The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 5

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Well…” She nervously glanced at her arm linked in his, “I did not appreciate the way he looked at me upon his arrival.”

  “I see.” Clifton’s brow furrowed as he wondered about Elizabeth’s explanation.

  “And did I look at you any different?”

  “Yes. You looked at me with respect… and surprise, considering I slammed into you and almost knocked you off your fee—” She cut off her words realizing she carried a less formal conversation. “I mean, yes. You looked at me with respect.”

  Clifton nodded. “Well I certainly respect you, Princess Elizabeth.”

  “Why?” Elizabeth wondered. Yes, she was the daughter of the King, but why else would anyone respect her?

  Clifton halted his steps and turned towards her. “Why, you are the daughter of the King of the Realm, of course.” He briefly caught the disappointed gaze she held before she turned towards the flowers next to them. He cleared his throat. He hoped he had not offended her. Perhaps she wanted to be respected for her own merit, he thought. “And of course, because you are a respectable woman, my Princess.”

  “And how would you know that? You just met me.” Elizabeth shot a gaze of fire at him as she challenged his answer.

  “For the very reason you asked not to be alone with Prince Isaac. You suspected his actions were not honorable, and you used your knowledge of your first encounter wisely. You wish to maintain your honor by not being alone with him. I find that quite respectable.” Clifton watched as she let his words sink in and then a slow smile blossomed on her face.

  “Good answer, Prince Clifton.” He laughed as she snipped another rose, his face immediately sobering as he saw Princess Alayna, followed by his brother, walking towards them quickly.


  “Hmmm?” Elizabeth asked as she sniffed a rose.

  “We have company.” Clifton answered softly.

  Elizabeth turned and spotted her sister. “Oh… this should be good. Brace yourself, Prince Clifton, my sister is normally quite fearsome when she walks like that.” Chuckling, he allowed Princess Elizabeth to link her arm in his again.

  “Elizabeth!” Alayna called. “Why are you still out here in the gardens when I summoned you earlier?”

  “Summoned?” Elizabeth challenged, a warning tone in her voice at her sister’s demanding attitude.

  “Yes. I sent Prince Isaac to fetch you. Why did you not come?” Alayna demanded.

  Prince Ryle stood silently behind her as he watched his younger brother. Clifton found his brother’s eye and nodded a greeting.

  “I did not believe him. I thought you and Prince Ryle were at the stables.”

  Alayna gasped. “You insulted the Prince? What did you say? You must tell me everything.” She grabbed Elizabeth’s arm, causing her to drop her flowers, and pulled her away from Clifton and marched back towards the castle. Elizabeth cast an apologetic glance over her shoulder at Clifton who stooped to retrieve her blossoms.

  “You would not have anything to do with her refusal, would you brother?” Prince Ryle asked with a smirk.

  Clifton smelled one of the rose buds and thought of Princess Elizabeth doing the same. Her small petite nose sniffing the blooms and her tanzanite eyes shining with pleasure. “I did not. She requested I not allow him to take her with him. It seems our Princess distrusts the Prince from the Western Kingdom.”

  “Is that so? Now that is intriguing.”

  “Indeed. I must say I question his character a bit as well after our brief meeting.” Clifton began walking alongside his brother as they followed the sisters back into the castle.

  “Be sure to express your concerns with Father later.” Prince Ryle stated softly as they entered the main hall. They froze in the doorway as they heard Elizabeth’s raised voice.


  “I WILL NOT!” She stated firmly and loudly. “How dare you make an arrangement without first consulting me!”

  “I did consult you. I wrote of the agreement in the parchment I gave you this morning. A parchment that clearly, you did not read.” Alayna answered.

  “I gave it to Mary because it looked like a schedule.” Elizabeth explained.

  “And where is Mary? She was not in the garden with you and Prince Clifton as she should have been.”

  “I sent her to complete a task for me.”

  “And what task was that?”

  “A task.” Elizabeth answered firmly.

  Clifton listened as Elizabeth evaded her sister’s question much like she had his own question of her lessons in the garden.

  Alayna sighed. “Well the request is the same. Prince Isaac has requested the honor of remaining close to you for the next few weeks, and Father and I have granted his request.”

  “Funny thing sister… a request to remain close to me, and you granted the request. Do you not see anything wrong with that picture? I should be the one to determine whether or not I want to be close to the royal pin cushion, not you!”

  “Elizabeth!” Alayna scolded.

  “I have told you and Father countless times that I do not wish to be courted or married! You fail to listen!”

  “We are aware of your feelings Elizabeth. Unfortunately, the Realm is not strong right now, and a way to strengthen it is with a marriage to one of the outlying kingdoms. You know this.”

  “I understand the reasoning, but I reject the proposal.” Elizabeth crossed her arms as she paced.

  Prince Ryle and Prince Clifton stood in the shadows, hoping the sisters did not discover their conversation was no longer private. However, neither brother wanted to leave due to their unbridled curiosity. Clifton smiled at Elizabeth’s refusal. The woman definitely had spirit, and he liked it. Her obvious disgust with courtship seemed intriguing as well. He wondered what her reasons would be for the rejection of such proposals.

  “The situation is perfect, Elizabeth. Prince Isaac has taken an interest in you. Isn’t that what you have always wanted… love? You will marry for love, and that is a great thing.” Alayna implored.

  “No, Alayna. Clearly you and I have very different outlooks on love. Prince Isaac may fall in love with me one day, but I am not in love with him, nor intend to fall in love with him. The request is unfair. It is much like your betrothal to the Renaldi’s.”

  “Do not bring my affairs into the picture. This is about you. Besides, they are completely different scenarios.”

  “No, they are not.” Elizabeth replied, her face flushed. “You are forced into a marriage you do not want, and yet you are doing the same to me. I do not want to be courted by Prince Isaac, and that is my final response. You can either tell him, have Father tell him, or I will tell him myself. But I reject the proposal of courtship.” Elizabeth began to storm away.

  “And what if the proposal came from Prince Clifton? Would you reject the proposal from him?” Alayna asked, causing Elizabeth to turn back around.

  “Why would you ask such a thing?”

  “You two seemed quite comfortable in the garden earlier, and Prince Isaac made it very clear Prince Clifton was interfering with the agreed upon proposal.” Alayna tilted her head as she waited for Elizabeth’s answer. The blush to her sister’s cheeks told Alayna what she needed to know, but she also wanted to hear it from her sister’s lips.

  “Prince Clifton is a good man, and he remained close to me because I requested him to do so. Besides, when was it formally announced that Prince Isaac and I are courting? Never.” Elizabeth answered firmly. “I find pleasure in Prince Clifton’s company, but that does not mean I want to marry the man! Can’t a woman just walk in her garden anymore?”

  “With a handsome prince?” Alayna teased, her new, light-hearted tone catching Elizabeth by surprise.

  Elizabeth uncrossed her arms and placed her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes at her sister. “I suppose it is much like wandering the horse stables with a handsome prince. You would know all about that.”

  Alayna’s mouth dropped open in shock and
she stammered. “T-that was different.”

  “Was it?” Elizabeth jested as she escaped her sister’s attempt to grab her. Alayna attempted again, and Elizabeth jerked away. Alayna’s eyes narrowed as she stepped forward again and into a run as Elizabeth tried to escape. Elizabeth squealed as her boots slipped along the floor, regaining her balance she swiftly darted out of Alayna’s grasp yet again. Alayna laughed and squealed as Elizabeth watched her sister begin to lose her balance on the slick floor as well, her golden curls bouncing as she struggled to gain her balance.

  Ryle and Clifton chuckled softly as they stepped into the room.

  Alayna abruptly stopped in place as Elizabeth slid into the back of her causing her to stumble forward into Prince Ryle. Elizabeth laughed as Prince Ryle caught her sister much like Clifton had caught her that morning.

  “My Lord, my apologies.” Alayna stood and slipped again, her hand sliding down the front of Prince Ryle’s chest. Her sister’s face turned crimson. “My goodness, yes, I apologize. The floor is…. mighty slippery.” Prince Ryle chuckled as Alayna found her footing again and adjusted her skirts in nervousness.

  Elizabeth draped her arm across Alayna’s shoulders. Alayna shrugged the informal gesture off and cleared her throat. “Well, I must be going.” Elizabeth looked to her sister in surprise. “I need to speak with Father… immediately.” Alayna stated conspiratorially to Elizabeth as she winked at her younger sister and lightly nodded towards Prince Clifton. Elizabeth smiled and curtsied.

  “I must say, you brothers have a knack for being in the proper place at the perfect time.” Elizabeth grinned as they chuckled.

  “It is our pleasure, Princess Elizabeth.” Prince Ryle bowed as he made his exit.

  Prince Clifton remained, and they stood staring at one another. Neither knowing, but wondering, the other’s thoughts. “Oh, I brought your flowers. You dropped them on your way out of the garden.”

  Elizabeth smiled as she took them, her fingers brushing his hands and sending a rush through her veins. “Thank you, Prince Clifton. How very thoughtful.” Her voice was a hushed whisper as she sniffed her flowers and peered over the top of them.

  “Milady!” Mary’s voice drifted through the main hall as she trotted towards Elizabeth waving a piece of parchment.

  “You must read the bottom of your sister’s parchment! I did not see it until I was on my way back from—” she trailed off noting Clifton’s presence. “My Lord.” She curtsied and then thrust the parchment into Elizabeth’s hands. “You must read it.”

  “It is alright, Mary.” She placed a comforting hand on Mary’s shoulder. “Alayna and I have already discussed what is written in her parchment. Were you able to deliver the letter?”

  Mary nodded.

  “Was there any news for me?”

  Mary shook her head.

  Elizabeth smiled but disappointment laced her voice. “I see. Well, perhaps tomorrow then.”

  “Ah! There’s my boy!” King Eamon’s voice travelled through the main hall causing Clifton to stand up straighter. Elizabeth turned and curtsied as the King approached.

  “Princess.” King Eamon greeted, bowing to Elizabeth.

  “Cliff, I wondered if you would like to travel through the village this afternoon? It is much too pretty of a day to be indoors.”

  Elizabeth smiled at the tender and affectionate way the king addressed his son. “Of course, Father. I would be happy to. Shall I find Ryle as well?”

  King Eamon shook his head. “No, your brother is meeting with King Granton over military strategies. It will just be the two of us, unless Princess Elizabeth would like to join us.”

  They looked to Elizabeth and she nodded. “I would like that very much. Please allow me to inform my sister of my whereabouts.”

  “Of course.” The king bowed as she walked away.

  “Do I sense something between you and the Princess?” King Eamon asked Clifton as they watched Elizabeth disappear around the corner.

  “I am not sure, Father. I am most intrigued by her, I will admit. However, she does not seem to be a mouse that can be caught.”

  Laughing heartily, King Eamon slapped Clifton’s back. “Son, the best ones usually are the hardest to catch.”

  Elizabeth came back with her outdoor cloak on and Mary carrying her parasol. “I am ready when you are, gentlemen.”

  “Oh, my dear, you do not have to walk in the hot sun, please allow us the pleasure of letting you use our carriage.” The king offered nodding towards Elizabeth’s parasol.

  “Actually, King Eamon, I much prefer walking, if you do not mind. There is just something refreshing about the wind in your hair and sun upon your face, wouldn’t you agree?”

  The king exchanged smiles with Clifton and then nodded. “Very much so, Princess. My, how you are so much like your mother.”

  Elizabeth’s smile faded. “My mother? You knew her? I mean, of course you knew her. You have been Father’s good friend for years. What was she like? Was she beautiful? Was she—” Mary gently placed her hand on Elizabeth to stop her rambling. Elizabeth straightened and cleared her throat. “My apologies, my Lord. I know my father and our family are grateful you have had such a long-standing friendship with us.”

  “No apologies my dear. It is quite normal for you to be curious. Your mother was a delightful woman, and very beautiful, like yourself.”

  Elizabeth blushed under his scrutiny.

  “Please, allow me.” Clifton stepped forward and offered his arm to Elizabeth. She slid her arm in his, smiling up at him with pleasure. Mary handed Elizabeth her parasol and walked a comfortable distance behind the young couple, the King to the right of Elizabeth, as Clifton escorted her out of the castle on the left.


  Reining in his mare, Edward hopped from his saddle over to Thatcher, the small brown bunny waiting on his side of the boundary line. A small letter tied to his neck, Thatcher waited patiently as Edward removed it. He scanned the scrawly handwriting of what could only be from Mary, Elizabeth’s attendant. Elizabeth would not be coming for lessons today and possibly for a few days due to their visitors at the castle. He tucked her letter into his trouser pocket and then pulled out his journal. He began composing his own letter that perhaps she would find in a few days and understand the reason for his possible absence as well.

  My Dearest Sister,

  I am glad Father has reached out to the Eastern and Western Kingdoms. It is about time. I must say, my efforts in the Lands have been fruitful as of late. There is a strong resistance. I have a meeting with Lancer later this afternoon. Word has come to me that he wishes to recruit me to his personal guard. This could be a step in the right direction for my work here. He trusts my crossing of the boundary was indeed meant to betray our father. He feels that the current strength in the Lands stems only from my connection. The higher I move in his ranks, the stronger he will be, or so he believes. This puts me at a considerable advantage for us, sister.

  I do not wish to scare you Elizabeth, but there are dark forces over here. Dark forces intent on harming Father’s realm. I have yet to find the power that feeds Lancer his strength, but I do know it is dark.

  Now, do not worry about me, however. Cecilia and I are well looked after here. We have a small band of fellow Uniters, as we call ourselves. Those who wish to destroy the Unfading Lands and reunite the Realm. We are few in number, but strong in heart. Given time, I believe our numbers will grow. And the stronger Father’s kingdom becomes, the better. Any word on his latest efforts?

  I fear it is going to take more than a marriage amongst the kingdoms to strengthen the Realm against what Lancer has in store.

  I hope and pray for your continued safety through it all. And Lizzy… have a bit of fun with your guests. Princes aren’t ALL bad.

  He smiled as he folded the letter and tied it to Thatcher and sent him across the boundary. The small bunny scurried beneath the protection of his clover cubby. He would check back in a few days. Until then, he wou
ld continue to gather Uniters and do what he set out to do.


  “I understand, my King.” Prince Ryle stated in understanding. “But the fact remains that the latest devastation on the edges of the Eastern Kingdom’s lands has been caused by the Renaldi’s of the South. They are not open to merging with the rest of the Realm.”

  King Granton rubbed a hand over his worn face as he looked to the young man seated across from him. Young, he thought. He would be around Edward’s age— if Edward were still around. Yet something about Prince Ryle spoke of wisdom beyond his years. Perhaps the many years of combat training, military education, and battles along his borderlines had turned the young man into a seasoned general earlier than was usual. He watched as Ryle’s piercing blue gaze roamed over the charted maps of the Realm. He pointed a finger to the Eastern Kingdom. “If we take the King’s Guard and move them to the Eastern Border, then Renaldi’s forces dare not test their strength. The Eastern armies are not strong enough to fight the Southern Kingdom alone. We need help, my King.”

  “I see.” King Granton stated. “Mosiah?” King Granton called to the Captain of his Royal Guard. “Can we spare a few men to investigate the borderlines of the Eastern Kingdom?”

  “No, my King. All of our extra forces have been stationed along the boundary line of the Unfading Lands to prevent crossings, sir.”

  King Granton rubbed a hand over his beard as his eyes searched the maps before him. “Anthony?”

  King Anthony nodded in acknowledgment. “Does the Western Kingdom have guards to spare at the moment?”

  “Perhaps a few. However, we too have been guarding our Southern lines tightly. The Renaldi’s cannot be trusted. I fear if we move our own guards to the Eastern Kingdom, then the Western Kingdom will be at risk, Your Grace.”

  King Granton harrumphed. “I see.”

  “Has the King not finalized the marriage plans of Princess Alayna and Prince Eric of the Renaldi’s in the South? Perhaps attacks along our borders will cease once their marriage has taken place.” King Anthony suggested, noting the apparent dislike written on Prince Ryle’s face.


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