The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set Page 76

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Very much so.” Eamon agreed.

  “I will see you at the next Council meeting, my dear.”

  “Of course.” She watched as he climbed into his carrier. “Please tell the Queen I say hello.”

  Anthony nodded and tapped the top of the carrier with his cane and the caravan began to move.

  “I always hate seeing everyone separate.” Elizabeth turned to her father-in-law. “We should just all rule from the same location.”

  Eamon laughed. “Now that would be a chaotic mess wouldn’t you agree? Alayna and Isaac in such close proximities?”

  “And having to work together?” Elizabeth grimaced playfully and had the king chuckling.

  “We all have our responsibilities in our own kingdoms for a reason.” He sobered and lightly nudged her towards the castle, Elizabeth handing her reins to her attendant. “Everything in the North seems to be doing well. I am pleased to see your sister and brother working cohesively.”

  “Me too.”

  “But now that everyone seems to have found their places, it is time for us to travel back to the Eastern Kingdom. We have our own work cut out for us.”

  “I know.” Elizabeth sighed. “When did you plan to leave?”

  “I imagine we will leave when Prince Isaac heads back to the West.”

  “I see. Well, I will make sure Clifton and I are ready.”

  Eamon nodded as they walked inside the castle and Edward shook a letter at his younger sister. “Alayna, you are not listening! Do you read what this says? He has been spotted!”

  “It is a false statement.” Alayna countered. “Do not get your hopes up, Edward. But if you feel you must pursue it, then go ahead.”

  “I do. This is the first sighting we have had in months. I would think you would be excited.”

  “False hopes are never exciting.”

  “What if it is Ryle? What if we do not go and rescue him? We are condemning him to a life he should not have and robbing him of a life he was destined to have.” Edward turned as Elizabeth and Eamon entered the room. “Do you agree, Elizabeth?”

  Alayna looked to the two Eastern royals.

  “If it sounds like a solid lead, then I suggest we look into it.” Elizabeth reached for the letter in Edward’s hand and read it then passed it to her father-in-law. King Eamon’s jaw tightened, and Elizabeth lightly rested her hand on his arm. “It is worth a try.” Without speaking, Eamon nodded and handed the letter back to Edward. He cleared his throat and smiled. “You have worked diligently in searching for Ryle, Edward. I thank you.”

  “Of course, my Lord.” Edward grabbed Elizabeth’s hand and tugged her towards the side hall towards the back of the castle. “Where are we going?”

  “To follow this lead.”

  “But I just got back. Clifton will wonder where I am.” She quickly retrieved Thatcher from her riding cape’s pocket and handed the small creature to her father-in-law. “Don’t lose him.” She called over her shoulder as Edward pulled her away.

  “Don’t you see, Elizabeth, this is the closest I have come to news in months. It has to be him.”

  “We do not know that, Edward. We must be prepared for disappointment.”

  “Disappointment?” Lancer’s voice drifted towards them as he stepped out of his chambers heading towards his exit caravan.

  “We have a lead on Prince Ryle.” Edward explained. “We are leaving to search for him.”

  Lancer turned towards Katarina and handed her his travel cape. “I will go too.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes widened in surprise as Lancer joined them in their quest. She hurried to match her pace to her brother’s as he dragged her towards the stables. “Your horse has yet to be undressed.” Edward pointed and waved his hand at the stable boy. “Princess Elizabeth needs her horse, and I will need mine.”

  “Yes, my Lord.” The young man scurried off.

  Lancer darted down the hill after them and reached Elizabeth’s horse as she pulled herself into her saddle. He disappeared into the stables and began saddling a horse as Edward climbed into his own saddle. When Lancer joined them, Edward set the pace.


  “And you let her leave with them?” Clifton’s voice bellowed down the hall as his father attempted to keep stride next to his son. “Edward insisted she join them, Cliff. I did not see the harm.”

  “Edward and Lancer- and you did not see the harm?”

  “They no longer have the darkness, Son, you must let that go.”

  Clifton bit back a quick retort and took a deep breath. Isaac appeared at the landing of the stairwell. “Where were you? You did not wish to go?”

  “I was not invited.” Isaac quipped.

  “You could have invited yourself.”

  Isaac shrugged. “I did not feel like riding. Besides, three is more than plenty. I would have just been in the way.”

  “And you feel she is safe with them?”

  Isaac’s brow furrowed. “Of course I do. I would not have watched her leave if I didn’t. Do you still question their integrity?”

  Clifton ran a hand through his blond hair.

  “Or is it perhaps that you fear for her safety for an entirely different reason?” Isaac asked with a wink.

  King Eamon looked confused at the turn in the conversation and watched as his son’s shoulders relaxed. “Yes.”

  “Aha! I knew it!” Isaac clapped his hands and laughed, sending a friendly pound on Clifton’s back. “I thought she looked a bit pinky lately.”

  “Wait,” King Eamon interrupted. “Am I to have another grandchild?”

  “Yes, Father.” Clifton grinned and accepted the excited embrace from King Eamon. “But not everyone has been told as of yet, so may we please keep the news quiet. And right now, I wish to be concerned over her wellbeing.”

  Isaac laughed and mocked him. “Lighten up, Clifton. Elizabeth could take down both of those men with one arrow if she needed to.”

  “It’s not just Edward and Lancer I still worry about. Who was this anonymous tip from? That is what worries me. They could be riding right into a trap.”

  Isaac shook his head. “How about you and I go keep Alayna company during this? Perhaps that will take your mind off of Elizabeth.”


  “Or perhaps I can leave you here and let you sulk?”

  Clifton stopped in his tracks and looked to his friend, insulted. “I am not sulking.”

  “Actually, you are.”

  Stammering, not knowing how to respond, Isaac laughed at Clifton’s dumbfounded expression. “Oh, she will be the death of you one day, Clifton. You worry too much.”

  “You would worry too if your wife was with child and riding off to engage in a hostage negotiation.”

  “The letter did not speak of hostage negotiations. It was a sighting. They are investigating. Nothing more. Now come, let’s check on our Queen. I imagine she is as wound up as you.” Isaac opened the Council Room doors to an anxious Alayna and he pointed to Clifton’s disturbed expression.

  “Misery loves company, I believe.” Clifton mumbled, as he stepped inside, and Isaac closed the doors.


  Edward read over the letter’s description and stopped. Elizabeth and Lancer saddled up on either side of him. “It says this is the spot, but I do not see anything.”

  Elizabeth listened quietly. “Someone is there.” She whispered. “I heard a twig snap.”

  “So, they are watching us.” Lancer shifted in his saddle and looked around. “I do not like being watched.”

  Elizabeth sent him an amused glance and he rolled his eyes. “Not anymore.” He waved his hand as if having to explain. She chuckled softly as she turned her attention back to their quest. “I’ll go.” She said.

  “No.” Edward placed a restraining hand on her arm. “I will. I will enter first, then Lancer, then you. Should we need someone hidden, you are the smallest and quickest.”

  “Plus, she has better aim than either of us.�
� Lancer finished for him.

  “Exactly.” Edward whispered.

  “Flattered.” Elizabeth nodded in approval at their acknowledgement of her skill. “Now get going. If he’s in there, we must retrieve him.” As she finished her sentence a figure appeared at the edge of the trees. Elizabeth quickly grasped her bow and had an arrow at the ready before Edward and Lancer had found their swords.

  “Cecilia?” Edward’s voice betrayed his shock.

  “I see you received my letter.” She grinned as she disappeared into the clearing. Edward slid to his feet.

  “Brother,” Elizabeth warned softly.

  “I know.” He looked up at Elizabeth and then nodded to Lancer.

  Lancer dismounted as well, and both men began their way through the trees.

  “Welcome.” Cecilia lifted her hands in greeting as the two men appeared in the enclave. Ryle stood quickly to his feet in surprise.

  Edward watched as hope filled the prince’s eyes and then hardened as they landed upon Lancer.

  “What are you doing with him, Cecilia?” Edward asked.

  “I’ve been holding him as prisoner.”

  “All this time?” Lancer asked.

  “Yes.” She giggled as she clutched her hands in front of her. “Quite brilliant, don’t you think?”

  “But why?” Edward asked, stepping closer.

  “Ah, ah, ah, Edward. Stay where you are. We have terms to discuss.”

  Edward growled under his breath. “Speak your terms then.”

  “You ruined my life, Edward. I hope you know that.”

  “Me? I do recall you are the one steeped in betrayal.”

  “And yet, there you are.” She pointed towards him and Lancer. “Standing by the very man you claim I betrayed you to?”

  “Lancer is different now.” Edward explained.

  Cecilia laughed. “I’m sure.” Doubt laced her voice as she pulled on Ryle’s ropes. He walked forward. “Kneel.”

  Ryle remained standing, and Cecilia kicked out the back of his knee, sending him to the ground.

  “You do not have to do this, Cecilia.” Edward explained. “I am sure we can come to some sort of understanding.”

  “Yes, Edward, I believe we can.” She produced a dagger. Gripping Ryle’s hair she pulled his head back exposing his neck and placed the blade just below his Adam’s apple. “You will give me the life you promised me. Then you may have your prince.”

  Lancer turned to see Edward’s reaction, the steel eyes and firm jaw more telling than his words. “State your claims.”

  “You promised me a life of luxury.” Cecilia pointed out, her eyes wild as her dagger glinted in the sunlight. “You promised I would never want for anything, and yet you left me. You tossed me aside when all I wanted was to be with you!”

  “You betrayed my Realm.” Edward clarified. “You betrayed my family.”

  “How can you not forgive me for that when you can forgive him for everything?” She pointed towards Lancer.

  “Lancer was bewitched by the darkness. He is a new man now.” Edward explained. “We both are.”

  Cecilia laughed. “I saw the darkness leave your body, Edward. It went straight to Lancer.”

  “And then you ran away.” Edward barked. “There is more to the story you are missing. The old Lancer died that day. He shed the darkness to become a new man.”

  “And where did that darkness go, Edward?” She asked, her voice meek. “All that power? Did you not love it too?” She lowered her dagger and shoved Ryle’s head forward before moving to a small box she had placed on a boulder near her. She opened the lid and grinned wickedly. “It had to go somewhere.” She began. She looked into the box and giggled wildly. “I could not let all that power go to waste.”

  Lancer looked to Edward in confusion.

  “There is nothing in the box, Cecilia.” Edward pointed out, curious as to what she believed she saw.

  “Yes, there is!” She squealed. “I have held onto it for this very day. When you grant me my requests, I will then possess the life I’ve always wanted, and I will have the power to keep anyone from taking it from me.”

  “You’re mad.” Edward stated. “There is nothing in the blasted box!” he turned towards Lancer. “Is this how it started for you?”

  Lancer shook his head. “No, the darkness is a very real, tangible being. She is conjuring her own delusions.”

  “Cecilia,” Edward’s voice softened. “I will give you your request. Now let Prince Ryle go and set the box down. You may come with us.”

  “No. That is not part of the deal. You give me my life now! I leave. I do not want to be a part of this realm any longer. Should you detain me, I will kill the prince. Queen Alayna deserves the heartache anyway.”

  Ryle eased to a crouching position as if he was about to stand, and Cecilia brought her dagger back to his neck. “Not so fast, Prince.”

  Cecilia sat the box on the ground and opened the lid. She spread her arms out wide.

  Nothing emerged from the box and everyone stared as she summoned the darkness. Nothing happened. She opened her eyes, the hate shooting barbs towards Edward. “What did you do? Why is it not coming?”

  Lancer took a step forward, his hands relaxed as he held them in front of him to calm her. “It is not coming, Cecilia. The darkness is not coming. Now put away the blade.”

  She spit into the ground at Lancer’s feet and pulled Ryle’s head back again. “Not another step. You have robbed me of my life and you have robbed me of my power.” Hot tears began running down her cheeks as she released a wail of desperate anger. She grimaced as she yanked Ryle’s hair even harder, murder in her eyes.

  Before Cecilia could slide her blade across Ryle’s throat an arrow pierced her heart and she stumbled backwards. Shock marred her once beautiful face, and her hands shook as she yanked the arrow from her body. Elizabeth stepped into the clearing, her bow by her side as she watched Cecilia crumble to the ground. Edward rushed forward and caught her in his arms as he eased her to the forest floor. She gasped for breath as she stared up at him. He gently brushed his knuckles over her face. “I am sorry, Cecilia. Truly.” He whispered, and he watched as her eyes clouded and her body went limp.

  Leaving Edward to Cecilia, Elizabeth rushed forward and dove towards Ryle, embracing him in a tight hug. She kissed his cheek and then stuck out her tongue in disgust. Laughing, he pulled her towards him again and she hugged him. “It is good to see your face, Elizabeth.”

  She smiled back her tears as she looked to Lancer. “Dagger?” Lancer walked forwards, and Ryle took a step back.

  Elizabeth placed a hand on his arms. “It’s alright. He is-” she paused, looking Lancer in the eye before turning back to Ryle. “He is a good man, Ryle. He has overcome the darkness. So, has Edward.”

  Ryle eyed Lancer suspiciously as his uncle cut the ropes binding his hands. When his hands were free, he rubbed his raw wrists before turning a wide smile onto Elizabeth. “I cannot believe this day has come.”

  “I cannot believe we almost gave up on you.” She watched as Lancer began picking the locks on the shackles at Ryle’s ankles. “Everyone will be so happy to see you. Well, minus Samuel and Melody.”

  His brow furrowed, and Elizabeth realized her blunder. “Oh no, yes, they will be excited to hear about your rescue. I meant they will not be here to see you. They left for the Southern Kingdom already… as man and wife.” She added with a grin.

  Ryle placed his hand over his heart and a slow smile spread over his face. “And what of my father? What of Clifton? Did they survive?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Much has happened while you have been away.” She linked her arm in his. “Perhaps you should come back to the castle. Bathe. And then we can fill you in.”

  Ryle laughed, the feeling foreign to his weakened body. But the physical exertion of joy brought new life to his legs as he stepped forward and shook Lancer’s hand. “It is nice to meet you, Uncle.”

  Elizabeth bit back a wi
de smile as emotions swam in Lancer’s eyes at the familial act and he pulled Ryle towards his horse. He helped his nephew into the saddle as Lancer pulled Elizabeth behind him on her horse.

  They waited several moments before Edward emerged. When he did, Elizabeth placed a reassuring hand on his arm. “I am sorry, Edward.”

  “No.” He replied softly. “You did what you had to do. I am the one who should be sorry to her.” He clicked his reins and they all made their way back to the castle.


  Elizabeth had found the act exhausting. The remainder of the day Ryle’s rescue had remained a secret between Edward, Lancer, and herself. Waiting for the perfect time to present the prince to his family and friends had caused her to avoid her husband most of the day, much to his concern. Lancer and Katarina had chosen to prolong their stay one more night so as not to miss out on the festivities that Elizabeth had been planning with the kitchen staff all day for this very moment.

  Alayna walked into the dining hall and stood behind her chair, everyone waiting for the queen to take her seat before following suit. “Good evening, all.” Alayna greeted. She waited as Tomas pulled back her chair, but before she sat, Elizabeth held up her hand. “Wait.” Her hurried response catching her sister by surprise.

  “Is there something in my chair?” Alayna twisted and Elizabeth laughed. “No, sister, nothing like that. I have an announcement.”

  Clifton, not realizing they planned to announce their second child just yet, looked to his wife in surprise. She shook her head. “Today was a momentous day. I journeyed with Edward and Lancer in response to a lead on the whereabouts of Prince Ryle.”

  “We know.” Alayna stated. “Now may we be seated?”

  “I just wanted to say that the trip was quite… refreshing.”

  “Yes, we all love having both Edward and Lancer as peaceful relations and friends.” Alayna’s reply stoic as she began to ease to her chair.

  “No.” Elizabeth stopped her again and stepped towards Alayna. She grabbed Alayna’s hand and small tears escaped as she rubbed her sister’s hand. “Alayna—”

  “You’re scaring me, Elizabeth, what is it?”


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