The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 21

by Katharine E Hamilton

  The two men ran out of the room and Granton eased Samuel into a chair. “Samuel,” he began, the young man’s eyes, amazed at the sight of the king, poured into Granton’s. “You are safe here. Please tell us what else you know.”


  Ryle rushed around the armory as he hurriedly buckled his breast plate over his broad chest, the bold stallion emblazoned over his heart. He spotted his father rushing down the steps into the armory followed by King Granton and Anthony. His brother and Prince Isaac brought up the rear with all three princesses.

  Clifton grabbed his armor and began to suit up as well. “What are you doing?” Ryle asked as he watched his father do the same.

  “You are not going, Ryle.” Eamon stated.


  “You are to stay here. That is an order.” King Eamon barked.

  Ryle fumed. “No Father, I am going.”

  “No. You are the future King of the East. Your place is here. Cliff and I are going. Should anything happen to us you are safe.”

  Ryle turned a gaze to King Granton. Obviously, the king had yet to speak to his father of his wishes.

  “Father, I must insist!” Ryle stepped forward towards his saddle and his father blocked his path. “No, son. Your place is here. Guard the crown.”

  Elizabeth rushed around the king and prince to Clifton’s side and helped him with his armor buckles. They made quick work and he lightly trailed his fingertips over her cheek. “I shall return for you, my love.”

  A watery smile flashed over her face as she quickly leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. He roamed his gaze over her face one more time before leaping into his saddle. “We will send word!” King Eamon yelled as he kicked his heels into his horse’s flanks and darted out. Clifton did the same. Ryle watched in defeat as he unbuckled his chest plate. Alayna studied the anger on his face and lightly touched his arm. He turned with a snarl that softened when he caught her understanding gaze.

  “They will return, Ryle.” King Granton stated. “Until then, you serve the throne with Mosiah.”

  Ryle huffed under his breath as he ripped the chest plate over the top of his head and tossed it into the corner with extra force. “Where is Samuel?”

  He avoided Granton’s sympathetic gaze and stormed back up the steps into the castle to seek out the young prince.

  “Back inside.” Granton stated to all the princesses. Elizabeth felt Prince Isaac lightly nudge her elbow as he escorted her back inside the castle. King Anthony brought up the rear with Granton. “Should we send reinforcements?”

  “No.” Granton stated. “The Eastern guard is strong. I feel this may just be a distraction. We need to send word to the West. We need your army to begin making their way here, Anthony. Keep enough to protect your kingdom, but all extra must come.” Anthony nodded and quickly made his way to his royal messenger.

  Elizabeth listened to her father behind her. She caught the tension in Prince Isaac’s demeanor as well. They exchanged a knowing glance. “Don’t get any ideas, Princess.” Isaac warned under his breath. “You have to stay put for a bit. It isn’t safe. You can send word to your brother later.” Elizabeth ignored him and continued into the castle.


  Alayna rushed towards the Council Room and stumbled inside as Samuel sat with his head in his hands and Ryle stood above him.

  “What is happening in here?” She requested.

  “I am asking Prince Samuel for more information on his brother’s plans.”

  “I told you, my Lord, I do not know his plans. All I know is what I have stated.” Samuel pleaded and turned to Alayna in hopes for support.

  “Prince Ryle, I wish to speak with you. Outside.” Ryle stood still.

  “It’s an order.” She stated in a low voice that had the prince obeying immediately to his queen.

  “So, because you are upset you are not leading your army, you decide to bully an innocent young man?” Alayna searched Ryle’s gaze intently.

  Ryle ran a hand through his dark hair and his piercing blue eyes shot through her. “Cliff should not be leading this fight. It should be me.”

  “Whether you like it or not, Prince Ryle, you are currently the future King of the East. Yes, my father has yet to speak to King Eamon, so your status remains the same. Yet you need to brush aside those feelings of annoyance. Your place is here in this castle. With me,” she added. “Whether it is where you wish to be or not. This is where you are meant to be at this very moment.” Ryle studied her calm brown gaze. She cupped his face in her hands and narrowed her eyes. “Protect the Realm. As my future Captain of the Guard, your place is here. Now do as your queen commands and set a barricade around the castle gates.” She ordered confidently. His eyes flashed to her lips before she released his face and turned and stormed away.

  Ryle faced Samuel and nodded before darting down the hall and towards the front entrance. Alayna was right; he wanted to protect the Realm. He wanted to be Captain of the Royal Guard, and he was exactly where he needed to be to do just that. His brother and father could fend for themselves; it was his job to protect those who could not.

  He slipped his thumb and forefinger into his mouth and whistled loudly as he emerged at the base of the steps. His horse was ready and waiting as he jumped into the saddle. He spotted Mosiah on the horizon and rode out to assess the protection of the gates.


  Samuel sat quietly as Princess Melody tended to the abrasions on his face. She delicately brushed the damp cloth over a scrape and he winced.

  “My apologies, my Lord.” She stated quietly.

  The young prince studied her carefully. She was a few years older than him, he noted, but not quite the age of the princesses of the North. Her blonde hair framed a heart shaped face that held a softness of youth, and he found he liked the look of it.

  “Thank you for helping me earlier… and now.” He softly spoke.

  “You are welcome.” Melody replied as she rubbed a salve over the gash on his arm. “It was very brave what you did, risking your life to come here.”

  “I do not wish to see the Realm fall into the hands of Lancer. Or my brother.” He admitted truthfully.

  “I imagine not.” She agreed.

  “How come I’ve never seen you before?” Samuel asked curiously.

  Melody found his dark gaze and smiled softly. “I do not venture beyond the castle walls much, my Lord.”

  “Even in your own kingdom?”


  “Why?” He countered.

  Melody lightly wrapped a bandage around his cut and tucked the fabric neatly until it held in place. “I am just the quiet sort.”

  “Me too.” Samuel stated. “Well, until recently.” He shrugged his shoulders.

  Melody smiled softly. “Yes, well, when times of bravery are upon us, even the softest voice finds its strength.”

  “Yes, I suppose you are right.” Samuel agreed. “Your brother, Prince Isaac, is he as reserved as you?”

  A laugh escaped her lips as she shook her head. “Quite the opposite actually. My brother’s mouth knows no bounds at times.”

  “He seems quite attentive to Princess Elizabeth.” Samuel observed.

  “Yes, he is. We all are.” Melody added. “We are all close to one another.”

  “Yes, I noticed that too. I must say, I feel like an outsider here, yet I feel safer than I ever have in my own kingdom.”

  Wiping her hands on a damp cloth, Princess Melody stood. “Well you are welcome here, Prince Samuel. You are a part of this Realm and as such we welcome you with open arms.”

  “Well said.” Princess Alayna complimented as she walked forward.

  Princess Melody dropped her gaze and hoped the future queen did not feel she spoke on her behalf.

  “Princess Melody, I wish to thank you for aiding Prince Samuel in his quest for Prince Clifton earlier.”

  “Yes, my Lady.” Melody curtsied, and Alayna noted how Samuel watched Melody with admiration
in his eyes. Smirking at the small crush, Alayna nodded her head towards him. “Prince Ryle will wish to speak with you, Prince Samuel, as soon as he returns from the gates.”

  “Yes, my Lady.” He bowed and Melody and he both watched as Alayna gracefully made her way to her father’s side.


  Elizabeth climbed the back stairwell to her chambers, Mary followed close behind carrying the edges of her formal cape. She reached her chambers and untied the robe and Mary made swift work of hanging it in her wardrobe. Elizabeth sat in the stiff-backed chair at her desk and quickly began writing a letter to Edward. So much to tell him and the urgency had her hand aching.

  She heard Mary rustling around her room tending to chores, but Elizabeth blocked everything else around her out of her mind. Her heart hammered in her chest as she wrote of Samuel’s interruption and Clifton’s departure. She sighed as her mind wandered to thoughts of Clifton and King Eamon on the front lines. She worried her bottom lip as she thought of something terrible happening to either of the men, especially Clifton. Her heart ached at the thought.

  A light knock sounded on the door and Mary answered. Prince Isaac stepped inside the threshold but did not venture further for propriety’s sake. Elizabeth did not glance up.

  He cleared his throat and Elizabeth turned. “Prince Isaac?”

  He bowed as he rested his hand on the hilt of his sword. “Princess.”

  “What can I do for you?”

  He shifted on his feet as his gaze travelled around the room and its ornate furnishings. The silk canopied bed, the heavy velvet drapes, all in shades of mauves and maroons. Feminine, he thought, extremely feminine. A light scent of rose carried over to him, the scent of the princess he had come to distinguish her by. His brown gaze met Elizabeth’s inquisitive stare.

  “Ah, yes,” he began. “I— I wanted to check on you, Elizabeth. I did not see you retire.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and her chin tilted up. “You mean you were coming to make sure I did not rush to the boundary line.”

  “Guilty.” He admitted unashamedly.

  “Well I assure you, Prince Isaac, that I am indeed in my chambers, so you may rest your worried mind.” Her irritated tone had him smirking.

  “I can see that.” He stated. “Well, should you decide to depart from your chambers, I will be just outside the door.”

  She turned and gaped at him. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I have been asked to keep an eye on you, Princess. For safety’s sake.”

  “You?” She asked in disbelief and had him tilting his head back and forth as if to work out a pain in his neck. A pop sounded through the air and he sighed. “Yes, me.”

  “I see. I’m so glad my father trusts me.” A slight bitterness traced her voice as she turned back to her desk and continued writing.

  “I do not think it is a matter of trust, Elizabeth. I think he just worries for your safety. Besides, it is not your father that requested me to keep watch over you, but Prince Ryle.”

  “Ryle?” Elizabeth’s head snapped up again and she stood, her parchment fluttering to the floor. “That man.” She grumbled as she lifted her skirts and made a quick exit to the back stairwell. On a mission, Isaac followed her with an amused tilt to his lips. Elizabeth barreled through the door at the bottom of the stairs and turned towards the main hall. “Is he back from the gates?” She asked Isaac.

  “I am not sure, Princess.”

  She rounded the corner and found the room empty. She rushed to the front entrance and opened the doors to a bright sun and busy market, but no Prince Ryle. Growling in frustration she heaved the doors closed.

  “Princess, if I may?” Isaac began.

  “No, you may not.” She declared forcefully shooting a glare of pure ice his direction. “This is absurd. Am I under house arrest? Am I restricted to the grounds of the castle?”

  Isaac shrugged with indifference. “I think the Prince just wishes to keep you safe for his brother.”

  “Well I can assist with protecting the kingdom as well.” Elizabeth defended. “I know this kingdom better than Ryle, I should be out there helping him. But instead, he has me barricaded indoors with a-a” she waved her hand in irritation, “a caretaker.” She huffed sending her black bangs whishing into the air and back to her forehead. She stood with her hands on her hips as Isaac leaned against the stair banister in indifference.

  “And you,” Elizabeth turned towards him shaking her finger. “Of all people to keep an eye on me, why you?”

  Isaac rested his chin in his hand as if bored. “Trust me, you think I like this… conundrum any more than you do? I am just following my father’s orders.”

  “Your father? What does he have to do with this?”

  “He wishes for me to put forth more effort in my inter-realm relations. Therefore, I am serving where needed.”

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes. “Well in that case, come with me. If I cannot go anywhere without you as my shadow, then you will come with me. Mary!” She yelled up the stairs until Mary appeared at the top. “Grab my parchment and meet me in the stables.” Mary nodded and wandered away.

  “The stables?” Isaac asked, his right brow lifting in curiosity.

  “Yes. I wish to send Edward a letter. And you will escort me there.” Her blue eyes held firm as she waited to combat any defense he proposed.

  “Very well. Though I must state, for future reference when your father is displeased, that I strongly advised you against leaving the confines of the castle. That I had no choice but to follow you because you were irresponsible with your own safety, and that my duty as a prince and gentleman would not allow me to let you leave unguarded.”

  “Oh, shush up and let’s go.” Elizabeth grabbed his arm and pulled him in the direction of the stables. She heard the clatter of armor and swords as they passed the armory. She shot a gaze inside and did not see Prince Ryle. Continuing down the walkway she emerged in the stables as Mary directed the stable boy on where to tie Lenora. Mary handed Elizabeth the letter and she tucked it into her dress skirt. Still wearing her formal gowns from the engagement announcement, Elizabeth sighed in frustration. The heavy skirts and dress weighed her down and she turned to Prince Isaac’s amused glare. He stood leaning on his left leg, arms crossed in sheer pleasure at her frustration. “Well are you just going to stand there, or are you going to help me into my saddle?”

  He laughed as he hoisted her around the waist up onto her horse. The poufy dresses swallowing his face as she pulled them over the back of the horse to drape down both sides. He swatted away the fabric and sputtered as he pushed off the horse’s side to escape the tangled mess. His hair was disheveled from his fight and he quickly swung into his own saddle.

  Elizabeth had already slapped her reins and Isaac kicked in his heels to catch up to her. “You are reckless Princess Elizabeth.” He called from his horse as she hunkered down against the wind.

  She reached her clearing and waited for Isaac to help her down from her saddle. As soon as her feet touched the earth, Elizabeth darted through the trees. Isaac helped her combat the brambles and branches as they stomped into the clearing. Isaac’s eyes widened as his gaze fluttered around the area and the arena and boundary line were in clear view.

  “This is where you practice the sword?” He asked.

  She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the boundary line, Isaac digging in his heels.

  “Another time for explanations, Isaac.” Elizabeth dropped her gaze to the ground and began searching for Thatcher. She spotted him in a clover patch near the river and quickly snatched him.


  Edward glanced up as Lancer emerged at the entrance of his chambers and clapped his hands loudly in applause. He laughed heartily as he smiled. “Edward, I have great news!”

  Edward stood from his chair and accepted the hearty slap on his shoulder as Lancer made himself at home on one of the sofas.

  “The South is marching on the Eastern Kingdom.” Lancer grinned
widely, his dark eyes sparkling as he waited for Edward’s reaction.

  “My Lord?”

  Lancer laughed at Edward’s dumbfounded expression. “The. South. Marches. On. The. East.” Lancer dragged out each word and syllable, the action grating on Edward’s nerves. He kept his calm and then widened his eyes to offer the reaction he knew Lancer longed for.


  “Several hours ago. I just got word.”

  “How did I not hear of this?” Edward asked, jumping to his feet.

  “You have been in here working. I was out walking the boundary line again and happened across a guard.”

  Edward froze. Lancer walked the boundary line again. He sent up a silent plea that Lancer did not discover any of the Uniters.

  “What guard did you stumble upon?”

  “Oh, I forget their names, Edward.” Lancer waved his hand nonchalantly as he crossed his right ankle over his left knee.

  Sighing in relief, Edward turned back around. “What do you wish to do, my Lord?”


  “Yes…” Edward began,” I am assuming you came to tell me this news so that we might create a strategy of sorts.”

  “Ah. I have no plans at the moment. If the Realm wants to attack itself, then I do not see the need for my intervention. Actually, this works quite well in our favor. The Southern Kingdom can obliterate anyone it wishes, especially the Eastern Kingdom. King Eamon needs humbling.”

  Edward’s eyes slightly narrowed at that announcement. What did Lancer know of King Eamon? He wondered.

  “Then after the South wipes out the strength of the East, I am curious to see where they head next. Their path of destruction only helps weaken the Realm for me. The Renaldi’s always were an unstable bunch.” Lancer smiled as he studied Edward’s stark chambers. “You know you should really get some color in here Edward.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “Oh, King Granton is probably beside himself with anger at the uprising in the South. I can only imagine the look on your old father’s face.” Lancer rubbed his hands in excitement. “Can you imagine, Edward? Don’t you wish to see his face?”


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