are no notes besides the regular checks he was doing.”

  Patting his hand on the laptop he smiled. “This is going to need some finesse if Army’s friend set it up for him. Whoever he is, he’s damn good and it won’t be easy to crack this baby. If Army set it up it will be easy, he hated computers. He used to say computers gave him headaches and was only good for watching porn.”

  Soft laughter rang through the room as they all remembered Army and his porn collection.

  Wolf listened to his brothers as he sat on the floor against the wall and drank his coffee. He was about to comment when Hawk tapped the desk and the soft laughter in the room fell quiet.

  “I’ve called Maniac, the president of the Shadow Wraiths MC in Savannah, and left a message. All we can do is wait until he returns my call and seeing as it’s the middle of the fucking night over there I’m not expecting a call back any time soon.”

  He shook his head as he leant forward and set his mug on the tray. “Time is running out on us and I don’t think we’re going to be able to inform his parents of his death before the funeral. It’s fucking disappointing but we’ve done everything we can to get hold of them. All we can do now is wait for the call from the president of their club.”

  He looked at the men spread out around the office. “We haven’t found much about Sita Patel either. Except that the bitch popped up out of nowhere about two years ago and has been living in Cape Town. Before coming up to Joburg she worked as a receptionist for a spares distributor in Paarden Eiland. She doesn’t have a job up here and is living in a fucking luxury furnished unit in Fourways. She doesn’t have a bank account and pays cash for everything. We have been unable to find out who the owner of the unit is. Ziggy still has to crack their security, which is hellish apparently, to get us that information. Which begs the question, why the heavy security measures for a residential complex?”

  Reaching for the French press he poured the last of the coffee in his mug. “Everything we’ve got so far gives me a fucking bad feeling. Regardless of all this shit, our brother’s funeral is happening in a few hours’ time and we’ll be keeping to our original plan. We will not be using his alias at any time during the service or link him to that bitch claiming to be his mother. I’ve ordered the prospects to make very fucking sure nobody sits in the family pew, it stays empty. They have their orders as to where she’s to be seated in the church. During the service we will stick to his road name and Pastor Radebe agreed to it. He assured me that he understands. We will only use his road name during the final eulogy at the cemetery and when we honour him at the party. As my officers and lieutenants I want your votes on the decision. What do you say?”

  There wasn’t one who disagreed. Hawk nodded then turned to Wolf.

  “Wolf, I want you and Spider to stick close to Bullet today. Our brother is going to have a fucking hard time getting through the day.”

  “I got you, Prez.” Wolf immediately agreed.

  “Ja, no problem, Prez.” Spider answered his voice a low rumble. “He’s going to need all of us today, especially if that bitch starts making a scene or something.”

  Wolf growled angrily. “She won’t say a fucking word. Not if she knows what’s fucking good for her. She will be watched the entire time and kept under control.”

  Looking down at the heavy watch around his wrist Hawk groaned. “We have a fuckload of clubs coming in to honour our brother and ride in the procession with us to the church and the cemetery. All of you know the measures we had in place for Petey’s funeral, the same applies today. All the kids will be at Rider and Beast’s house and will be watched over by a team from the Road Warriors. Doc insisted on it. The same with the women, they will be watched over by a team that will be overseen by their Enforcer, Rover. That will give us some peace of mind while we take care of our brother.” He glanced down at the watch again and groaned. “Fuck. There’s time enough for a shower if you need it. We’ll meet out front in forty five minutes. I need every single one of us to keep our eyes wide open today. No fucking surprises. Let’s get out of here and get this fucking day started.”

  With that their Prez stood up, stretched and walked out the door followed by Ice and Kid. The rest of them followed and as Wolf was the last out he pulled the door closed then realised he didn’t have keys to lock it. He was just about to go looking for his prez when, Devon, one of the new prospects, ran up with a set of keys.

  “Prez says to lock up and bring the keys back to him. He’s gone up to his room to shower.” The prospect rushed the words out.

  Wolf nodded, took the keys, locked the door then made his way to his room, dropping the keys off along the way. He needed a shower badly. Strangely he wasn’t feeling tired at all but he knew it was going to hit him sometime during the long day. But he’d done this shit before and would just power through, there was time enough to sleep once this fucking awful day was done.


  Leaning against the open door to the bathroom Hawk silently watched his old lady in the shower. She was the fucking love of his life. Their relationship wasn’t easy, had never been easy, but he liked it like that. He was a bastard for loving the way she lost her shit with him but it was because once the fighting was done she gave her all to fuck him to oblivion. And that he fucking loved.

  “Stop staring at my ass and get in the damned shower. We don’t have a lot of time before you have to ride out.” She raised her voice over the falling water but didn’t look at him.

  He didn’t let her wait. Stepping into the shower he drew her wet body against him and kissed her neck.

  “Morning, little bird.”

  He spoke with his lips against her neck and smiled when he saw the goosebumps erupting over her skin. Her head dropped back against his chest and she shuddered as his hands slid down her arms and curved around her belly. He pulled her tight against him and just stood with her in his arms under the water raining down on them.

  “It’s bad, isn’t it?” She asked very quietly.

  “Ja, little bird, it is. There’s shit going down and I need you to be very careful out there today. Army had secrets we’re only discovering now.” He tightened his arms to quiet her as she opened her mouth to speak. “He wasn’t a danger to the club, not at all, but his secrets might bring danger to us. His family in the States is part of a one percenter MC, the Shadow Wraiths, something we should have known about but didn’t. The bitch posing as his mother is...”

  “What? Posing as his mother?” DC growled as she spun in his arms to look up at him.

  “Sita Patel suddenly appeared in Cape Town about two years ago. After the accident she came up here and fucking claimed Army as her son. We have her locked in one of the cells until we can decide what to do with her.”

  His woman was instantly all business.

  “Do you want me to have a talk to her? Or do you want me to get Skelly digging into her?”

  Hawk dropped his head and rested his forehead against hers. “Fuck, baby, I wish I didn’t have to involve you in this shit. You have enough on your plate as it is.”

  His woman slid her small hands up his chest and hooked them over his shoulders as she looked deep into his eyes. He saw the other side of her watching him from the back of her eyes, she was always there, always watchful, and he loved it, loved it because it kept her safe.

  “Anything that threatens you or the club is a priority for me. If I can help then let me.” She said softly as she placed a soft kiss over his heart.

  “Okay, you can talk to her, but not today. Let her fucking stew down there for a few days.”

  Hawk tightened his arms around his woman.

  “I fucking love you, little bird. I have no fucking idea how I survived before you walked into my
life and changed everything for the better.”

  His woman didn’t say a word, she just kissed his pec again and slid her arms around his waist, holding on to him. But he wasn’t done laying it out for her.

  “You are my everything, baby, never forget that. I fuck up all the time and we’ve had some epic arguments because of my fuck ups but I love the way we make up after the fighting is done. Promise to never give up on me, baby. Promise me.”

  She stiffened in his arms and let go of his waist to reach up and clasp them around his jaw.

  “I love you, my Viking. You seem to have a knack for pissing me off so much that my head wants to explode, but, regardless of how angry I am with you, I will never stop loving you. You are mine, only mine and it will stay that way until the day I die.”

  Hawk growled. “Do not talk about you fucking dying, little bird. Fucking can’t stand the thought.”

  Drawing his head down his woman kissed him softly. “I’m not planning on that happening anytime soon, baby. We have a bright future ahead of us, I promise.”

  “Fuck. I would love to push you up against the wall and fuck you long and hard but I have to get back downstairs and get this day started.”

  Very much against his will he let her go to give his body a quick scrub. He loved the way her body slid against his as they moved around the shower. But unfortunately it ended much too soon.

  He was dressed when she walked out of the bathroom with a towel around her hair and nothing else. Hawk loved the way the muscles played under her skin as she moved around the room. Her muscled thighs and tight ass tempting him to dive on her and eat her out before he had to leave but one glance at his watch had him sighing and pressing a hand against his aching dick. And his little bitch watched and gave him an evil grin while pulling her panties up her legs then ran her fingers over her abs before shrugging into her bra.


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