The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 45

by Katharine E Hamilton

  She sighed and nodded, but her eyes still held trepidation, a sign of Elizabeth’s loyalty to his father that made Clifton’s heart happy. He was glad she valued his family, and he knew they equally valued her.

  “Well, I suppose we must all carry on until dinner. I have much to do. Captain, if you would follow me, please.” Alayna turned to leave, and Ryle easily followed, catching the sly smirk Isaac cast his way at his departure.


  “Leave us, Jessa.” Alayna politely ordered her attendant as Ryle followed her into the council room. He shut the doors behind them and noted they were alone. No Jessa, and most importantly, no Mosiah.

  “You wished to speak with me?” Ryle asked.

  Alayna circled the table and spread her hand over several maps and parchments. “Yes. I feel I should discuss some points with you before the meeting tonight. I have been looking over a few things in regard to The Unfading Lands and I believe with our new knowledge of objects being able to cross, we may be able to supply Edward’s troops with weapons.” She turned a specific map his direction and pointed to a spot designated slightly southwest of Elizabeth’s clearing. “I fear we may have compromised our position at Elizabeth’s location, but if we moved further south, on the border between our kingdom and Samuel’s we may be able to move quite freely over the boundary line without suspicion from Lancer. The Southern Kingdom is completely out of Lancer’s mind at this point.”

  Ryle studied the map and then studied Alayna as she leaned on the table, a slight excitement lacing her words as she spoke.

  “You have given this much thought.” He acknowledged.

  Without glancing up, her eyes bounced along the map and she nodded. “Yes, I did not sleep much last night. I feel…” She paused as if searching for the most accurate description of her feelings. “I feel we are close to something, Ryle. That there is something big about to happen. I just know it. In my bones, I know it, and I think if we look hard enough, we may be able to recognize it before it hits us.” She finally looked at him and he offered a smile. “What?” She asked.

  “Nothing. I just find myself more amazed by you every day.” He admitted, noting the small flush that washed over her cheeks. “You seem to be quite on top of Lancer lately, I wonder if you even need my help.”

  Her eyes widened, and she gripped his forearm. “Of course I need your help! I cannot defeat him on my own. I need your strength and military knowledge to even consider pulling an assault off.”

  “An assault? Is that where this is going?” He asked curiously.

  “Yes. I am thinking it may be our only way to catch Lancer by surprise. He would not be expecting such a thing, not while the kingdoms still appear to be recovering. He most certainly would not expect an assault arising from the South either. That’s why I think we must discuss with Samuel the possibilities of utilizing his kingdom.”

  Ryle chuckled as he shook his head and rubbed a hand over his mouth. “And what army shall we use, Princess? Considering our men cannot cross freely back and forth across the boundary?”

  “We use Edward’s Uniters. They are mostly Southern guards any way. They are obviously loyal to the Realm and if we can convince Samuel to supply their weaponry, we have an army on the inside already.”

  “Great, in theory.” Ryle stated causing a slight frown to mar her features. “But who will lead them? Edward? Because that will jeopardize his cover. I think we still need him to be Lancer’s trusted Captain. I do not think we should expose him just yet.”

  Alayna sat with a heavy exhaled breath and placed her chin in her hand as she perused the map once more. She then slammed her palm on the table and looked up with bright eyes showcasing an idea. “You will.”

  “Me?” He asked curiously.

  “Yes. You are of Lancer’s blood, so you will be able to cross back and forth freely.”

  “We think.” He added, his interjection not slowing down her train of thought.

  “Yes, yes, yes, you will.” She continued waving her finger at him as she rose and began to pace and talk at the same time. “You will lead the Uniters against Lancer’s army. Edward, the Captain of Lancer’s guards, will lead the opposing forces, but in a way that gives us the advantage. That way, in Lancer’s eyes, Edward is doing his duty to the Lands, but we can still overcome them.”

  Ryle crossed his arms in thought. “And what should happen if we lose?”

  “You won’t.”

  He smirked. “I thank you for your confidence, Alayna, but there are still unknown factors at play here. We are at a disadvantage. We do not know our way around the Lands well enough to offer a surprise attack.”

  “Edward will orchestrate a route for us.”

  He shook his head. “Okay, so what if we win? Are we to kill Lancer? What happens then? Does the boundary line vanish? What if it remains? Then the people whom we thought we would be freeing would remain trapped. What is the purpose of this assault if the boundary line does not move?”

  “It removes Lancer from power.” Alayna passionately explained. “Edward will take his place and it will be a peaceful kingdom. But I am telling you Ryle that the boundary line dies with Lancer. I know it does. It has to.”

  “Well you have certainly given us some things to think about, haven’t you?” He smiled in appreciation. Alayna nodding.

  “I know we can do this, Ryle. I know we can.”

  He gently grabbed her hands in his and brushed his thumbs over her knuckles. “I think we should run this idea by the others tonight. Then, if they agree, we will sort out details with Edward. We also must test my ability to cross. If I am not able to cross freely, I will be stranded on the other side. What use am I then?”

  “You will always be of use to me.” Alayna stated confidently and lightly kissed his cheek. He gently cupped her face in his hands and leaned his forehead against hers. “I hope so, Alayna. I hope so.”


  “So you are telling me that Abner has been consulting with your father’s realm?” Lancer asked, shock evident on his handsome face, and fire lighting in his eyes.

  “Yes. Prince Clifton informed me that Abner mentioned your relations to his realm.”

  “So now Abner and your father’s realm wish to collaborate in my destruction?” Lancer shook his head and then laughed at the idea. “They have no idea who they are dealing with. Especially Abner. He is no friend to them.”

  “They seem to think so, my Lord.” Edward stated, though he did not know if that were a fact. He wished to gauge Lancer’s reaction towards Abner or even the thought of another possible threat against him.

  “Then they are even more foolish than I first believed!” Lancer shouted. “Abner is no one’s friend.”

  “So you are saying we should warn my sister of Abner?” Edward asked.

  “No.” Lancer lightly plucked a piece of lint off his sleeve and tossed it aside. “If your sister and the other fools wish to partner with Abner, let them. It only helps us, Edward.”

  “How so?”

  “Because Abner will slowly merge his way into their realm, then turn on them. While the Realm is weak, our Lands grow. Keeping it out of the hands of the Realm and most importantly out of the hands of Abner.”

  “I see.” Edward rubbed his chin as he sat facing Lancer. “Did Abner betray you, my Lord?”

  “Yes. He betrays everyone.” The disdain in Lancer’s voice caught Edward by surprise. The smile on his usual cheerful face had lessened as of late due to his weakening power, and the news of Abner had only made his scowl deepen.

  “When you reach out for information about the Realm, find out their connection to Abner. Why is it so important?”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “And Edward, I also want you to find out if there is talk of an assault on the Lands from Abner. He is only about conquering. If he were to breach the boundary line, our defenses must hold. He cannot take our Lands.”

  “I will, my Lord. I will find out.”

  “Good. N
ow off with you. I must brood for a bit. Should I need you I best find you strengthening our guards. I wish for all weapons to be at the ready. With Abner inching closer, we must always be on guard.” Lancer waved him away.

  Edward retreated out the door and into the hallway as he turned to head towards the armory. Edward had not heard much about King Abner in his youth. Just that he was a friendly neighboring kingdom. However, Lancer’s fear of the man was evident in his conversation. Edward had never seen Lancer so adamant about preparation for an enemy. He would never have considered an enemy penetrating the boundary in the past. Abner must be more powerful than Edward realized, and much more powerful than Prince Clifton realized if they were in relations with him. Warning bells rang within his head as he walked into the armory. He would definitely share his thoughts and Lancer’s words with Clifton. Abner may be their biggest threat yet.


  “Good to see you this evening, Elizabeth.” Isaac greeted, as he sat at the council table awaiting the meeting that should soon take place. Elizabeth glanced up and smiled. “And you, Isaac. Break any hearts today?”

  “No, I’m afraid not. Though I was able to compose a letter of invitation to Katarina of Abner’s Realm for the coronations. I will be sending Rupert on horseback tomorrow to deliver it.”

  “You think it safe?” Elizabeth asked.

  Isaac shrugged. “Rupert is a gifted fighter should any hostility arise. Should he not be back by three days’ time, I will personally go and fetch him, despite the risks.”

  “You must really want Katarina here.” Clifton chimed in with a knowing grin as he slid into his seat next to Elizabeth.

  “It’s a strategic move,” Isaac began, “as well as a personal one. I feel if Abner accepts the invitation for Katarina, he will send her here as a spy. What he does not know, is that Katarina is not loyal enough for that.”

  “You know this for sure?” Elizabeth’s brows rose in curiosity.

  “I believe so. She is the one who told me all his secrets. I do not see her being loyal enough to spy on our kingdom to harm us. She is too kind for that.”

  “Well,” Alayna entered on his last explanation and nodded, “I sure hope you are correct, Prince Isaac. If she harms our kingdom in any way, she will face punishment.” Alayna’s fierce reply had everyone surprised as she took her seat and smiled in welcome at King Eamon as he sat beside Ryle. “Everyone is here. Let’s begin.”

  “Abner.” Alayna began, “King Eamon, I wish for you to tell us all you know about the man, past and present.”

  Eamon’s eyes widened. “Why, my Lady?”

  “He is a recent acquaintance of Prince Isaac, and his daughter Katarina a possible ally. She told Prince Isaac of Lancer’s past, and we wish to confirm it with you since your wife was Lancer’s sister.”

  Eamon gently rubbed a hand over his face as if perplexed. “I am not sure what all you would like to know. It was a long time ago.”

  “Katarina speaks of what they term “The Overcoming” in Abner’s Realm.” Isaac stated. “She said that is when her father, King Abner, attacked Lancer’s father, and killed all of his line, or tried to, in order to overtake the realm.”

  “That is true. Though Queen Erica had already been in the Eastern Kingdom with me for quite some time at that point. Abner had no concern for her however, because when she married me she left and cut all ties with that realm. Including with her brother.”

  “She was not close to Lancer?” Elizabeth asked.

  “Not entirely. Lancer was the spoiled sort. Always belittling her in their father’s eyes. She wished to see the world and venture somewhere new. My proposal came with quite excitement because it gave her a chance to break free from that negativity.” Eamon explained. “Once we were married, she never wrote or conversed with her brother from that point on. Not by my orders, but by her own choice. She asked that we never speak of her family, and I obliged.”

  “Why was she so eager to leave her father though?” Melody asked. “She may have had issues with her brother, but her father? Was he not kind to her?”

  “He was very kind to her.” Eamon explained. “But her father was aging, and his health was fading. His only wish was for his daughter to be loved and taken care of at the time. He wanted her to have an escape from their realm for a better life.”

  “Lancer never contacted her?” Clifton asked.

  “No.” Eamon reiterated in slight frustration. “She was adamant that her old life be left behind. Your mother did not wish for Lancer to interfere with her happiness any longer.”

  “But when Abner overthrew her father, Lancer sought refuge in the East, did he not?” Isaac asked.

  “He did.” Eamon continued with regret. “He wished for a safe haven, but he did not find one. Your mother turned him out as soon as he reached the castle doors. He never even stepped foot inside the castle.”

  “Katarina stated that you rejected Lancer.” Isaac stated.

  “No. I was standing next to my wife in support, but it was her decision. I told her we could offer him a night’s rest, but she refused. Her brother only brought trouble. He spouted vicious words against her, threatened our growing family, and stormed away. He attempted again the next morning, having spent the night in the village, but your mother refused again. She would not have him bringing his poison to our kingdom. So he fled.”

  “What else can you tell us about him?” Ryle asked his father with a quizzical expression.

  “Not much. I did not know him that well. My trips to his kingdom were brief, and my intentions were for his sister, so I did not see or converse with him much.”

  “And he never contacted mother again?” Clifton asked.

  “No. Not that I know of. She never spoke of him. In fact, when you were just a boy, Cliff, you asked her about her parents because you wanted to meet your grandparents. You were just a toddler then, having just learned the word and what it meant. I remember her specifically telling you that she did not have parents or family anymore.”

  “So we have no new information.” Isaac grumbled. “Great.”

  “Don’t sound so defeated, Isaac. It’s unbecoming.” Melody scolded from across the table to everyone’s amusement, including her brother’s. “What King Eamon has told us sheds great light onto Lancer and his past.”

  “How so?” Isaac waved for her to continue with obvious delight at his sister’s outspokenness.

  “Lancer was terrible to his sister. She was eager to leave and then a great proposal saves her from her brother’s trouble. She leaves him and wishes to never speak of or see him again. Lancer seeks her out a few years later for help, she refuses. He is upset and flees, and then creates The Land of Unfading Beauty. A land where he is the leader. A land where he makes the rules. A land where he is looked up to. A land where he is wanted. He has created his very own sanctuary. I think, deep down, Lancer wants to be accepted. I think we could use that to our advantage.” Melody turned towards Alayna to see if she understood her meaning.

  “You wish to team up with Lancer?” Isaac asked.

  “No. I just think that it opens the door to certain possibilities of appealing to him. Perhaps a peaceful treaty of sorts.”

  Isaac scoffed. “A treaty? With Lancer? A man who created his own kingdom out of pure hate? Peace with him?”

  Melody shook her head in frustration and then dropped her head to stare into her lap. “It was just a suggestion.”

  “And a good one.” Alayna smiled in thanks. “Melody does bring up great points into his character. Lancer does not like to be ignored or cast aside. I witnessed this the day I stole his horse. I showed my dislike of him and he grew angry. So angry that he turned fresh roses into soot and ash in front of me.”

  “He what? Why are you just telling us this now?” Ryle asked with a sharp blue gaze pointed at her.

  “Because it is relevant now. His very touch has power, which brings me to the next subject of our discussion.” She lifted her head and looked at eve
ryone around the table. “Captain Ryle and I were discussing the possibilities of an assault on the Lands.”

  Surprised looks gave her the encouragement she needed to continue. She explained her plans to everyone while walking around the room. Sighing at the end, she then sat and focused upon everyone’s faces as they allowed all the information to sink in. “However,” Alayna continued, “After further thought, my concern is that if Lancer were to even sense something amiss, or discovers our weapons crossing he can destroy them by a single touch. So we would need to be most stealthy.”

  “An assault?” Elizabeth asked again.


  “I am not sure that is wise, sister.”

  “That is why I am asking the entire council, Elizabeth.” Alayna stated forcefully silencing Elizabeth’s objections.

  “What are your thoughts, King Anthony? You have been quiet.”

  The Western King straightened in his seat and lightly tapped his fingertips against the tabletop. “I find the idea quite devious, yet good. He would not be expecting it. We have resources at our disposal. The Southern guards are loyal to the Realm, therefore loyal to the Southern Kingdom and Samuel. I think they would be encouraged to see their new king interactive with trying to recover them from the Lands and want to fight for the cause. I also think, should Prince Edward indeed help us, then we have no chance of defeat. We should win quite easily and quickly.”

  “Nothing is ever easy when it comes to war.” Clifton stated seriously. “Look at what happened last time. We almost lost Elizabeth and myself. Sending Ryle over the line with a few guards to lead an army he has not trained himself, into a situation with unknown territory… none of that sounds like steps to a successful victory.”

  “That is why we must prepare.” Ryle stated. “We will test my ability to cross the boundary. Should I be able to as well, then we can begin preparations. Weapons may begin to be smuggled across the line. I can spend time with The Uniters and train them. Edward can help us. While Lancer is weak, his sense of the boundary line is weakened. He will not be able to sense us crossing. Now is the time for this to take place.”


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