The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 43

by Katharine E Hamilton


  “I have Lancer’s horse.” Alayna announced as everyone sat in his or her respective seats within the Council Room’s walls. Her excited smile beamed as she caught the stunned expressions of most everyone in the room. She noted the look of appreciation coming from her sister and winked.

  “How did you manage that?” Prince Isaac asked with amusement.

  “I went to the boundary line and he happened to see me.”

  Ryle’s back popped to attention. “He what?!” He stood abruptly. “You said you did not encounter any danger.”

  “I didn’t.” Alayna waved him back to his chair. “He could not cross.” Several whispers fluttered about the room at that newest revelation and Samuel raised a hand. “My Lady, Lancer can cross willingly. I have seen this with my own eyes.”

  “And I am saying, he is not able to cross anymore.” She almost squealed in excitement but withheld the action.

  “How can this be?” Elizabeth asked.

  Clifton and Ryle exchanged a glance. A glance that did not go unnoticed by the two sisters.

  “Wait a minute.” Elizabeth crossed her arms over her chest. “What do you two know that you are not sharing?” She fixated a firm glare upon her husband and he nervously ran a hand through his golden hair as he prepared to share the news of Edward’s letter.

  Ryle held up his hand to Clifton to pause his explanation and rose to his feet again. “Your brother sent Clifton a letter.” He announced.

  “How?” Elizabeth interrupted.

  Ryle began to speak but Samuel stood quickly to his feet. “By me.” He admitted to everyone’s surprise. “I had overheard Princess Alayna and Captain Ryle discussing your condition, Princess Elizabeth. I felt your brother should know, and I had hoped to obtain a means of healing for you from the Lands. I knew Prince Clifton had been healed and thought perhaps there was something that could do the same for you. So I ventured to your clearing and met your brother there. He informed me there was nothing he could give me to heal you, but that he had an important message for Prince Clifton and Captain Ryle and that I must give it only to them.” Samuel then sat and nodded toward Ryle to continue his portion of the explanation as Elizabeth sat with an open mouth at Samuel’s response.

  “That is why you requested to go the East?” Alayna asked Samuel.

  His face slightly blushed at having misled the future queen as he nodded.

  “Oh Samuel, you are such a dear friend.” She commented as Ryle cleared his throat and began speaking again.

  “Samuel delivered the letter and the contents, I am afraid, may be rather surprising.”

  “Oh, get on with it.” Isaac muttered, frustrated at the suspense. He caught the annoyed expression from his father and waved an impatient hand.

  “Edward possesses the same darkness as Lancer.” Ryle stated.

  Everyone gasped. “What?” Elizabeth asked. “How is that even possible?”

  “I do not know.” Ryle continued. “He speaks of his venturing into Lancer’s reflection chamber and lashing out. He was so angry at the loss of your father, the condition of the lands, and he just… lost his head for a moment, I suppose.”

  “No.” Clifton stated with regret. “We must tell them everything, Ryle.” Clifton turned a pointed gaze towards the rest of the room. “Edward realized that his hatred towards Lancer is what sparked his transformation. Hatred is what allows him to possess the darkness. He is guided by hate.”

  Elizabeth leaned back into her seat, her face slightly pale as she tried to comprehend the news.

  “So he hates his enemy.” Elizabeth stated with a slight shake to her voice. “Should that not be a good thing?”

  “Aye, but to hate your enemy so much that you give yourself over to evil itself?” Clifton lightly clasped her hand. “That is not a good thing, my love. Edward has essentially become just like Lancer. Yes, he wishes to use this darkness for our gain, but I do not think it wise.”

  “Neither did my father.” Alayna added with a fresh understanding of her father’s last words to her.

  “Father?” Elizabeth asked. “How do you know?”

  “The letter Clifton gave me. Father had written us letters before his passing and mine is quite detailed on how we should not use the darkness in any shape or form. We must never choose to use such evil for our own gain.”

  “A letter?” Elizabeth asked. “I have a letter?”

  Alayna’s brow rose as she turned towards Clifton. He adjusted in his seat to face Elizabeth as she flushed with anger when she realized he had withheld her letter from her father.

  “And why have I not received such a letter?” She stared at him, her blue eyes blazing.

  “I had hoped to give it to you once you were fully healed, Elizabeth.”

  “I am fine now. Perhaps my letter has helpful information as well. Have you read it?”

  “No.” Clifton replied. “I did not wish to intrude on your father’s private thoughts to you. I just held onto it a little longer so that you might heal first.”

  “Give it to me now.” Elizabeth ordered, her hand outstretched.

  “I do not think it wise just yet, Elizabeth.” Clifton softly spoke.

  “Now, Clifton.” She ordered. “You should not have withheld something so precious from me.”

  He sighed as he reached in his tunic pocket. “I was only looking to protect you from further harm, my love. I feared the contents of that letter would spark a vengeance within you and you would aim to rush your healing to participate in action. I am sorry.”

  Elizabeth snatched her letter from his hand and slipped it into her own skirt pocket.

  “What else did your letter say?” King Anthony asked.

  “Just that we must remember that our true enemy is the darkness, not Lancer. We must defeat what consumes him. If Edward contains the darkness as well, I fear that his life is now linked with its destruction.” Alayna dropped her forehead into her hand as despair settled around her heart. She lifted her chin and looked to those around the table. “We have much to figure out the next few days. Coronations will presume, but our main focus will need to be on the boundary line. Lancer is weaker. This must mean that by Edward consuming some of the darkness he has weakened Lancer as a result. We did not gain ground but have just divided the darkness into two targets now. We must be watchful. Prince Clifton, you and Samuel will journey to the boundary line tomorrow morning and meet with my brother. I wish for you to be fully armored on the off chance my brother is hostile. If he appears to be himself, I wish for you to find out more on his status.”

  Clifton nodded in understanding.

  “Captain Ryle,” She continued, “You will commence with Mosiah on training of our guards. We need to strengthen our numbers in preparation.” She looked around the room once more. “I wish to share more information with you all as well. When I went to the boundary line, I encountered Cecilia. She sent me a letter across. She confirms the truth that Lancer cannot cross the boundary, but she has no idea about Edward’s status, because she did not mention it. She just mentions she is worried about Edward. That he has not been acting himself as of late. I believe she has her own suspicions of Edward as well. Though Edward seems to be our ally in this, I think we may have found another. Cecilia.”

  “I wish I could have spoken with her.” Elizabeth sighed, but this time not in annoyance.

  “She seems sweet but aware.” Alayna acknowledged. “I also experimented with the boundary line.”

  Ryle began to stand again but she waved him down. “Not like you think, Captain.” Alayna assured. “Considering I had yet to venture to the line I was unsure of what the limitations were. So I tossed a rock through the veil and it landed on the other side.”

  “What? A rock?” Elizabeth asked.

  Alayna nodded. “Yes, it seems objects can pass through the boundary line. Has this always been the case?”

  Elizabeth and Clifton shook their heads. “No,” Elizabeth answered. “It must be due
to Lancer’s weakened power. The line must not be as strong. That is definitely interesting news. If a rock can pass through freely, perhaps arrows can as well.” Her right brow rose as thoughts of potential battle fluttered through her mind. Seeing the wheels turning in his wife’s head, Clifton lightly placed his hand over hers. “An interesting observation that I will ask Edward about.” Clifton added. “If he knows of any other breaches in the line perhaps we may have just found our way in.”

  Alayna inhaled deeply and allowed a small smile to spread over her face. “Lancer underestimates us, friends. Greatly. I want him to realize his folly.”

  “But we must remain wise.” King Anthony interrupted. “All this new information is wonderful, but we must think on it. We must first take care of our own realm then we may worry about our interactions with the Unfading Lands.”

  “You are right, King Anthony.” Alayna agreed. “Coronations will continue as planned.”

  Isaac lifted his hand.

  “Yes, Prince Isaac?”

  “I wondered, Princess, if I might obtain an invitation for Princess Katarina from King Abner’s court for the coronations. I fear I left their kingdom in quite a rush and not on such great terms.”

  “And why is this Katarina of importance?” Alayna asked.

  Elizabeth grinned, and Isaac pointed at her to stop with the suggested smirk. “Katarina is the one who educated me on Lancer’s lineage, my Lady. All of which is of major importance. However, I do not feel we should discuss that matter until King Eamon arrives. I feel he may be able to shed more light on the subject. I feel that Katarina may be at risk within her own kingdom, and I would like to extend a friendly invitation for her to visit here as relations with her father may heat up.”

  “You wish to have a princess from another realm come to visit here because you upset her father?” Alayna clarified.

  “Yes, and because I wish for her to see what our realm is like. She seemed quite astonished when I spoke of it. Plus, it may prevent her father from acting upon any more threats towards us.”

  “I will think on it.” Alayna stated.

  “Thank you.” Isaac dropped the subject and caught Elizabeth’s small smile as she watched him fidget in his chair at the attentions from around the room.

  “I know you all must be tired.” Alayna stood. “Thank you for meeting with me on your first night here. Please, let us all get some rest and we will reconvene tomorrow. King Eamon should be arriving and we will finally have the entire realm fully represented.” Her smile warmed as she looked at each individual person. “It warms my heart to see you all again. Good night.”

  Everyone slowly rose. Clifton scooping Elizabeth into his arms. Alayna waved at her sister as she watched Clifton carry her out of the room. Ryle lightly ran a hand down her back. “You should get some rest too, Alayna.”

  She forced a smile. “I plan to. Though there are a couple of other things that need sorting out tonight. Good night, Ryle.” His eyes held uncertainty as they washed over her. Alayna felt the warmth spread in her chest at such attention but contained the small butterflies in her stomach. Reluctantly, he stepped away and out of the room.


  The next morning Isaac reached the stables early. His intentions of overseeing the care of the caravan’s horses was abruptly halted when he saw Alayna brushing the tip of a black nose protruding from one of the stables. He hung back long enough to hear her whispers, his presence unnoticed by the future queen.

  “Should I send you back?” She asked the dark mare. “Surely he is not loving towards you. A man so evil must not be capable of love.” The horse nuzzled her hand and she smiled. “Okay, I will keep you a bit longer. Did you see his face when I led you away?” She giggled softly as she hugged the horse’s neck. “He has no idea who he is dealing with, does he?”

  “Does anyone?” Isaac interrupted, causing Alayna to jump to attention. She turned, and a small flush washed over her cheeks at being overheard. “Prince Isaac.” She greeted stiffly. “I did not hear you come in.”

  “I can see that.”

  “Do you make it a habit of sneaking up on women?”

  “I used to.” He winked. “Though I must say, that habit has changed.”

  “And why is that?” She asked. Her eyes squinting as she studied him. “I have heard moral debates on your character from various people. Some believe you a changed man, others do not. What say you to that?”

  He shrugged and walked up to Lancer’s horse and rubbed a hand down its snout. “I say they are welcome to believe whatever they wish. Though I also believe there are more important issues at hand than my conduct.”

  She smiled appreciatively. “A wise statement, Prince.”

  “I have my moments.” He smirked as she studied him a bit longer before turning back to the horse. “So this is Lancer’s beast?”

  “It is.” She confirmed. “A marvelous creature, don’t you agree?”

  “I do. Very marvelous. Firm shoulders, thick muscles. I would say he is quite majestic.” Isaac added.

  “Do you think me crazy for snatching him?” Alayna asked, and for the first time Isaac realized she wanted an honest answer from him. From him.

  “I think it quite daring, actually. I did not realize you were made of such firm guts, Princess.”

  She grinned and happily stepped back from the stable door. “I have my moments.”

  They both chuckled at her repeating his words and he nodded. “Perhaps it showed Lancer that you are ready for your role as queen and his threats mean nothing to you.”

  “I wish they didn’t.” She admitted. “But I hope he did realize I am not weak. I know he thinks I am. I know several people think I am. But I am not. I hope to prove that. I am ready to destroy him and the Lands. And I know we can do it.”

  “It is hard living with a preconceived notion on your character, isn’t it?” Isaac asked.

  Alayna lifted her gaze to his and nodded. “I am sorry, Prince Isaac, for not believing in your change.”

  He waved her comment away. “I am used to it. You, however, should not have to deal with such a notion. You are the future queen. The title itself should strike fear in your enemies. Lancer’s weakness is not just his lack of strength, Alayna. It is his lack of faith in yours.”

  She wrung her hands in front of her and shifted from one foot to the other. “You are kind, Isaac. Thank you. It is my hope that Lancer’s underestimation in us all is what will defeat him. We have new knowledge that I believe can only make us a fiercer enemy. I do not believe he is ready for what I have in store for him.”

  Isaac placed a hand over his chest and grinned devilishly. “I fear for the man myself, now.”

  Alayna laughed, and Isaac realized it was the first time he had ever heard a laugh escape the middle sibling of the throne.

  “Perhaps we should head back to the castle. I have hopes that Prince Clifton and Prince Samuel have set out for the boundary line already, but I would like to make sure.”

  Isaac nodded and turned to walk with her. “I will come as well. I had only come to check that the caravan horses had been seen to. My purpose was fulfilled by someone else I suppose. Everything seems in order.”

  They walked in companionable silence and Alayna realized that the Prince of the West may be another hidden strength within their realm. A strength and weapon that even their own realm underestimated, and she felt a slight ease in the pressure of her chest. They would win this fight, she thought. With men like Ryle, Clifton, Samuel, and now Isaac… there was no way Lancer could overcome the Realm. She smiled to herself as they walked under the portico towards the castle doors and felt the finality of her thought as the heavy wooden doors latched behind them.


  Clifton surveyed Edward closely. He had yet to cross the boundary until he felt assured in the prince’s demeanor. Edward waved him over, a paranoid glance over his shoulder had him pausing his motion for a brief moment. But then he waved again. Clifton turned to Samuel.
“I will cross.”

  “You think it wise, my Lord?” Samuel asked.

  Clifton placed his hand on Samuel’s shoulder. “There’s only one way to find out. I won’t be long.”

  Clifton inhaled a deep breath as he felt the familiar buzz along his boots and through his core as he crossed over into The Land of Unfading Beauty. Edward greeted him warmly and with a firm hug.

  Clifton smiled as he accepted the gesture, and Edward paced back and forth in excitement at their meeting. “I am so glad you have come. There is much to discuss. I see that Prince Samuel delivered my letter.” Edward nodded towards Samuel in thanks as the young prince perched on the large boulder across the line and waited patiently.

  “He did.” Clifton stated. He studied Edward’s movements, his eyes, and his words. “You seem rather different.” He began.

  Edward smiled widely. “Yes. I dare say I am. The darkness has a unique power to it, Clifton. Very unique. It sustains me in such a way that I can go days without eating or drinking anything. I haven’t slept in two days’ time, yet I feel as if I am fully refreshed.”

  “And this is a good thing?” Clifton asked hesitantly.

  Edward shrugged. “I do not know. All I know is that I have weakened Lancer. He has no clue I possess the darkness. It’s quite brilliant I think.”

  Clifton shifted his weight on his feet as he watched the prince bounce with energy. “I would be lying, Prince Edward, if I did not tell you that we are all concerned for you. Taking in the darkness… well, even your father warned that it would not be wise.”

  Edward paused. “But don’t you see? My taking in the darkness has weakened Lancer. His defenses are down. It is the perfect time for the Realm to act.”

  “And how would we accomplish that? Any ideas are welcome.” Clifton’s abrupt attitude had Edward pulling back slightly.

  “You don’t trust me, do you?” He asked in surprise.

  Clifton held up a hand to stop his line of thinking. “It is not that we do not trust you, Edward. We do not trust the darkness. Look what it has done to Lancer. It has corrupted him. Are you positive it will not do the same to you?”


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