The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 7

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Prince Clifton watched as a chestnut mare darted out of the stables and a black braid blew in the wind. Princess Elizabeth. He watched as she hovered low in her saddle to face the fierce wind, her slim frame only accentuated by— were those trousers? He chuckled to himself as he watched the beautiful princess ride over the top of the hill, promising himself a glimpse of her upon her return.

  Elizabeth slid from her saddle and tied Lenora's reins to a tree and waved excitedly to her brother on the other side. Edward beamed as his sister eased his letter off of Thatcher’s neck. He watched as her brows lifted in surprise of his news. She then sat on the large boulder to write her own letter. She tapped her finger to her chin as she thought of a response and then eagerly began to write.

  Edward eased onto a tree stump and waited patiently until he saw Elizabeth slide a letter onto Thatcher and send the young rabbit across the line. He snatched the rabbit and read eagerly.


  Sorry I have been absent the last couple of days. It has been busy up at the castle. Our visitors have arrived, all but the Renaldi’s. Prince Isaac requested to be my escort during his stay... Thankfully that agreement did not work out. I will say I am surprised at the friendship from the East. Prince Eamon and his sons Ryle and Clifton have proved to be upstanding men, with a kindness I have rarely seen. Prince Eamon claims I have a mirror temperament of our mother. I wish I remembered her enough to know. I guess you and Alayna would be a better judge of that. However, I must admit I have enjoyed their company.

  I cannot believe Lancer requests for you to join his guard. You must tell me everything, brother. Do you feel it wise? What is he like in person? Does he know of our meetings?

  Elizabeth walked to the edge of the river and lightly washed her hands of the mud that covered Thatcher's fur. She then began her practice with her targets, her sword swift, accurate, and strong. Edward wrote back, his attention switching from his letter to Elizabeth and then back to the letter.

  She felt a quiver in her forearm as her muscle strained against the weight of the blade as she held her sword straight at her assailing target. Never wavering, stance firm. Then she bolted forward in another round of target practice through her small arena. When she had finished, she walked breathlessly over to her brother's smiling face as he released Thatcher to her side. She untied the letter.

  "Good to see you, sister. You look bright and fresh. Glad to hear King Eamon and his sons have brought good humor to the castle, especially for Father's sake."

  Elizabeth glanced up as Cecilia joined Edward on the other side, along with several other new faces. Edward pointed to the letter in her hands and she continued to read.

  While you bring in friends from the Realm, I wanted you to see some of our friends on this side of the line. Cecilia and I have reached out to many people here who hope for a change. If you haven't noticed yet, your red markings have emerged on your side of the line again... well, a couple of them. Four remain on my side. But at least we see some strength emerging in the Realm. Perhaps your current visitors are to thank for that.

  Your swordsmanship has only improved. You are quick as a cat, sister. I fear I cannot explain my visit with Lancer at the moment. For so much detail requires a longer letter, of which I currently do not have the time to write. The bugle will sound in a few minutes. I promise to prepare a letter for you. I will fill you in on my current status. Do not lose hope. Things are looking up. I hope to see you again tomorrow, but I understand if that is not possible with the current hustle and bustle at the castle. Take care, my sweet sister."

  She glanced up as her brother and his friends bowed to her once more before stepping away from the boundary line. She waved in return and then hid her letter in her saddle bag and tucked her sword under her saddle blankets. She swung onto Lenora's back and headed back to the castle. Her lessons needed to be short the next few weeks so as not to draw suspicion amongst their new guests or even her sister. It was easier to get lost in a castle of only three royals, but with the current population lurking about, her presence, or lack thereof, would be noticed. She reached the stables and unsaddled Lenora. Tying her riding skirt back in place around her waist, she brushed Lenora's coat.

  "You ride alone?" Elizabeth's back tightened as Prince Clifton walked into the stables, but her strokes only briefly wavered.

  "Do you not have a stable boy for that?" Clifton asked.

  "Aye, we do. But I find it is relaxing as well as a chance to bond with my horse." Elizabeth nervously continued her task as Prince Clifton stepped forward and cupped Lenora's cheeks in his hands. "A fine horse, indeed. She has spirit. I see it in her eyes."

  Elizabeth relaxed and lightly patted Lenora's side. "Yes, she does. I like to think that is why we get along so well."

  "Kindred Spirits." Clifton provided on a chuckle. "Indeed." Elizabeth and Clifton stared at one another. “Does she also encourage you to ride in trousers?” He asked with amusement.

  Her eyes widened and a blush crept up her cheeks. “I… um…” She stuttered not knowing what to say. He had witnessed her trousers! What was she thinking wearing something so ghastly when they had company at the castle?!

  His warm green gaze never left her face and made her heart flutter in warmth. She cleared her throat. "I’m not quite sure what you are talking about, my Lord.” She smirked as he laughed and lightly trailed his fingers over the sloppily tied ribbon at her waist.

  “Of course. I must have been mistaken.” He winked.

  “So, what brings you to the stables, my Lord?"

  Clifton nervously glanced away, realizing his gaze had lingered beyond what was polite. "I wish to do the same. Ride alone for a bit, that is. Your father is kind enough to let my horse stay in your stables."

  "I see. Well, enjoy the day then. It is bright and beautiful."

  "Thank you, Princess, as are you." He complimented as he playfully tugged the corner of her riding skirt. He bowed before walking towards the end of the row and took his reins from the young stable boy who had readied his stallion for him. Clifton swung into the saddle effortlessly and his long legs rested comfortably down the sides to his stirrups. Elizabeth's heart raced at the sight of him. Tall, regal, handsome. Gorgeous. He gave her one last wave before clicking the reins and heading out.

  Elizabeth watched until his blonde hair disappeared over the horizon, her eyes dreamy as she imagined what it would feel like to be Prince Clifton’s lady. Lenora snorted, bringing her attention back to the mare. “Oh, alright.” Elizabeth grumbled as she handed the horse an apple and walked her back to her stall.


  Clifton sat atop his black horse and looked out over the Northern Kingdom’s lands. The surrounding villages were completely unaware of the trouble brewing in their lands and beyond. He could see the sheer fog of the boundary hidden behind the tree line that ran parallel with the river. He had never seen the boundary line in person, but the sight of it now had his insides tightening. What was it about the Unfading Lands that had people abandoning their loved ones to cross over the line? What power did Lancer hold? His sharp green gaze flashed over to a movement lurking within the trees. There it was again. He shifted in his saddle as he narrowed his gaze. “Move again.” He mumbled softly. “Let me see you.” He saw a head pop out from behind a tree and then back again. Someone was hiding from him. He clicked the reins of his horse and slowly galloped towards the tree line. As he neared, he caught a glimpse of a retreating black tunic. The Renaldi’s? It couldn’t be!

  Clifton slapped his reins and set out after the man. The man sprinted, and as Clifton reached his side to snatch his collar, the figure dove to the ground. Clifton pulled back on the reins and dismounted quickly, sprinting after the man as he climbed to his feet. He dove into the tall grass, snatching the man by the ankles. Crawling up the man’s legs, Clifton deflected the punch to his jaw and landed a fist in the man’s face. The man guarded his head with his arms and pleaded. “No, please! Please, do not hurt me!”

  Clifton froze but continued to straddle the man’s chest and pinned down his arms. “Who are you and what are you doing here?” Clifton demanded on a breath. “Speak!”

  The man lowered his hands and his young gaze roamed over Clifton’s face and his eyes widened in panic. “Prince Clifton of the Eastern Kingdom?”


  The young man closed his eyes and leaned his head back in regret.

  “If I rise, you will not run.” Clifton stated, slowly rising up off of the boy. He quickly unsheathed his sword and held it to the boy’s neck. “Tell me why you are spying on the Northern Kingdom.”

  The boy held his hands up in surrender. “I-I am only doing what I am told, my Lord.”

  “Who sent you?”

  “My father, the king of the Southern Kingdom.”

  “You’re Prince Eric?”

  The young boy shook his head. “No. I am his brother, Samuel.”

  “Why did your father send you here, and why were you hiding from me?”

  Samuel shifted nervously on his feet. Clifton, feeling pity for the young man, lowered his sword. Visibly relaxing, Prince Samuel slowly inhaled a deep breath. “I cannot tell you why I am here.”

  Clifton narrowed his eyes and surveyed the boy closely. Fear. Fear of him, but mostly fear of his own father lurked behind his dark gaze. “You will tell me.” Clifton replied firmly. “For if you do not, I will take you with me to the castle. If you tell me, perhaps I will let you return to your father.”

  The boy’s gaze darted around the horizon. He wrung his hands nervously in front of him.

  “Do not think of running. I will catch you.” Clifton stated, recognizing the signs of imminent flight.

  Finally, the boy’s shoulders slumped. “I was sent to survey the boundary line, my Lord. My father wished to know how much of King Granton’s lands had been taken by Lancer.”


  “I cannot say, sir.”

  “You will.”

  “I cannot because I know not, sir. My father has not shared with me his reasonings.”

  Clifton crossed his arms over his chest and towered over the boy. “Does your father communicate with Lancer?”

  “I am not sure, my Lord. He is concerned about the boundary line and that King Granton has done nothing to stop it from moving.”

  “Has your father not read his letters? The king sent letters to all kingdoms requesting us to come here to discuss the matter. Your father did not reply or attend.”

  “All I know is what my father has told me, my Lord. He does not share with me like he does my older brother.”

  “Perhaps you should come with me to the castle.” Clifton waved him forward. Terror lit in the young boy’s eyes.

  “It is quite alright. I assure you nothing will happen to you.”

  “I’m sorry, Prince Clifton. I cannot. I am to return at a specific time or my father will consider my task a failure. I must not fail him, my Lord.”

  “Is there anything else you wish to tell me before you leave then? Anything?” Clifton waited as he saw the turmoil in the boy’s eyes. Clearly he knew something he did not want to share. His honest conscience eventually won out. “I fear, my Lord, that the boundary line and Lancer’s lands offer a sanctuary for evil men.”

  “Evil men? What do you mean?”

  The boy took a step back. “We have lost troops, your Grace. Guards have crossed, only they cannot return once they have done so.”

  “Yes, that is common knowledge. Everyone knows you cannot cross the boundary and return.”

  “We did not, but now we do. We lost guards to the boundary line. Many guards. My father is concerned that the only way to defeat the Lands is to join them. I was sent to survey the strength of the Northern Kingdom. He was curious as to how much land had been taken by Lancer. King Granton’s lands are not safe, my Lord.”

  “You are saying your father plans to unite with Lancer and attack the Northern Kingdom?”

  “I do not say anything.” The boy stated forcefully.

  “Of course.” Clifton lowered his arms and rubbed his chin. The boy offered invaluable information. He could not scare him. “So why has your father been attacking the Eastern Kingdom’s borders?”

  “To test their strength. He wishes to claim all the lands of the Realm so that when he joins with Lancer, he will share the rule of the Unfading Lands.”

  Clifton’s face blanched. “The Southern Kingdom wishes to annihilate the Northern, Eastern, and Western Kingdoms?”

  The young boy nodded. “I am sorry, my Lord. I do not wish you harm or Princess Elizabeth.”

  “Princess Elizabeth? What does she have to do with this?” Clifton stepped forward in defense and the boy shrank back. “I-I mean no harm. I see her at the river and the boundary line. I mean her no harm. I do not wish for anyone to be hurt. I am just a messenger.”

  “What do Princess Elizabeth’s whereabouts have to do with your messaging?” Clifton asked.

  “My brother, my Lord. My brother wishes to obtain Princess Elizabeth as his wife. He wishes to take her to the Unfading Lands with him.”

  Clifton’s back stiffened and his gaze turned into a storm. “Over my dead body.” He muttered.

  “That is his plan.” The boy’s breathing wavered as he took a shaky breath of fear. His eyes flashed to the sword in Clifton’s hand.

  “And where do your allegiances lie, Prince Samuel?”

  “With King Granton, my Lord.”

  “How can I be sure?”

  “Because I mean you no harm. I have answered your questions.” He looked nervously towards the tree line. “And because the boundary line is not to be trusted. There is darkness over there, my Lord. Darkness.” The boy’s eyes grew weary as he glanced back to Clifton.

  “Say I believe you, young prince.” Clifton stated. “You said evil men find sanctuary in the Unfading Lands. What did you mean by that?”

  “Several of our top warriors and guards have been wounded in the battles with the East, but the Lands provide healing. When you cross, you are healed. My father sends his wounded guards across the boundary, so they will not die. They regain their strength and plan to establish my father’s band of military leaders in the Lands.”

  “What use are they there if the Lands are but losing their claim on the Realm? As we strengthen, they weaken.”

  “They are not weak, my Lord. They are just resting.” The fear in the boy’s gaze had Clifton’s insides jump. Something was afoot with the Southern Kingdom and Lancer, he could feel it. Not only would the Realm be fighting against the invisible foe of the boundary line, but a brewing storm behind it. The Realm was destined for a battle either way. There had to be a way to reach within the Lands and unite those who wished to overthrow Lancer. Surely there were people who regretted their decision of crossing the boundary—

  “My Lord?” The young man studied Clifton carefully. Clifton straightened his shoulders and cleared his throat. “Aye. I trust what you say, Samuel. I will take this news to King Granton. Should you find yourself needing an escape, please accept my offer of the Northern or Eastern Kingdom. I now recognize that not all of the Renaldi’s are of bad character.”

  The young boy offered a relieved smile and bowed towards Clifton. “I thank you, Prince Clifton. Your kindness extends much farther than your kingdom. I would not have believed it if I had not encountered you myself. I must go.”

  “Take care, Samuel. And be safe.”

  The young boy darted away quickly, slipping in and out of the trees until Clifton no longer saw his dark hair bobbing through the thicket. Clifton hopped back into his saddle and studied the boundary line. Elizabeth frequented the boundary line, according to Samuel. He wondered why. He readjusted his grip on the reins and then clicked his tongue to his horse. “Come Henry, we must make haste.” He slapped the reins and Henry sped towards the castle.


  “Are you saying that the Southern Kingdom wishes to attack us?” Princ
e Ryle paced as Clifton relayed his conversation with Prince Samuel to his brother and father.

  “That is exactly what I am saying. Prince Samuel was quite clear and quite afraid.”

  “You should have brought him here.” Ryle stated with annoyance.

  “And what? Have his father thinking we kidnapped him?” Clifton challenged. “Something tells me that would have encouraged even more hostility. The boy meant no harm. He was just doing his bidding.”

  “We need to speak to the King.” King Eamon stated. “This is dreadful news.”

  “That’s not even the half of it.” Clifton mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest as he brooded into the fire. He watched the flames beneath the mantle lick over the wood logs and dance in colors of red, orange, and radiant blue.

  “What do you mean?” Prince Ryle asked. “What else is there?”

  Clifton diverted his gaze to his father and brother. “I mean, Prince Samuel also shared that Prince Eric’s refusal of Princess Alayna was because he wants Princess Elizabeth instead.”

  “Princess Elizabeth?” Ryle asked curiously. “Why, that could solve our problems. King Granton thought the Renaldi’s refused the betrothal request because of their lack of unity with the Realm. In reality, Prince Eric was just unhappy with the Princess. He wants Elizabeth, not Alayna. If we convince the King to reoffer the betrothal but with Elizabeth as the bride, then perhaps all of this can be avoided.”

  “I think not!” Clifton stood quickly, not catching the light tilt to his father’s lips at his son’s refusal.

  “Cliff, think of it!” Ryle stated. “I understand you are sweet on Elizabeth, but think of the bigger picture here. We can avoid a war.”

  “No. We cannot. Prince Samuel was adamant that the betrothal meant nothing. Prince Eric wishes to take Elizabeth across the boundary line to wed her. He does not wish to take her to the Southern Kingdom.” Clifton explained with distaste. “And it sounded as if Prince Eric would take Princess Elizabeth whether a betrothal was offered or not. It does not sit well with me.” Clifton held up a hand to ward off his brother’s next comment. Prince Ryle closed his opened mouth. “And I’m not just saying that because I value the Princess. I’m saying that as a guard in your army, brother.”


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