The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 41

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “We should all make a trip to the clearing to see my brother.”

  “We will see.” Clifton added sweetly, as he nodded towards Isaac.

  “No, we will go.” Elizabeth corrected. “Though I cannot walk, I can still ride. I need to see Edward. And I guarantee he needs to see that I am alive and well.”

  “Let us arrive and rest and see how you are feeling. Then we can determine if a trip to the boundary line is to be made.” Clifton’s voice held a slight tone of finality that Isaac had never heard from the prince. Apparently, Elizabeth had never heard it either, because her dark brows rose slightly into her hairline at the prince’s obvious frustration. Clifton glanced out the opposite window avoiding his wife’s probing gaze.

  Isaac caught Elizabeth’s surprised blue eyes and shrugged his shoulders. He saw the small flash of hurt in her eyes at her husband’s annoyance, but true to Elizabeth form, she rolled back her shoulders, tilted that ever so slightly pointed chin and glanced out the window. Isaac shook his head. Prince Clifton had met his match. Elizabeth was stubborn, but he agreed with Clifton. If she did not look out for her own wellbeing, they would do it for her. Though she was able to make a trip in a carriage, she was still healing and recovering.


  “You seem quiet, my Lord.” Melody broke the silence as Samuel sat across from her, his shoulders slightly jostling with the movements of the carriage.

  “I am just thinking, I guess.”

  “About what?”

  Samuel’s cheeks slightly flushed, and his shoulders shrugged.

  “About your kingdom?”

  “Yes.” He admitted. “It will not be long before I must go back. I wonder if my absence has gone on for too long and the south is beyond recovery.”

  “Of course not. I am sure the future queen has seen to it that your borders are secure and your people are eager for your return.” Melody reached across and lightly squeezed his hand in reassurance, the action causing them both to stiffen and her to quickly retreat.

  “How was your journey back to the West?” Samuel asked.

  “Quite well. My father and I fell into our usual routine quite smoothly. It was rather lonely without my brother, but thankfully I was sent for from the East before I was to be too lonely.” She smiled. “I am so glad Elizabeth has recovered. I could not imagine the Realm without her presence.”

  “She is quite the bond.” Samuel agreed. “I know the future queen was quite nervous of her departure from the North.”

  “I imagine so.” Melody added. “The two sisters are quite close. I imagine it will take some getting used to. As well as the princes from the East. They too have never been separated for longer than a month.”

  “Though Prince Clifton will now have Princess Elizabeth.” Samuel explained. “I am sure they will keep one another company quite well. And Captain Ryle seems very eager to please the future queen, so I do not see either of them becoming lonely either.”

  “And what of you?” Melody asked. “Once you are back in the South?”

  He shrugged again, a habit, she realized, that made the young, future king more endearing. “I do not know. I do fear that my positive new relations will become strained, due to lack of familiarity once I depart. But I also hope to be more present amongst the Realm than my father was. Though he ran a tight regime, the South was secluded. I wish to embrace the friendship of the other kingdoms in hopes that, not only will I not be lonely, but that my kingdom will not be lonely either.”

  “You have a good heart, Samuel.” Melody smiled warmly.

  “As do you, Princess.”

  “I hope to visit the South once you are king. I aim to visit all the kingdoms regularly. I also wish to maintain familiarity amongst the Realm. I have found the last few months, though devastating in some regards, have been quite wonderful in building relationships amongst one another.” She brushed a hand over the red silk of her dress and smiled at him. “Perhaps you could give me a tour of your kingdom when I come visit.”

  Samuel’s heart pounded at the thought, and he caught the small, uncertain smile of Melody as her dark eyes sought his.

  “I would be honored.” His voice lightly wavered and he cleared his throat as the carriage pulled to a halt and the sound of hooves ceased.

  “Have we already arrived?” Melody asked, leaning towards the small window. Samuel lightly placed a hand on hers as she reached to open the door. He slowly reached for the hilt of his sword. “No, my lady, we have not. Our stopping is suspicious. Please, stay put.” He hastily retreated from the carriage and Melody worried her hands in her lap at the possibilities of a halting entourage. Robbery, assault, attack, her mind whirled with dark scenarios. She gasped when Samuel’s face appeared in the small opening of the window. “All is well, Princess.” He opened the door and extended his hand inside. She grabbed it and allowed him to help her down the small stepladder to the forest floor. She glanced up to see Prince Clifton holding Princess Elizabeth in his arms and easing her to a small stool. Elizabeth’s face split into a smile as she spotted Melody.

  “Why have we stopped?” Melody asked, looking from one face to another.

  “We decided to stretch our legs a bit, sister.” Isaac explained.

  “Make that, they decided to stretch their legs.” Elizabeth corrected with a wink.

  Isaac glanced down at the Eastern princess and rolled his eyes at her remark, knowing she attempted to make light of her injury, while also being slightly disappointed she could not walk around like the rest of them.

  Rupert walked up, his hand on his sword. “Only a few more minutes. I do not like us being so exposed.”

  “We are fine.” Clifton remarked. “We are already in the Northern Kingdom’s borders. We are safer here than anywhere.”

  “Yes, well I still wish for us to remain cautious. We may not have enemies from the South, but the verdict is still out in regard to Abner.” Rupert nodded towards Isaac and he shrugged.

  “I feel we will see more of his presence, but not right now. I think he is still wondering if I shall return. Which I will… just not at the moment.” Isaac confirmed. “I do not intend to visit that man until I have had my fill of the North.”

  Elizabeth tilted her head as she surveyed him. “And how long might that be?”

  “As long as I am needed, Princess.”

  “Good. Alayna needs support, I’m sure. It worries me that I have not heard from her.” She waved her hand. “Yes, I know I was asleep. But all of you have corresponded with my sister, and I have not. I am eager to see her face.”

  Clifton lightly ran his hand over his wife’s hair and gauged her temper with his probing gaze. She caught his survey and lightly squeezed his hand. “I am fine. I just miss her.” A tender smile washed over his face and he nodded.

  “Alright, my legs are stretched.” Isaac stated, interrupting the quiet. “Let’s get a move on. I would like to be there by sundown.”

  Everyone exchanged amused expressions at his elite attitude. He stretched his arms over his head and twisted his waist until a pop sounded through the air. He then caught their stares. “What?”

  Elizabeth giggled as she shook her head.

  “I’m just saying it would be nice to get there before the castle has fallen asleep for the evening.” Isaac explained.

  Clifton scooped Elizabeth into his arms and settled her within the carriage. Isaac climbing in after them, his words following him as he continued explaining himself. Rupert glanced to Samuel and Melody. “You two content with your carriage?”

  They both nodded. He flashed a relieved smile as Isaac reached to close the door to the carriage ahead of them. Rupert waited until everyone was settled before finding his way to his horse at the front of the small precession. He flashed one more careful glance behind them before clicking his tongue and guiding his horse forward.


  Alayna crumbled the parchment in her hand and tossed it over her shoulder adding to the small pile that now sat behi
nd her on the green grass in Elizabeth’s clearing. She had come to pen a letter to Edward, but not having seen her brother in five years had made the task quite difficult. Despite her knowledge of his letters to Elizabeth and his interactions with Prince Clifton, she found herself speechless. She stared across the boundary line and studied the Land of Unfading Beauty. Other than the sheer fog that encircled the mystical land, there were no signs pointing to its differences. She picked up a rock and tossed it as hard as she could through the veil and watched as it landed on the other side with no theatrics. She frowned. Had she hoped for there to be some sort of response? Yes. Yet she found herself slightly comforted that there had not been one as well.

  Sighing, she shelved her chin in her hand as she rested her elbow on her knee. This must have been the stump her father had sat upon. And Elizabeth, she thought. A good thinking spot, she concluded. Though the Rollings River rushed by to her right and the leaves rustled overhead, the clearing held a peaceful tranquility that she had not experienced in quite some time. Her thoughts were interrupted as she spotted a movement in her peripherals. A blonde head emerged on the other side of the boundary. A woman, not much older than Alayna had stepped forward and lifted a delicate hand in hello. Alayna stood slowly, her steps measured as she slowly walked towards the boundary line. The woman’s face lit into a smile as she curtsied. She then held up a piece of folded parchment. Her gaze fluttered around the ground and she smiled as she spotted a small rabbit feasting in the clovers. Thatcher, Alayna thought. The woman tied the letter to the rabbit’s neck and nudged it across the boundary line motioning for Alayna to retrieve her correspondence. Reaching down and gathering the downy furred animal, Alayna unfolded the letter.


  My name is Cecilia. I know you must have come to this clearing to see Edward, but I fear I must disappoint you. Edward is currently detained in Lancer’s castle. He sent word to me just this morning that he is fine and well, but that his presence is needed there. Lancer is having quite a difficult time with his decrease in power. Edward worries he may attempt an attack of some sort, so he remains there to persuade him otherwise. Have you news from the Realm?

  Alayna glanced up and watched as the delicate blonde sat on a tree log and anxiously wound her hands in her lap. Alayna hurriedly responded and sent Thatcher back over the line. Cecilia scooped up the small rabbit and began to read.


  I must say it is nice to put a face with a name. I have heard much about you. I am Alayna, Edward’s sister. I am sure he has told you about me. I came to the clearing today to hopefully see him. It seems most everyone else has, but me. That aside, I wished to discuss military matters with him, but I suppose those can wait. In your letter you speak of Lancer’s power decreasing. How so? And how did it happen? I must admit I am quite surprised to hear that considering the boundary line still holds strong in all of our kingdoms.

  Alayna watched as Cecilia began to respond, her head popping up and tilting to the side as if she heard something. She quickly nudged Thatcher across the boundary line and darted into the trees. Alayna watched as two men on regal horses patrolled the line. One man, dressed in red and gold, and the other a typical guard’s armor. She watched as their eyes swept over the clearing on the other side and then glanced towards her. She stood straight, chin held high. The royal man dismounted, and a slow smile spread over his lips as his eyes surveyed her attire. He bowed. He was a handsome man. Dark hair and bright eyes with a radiant smile. She returned it and curtsied in response, the action making his smile grow even wider. She noticed the lines around his eyes and mouth were friendly, yet strained. As if he had not slept for days. His eyes held slight relief as he gazed upon her. He motioned her towards the boundary line and she stepped closer. She felt a slight hum of energy tease her toes, and she stepped back again. He reached into his tunic pocket and withdrew a small knife. He walked over to a small thicket and cut several blooms. He then lightly kissed one of the rose buds before lightly tossing them through the veil. Alayna bent to pick them up. As soon as she did, they turned black as night and deteriorated in her hand and fell in crumbles to the ground. She glanced up to see the man laughing as he narrowed a disgusted look upon her. He mounted his horse and then drew his finger over his throat in a slicing manner before he spat on the ground beneath him and turned away. Alayna stood insulted. Her temper flaring to her cheeks, she reached for a rock and tossed it with all her might at his retreating back. It hit her mark, square in the middle of his shoulder blades, and had him turning around quickly. Venom shot from his eyes as he slapped his reins and quickly galloped towards the boundary veil. His horse lunged at the boundary and Alayna ducked behind the stump for protection, but all she heard was a thunderous clap and witnessed the man flying forcefully off his horse and landing on his back on the other side of the veil. His horse, however, crossed the boundary freely. It came to a halt not far from the line as if confused of its location. Alayna saw the fury engraved upon the man’s face, a man she could only assume was Lancer. She bit back a smile as she slowly made her way to the mare and gently ran her hand down its snout. The man bolted to his feet and stepped as close to the boundary as the veil would allow, his mouth moving in shouts as she took the reins of his horse and began leading it out of the clearing. She tossed one more pleased smirk over her shoulder as she watched him pace in a tantrum on the other side. “It was nice to meet you, Lancer.” She murmured, as she stepped through the trees and out of sight.


  Ryle paced in the entry hall, his steps echoing through the quiet room as he eagerly awaited the arrival of his brother’s carriage. He knew they should be arriving soon, and he prayed they did. By his calculations, they should have arrived just a day after himself. The fact they had not, had him worried. He had withheld the knowledge of Edward’s letter from Alayna long enough. He needed to speak with her about it, but he did not want to betray Clifton’s confidence. He had told his brother he would wait for his arrival and he intended to. He glanced up at the sound of shoes on the stairway. Mosiah descended and offered an encouraging smile on his way down. His sapphire eyes flashed to the West castle halls as Alayna emerged, removing her riding cape. His brow furrowed. “Were you out for a ride?”

  “I was.” She reported as she handed Jessa her cape.

  He noticed a sparkle to her dark gaze and wondered what had the princess so elated.

  “I have interesting news.” She continued. “I met Cecilia.”

  “You went to the boundary line?!” Ryle’s voice boomed through the hall and bounced off every stone, amplifying his shout and making both Mosiah and Alayna cringe.

  Alayna held up her hands for him to lower his voice.

  “Did you take a guard with you?”

  She shook her head.

  “NO GUARD?!” He bellowed.

  “Calm yourself. I spoke of my plans with Mosiah earlier. All was fine.”

  Ryle ran a frustrated hand through his hair and began pacing again. “You go to Mosiah. That is why you needed to speak with him? Why did you not tell me of your plans? I am your Captain now. I am to protect you. What were you thinking?!”

  Alayna’s back stiffened and Mosiah quietly shuffled out of the room and towards the conservatory, knowing he did not want to be present for the argument that was about to ensue.

  “You forget your place, Captain Ryle.” Alayna stated formally, her chin tilted high. “I am the future queen. I may call upon whom I please. My venture to the boundary line was for me to visit my brother, privately.”

  Ryle shook his head in dismay. “I am just saying, Princess,” he stressed, “that I cannot protect you, if I do not know where you are. What if something had happened?”

  “Nothing did.”

  He shook his head. “You sound just like your sister. Throwing caution to the wind. Well look where that got her. Why do you not learn from her example?! Maybe then you will keep all your limbs!” He regretted the words as soon as he spoke them. A
layna’s horrified expression and the hurt that flashed briefly in her eyes swamped him with guilt. He lowered his voice. “I apologize, Alayna. That was out of line. I just… I worry. I wish to keep you safe. And if I do not know your whereabouts, that makes my task much more difficult.”

  Alayna nodded. “I understand, and your apology is accepted. However…” She paused and stepped towards him, her caramel eyes molten with restrained anger. “Speak to me that way again, Ryle, and you will no longer be my Captain.”

  He lowered his head and sighed heavily in disappointment as she turned towards the front entrance. “Carriages were arriving as I walked in from the stables.” She announced as she waved for the guards to open the doors. “I believe our siblings have arrived.”


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