Buying the Virgin - Box Set Three, The Virgin's Summer: Love, Ménage and BDSM between a Young Woman, her Master and her Lover (Buying the Virgin Box Set Book 3)

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Buying the Virgin - Box Set Three, The Virgin's Summer: Love, Ménage and BDSM between a Young Woman, her Master and her Lover (Buying the Virgin Box Set Book 3) Page 18

by Simone Leigh

  He hammers into me, ruthlessly, driving deep, stopping only as he collides with my inner walls. It hurts, but the pain is of the kind that my body craves. Wailing response as my Master takes me, possesses me, I widen my thighs further, allowing him to penetrate to the full, ball deep, ramming me inside.

  With a hoarse cry, he climaxes, clasping my hips, pulling me in hard to meet his final thrust.

  He withdraws, straddling me on all fours as he pants, hair plastered to his skull.

  Lifting his head, he looks into my face, grins and kisses me, then snatches at the robe Michael has tossed to him.

  Lying on his back, he glances at Michael, still grinning. “You’re right. That’ll do.”


  I pack my suitcase, cramming in as many of my textbooks as it can take. Clothes are less important. I’ll be living in jeans, tee-shirts, and sneakers for the next few weeks.

  And I’ll be leaving later today; back to my university, for the start of the new academic year.

  “There’s a train every half hour or so,” I say to my Master. “if you could drop me off at the station on your way into the office…”

  “Shouldn’t you have a bit more to wear in there?” he asks, looking over my shoulder at the packing.

  “Nah… So long as I’ve got a couple of changes of clothes, I’m good.” I squeeze in another book, then remember that I’ve not packed my laptop. Taking out some of the books, hovering over which to take and which to leave, I wrap the computer in layers of clothes, and, zipping up the case, test it for weight.

  Wonder if the wheels will take it…

  “You really should be taking more with you than that.” says Michael.

  “I’ve only got one pair of hands. Once you drop me off at the station, I’ve got to manage this by myself. One case is the lot.”

  “Ah yes, that reminds me. Before you go, I’ve got something for you.” says my Master. “Let me help you downstairs with that.”

  His eyes meet with Michael’s for a second, and I smell a rat….

  Michael following us, my Master manhandles the case down to the hallway, then fishes a jangling something out of his pocket, and tosses it to me. Reflexively, I catch it, mid-air….

  …. Car keys.

  I stare at them.

  “Let’s call it, my engagement present to you.” says my Master.

  Still, I stare at them.

  Michael chuckles. “Like you said, James; you can lead a horse to water….”

  I glance up at my Master. “A car?” I ask, unbelievingly.

  Eyes dancing, he head-points out of the door.

  I dash out. Parked outside is a small, red car, gleaming in the sunshine.

  Hands spread, I whoop!

  “I reckon you could fit another box or two in there.” grins Michael.

  “Thank you. Thank you!”

  “You’ll find it’s very cheap to run, and I picked the model with four-wheel drive.” says my Master. “If you’re driving up the mountains in winter, which of course, given where you are going to be living, you will, you need something reliable. You’ll find the insurance documents and such-like in the glove compartment.”

  “So,” says Michael, “When you want to come back at weekends, you can.”

  I kiss my Master, soundly on the lips, then Michael.

  “Fancy a test-drive?” I say. “No train to catch now. I can make my own timetable.”


  The car packed with all my books, laptop, and a much more extensive wardrobe, it is time for me to leave.

  “It’s been an amazing Summer. Thank you, both of you.”

  “’Amazing’ is one word for it, yes.” says my Master, pursing his lips.

  “...but worthwhile in the end.” says Michael. “Here we are now, all three of us, with either what we want, or the way to get it.”

  “I’m going to miss you both, but I’ll get back whenever I can.”

  Michael holds me at the shoulders. “It might be better if we visit you actually, over the next few weeks. They’ve accepted the offer, but the sale’s not actually gone through yet, and until then, I can’t even start work on the place.” He snorts. “You might find you’re living under canvas when you’re back at Christmas.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’d follow you to the ends of the Earth, but this is much better.” I kiss him, and he hugs me, holding me tightly.

  “See you soon, Charlotte. Take care.”

  I break away, turn to my Master. He simply stoops, his hand around my head, and pulls me to him, to kiss me, open mouthed. When he breaks away, his voice is gruff. “Look after yourself, Charlotte. If there’s anything… anything…. you know where we are.”

  I give him a squeeze. “You’ve changed my life, Master. I’ll be back soon.”

  They stand by the side of the road, watching me as I get in, belt up and turn on the engine. I wind down the window.

  “I Love You…. Both.”

  My Master nods. Michael holds up a hand.

  And as I drive away, I see them in the rear mirror, watching me, until they disappear from view.

  Charlotte, her Master and her Lover

  Return In

  ‘The Virgin and the Masters– Part One’(Free Download)

  Or Buy

  ‘The Virgin and the Masters’Box Set

  Also by Simone Leigh

  (Updated 10th August 2017)

  Bought by the Billionaire

  Book 1 - The Master’s Maid (Free Download)

  Book 2 - The Master's Contract (Free Download)

  Book 3 - The Master's Courtesan

  Book 4 - The Master's Desires

  Book 5 - The Master's Fantasies

  Book 6 - The Master's Obsession

  Book 7 - The Master's Sin

  Book 8 – The Master’s Heart

  Book 9 – The Master’s Rage

  Book 10 – The Master’s Revenge

  Book 11 - The Master’s Wife

  Book 12 – The Master’s Wife’s Birthday

  Bought by the Billionaire Box Set

  Bought by the Billionaire. Box Set One. Books 1-6 (Free Download)

  Bought by the Billionaire Box Set Two. Books 7-10

  Buying the Virgin

  Book 1 - The Virgin - Auctioned (Free Download)

  Book 2 - The Virgin - Sold

  Book 3 - The Virgin - No More

  Book 4 - The Virgin - Unleashed

  Book 5 - The Virgin – Fulfilled

  Book 6 - The Virgin’s Holiday

  Book 7 – The Virgin’s Christmas (Free Download)

  Book 8 - The Virgin’s Valentines

  Book 9 - The Virgin’s Master

  Book 10 - The Virgin’s Lover

  Book 11 – The Virgin’s Fantasies

  Book 12 – The Virgin’s Choices

  Book 13 – The Virgin’s Summer, Part One (Free Download)

  Book 14 – The Virgin’s Summer, Part Two

  Book 15 – The Virgin’s Summer, Part Three

  Book 16 – The Virgin’s Summer, Part Four

  Book 17 – The Virgin and The Masters – Part One (Free Download)

  Book 18 – The Virgin and the Masters – Part Two

  Book 19 – The Virgin and the Masters – Part Three

  Book 20 – The Virgin and the Masters - Part Four

  Book 21 – The Virgin and the Masters - Part Five

  Book 22 – The Virgin and the Masters - Part Six

  Book 23 – The Virgin’s Wedding

  Buying the Virgin – Box Sets

  Buying the Virgin - Box Set One - Books 1-5 (Free Download)

  Buying the Virgin - Box Set Two – Books 6-12

  Buying the Virgin – Box Set Three – Books 13-16

  Buying the Virgin – Box Set Four – Books 17 - 22

  Kirstie’s Tale

  A Dream of White Horses (Free Download)

  An Illusion of Happiness

  The Gathering of Storm Clouds (Coming

  Submissive to Her Master

  Book 1 - Enslaved

  Book 2 – Enthralled

  Book 3 - Entranced

  Book 4 – Enticed

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  Call of the Wild

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  Book 2 – Thralldom

  Book 3 - Retribution

  Book 4 – Revelation

  Book 5 – Redemption

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  Red as Blood

  White as Bone

  Single Shot Espresso

  Love by the Waters (Free Download) (Sign Up to Our Newsletter for Access)


  Hearts of Fire. Poems of Love, Romance and Erotica

  Want to Read Where it all Started?

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  “Buying the Virgin. Box Set One”

  She Auctioned Herself and Her Virginity

  The penniless Charlotte dreams of a bright future, but she has nothing to sell but herself and her virginity. She chooses to auction both to the highest bidder.

  What will happen when her owner takes her away?

  This is a steamy bdsm erotica tale of a virgin and her first time with a mature alpha male Master...... and others.

  Readers of this story will read of an older man with a young woman as he leads her along an erotic trail of adventure and excitement through bdsm, ménage and voyeurism.

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  “Bought by the Billionaire. Box Set One”

  Elizabeth is a student working in a dead-end hotel job to makes ends meet, but dreaming of a better life.

  When she foolishly decides to shower in the penthouse bathroom of one of the hotel guests, it has consequences she did not expect.

  The Master Series is a tale of Cinderella Erotic Romance, a Billionaire, Alpha Male Master, a submissive woman, BDSM and bondage.

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  A Stand-Alone Story Within The

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