The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 30

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Pretty soon you will be asking me to let you ride Lenora.” Mary commented from across the room in pride.

  “I wish to see my horse soon enough.” Elizabeth added. “But I fear I must sit for a bit now. I am quite sore.”

  Isaac led her over to a sofa and eased her down. “Please sit, Isaac. I had hoped to see you.”

  “Aye, I bumped into Prince Ryle and he stated you wished to see me.”

  “Yes, I fear the next few days may be hectic with the wedding and all. Plus, my departure for the Eastern Kingdom.” She looked around her room and sighed. “I love it here, it will be hard to leave.”

  “You will visit often, I am sure.”

  “Yes, but I know it will be hard to come as often as I wish. You leave for the West after the wedding as well.”

  He nodded. “Yes, it is time we head back to our own kingdom, I’m afraid.”

  “You will be missed.” Elizabeth admitted.

  Isaac snickered. “By you, perhaps. However, I feel most will be relieved by my absence.”

  “Yes, I am sure they will.” Elizabeth reached over and squeezed his hand. “I hope, Prince Isaac, that you will come visit me in the East. I wish to maintain our friendship, as well as my friendship with your sister.”

  Isaac nodded and felt a tightness in his chest at her kindness. “As soon as you and the prince are settled, all you have to do is send word.” He winked at her and she beamed, her blue eyes sparkling.

  “Good. Selfishly, I wish we could all stay here and live together as one.”

  Isaac laughed. “You honestly think Prince Ryle and I could live together?”

  Elizabeth grinned. “It would keep life interesting, wouldn’t it?”

  “You are an optimist, Elizabeth. It is one of the many characteristics I admire about you.” Isaac admitted. “I trust you know that I will always be there for you and your family, no matter the cost or sacrifice.”

  Elizabeth tilted her head to the side as a sweet smile bloomed over her face. “I know.”

  They sat for a moment in silence as Mary bustled around the room. Isaac then slapped his hands to his knees. “Well, I guess I should leave you, Elizabeth. I have wasted most of my day with sleep, and I desire to bathe. I find I am quite odorous.”

  Elizabeth laughed. “Yes, I wondered why you had yet to change.”

  “Well I accidentally fell asleep at the stables last night.”

  “The stables?” She laughed and shook her head.

  “Alone, mind you.” He added with a smirk. “I was just too tired to make the trek back into the castle, I guess.”

  “Well please, do not let me keep you.” Elizabeth eased to her feet and waved away his offer of help. “No, I will walk you to the door.”

  Nodding in approval, Isaac walked slowly beside her.


  Clifton dismounted at the edge of the clearing as his father and King Anthony did the same. He led them beyond the branches into the opening where the Rollings River rushed through and King Granton sat. “My King,” Clifton began, “I am sorry to return early, but my father insisted he come immediately.” Clifton stated as he walked towards the older gentleman. Clifton glanced towards the boundary line, Prince Edward’s face full of worry. He then rushed to King Granton’s side. The king’s chin rested against his chest as if he had decided to take a rest. Clifton lightly nudged his shoulder and Granton’s body began to tumble over. He caught the king around the shoulders.

  “Father!” He yelled in panic as he eased King Granton’s body to the ground.

  King Eamon’s distraction with Edward across the line quickly vanished when he saw the nature of his son’s scream. He and Anthony rushed forward and knelt beside Granton.

  “Come now, Granton.” Eamon stated as he lightly slapped the man’s pale cheeks.

  “It is no use, Eamon.” Anthony’s voice was sad, and his eyes held worry.

  “No. He will rise.” Eamon argued as he lightly nudged the king once more. He then ran a thumb over Granton’s eyelids, lifting the thin layer of skin to see his eyes. A sob escaped his lips as he let the lids drop closed.

  “Is he dead?” Clifton asked, his own voice quavering at the thought.

  “Yes.” King Eamon leaned back on his haunches in defeat. He met the wide eyes of Edward and nodded, the young prince falling to his knees in anguish and his face falling to his hands.

  “We must get him back to the castle.” Anthony stated, easing his hands underneath Granton’s body. Eamon quickly lifted from the other side. “Cliff, you must help us carry him.”

  Clifton stood in shock. King Granton was dead. He had led him to his death. He knew the king was too weak to make the journey, yet he brought him. Elizabeth would be devastated. She would surely not want to marry him after he killed her father.

  “Clifton!” His father barked. “Come lad. We need your help.”

  Clifton turned towards Edward as the saddened prince watched his father being carried away. He motioned towards the ground beside the rock King Granton had sat and there laid two pieces of parchment. Elizabeth and Alayna, Clifton read. He tucked them into his tunic pocket and bowed towards Edward. Edward held a hand over his heart and clinched his hand in a fist. Clifton nodded his regards and disappeared through the trees. He reached his father’s side in time to help lift King Granton’s body over the side of his horse.

  “I must say this is not how I wished for this to happen.” Eamon stated quietly.

  King Anthony echoed his sentiments. “We get him back to the castle. The Princess’s will need a moment to say their goodbyes before we send him down the river.”

  “Down the river?” Clifton asked.

  “In the ceremonial burial.” Eamon replied. “But let us get him back before we discuss this any further.” Clifton could tell his father’s own sadness threatened to overcome him if they did not start moving. He jumped into his saddle and they slowly made their way back to the castle.


  Samuel watched as Prince Clifton’s head emerged on the horizon along with the other kings. His eyes squinted as he noticed the extra body they carried with them and the significance of the emerald robe draped over him. His eyes widened as he jumped to his feet from his seat along the parapet and began yelling for Princess Alayna and Prince Ryle.

  Coming to the front entrance, Ryle grabbed Samuel by the shoulders as the boy almost rushed passed him. “What is it, Samuel?”

  The young man’s eyes held unshed tears as he glanced up. “Your father returns, my Lord.” Prince Ryle glanced up and spotted his family. His blue gaze then drifted to the limp body of King Granton. “Fetch the Queen, Samuel. Hurry!” He released the boy into a sprint and rushed his way down the front steps, intercepting his father on foot.

  “What happened?!” He reached up and began hoisting the weight of the king on his shoulders. Clifton dismounted and helped his brother as King Anthony and King Eamon rushed them inside and out of sight of the market.

  Once indoors, the brothers eased Granton’s body onto a sofa in the conservatory as Alayna entered in a panic. As soon as her gaze spotted her father’s body, a sob escaped her lips as she stumbled to her knees by his side. Ryle stepped forward, but his father placed a restraining hand on his chest. “Let her be.” He whispered sadly.

  “Father?!” Alayna shook his shoulders, knowing full well he had passed, but beside herself to allow him to. She grabbed his hand and pressed his palm to her cheek, the cold skin making the tears in her eyes spill forth faster. “M-my Lords,” she turned, her tear streaked face breaking everyone’s hearts as they all struggled with their emotions. “H-how did this happen?”

  Clifton felt the shame swallow him whole as she looked at him for an answer.

  “It was his time, Alayna.” Eamon spoke softly. “He passed in peace.”

  “This cannot happen now.” She begged as she looked back at her father’s still body. Her shoulders began to shake as she leaned her head against Granton’s shoulder.
br />   “We must fetch Princess Elizabeth.” Anthony stated.

  Alayna’s head popped up. “No, leave Elizabeth be.”

  “But she must be told.” Anthony countered.

  “She will be. I do not wish her to see my father this way.”

  “Alayna,” Prince Ryle began, stepping towards her and speaking in a compassionate voice. “Elizabeth would want to be here.”

  Alayna turned away from his sweet gaze and ignored him.

  “I will fetch her.” Clifton stated. “I… need to be the one to tell her.”

  Eamon gripped his arm before he left. “This is not your fault, son.”

  Clifton shrugged his shoulders in defeat and slipped from his father’s grasp. Eamon watched his son ascend the stairs weighted by guilt of the king’s death. He prayed his son realized his act of taking Granton to see Edward was exactly what Granton wanted. Granton wished to see his son before he died, and he received his dying wish. His son helped the king. He did not kill him.

  “We must prepare the tombs.” Alayna wiped the back of her hand across her cheeks as she attempted to sniff back her tears.

  “But my Lady, a river burning is custom.” Anthony stated.

  Alayna’s eyes narrowed at the king and she stood. “I do not wish to burn my father, King Anthony, no matter the custom. We prepare the tombs. I will send Samuel to fetch the priest.”

  Ryle watched as Alayna exited the room, leaving her tears, her pain, and her worries lying with her father. She was Queen now, and the woman had erected a wall over her emotions in preparation for the role. He shook his head in disappointment as he watched her order Samuel to the chapel.


  Clifton knocked on Elizabeth’s door and was surprised to see it swing back quickly and see her standing before him. He noted Prince Isaac standing next to her and his brow rose in curiosity.

  “Ah, my prince,” Elizabeth beamed. “I wondered when I would see you today. I must say, it makes my heart happy you have come.” Elizabeth’s smile faltered when she noted the stormy gaze of pain Clifton held.

  “What is the matter?” She asked immediately, pulling his hand for him to enter. Isaac remained to listen.

  “I am sorry, Elizabeth.” He squeezed her hand in return as she walked him towards the sofa and sat beside him. She motioned for Isaac to sit across from them. She lightly ran a hand over his hair as he rested his face in his hands to gather courage to voice the issue at hand.

  “Clifton?” She asked quietly. “What is it?”

  He glanced up and his green eyes held sympathy and hurt. “I went to fetch your father from the boundary line. He wished to visit Edward this morning.” He spotted Isaac straightening in his seat as if he knew the report already. He reached for her hands and held them in his own. “When I arrived—” he bit his bottom lip a moment to calm his emotions. “When I arrived, your father was… dead.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes widened and tears immediately sprang to them. “W-what? No. You must be mistaken. M-my father— he is fine. He is well.” Her words trailed off as tears began to spill down her cheeks and she glanced to Isaac. “D-did you know this?”

  He shook his head.

  “W-where is he?”

  “Downstairs. In the conservatory.” Clifton stated. Elizabeth slowly stood to her feet.

  “Take me to him.” She demanded.

  Clifton stood and grabbed her hands in his, brushing his thumbs over her knuckles. “Princess Alayna did not wish for you to see him just yet.”

  “When have I ever cared what my sister thought?!” Elizabeth belted. “Take me to him now, Clifton.”

  He nodded, his mouth set in a firm line. He turned, and they made their way to the door. “Isaac, please come.” Elizabeth stated over her shoulder as she limped towards the door.

  Isaac quickly rushed towards her and swept her into his arms as Mary and Clifton rushed onward. The Eastern prince had yet to notice Elizabeth’s temporary leg. They reached the bottom of the stairs and Isaac could see the pain in Elizabeth’s gaze from her wound, but the stubborn woman wished to see her father. When they reached the conservatory, all eyes fell upon her. Equal shock to seeing a woman in trousers as well as to the wooden attachment strapped around her, the two kings watched as Isaac set her to her feet and she slowly made her way to her father’s figure. It was then that Clifton noticed her false leg, the slight limp to her steps, and the watchful eye from the prince of the West. Elizabeth eased onto the edge of the sofa and placed her hand over her father’s hands upon his chest. She studied his face and a watery smile fluttered over her own. “He is at peace now.” She stated quietly. Looking up to the other kings, they both nodded. She swiped away her tears as she tenderly adjusted her father’s collar and buttons. She then resituated his hands. She gently laid her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around him in a hug. She closed her eyes and imagined all the times he had returned it. His strong arms lifting her up into the air as a little girl. The firm squeeze he would hold on her until she giggled or squirmed free. She eased back up and lightly cupped his face in her hands. “Rest easy, Father.”

  She glanced up to find sad faces surrounding her and she smiled at the sweet friends that sheltered her. “You were all special to him, in your own way. Each of you brought something to his life, and for that I thank you. He truly was a blessed man to have friends who care so deeply.”

  She reached her hand up and Clifton stepped forward to help her to her feet. She flushed when she stumbled. “If my sister is about, I wish to speak with her.” Elizabeth glanced to Ryle and the prince nodded before exiting. “King Eamon. King Anthony. I wish for you two gentlemen to oversee his burial, please. Alayna should not have to carry the burden.”

  The two kings bowed at her request and left the room.

  “Mary, please cover him in linens until his body is transported.” Mary nodded.

  Sighing on a shaky breath, Elizabeth glanced up at Clifton. He lightly brushed her hair back behind her ear and leaned his forehead against hers. She softly closed her eyes.

  “If you are alright, Princess. I will find my leave.” Isaac stated quietly.

  Elizabeth nodded. “Yes, Prince Isaac. Thank you.”

  He offered a faint smile as he turned to leave.

  When they were alone, Elizabeth leaned against Clifton heavily. “I must sit.”

  Clifton quickly lifted her by the waist and carried her the few feet towards an empty chair. She sat readily and reached for his hand. He knelt in front of her and allowed her to trace a finger over the lines of his palm. “Clifton, I am sorry you had to be the one to bear the burden of my father’s last wish.”

  His brow furrowed. “I’m sorry?”

  “I see it in your eyes.” Elizabeth stated, lifting her gaze to his. “You feel this is your fault, do you not?” His green eyes dropped back to their hands.

  “Please?” Elizabeth asked, waiting until he peered up at her again. “You must know that my father knew it was his last moments. The ride did not kill him. The exertion did not kill him. It was his sickness that killed him. I do not wish for you to carry the burden of guilt, when there is none to be handed out.”

  Clifton bit back a sob as he nodded. “I am truly sorry for your loss, Elizabeth. I am… sad for you.”

  She smiled tenderly and cupped his face, her thumbs brushing his cheeks as she stared into his green meadowed gaze. “I know, and I thank you. I do not wish to be sad over my loss. I will miss him terribly, but I believe it would be selfish of me to wish him here when he suffered so. He is now able to rest. His soul is at peace, and his body no longer suffers. I find peace in that.”

  “Aye, and he would wish you to be joyful instead of sad.” Clifton replied.

  She nodded. “I worry for Alayna now, though. She will not take this well.”

  “She did not.” Clifton stated.

  “But she will come to terms with it. We all will. Father would not want us wallowing in loss. He would want us to look forward in
love.” Elizabeth glanced up as her sister entered the room with several attendants. She spotted Elizabeth and Clifton, her swollen eyes and cheeks speaking for her grieving heart. “I wish to bury him in the tombs.” She stated, her tone seeking an argument.

  Elizabeth nodded. “I think he would like that.”

  She saw her sister’s hope for a fight deflate. “Very well. I guess I will see to the arrangements.”

  “I have asked King Eamon and King Anthony to see to them.” Elizabeth stated. “You have other arrangements to plan, sister. I will see to this one.”

  Alayna stiffened her shoulders and began to retort, when Prince Ryle stepped behind her and rested his hand on her shoulder. “She accepts your help, Princess Elizabeth.” He answered. Elizabeth watched as Alayna’s lashing died out and she allowed Prince Ryle to escort her out of the room.

  “He has a way with her.” Elizabeth stated softly. “She listens to him and values him.”

  “Aye. I believe he feels the same.” Clifton answered. He stood and extended his hand. “Perhaps, my incredible love, you may allow me the honor of escorting you back to your chambers so you may rest. I assume your new mobility has tired you out.”

  Elizabeth cast a nervous glance down at her leg. “It is quite hideous isn’t it?”

  “Not at all.”

  “You are being too kind, but I will accept it only because I am too tired and worn of spirit to combat you at the moment.” Clifton smiled tenderly as he helped her to her feet and lifted her in his arms and carried her up the stairs.


  The evening sky came and along with it a steady and unyielding rain. Fitting, Elizabeth thought, as she stared out the Council Room’s window. Even the weather mourned her father’s passing. She turned at the sound of the door as others filtered into the room. Alayna sat stiffly in her father’s chair at the head of the table, and everyone found their seats. Elizabeth peeled her eyes away from the rain and smiled softly at Clifton’s handsome face across from her.


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