The Drifter

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by Susan Wiggs

  She seeks a home. He seeks redemption. What they find is each other.

  Leah Mundy has spent her life dashing from town to town, one step ahead of her father’s dreadful reputation. Now, she wants to create a home for herself and build a medical practice in Coupeville, a cozy village nestled amid the majestic isles and mountains of Washington Territory. But her neighbors are loath to trust a newcomer, especially a woman doing a man’s work.

  On the run for a crime he didn’t commit but can’t deny, Jackson Underhill is desperate when he holds Leah at gunpoint. He needs her doctoring to mend his wounds, but he soon realizes that she is also capable of healing his soul. But Jackson has been hardened by life as an outlaw, and Leah knows that a future together is impossible…unless they confront his past and learn to trust the redeeming power of love.

  Praise for the novels of



  “Wiggs turns an able and sensual hand to the old story of the capable, straitlaced spinster and the sensual roving rogue....It’s a smart, unorthodox coupling to which Wiggs adds humor, brains and a certain cultivation that will leave readers anticipating her next romance.”

  —Publishers Weekly on The Drifter

  “Wiggs has a knack for creating engaging characters, and her energetic prose shines through the pages.”

  —Publishers Weekly on Enchanted Afternoon

  “Wiggs’s writing shimmers....Her flair for crafting intelligent characters and the sheer joy of the verbal sparring between them makes for a delightful story you’ll want to devour at once.”

  —BookPage on Halfway to Heaven

  “Once more, Ms. Wiggs demonstrates her ability to bring readers a story to savor that has them impatiently awaiting each new novel.”

  —RT Book Reviews on The Hostage

  “The Charm School draws readers in with delightful characters, engaging dialogue, humor, emotion and sizzling sensuality.”

  —Costa Mesa Sunday Times


  Contemporary Romances








  The Lakeshore Chronicles










  The Bella Vista Chronicles


  Historical Romances


  The Tudor Rose Trilogy




  Chicago Fire Trilogy




  Calhoun Chronicles






  Look for Susan Wiggs’s next novel


  available soon from Harlequin MIRA



  The Drifter


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen



  Whidbey Island, Washington


  “Don’t scream, or I’ll shoot,” warned a low-pitched voice.

  Leah Mundy jerked awake and found herself looking down the barrel of a gun.

  Sheer panic jolted her to full alert.

  “I’m not going to scream,” she said, dry-mouthed. In her line of work she had learned to control fear. Lightning flickered, glancing off the dull blue finish of a Colt barrel. “Please don’t hurt me.” Her voice broke but didn’t waver.

  “Lady, that’s up to you. Just do as you’re told, and nobody’ll get hurt.”

  Do as you’re told. Leah Mundy certainly had practice at that. “Who are you,” she asked, “and what do you want?”

  “Who I am is the man holding this gun. What I want is Dr. Mundy. Sign outside says he lives here.”

  Thunder pulsed in the distance, echoing the thud of her heart. She forced herself to keep the waves of terror at bay as she blurted, “Dr. Mundy does live here.”

  “Well, go get him.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?”

  She swallowed, trying to collect her wits, failing miserably. “He’s dead. He died three months ago.”

  “Sign says Dr. Mundy lives here.” Fury roughened the insistent voice.

  “The sign’s right.” Rain lashed the windowpanes. She squinted into the gloom. Beyond the gun, she couldn’t make out anything but the intruder’s dark shape. A loud snore drifted down the hall, and she glanced toward the noise. Think, think, think. Maybe she could alert one of the boarders.

  The gun barrel jabbed at her shoulder. “For chrissakes, woman, I don’t have time for guessing games—”

  “I’m Dr. Mundy.”


  “Dr. Leah Mundy. My father was also a doctor. We were in practice together. But now there’s just me.”

  “Just you.”


  “And you’re a doctor.”

  “I am.”

  The large shape shifted impatiently. She caught the scents of rain and brine on him. Rain and brine from the sea and something else...desperation.

  “You’ll have to do, then. Get your things, woman. You’re coming with me.”

  She jerked the covers up under her chin. “I beg your pardon.”

  “You’ll be begging for your sorry life if you don’t get a move on.”

  The threat in his voice struck like a whip. She didn’t argue. Spending three years with her father back in Deadwood, South Dakota, had taught her to respect a threat issued by a man holding a gun.

  But she’d never learned to respect the man himself.

  “Turn your back while I get dressed,” she said.

  “That’s pretty lame, even for a lady doctor,” he muttered. “I’m not fool enough to turn my back.”

  “Any man who bullies unarmed people is a fool,” she snapped.

  “Funny thing about bullies,” he said calmly, using the nose of the Colt to ease the quilt down her body. “They pretty much always manage to get what they want. Now, move.”

  She yanked off the covers and shoved her feet into the sturdy boots she wore when making her calls. Island weather was wet in the springtime, and she’d never been one to stand on high fashion. She wrapped herself in a robe, tugging the tie snugly around her waist.

he tried to pretend this was an ordinary call on an ordinary night. Tried not to think about the fact that she had been yanked out of a sound sleep by a man with a gun. Damn him. How dare he?

  “Are you ill?” she asked the gunman.

  “Hell, no, I’m not sick,” he said. “It’s...someone else.”

  For some reason, his hesitation took the edge off her anger. Another thing she’d learned about bullies—they almost always acted out of fear.

  “I’ll need to stop in the surgery, get some things.”

  “Where’s the surgery?”

  “Downstairs, adjacent to the kitchen.” She pushed open the door, daring to flash one look down the hall. Mr. Battle Douglas was a light sleeper, but despite his name, he wouldn’t know the first thing to do about an armed intruder. Adam Armstrong, the newcomer, probably would, but for all she knew, the handsome timber merchant could be in league with the gunman. Aunt Leafy would only dissolve into hysterics, and Perpetua had her young son to consider. As for old Zeke Pomfrit, he’d likely grab his ancient rifle and join her abductor.

  The gunman jabbed the Colt into her ribs. “Lady, don’t go doing anything foolish.”

  Leah surrendered the urge to rouse the household. She couldn’t do it. Couldn’t put any of them at risk.

  “You may call me Dr. Mundy,” she said over her shoulder. Her hand slipped down the banister as she made her way to the foyer. The man wore a long, cloaked duster that billowed out as he descended, sprinkling rainwater on the carpet runner.

  “You’re not a lady?” he whispered, his mouth far too close to her ear. His voice had a curious raw edge to it.

  “Not to you.”

  She led the way along a hall to the darkened surgery. In the immaculate suite that occupied the south wing of the house, she lit a lamp. Her hands shook as she fumbled with a match, and her anger renewed itself. As the blue-white flame hissed to life, she turned to study her captor. She noted a fringe of wet hair the color of straw, lean cheeks chapped by the wind and stubbled by a few days’ growth of beard. An old scar on the ridge of his cheekbone. He pulled down his dripping hat brim before she could see his eyes.

  “What sort of ailment will I be treating?” she asked.

  “Hell, I don’t know. You claim you’re the doctor.”

  Leah told herself she should be hardened to doubt and derision by now. But some things she never got used to. Like someone—even a dangerous man hiding behind a gun—thinking gender had anything at all to do with the ability to heal people.

  “What are the symptoms?” She lifted the flap of her brown leather medical bag, checking the contents. Capped vials of feverfew, quinine, digitalis, carbolic acid disinfectant. Morphine crystals and chloroform. Instruments for extracting teeth and suppurating wounds. A stethoscope and clinical thermometer sterilized in bichloride of mercury, and a hypodermic syringe for injecting medicines into the bloodstream.

  “The symptoms?” she prompted.

  “I guess...fever. Stomach cramps. Babbling and such. Wheezing and coughing, too.”

  “Coughing blood?” Leah asked sharply.

  “Nope. No blood.”

  It could be any number of things, including the dreaded scourge, diphtheria. She tucked in some vials of muriate of ammonia, then took her oiled canvas slicker from a hook on the back of the door. “I’m ready,” she said. “And I might add that forcing me at gunpoint isn’t necessary. It’s my calling to heal people. If you want to put that away, I’ll still come.”

  He didn’t put the gun away. Instead, he pushed the flap of his duster back to reveal a second gun. The holster—darkened with grease for quicker drawing—was strapped to a lean, denim-clad hip. The gun belt, slung low around a narrow waist, bore a supply of spare cartridges in the belt’s loops. Clearly, he was a man unused to being given what he asked for. He jerked the barrel toward the back door, motioning her ahead of him.

  They passed through the waiting room of the surgery and stepped out into the night. She could feel him behind her, his height and breadth intimidating, uncompromising.

  “Is it far?” she asked, indicating the coach house, a black hulk in the sudden gloom. “Will we need the buggy?”

  “No,” he said. “We’re going to the harbor.”

  A seafaring man, then. A pirate? Whidbey Island saw its share of smugglers plying the waters of Puget Sound and up into Canada. But this man, with an arsenal of weapons concealed under his long, caped coat, had the look of an outlaw, not a pirate.

  As frightening as he was, he needed her. That’s what was important. The oath she had taken compelled her to go. What a peculiar life she led. In the back of her mind, her father’s voice taunted her: Leah Jane Mundy, when are you going to settle down and get married like a normal woman?

  The rain drummed relentlessly on her hood. Her booted foot splashed into a puddle and stuck briefly in the sucking mud. She looked back at the boardinghouse. The tradesman’s shingle hanging above the front porch flapped in the wind. In the misty glow of the gaslight Leah always kept burning, the white lettering was barely legible, but the stranger had found it: Dr. Mundy, Physician. Rooms To Let.

  “Get a move on, woman,” the gunman ordered.

  The light in the surgery window wavered. There was nothing beyond the lamp glow but blackness. No one in sight but the stranger holding the gun on her, pushing it into her back to make her hurry.

  Just who the devil was this man?

  Rising Star, Texas


  “He called himself Jack Tower,” the sheriff said, taking off a pair of ill-fitting spectacles. “Course, there’s a good possibility it’s an alias.”

  “Uh-huh.” Joel Santana stroked his hand down his cheek, the skin like shoe leather beneath his callused palm. Damn. He’d been looking forward to hanging up his gun belt and spurs, and now this. Many was the evening he’d spent thinking about a parcel of green land, maybe a flock of sheep, and a good woman with broad hips and a broader smile....

  He crossed one aching leg over the other and absently whirled a spur with his finger. “And you say the fugitive took off six weeks ago?”

  Sheriff Reams laid his spectacles atop the hand-drawn map on the desk. “Six weeks Saturday.”

  “Why’d you wait to call me in?” Joel held up a hand. “Never mind, I know the answer. You and your deputies had the situation under control. This is the first time your posse ever let one get away, am I right?”

  “As a matter of fact, Marshal, it’s true.”

  “Uh-huh.” It always was. These greenhorns always waited until a criminal had hightailed it across state lines and the trail had grown cold; then they called in a U.S. Marshal. “I guess we’d better get down to it, then. You say this man—this Jack Tower—murdered the mayor of Rising Star?”

  Reams narrowed his eyes. “Damn right he did. Probably wasn’t the first. He had a hard look about him. A mean look, like he didn’t have a friend in the world and didn’t care to make any.”

  “Who witnessed the murder?” asked Joel.

  Reams hesitated just long enough to rouse his suspicions. “No one’s come forward. You need to bring that desperado back and hang him high.”

  “Hanging folks is not my job, Sheriff.” Joel lumbered to his feet, fancying he could hear his joints creak in protest. Too many years on horseback had ruined his knees.

  “What in blazes do you mean?”

  Joel pressed his palms flat on the desk and glared at the map. The shape of Texas formed a mutated star, its panhandle borders so artificial—yet so critical when it came to enforcing the law. “I bring in fugitives, and I’ll bring in this Tower fellow. But his guilt or innocence isn’t up to us. That’s for a judge and jury to decide. Don’t you forget it.”

  “I won’t.”

  But he would have, Santana knew. Likely if Jack To
wer hadn’t fled, he’d have been strung up on a high limb and left for the buzzards to pick over.

  “So what’ve you got?”

  The sheriff lifted the map, revealing an ink-drawn illustration of a man with cropped, spiky hair, a beard and mustache. A small scar marked one cheekbone. The drawing had indeed captured the mean look.

  “This here’s your man. He didn’t leave much behind. Just a tin of Underhill Fancy Shred Tobacco and half of a broken shirt button.” Reams handed them over.

  “Oh—” he laid a tintype photograph in front of Joel “—and this here’s the woman he fled with. Her name’s Caroline. Caroline Willis.”

  * * *

  “She’s my...wife.”

  Leah heard a heartbeat of hesitation in her abductor’s grainy voice before the word “wife.”

  It wasn’t her place to question, but to heal. Still, she couldn’t help wondering why the simple statement hadn’t come easily to the stranger’s lips. It had been her unfortunate lot to attend the deaths of more than a few women while the husband stood nearby, wringing his hands. There weren’t many things more wrenching than the sight of a man who knew he was about to lose his wife. He always looked baffled, numb, helpless.

  She glanced over her shoulder at the gunman. Even in the uncertain light of the ship’s binnacle lamp, he didn’t appear helpless. Not in the least. At the harbor, he’d forced her into a small dinghy. With the gun in his lap and his fists curled around the oars, he had rowed like a madman. It took him only moments to bring her out to a long schooner anchored offshore.

  The twin masts had creaked in the whipping wind. She’d shivered and climbed down an accommodation ladder into the belly of the boat. The smell of damp rope, mildewed sailcloth and rotting timber pervaded the air of the once-grand aft stateroom.

  An inspection hatch on the aft bulkhead flapped open and shut in the driving wind. Someone—the outlaw, she guessed—had been working on the steering quadrant or perhaps the rudder. Several bolts and cap nuts rolled along the planks. A fraying rope led out through the hatch as if he’d repaired it in haste—or in ignorance of Puget Sound gale winds.

  The stranger’s wife lay in an alcove bunk on freshly laundered muslin sheets, her head centered on a plump pillow, her eyes closed and her face pale. Suddenly, Leah no longer saw the run-down boat or the faded opulence of the stateroom. All her fear and anger fled. She focused her attention on the patient. Without looking at the man, she motioned for him to bring a lamp. She heard the rasp of a lucifer and a sibilant hiss as he lit one and brought the lamp forward.


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