Buying the Virgin - Box Set Three, The Virgin's Summer: Love, Ménage and BDSM between a Young Woman, her Master and her Lover (Buying the Virgin Box Set Book 3)

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Buying the Virgin - Box Set Three, The Virgin's Summer: Love, Ménage and BDSM between a Young Woman, her Master and her Lover (Buying the Virgin Box Set Book 3) Page 5

by Simone Leigh

And I burst into tears.

  “Hey, Charlotte, calm down.” Michael sounds worried, bafflement in his voice. “Have we upset you somehow?”

  “Just nerves I think.” comments my Master, holding me tightly. “Shhh... it’s alright. We’re both with you.”

  My Master and my Husband-to-Be, stand close. “I’m okay. I’m happy. I’m happy.” I protest. Then, feeling an idiot, I rub my eyes, trying to wipe my tears.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Charlotte.” says Michael. “It’s no good at all for your mascara.”

  Ah-Ah – Panda-eye alert……

  “Um, ‘S’cuse me a minute.”

  I vanish into the bathroom, take a minute to compose myself, then repair my makeup. I’ve just gotta look good for the next hour or so….

  For five minutes, I sit on the edge of the bath, twiddling with the pair of rings, so beautiful on my hand. What woman could ask for more?

  Breathe deeply….

  Making my way back to the lounge, I smile, feeling sheepish. “Um, sorry, just a bit overwhelmed there…”

  Then I stop, at the expressions on their faces….

  What are they planning?

  They’ve had a good five minutes to talk alone……

  “I think…” says my Master, his hand on the small of my back, prompting me towards the door, “… that a celebration is in order…”

  Michael says nothing, but the look in his eyes is beyond words. The two each take one of my hands, leading me up the stairs.

  In the bedroom, my Master drops back, allowing Michael to stand more closely to me. Michael takes my hand, lifting it, looking; just looking, at the rings. My fingers held in his, his thumb plays with the twinned bands, before once more looking into my face. Lifting my hand, he kisses my fingers, then lets my hand fall away.

  Stroking my hair, his breathing is deep and slow, heavy. His face rests by mine, propped a little on my shoulder, as his hands wander my silhouette; the fullness of my breasts, the slight curve of my belly, the sweep of hip into waist, before, pulling me in close, he wraps his mouth around mine.

  His voice is muffled as he says “James?”

  Instantly, my Master is behind me, his tall, lean frame pressing against mine. At thigh level, there is the pressure of both his erection and Michael’s, hard against my flesh, and through my chest and back, twin heartbeats pound with mine, my body vibrating in resonance.

  The aroma of my Lovers washing over me….

  …. My Master…. My Husband-to-Be….

  ….my shuddering breathing draws in their scent; heady, intoxicating, musky… pine… spicy… male….

  Michael turns me, his shoulders on mine, guiding me downwards.

  “On your knees for your Master, Charlotte.”

  I drop, my face level with my Master’s bulging cock. I kiss him, through his clothes, but he is unbuttoning his shirt, unbelting his jeans and stepping out of them. Behind me, Michael is also undressing.

  My Master, his fingers stroking into my hair, presses himself lightly against my lips. A droplet forms at the tip, and reforms as I kiss it away, coating my lips in his pre-cum.

  He nudges into my mouth and I suck at the head, swiping with my tongue around the ridge, and loving the tremble and pulse between my lips. Behind me, Michael’s shaft presses hard against my shoulder blades and the quivering excitement of his body trembles through me. Pulling free of my Master’s cock for a moment, I twist, trying to reach Michael, to reach both my Lovers….

  …. My Master…. My Husband-to-Be….

  Michael moves, to stand before me, so now, both my Lovers are presenting me with their erections. Together, they push at my parted lips, and I spare a moment to wonder how easy they are with each other, being quite this close and ‘intimate’.

  But, rolling my eyes upwards, there is no sign of discomfort between them. Both are smiling down at me. I think the two are good enough friends, and ‘comfortable enough in their skin’ for it not to be an issue.

  In any case, I have two cocks in front of me, both throbbing and glistening, ready for me.

  How do I do this?

  Reaching between Michael’s legs, with one hand, I caress and massage him, pressing on the root of his shaft, cupping his balls. With the other hand, I guide my Master’s cock into my mouth, licking and sucking at the trickling stream of pre-cum.

  A minute later, I change, wrapping my lips around Michael’s erection, swiping my tongue over the ridge, working the shaft with one hand. With my other hand, I stroke and knead at my Master, feeling his sac crinkle and harden, and the pulsing of his cock under the pressure of my fingers.

  “Clever girl.” murmurs Michael, before sighing, he stares upwards.

  My Master’s stoops, reaching for my tee-shirt, pulling it up and over my head. Michael follows suit, undoing my bra, releasing my breasts to swing free. The pair pull me upright, before, swinging me around, my Master clasps me from behind, holding me around my now naked torso, pulling me backward, off my feet, so that I end up supported by his body as he sits on the bed edge. Cupping a breast, he kisses my neck, mouthing softly at the beating pulse there. Michael kneels between my legs, undoing my belt, pulling away my jeans and panties, leaving me naked.

  Holding me in his arms, my Master strokes my belly and breasts, his breath warm around my neck where still, he skims his lips across my skin, nibbling at me. Michael dips his face to my thighs, kissing foxy curls, then laving my clit in the heat of his mouth. Swinging my legs over his shoulders, so that my bare feet are supported on his back, he glances up into my eyes, licking at my pussy lips, working his tongue between, and into my folds.

  Shuddering and whimpering, supported by my Master, aroused by my Lover, I arch and writhe. Michael parts my pussy lips with his fingers, penetrating me with his tongue. My Master slides down to my clit with one hand, the other tweaking and pinching at a nipple.

  Arousal sparkling through me, from my puckering nipples to my hardening clit, my core wells and melts as Michael laps at my flowing juices.

  And then, again I see the eye contact between them, Michael looking briefly up, past my shoulder. He pulls away from me, swinging my feet back to the floor. Abruptly, I am pushed upwards by my Master, as he heaves me upright. Both men standing free of me, Michael, palm flat against my chest, simply pushes me backward. Losing my balance, I fall back onto the bed, and Michael climbing me, straddling my chest, feeds me his trembling shaft. Huge now, and firm; red-purple, and scented delicately with Michael’s sweet aroma, it pushes at my lips, seeking access.

  I cannot see what is happening beyond, but my knees are parted and raised as my Master settles between my thighs, his face pressed into my liquid sex.

  I try to take the cock in front of me in my hands, but Michael seizes my wrists, raising my arms over my head, pressing them down on the bed. “Don’t move from that position.” he instructs. He sounds stern, but his eyes are twinkling.

  “Tighten your lips.”

  I wrap my lips around my teeth, and Michael pushes himself between, using my mouth to pleasure himself. The ridge of his cock-head squeezes past my lips and back again, in and out again, and all the time, he is flowing more heavily, a steady trickle of briny pre-cum, which gradually settles to my throat.

  He withdraws for a moment. “Swallow.” he says, watching my face. I gulp, and he pushes back inside.

  My pussy is electrifying under my Master’s attentions, sending stabs of pleasure spiking through me. Two fingers inside, scraping my sweet spot, he works my bud with his tongue, winding circles with the tip. The fleshy hood held back with a thumb, my naked clit quivers and pulses as he licks and flicks and sucks.

  My breathing is ragged. Flushing hot, dripping with perspiration and perfumed with the delicious scent of my hugely aroused Lover as he face-fucks me, my control is slipping.

  As my hips begin to jerk and quake, my fluttering pussy quivers towards climax. Michael, watching me closely, withdraws from me, simply stroking his erection o
ver my face.

  I shudder into orgasm, hips bucking, but pinned under Michael’s weight, cannot move otherwise. As I howl my release, vaguely conscious of being gripped at the thighs, my Master plunges his tongue deep inside me, working my pulsating inner muscles, swiping spirals inside me, drinking at my gushing cunt.

  With a groan, Michael cums. Holding his cock-head close to my open, wailing mouth, he spurts his hot cream, some within, but most over my face and neck.

  My arms are thrashing, but as Michael finishes, he climbs off me, onto the bed and behind, grabbing my wrists and pulling, holding me outstretched. I am still cumming as my Master pulls away from me, and then, semi-kneeling, semi-standing to slide atop me, plunges deep, spearing me.

  My pulsating pussy clenches around him, clutching and squeezing as he pistons into me, stretching me open, filling me, pounding me inside and only stopping as he rams against my inner walls.

  Screaming now, pinned by wrists and cunt, orgasm my whole world, eyes squeezed closed, I thrash and twist before, climax subsiding, I open my eyes again to see my Master looking down, watching me, smiling.

  Then, almost immediately, he gasps, and juddering, grinds himself into me, his hips quivering against mine. Supporting himself over me on his elbows, he groans and shakes as he pumps his orgasm deep inside me.

  Still panting, he flops down on top of me. “Ye gods, that was powerful.”

  “Mmm.” agrees Michael, talkative as ever, before releasing my wrists.

  Both men lie beside me, the three of us in a loose embrace. Michael takes my left hand, twiddling the pair of rings, before kissing my fingers Then, arms around me, he kisses me deeply on the mouth.

  My Master simply watches us, before, as Michael releases me, he also takes my left hand, and kisses my fingers.


  “I’m out in the City again today, but I’ll be back tonight.” says my Master. “Anyone want a change of scene for the day?”

  Michael glances across to me. “Lunch out? Nice Italian place perhaps?”

  “Sounds great.” I smile. “Yes, Master, we’ll come too.”

  Michael and I spend the day mooching around the City; a good lunch, then, sitting in the park and just enjoying being together. It’s a good day, but by the end of it, I’m happy to leave the traffic behind, and I am looking forward to returning to our beach hideaway.


  Michael and I arrive at the reception. “They’re still in the meeting,” says the secretary, “but do take a seat. Help yourselves to coffee.”

  Michael pours a couple of cups, then sits, leafing through a magazine. I sip the coffee, but my attention is taken by a large 3D model of a cityscape. Moving to examine it more closely, through a large internal glass window, I see my Master with another man. The other man glances up, then does a double-take as he sees me, before smiling politely and looking away.

  My Master looks up to see what the stranger was looking at, spotting me and giving a brief wave. He taps his watch and holds up five fingers at me. I ‘thumbs-up’ him.

  The 3D model captivates me. I can tell the area it represents, by the curve of the river and one or two landmarks, but in the main, an entire area has been demolished and rebuilt.

  “Is this the big project they’re working on?” I ask the receptionist.

  “Yes, that’s right. Almost everything over there, except for some of the historical buildings, is going to be bulldozed and redeveloped. The work’s already started.”

  I know that area of town. Old memories surface, and I push them firmly down.


  “Sounds good to me.” I comment, trying to keep my voice neutral. But the more I look at the model, thinking about what it represents, the work and the restoration that is going on there….

  And my Master is working with the man who started this? Is working on it himself….

  Smiling to myself as I circle the model, sucking at my lips, my mind is working overtime.

  “What’s so interesting, Charlotte?” asks Michael, looking up from his magazine. I don’t get a chance to reply.

  The office door clicks open, and my Master steps out. “Ah, Charlotte, Michael. Not been waiting long I hope?”

  “Only five minutes.” says Michael, and the Lady here makes a good cup of coffee.

  The stranger follows my Master out into Reception. “Francis, could you scan these and then on-send them to James please.” He passes the receptionist a bundle of papers, then glances at me.

  “My apologies if I seemed rude a few minutes ago,.” he says to me. “You caught me by surprise. Just for a moment, I thought you were my wife, and I know she’s not here today. There is a striking resemblance.”

  My Master says, “Charlotte, Michael, can I introduce Richard Haswell, Founder and CEO of The Haswell Corporation.”

  I reach to shake his hand. “Nice to meet you, Mr Haswell.”

  He takes my hand, shaking it briskly. Richard Haswell is a handsome man, strikingly so. But more than that, he has an air about him, carrying himself with poise. He reeks of power and authority. And this is his project….

  As my eyes meet his, my libido kicks from the inside. Firmly, I kick it back. This man is not available for ‘playing’. Nonetheless, my Master’s eyes lock with mine for a moment, and then with Michael’s, and my Master is not pleased. He masks his expression quickly. Michael also does not seem happy, but he simply looks away.

  “Shall we go? I’m all done here today.” says my Master, his tone short. Turning on his heel, he leads the way out, Michael and I following.

  Michael gives me a quizzical look, unsmiling, and speaks quietly to me. “Never thought I’d see that…”

  “What?” I speak equally quietly.

  “James showing jealousy over you. Didn’t think he had it in him.”

  “Jealous? Why would he be jealous? I’m not about to run off… and anyway, besides you two, there’s been loads of different guys, when we’ve all been having fun together… You and he have chosen them for me. What’s he got to be jealous about?”

  “If he’s going to be jealous, I suppose a billionaire alpha’s a good place to start, but Charlotte, you reacted to Haswell… and James saw that. So did I.”

  “Um, did I? I didn’t mean to. I don’t want to offend the man who.…”

  Michael gives me a long look…. “Let’s just get out of here, shall we?”

  As we leave the building, my Master walking ahead of us, I decide that Michael is right. There is something about my Master’s stance, his body language. Michael leans towards me, his voice still quiet.

  ‘It’s not about sex, Charlotte, about other men. He’s your Master. And you reacted to Haswell; the way you should only react to him.”

  “Are you mad at me too?”

  I’m not thrilled with you, no. And I’m going to make a prediction as well.”

  “Mmm? What?”

  “You’re going to have another set of stripes on your ass this evening.”

  It doesn’t get to the evening. Back at the beach, as we get out of the car, my Master, who has been unusually silent all the way back, grabs me by the wrist. “You, Madam. Upstairs. Now.” His tone is severe, his face unsmiling.

  In the bedroom, he rummages through the drawer where Michael packed his collection of ‘toys’, producing rope. I have seen it before. On that occasion, Michael used it to tie me, then fuck me over the horizon. We had a memorable time that day.

  Without preamble, my Master tugs my tee-shirt up and off. My bra follows.

  I am marched to the edge of the huge four poster bed, where we have all been sleeping. My eyes are drawn, inexorably up, to the brass rings that run across the top of the frame, supporting heavy curtains.

  With economic movements, my Master unclips one of the curtains, leaving the rings free. Looping the rope through the rings, he ties one end to my left wrist. The other end binds my right wrist. Then, grabbing a
t the section of the rope looping through the rings, he pulls downward, and my arms are hauled upwards. Then he heaves on the rope and this time I am stretched upwards, my weight being lifted from my feet.

  “Take it easy.” says Michael from behind me. “I know testosterone poisoning when I see it, but don’t crucify her. Her feet stay on the floor.”

  “I’m not going to crucify her. Impale is probably nearer the mark.”

  “Just don’t get carried away, is what I’m saying.”

  “Don’t you have anything else to do?”

  “Not a chance. I’m staying here until you’ve blown off some steam.”

  My Master doesn’t reply. He takes off my sandals, then, his eyes locked on mine, unbelts my jeans and pulls them off. My panties follow.

  He pulls me close by the waist, pushing his hands between my legs. “Horny, are we?” he says to me. In truth, I am nervous. I have not seen my Master in this mood before. He feels… dangerous…

  But my pussy is loving this. He pulls out fingers coated in my hot juices. He picks up the belt of my jeans, tugging it, snapping the leather between his hands.

  Michael grabs him by the wrist. “No. You’re over-reacting.”

  He looks down at me, sucking in his cheeks. “Perhaps you’re right.” He pointedly puts the belt down, then spins me to face away from him.

  “I think the flat of my hand should make the point well enough.” he says, from behind me.

  “What have I done, Master?”

  “You know damn well what you’ve done.”

  “You’ve never been angry before with me over other men. You chose men for me. You enjoyed it.”

  “This one’s different, and you know it.”

  His hand slaps across my naked ass, hard, and I inhale sharply at the sting.

  “So, Madam, you’re going to take this, and not complain about it.”

  Do I apologise?

  But I didn’t actually do anything.

  And besides, he’s as mad as Hell. He probably needs to get it out of his system.

  Then, I’ll apologise….

  The hand comes across me again, equally hard and on the same spot. And again. My skin smarting, I try to breathe steadily, but my Master is trying to draw a reaction from me. His next slap makes me yelp. Flinging my head back, I gasp.


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